Destiny (Fuckshit x Fem OC)

By UnaMidnight

32.8K 529 165

Carolina Rosas is just your average girl. She's 16 years old and growing up in LA during the Mid 90s. One da... More

get out and do shit
that's what friends are for
I like you
yea, right
it's too hot for this shit
fuck off, Brandon
you scared me shitless!
birthday bitch
wouldn't we all
what the fuck am I supposed to do?
what's going on?
¡¡¡it hurts!!!

you guys are the best

1.6K 22 10
By UnaMidnight

I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that I had a really bad headache. It felt like my head was gonna break from the pain. I couldn't open my eyes and it hurt to breathe. I wasn't asleep, but I couldn't speak or move. I was just there. I could feel people's presence around me, I could hear their conversations.

"Do you guys think she'll be ok?"

"When is she gonna wake up?"

"Fuck, this is all my fault."

I wanted to let them know that I was fine, that they shouldn't worry. I wanted to tell them that I loved them, but I couldn't.


My eyes hurt. The light is so bright. I wish I could go back to sleep. I try to look around but it hurts to move my neck. All I can do is lie still staring at the ceiling. I open my mouth and try to speak, but I can't. My mouth is too dry, my tongue is too stiff. All that comes out is an "egghhhh" sound. Movement. I can feel people moving around me.

"Is she awake?"

"What's going on?"

"Guys? What was that noise?" I wanna let them know that I'm awake, I wanna talk to them, I wanna know what happened. But I can't. All I can do is go back to sleep.



GOD. What is that fucking noise? I open my eyes and look around the room. I'm in a sitting position now, so I can actually see shit. The guys are asleep. Fuckshits's to my right, holding my hand. Ray's nest to him. Ruben's at my feet, snoring like a pig. Sunny's to my left, leaning against the wall. Finally, Four's next to Sunny, holding onto his camera like it's a baby.

"Can someone please turn off that fucking thing. My heads gonna explode if you don't." The guys jump, waking up instantly. They look at each other and then at me. Eyes wide, confused, surprised, and happy. They run out the door screaming.

"SHE'S AWAKE! DOCTOR! DOCTOR! SHE'S AWAKE!" It's hard not to laugh, it's pretty funny. It makes me happy knowing that they care so much. A few seconds later the guys ran back to my room, a tall, older lady, with her hair in a tight bun, following them.

"Hello Ms. Rosas, I'm glad to see that you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok. It hurts to move my neck, and my throat is super dry. But other than that I'm fine. Oh, yeah, I can't feel my right leg. What's that about?" The doctor's smile visibly stiffened at my question. She looked at the guys who were sitting around my bed again.

"I'm sure your friends will be able to explain that to you." She turned to walk out the door and turned to look at us at the last second. "And I'm sure that one of them can get you water while they're at it?" As soon as she left Sunny ran out of the room saying, "I'm on it, I'm on it."

I couldn't help but laugh, it felt good to laugh again. The guys were looking at me weird. They looked scared for me, worried for me. I wasn't used to them looking at me like that. I'd always been "one of the guys" to them, even to Fuckshit. Whenever I ate shit, they laughed it off, they never treated me special because I was a girl. I didn't like them looking at me like that.

"So can you guys explain why the hell I'm here? And don't fucking look at me like I'm some helpless little thing." They all smiled when I said that.

"Glad to see your back with us Des." Ray started to explain, "We were in a car crash. The guys and I are fine, just cuts and bruises, nothing we ain't ever had before. You got the worst of it. It was the other guy's fault. He didn't stop when our car was turning. He was in a hella big truck and it hit us right where you were sitting. The bone in your right leg shattered, that's prolly why you can't feel your leg, 4 of your ribs broke and one of them punctured your lung, and your neck is sprained."

At this time Stevie ran back in with a water bottle in his hand, he gave it to me hesitantly, being careful not to touch me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to me, giving him a big hug. When I let go of him he had a huge smile and he was blushing like crazy. Ray continued to speak, "You were in and out of consciousness for three days" That's when I noticed Fuckshit. He was next to me, but I could tell something was off about him. I spaced out and stopped listening to Ray.

"Ray, can you and the guys leave me and Fuckshit alone for a little bit." I didn't look up to see what they thought of that, I just waited for them to leave. When I heard the door close, Fuckshit looked up. He had the saddest look of anyone I'd ever seen before, it broke my heart.

