Chapter 10

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Hi. So now to fill out the filler. ^.^


"This is why they say 'Karma's a

B!T€h'!" I spat at him angrily. No one laughs at me and gets a way with it! Satisfied with my work well done, I grinned as he stiffened shell shocked that I would ever kick him into a pile of $h!t.


Scott's POV

"Dude!! I just washed this shirt!!" He whined pouting.

"Sure you did.." I rolled my $h!t marked eyes at him. "And stop being such a drama queen."

"I'm not a drama queen! I'm a drama king!" He shouted pounding his fist on the ground.

"No. Now your just a whining idiot who just shoved his hands into $h!t." I smirked at him taking in his bewildered face. "Bro. Come on! we better get back to the school to pick up Zuri."

"I would if my hand and shirt weren't so $h!t filled.." He grunted tiredly.

"I saw a stream near the school. We can clean up there. Now come on and hurry up! A mad Zuri is worse than a pissed of mother." I exclaimed. And ok I might of over exaggerated how pissed off she would be if I just left her without a word...but other than that you really don't want to see a pissed off Zuri. Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine.

Making our way towards the stream I picked at the dried pieces on my face trying hard not to gag.


Jason's POV

I don't know what's wrong with him but if he wants to go down this road then so be it. This is the reason why I don't do relationships. They're such a hassle especially this one since we're "mates" and all. I might feel this way now but I still don't want him to get hurt.

Okay I need to take my mind off of that short feisty midget and think about the things at hand. Was this pack responsible for the slaughtering of my clan? If so, sorry Scott but your going to have to part with your pack.

I know it's impossible to kill him off without killing myself in the process. So it seems I need to sedate him or his wolf. It probably would've been best if I had rejected him from the beginning so the bond wouldn't be so strong.

I'll have to reject him temporarily tomorrow so that if I do get hurt in this search he won't feel the pain. No matter how hard it is I have to make him believe that I don't want him. I could use my RoyalVampyre powers to keep him away from me at all times but that'll be too painful for both of us and it would require a large amount of energy to do it. I don't feel like going on a killing spree on innocent people.

I don't want him in the crossfire if this has nothing to do with him.I feel like this pack has something to do with my pain. either through connections, relations, or at least some information on it.

By the end of this or throughout this I might seem like a bad guy but I'm only doing it to keep him safe. Now that my shoulders feel free of worry and tension, I feel like I can do my routine now.

Well it's a new day, a new dawn, a new pack that I might have to bring down but I'm feeling free.


Xavier's POV

You should've seen his face when he noticed that it was $h!t that he face planted into! That's what he gets for getting my hopes up and then not letting me see his wolf. He makes it seem like its a big deal or something.

Going up to the river or stream or whatever the heck it was I was tempted on the thought of shoving him in as he bent over to cup some water with his hands after picking off the rest of the dried pieces.

Sneaking up behind him, I tip toed quietly until I was right behind him. Grasping his shoulders I felt him stiffen. "Yeah Scott, Karma. Is. A.

B!t€h!" Laughing my ass off I shoved him in.

What I didn't expect was for him to grab onto me as I shoved him over. So we both went in the ice cold stream/river/lake thing.


Scott's POV

Might as well get this over with.. I breathed through my nose. As I brought the cold stream water to my face and tried to splash some of the hard placed $h!t off of my face.

Then next thing I know Xavier's hold me by my shoulders and I immediately know what he's about to do. If I'm going down then...So. Is. He.

Twisting around I caught hold of him just in time to see his smirking face turn to surprise as disbelief hit his face.




Dear readers,

Sorry. i know it's still a bit short but if you put it together with the old filler then I guess it fills itself out. ;) I have a lot of exams coming up so it'll take me longer than usual to update again. But not longer then a couple of days or a week or two.

Yours truly,


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