Chapter 5

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This chapter is a bit short like perhaps a page short. Sorry I had to work on my portfolio. Hope u understand.


Scott's POV

Watching his back I snap out of my daze. Looking down at my hand I still have my schedule. Running around looking for the right room I run into another body. Xavier. Asking him for help, he tells me we have the same classes for the next two periods. Walking with him relieved at not being alone.

"Scott? What's up man?" He asks quietly.

"What do you mean..?"

He looks at me like it should be obvious what he's asking. Shrugging back at him we head into class. After introducing myself to the teacher I sit down in an empty chair next to Xavier.

"Dude. Come one. It's all over the school like a wild fire. So I'd watch my back if I were you. If anyone bugs or threatens you for it just know that I got your back." He slaps my back as if to comfort me. Looking back at him blankly not knowing what he was talking about... Oh. He meant me and Jason..or was it about the hallway kiss..? Probably both.

"I see. And thanks Xavier." Smiling at each other we goofed off until class started. When the guys that were in class with us came in, they took one look at me and their eyes were either filled with disgust or hatred. Some of them stared at me like I was a desert entrée not liking the feeling at all I scoot away from them closer to Xavier. Looking over at Xavier I noticed he was having a stare down with the homophobes and perverts. He might not know it but I'm actually a good fighter. I might be tiny but I'm fast. Not wanting to be trapped in a fight or ransacked by those nasty Pervs I let Xavier dual it out for me. Trying to hold back a smile as they lost the stare down to Xavier.

Feeling like I'm being watched and analyzed is nothing new to me it's been done to me so many times with just being an alpha it's self. Some question, if rather i'll be able to be a good alpha since I don't stand up to their standards.

Some even question my gender! For Pete's sake come on I don't look like a girl!! Ok. Maybe a little .. But it's just because of my baby face. I even had to drop my pants in one meeting because they said my scent could have been a mislead. I got so mad that day. I mean so what? What if I was a girl? I'd still have alpha blood in me. Ugh! Why couldn't I have been born like the stereotypical way the alphas supposed to look.

Breezing through my classes with Xavier. I get to P.E with Jason. Having my way with him at gym probably isn't a good idea. So.. I changed so fast i thought i had whip lash. This school seemed prepared for a new student. The teacher had a box full of uniforms so she just handed me one and told me to change quickly.

Standing in the mixed crowd with the rest of them I sensed Jason stand beside me. Quickly glancing at him as the coach told us to stand in a line as she counted us off into groups of two for dodge ball. I was on the red team and he was in the blue. Seeing as we're competing to win I smirk at him to not hold back. Grinning back he nods.

She blows the whistle and the game begins. I stay back while the rest run for the balls. By the looks of it my team was gonna have many outs. Relaxing into the back ground I stay hidden while they struggle to get the dodge balls all on their side. Staying in the back has its advantages. When they threw high I would have to step up and catch it. Progressing into the game 2/3 of my team was gone and they only had two people on theirs. My team mates thought it was a good idea to gang up on them and get this game over with. I on the other hand just stayed back and let them duke it out as I collected all the balls I could get my hands on.

And placed them securely behind me. Seeing that two Vs two was fair I watched as Jason and a boy named billy faced off with the two others from my team. Knowing the end results of that gang up idea. I watched bemused as both of my teammates were out but somehow got billy out before the ball hit him. Leaving just me and Jason.

Waving at him grinning evilly I rolled him half the balls I had. Hearing my outed teammates groan in union and yelling at me. It's their fault they're out not mine so they had no room to talk. Making sure we had the same amount of dodge balls on each side I gestured for him to go first. Raising an eyebrow at me suspiciously I gestured again telling him to go ahead. Carefully picking up a ball he turned to me and hurled it at me. Easily side stepping it I stopped the ball with my foot when it rolled a bit past me and bounced it like a soccer ball. Gesturing for him to keep going. I stuck my hands in my pocket and looked around giving him a bored, not caring sigh as I waited for him to throw yet again.

Grabbing two balls this time I saw determination in his eyes. Taunting him he hurled the ball at me and the second right after it. Sensing the balls coming at me I turned my body left waved to my team then bent down to retie my shoelaces.Turning back as the balls sailed right past and over me I looked at him and winked.

Getting frustrated at me he threw two of the three remaining balls. Grinning at him as I just started goofing off doing cartwheels and random dance moves I heard the class laugh and the teacher holding back a laugh but shaking with silent laughter. To them I probably looked like a silly short boy taunting and making fun of a tall football player looking guy. Grinning at him and shrugging I keep doing what I do best. Monkeying around.

He tosses a fast ball at me in the last second. Doing a series of back flips I bypassed it and sneaked a ball if my own in my left as I distracted him with a a few rolling balls going over to his side. Taking the moment of distraction I tossed my own spinning hard ball and it connected right in his chest bouncing off giving our team the victory.

Smiling to my self, I skipped back to my team and got high fives from my excited teammates. Looking back at him, I saw that his face looked mad because I beat him but his eyes were shining with amusement. Guess that means I can rub it in his face that I won!! Grinning evilly I walked back into the dressing room and chose one of the separate showers to keep my teammates comfortable. They probably now remember that I'm gay and things would get awkward if I showered with them and them getting the feeling that they're getting checked out. Even though I wouldn't be. Anyways taking a shower by myself was relaxing.

"At least I wouldn't be have to be worried about dropping the soap." I joke to myself grinning like an idiot as the warm water sprayed down my back relaxing all my tight muscles.

"Oh. I'd be worried if I were you.." Jason whispered as he wraps his arms around me from the back. Leaning back into him even though I knew should be kicking him out.

"Hmm.?" I was lost for words as he kisses my jaw and neck. Turning around to face him now. I look at him as the water drops slide down from his hair, face and pale toned body giving him an alluring sexy look. Unconsciously licking my lips as I thought that. He rams me into the wall holding me up pressing his naked and now turned on manhood against mine. Biting back a moan as he rocks my body against his. I snap my eyes open and glare at him as he positions himself ready to thrust himself into me.

"You wouldn't dare." If looks could kill he'd be beyond dead now. Still glaring at him I untangle myself from him.

"Why not? We have lunch next and the teacher said I could take my time in the shower.." He asks seductively tempting me to let him.

"I will not lose my virginity in the school shower." I simply stated. Stepping back I caught a look at his wagging member.

"That and I'm NOT gonna let 'THAT' monster anywhere near my poor butt." I say pointedly at him then ran out of the shower grabbing a towel and quickly getting dressed. Hearing him chuckle to himself I decided to wait for him to finish up before heading to lunch. Taking a look around I noticed that unlike my old locker room at my old home, this was actually clean and new. As in made in '2012' new.


Thank you for reading my baboon so far! I really appreciate it.^.^..

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