"What's wrong?" I asked, taking his face into my hands and making him look at me, he didn't want to look at me.

"Des, I'm just..... I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm sorry I hurt you." Hearing Fuckshit like this, really pulled at my heartstrings. I'm so happy he trusts me enough to be vulnerable around me. Even though I have to get used to it. I'm so used to him acting cocky and confident.

"Olan, look at me." He looked me in the eyes and I could see his eyes starting to water. "This is not your fault. Didn't you hear Ray? It was the other guy's fault. But, if you really do feel that bad, you could do me a favor." He looked up when I said that.

"I'll do anything to make it up to you."

"Never drink in drive again, ok?"


"Guys, you can come in now!" I yelled out. The guys came in, smiling. The little fuckers were eavesdropping. Fourthgrade goes to the tv in my room and puts in a cassette.

"What's this?" I ask, curious.

"It's the movie I made."

Suddenly the thing turned on. You could see the drawing that Four made for "Strong Baby Productions", them a clip came up,


I handed Fuckshit the beer, he smiled at and took a long ass sip.

"Thanks, Ma."

"Thought you might want a beer right now." Fuckshit looked at me then raised his eyebrows.

"You're eyes are hella fucking red." I nodded,

"Yea, I just smoked a fat blunt."

"Without me? Damn Ma, you're cold as fuck." I rolled my eyes. I tiptoed to whisper in Fuckshit's ear.

"To be honest I could barely walk after what we did last night." I pulled away, "And you know how weed helps you ... loosen up." He nodded.

"Got you Ma, thanks for the beer." He skated away and did a heelflip, Fourthgrade was filming him. I looked over to Stevie and saw him talking to Ruben. Good, that's one less thing to worry about.

"Hey Fourhgrade, you're gonna wanna film this!" I said. Fourthgrade did as told and turned to film me. I skated forward getting some speed, then I moved my feet up popping my board. The board flipped all the way and I successfully landed a tre flip. I skated forward a little and turned to Fourthgrade as the guys cheered.

Then I lost my balance and slammed forward, hard. I rolled over to see the guys running towards me. I started laughing, a lot. I couldn't stop laughing I rolled over again and started slamming my fist on the ground as I laughed. I heard Ray say,

"Damn, she's really tripping huh?'

"Yea, she never woulda tried that if she was sober."

"She landed it tho, and the footage is really good." Then I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around me. Fuckhit held me and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He sat down on his board next to Stevie. He put me down between his legs. I was still laughing but I managed to stop.

"Are you ok?" Stevie asked obviously worried. Fuckshit was silent holding me firmly while sipping his beer.

"Yea, I'm ok right now. But I'll definitely be feeling that later. Weed does that to me." I leaned against Fuckshit's chest and he wrapped his arms around me.

"You looked crazy as fuck when you were laughing," Ruben said trying not to laugh himself.

"Man, whatever Ruben. You can't even do a tre flip." He just made a 'tch' noise when I said that.

"Are you two a couple?" Stevie asks shyly, referring to Fuckshit and me. I shook my head.

"Ok." He said quietly.


And another clip


"Two weeks?! N***a what the fuck." Ray said pissed off that Fuckshit's parents took his car away.

"I know. My parents seen my report card, no car for two weeks!" Fuckshit said, "Might as well cut my dick off." I couldn't help but laugh.

"The fuck you laughing about," Ruben said.

"The fact that Fuckshit's parents check his report card. My mom never checks mine, and I still get good grades." I laughed again, "It's true what they say, the stupid ones get all the attention."

"N***a, who the fuck says that? And I ain't stupid."

"It's a saying in Spanish." I looked at Ruben, we said simultaneously, "Se les da todo a los mas bobos." We both laughed.

"Whatever n***a," Fuckshit responded.

"Well, I'm aboutta go skate this gap," Ray said as he stood up. We all grabbed our boards and followed him. We threw our boards over and climbed up to a roof with a gnarly gap. We watched as Ray gathered speed and ollied easily.

"YES N***A!"



"Best footage ever." We all cheered for Ray as he landed. Now it was Fuckshit's turn.

"This one's for you, Des. Love you Baby!" Fuckshit yelled out as he did a 360 over the gap.

"You're a fucking flirt. But, I LOVE YOU TOO!" I yelled happily over everyone's cheers.

Now it was my turn. I kicked hard gathering speed. I didn't want to do a regular ollie, so I went with a frontside 180. I blocked everything out until I landed. I made it over the gap, and then I heard all the cheers. I smiled as I ran up to Fuckshit. I dropped my board and jumped into his arms wrapping my legs around his torso. He spun me around and whispered "You're crazy." in my ear.

"Go Ruben, you got this." We all cheered knowing he could do it. He kicked off with speed but once he got closer he brought his tail down and stopped.

"Oh come on, what kinda pussy shit was that?" Ray said.

"You got this man!" Sunburn said trying to make Ruben feel better.

"Shut the fuck up Faggot!" Ruben told poor Sunny.

"Yo shut the fuck up Ruben! Stop being such a fucking asshole!" I yelled.

Sunny studied the gap, the put his board down. He got some good kicks but he wasn't fast enough. We could all tell he wouldn't make it.

"Wait! Hey yo! Wait!" Fuckshit yelled.

"Wait Sunny! You're gonna get hurt!" I yelled.

"You're not going fast enough!" Ray and Four said. But Stevie didn't stop. He kept kicking with a determined look on his face. He popped his tail and fell right through the middle of the gap.

We heard a thud as he fell. All the guys stood there stunned. I was the first to run down onto the table where Stevie fell. The guys joined me soon after. He wasn't bleeding, yet.

"Fuckshit, this n***a dead!" Fuckshit started poking his side. I slapped his hand away.

We all looked at Stevie and said his name over and over. Eventually, he started moving and sat up. I sat next to him and put my arm around his shoulder. Then his forehead started bleeding.


"Oh shit, lil' n***a's bleeding!"

"Tiny, you're gonna get his blood all over you," Ruben said obviously grossed out. I just rolled my eyes.

"Take your shirt off you're bleeding," Ray said. I let Stevie go and signaled for him to put his arms up. I pulled it off his scrawny body and wrapped it around his head. The blood went through it instantly.

"Ruben gives us your shirt," Ray said.

"Hell no! This is my favorite shirt!" I let Stevie go for a second and walked over to Ruben. I smacked his head and did a "give it to me" gesture. He scoffed but gave me his shirt. I walked back to Stevie and took the bloody shirt from his head. Then I took my red tube top off, I felt the guys looking at my chest. I made a sort of turban on Stevie's head with the shirts. I looked down and noticed that my black strapless bra was almost showing my nipples. I fixed it, then I looked up at the guys.

"Fuck you ok?"

"Yea I'm good," Sunburn says.

"Fuck, you crazy!"

"That was insane!"

"N***a, how you still alive?'

"I have no idea," Stevie responds.

"You just fell off a roof!"

"Sunburn! You're cray-cray!"

All the guys laughed. I couldn't. I was so worried about Sunburn. I can't believe that happened. What if he died? What would we have done? Would we have gotten in trouble? The only thing I know for sure is that I'm happy he's ok.

"Des, why are you so quiet?" Four asked as he filmed.

"Whadda ya mean," I said, my voice was raspy.

"You haven't talked at all since Stevie fell."

"Oh. I guess I was just scared." I turned to Steve and hugged him to me, his head on my chest. "You scared me shitless." I let him go. He looked way too happy for someone who just fell off a roof. Maybe he's in shock? Or he has brain damage? Oh my god, what if he's not ok? What if he's actually gonna die? What if I made it worse by hugging him? Am I overthinking? No, I'm right to worry. Right? Maybe I should ask the guy? I don't wanna scare them, but. I should just ask them. Ok, yea. I'll ask them. Better safe than sorry.

"Guys, don't you think it's weird that Sunburn looks so happy?"

"Not really. You practically let him motorboat you." Ray laughed.

"You guys are all pervs."


After that, another clip popped up.


We were all waiting for Stevie. He walked out with a big smile on his face.

"Damn, Stevie fucking bitches already?!" I yelled as we all clapped him on the back.

"Spill it, Stevie, what happened in there?" Ruben asked.

"She put two of my fingers in her vagina, and it's so much lower than I thought!" I laughed at this, "Then she was touching my dick, I want that to happen more." Fuckshit and I looked at each other.

"Wouldn't we all."


Once the little movie was over, there was only one thing I could think of saying.

"You guys are the best."


A/N: Wow! Well, everybody, that's the end of Destiny! Thank you all so much for reading. If you enjoyed Destiny, please read my new Fourthgrade story, Cookie Dough. Lots of love to you all! 💕😁🤩

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