Far Away | A Lost Fanfiction

By onelesswriter

21.7K 907 389

"You can't run forever." The survivors of Oceanic 815 crash on a deserted tropical island. They are forced t... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.


612 28 1
By onelesswriter

The next morning, Robyn gently lifts herself up into a sitting position. She stretches her arms and swiftly swings her legs over the airplane seat bed. Her hands travel up to her messy brown, her fingers struggled to get the hair tie out. As she frees her hair from the tie, she quickly brushes her greasy hair with her hands, Robyn reminds herself to look for a brush when she gets back to the beach. She gently hops from the bed.

"Hey." Jack walks in, giving Robyn nearly a heart attack because she didn't hear him enter. She puts her hand over her heart before turning towards him.

"Never scare me like that again, Jack." Robyn takes a few small breaths to calm her heart rate. "You will pass for a burglar easy."

"I just came in to see how you were feeling." He takes a few steps closer to her.

"Honestly, I feel fine. I was actually about to head back to the beach." Robyn bats her eyelashes to see if Jack would let her go back without giving her a hard time. She quickly passes by him, not quick enough because of him holding her back by grabbing her arm and shoving her back.

She pulled her arm back, he wouldn't let her go. "We need to talk, Robyn."

"You want to talk? Jack, you tortured someone!" She rolls her eyes and pushes him away from her. "If you want to talk why don't you go with me to Sawyer so that I can see with my own eyes that you apologized."

"I will, but, only if we talk about it first." Jack stayed calm, trying to stop her from leaving.

"I don't want to talk to you, Jack." She meant it. Robyn wasn't in the mood to hear his apology about how sorry he was and that it never should have happened, that he knows better than that and that he would guarantee it will never happen again. "I can't look you in the eye anymore without seeing what you did!"

Jack strode up to her. "Why do you care about him?"

"I care about everyone, not only about you or Kate or Sawyer. I'm trying to keep us all alive and together and that won't work if we keep fighting and blaming each other." Robyn sighs while backing up. "What you and Sayid did was wrong and I want to forgive you both, but, I can't do that right now."

"I understand." He scratches his neck. "You know where to find me if you want to talk."

Robyn nods before she walked away from him. She could hear him sigh deeply, knowing that he wasn't satisfied with their talk. She knows for a fact that he understands that what he did was wrong and that it won't blow over that easy. Robyn can't forgive him and Sayid just yet, she needs some time away from them, to analyze what happened and maybe start to forgive them slowly. Who knows how much longer they had to survive on this island together.


"Robyn! Wake up!" Kate shouts while roughly rocking her tiny body back and forth.

Robyn tossed from her back into her side slapping Kate's hands away and hums to her. "Not now, Murphy. Go back to sleep, boy."

"Robyn!" Kate rocks Robyn again.

Her eyes flutter open. "What?" Robyn rubbed her eyes while giving Kate an irritating glimpse. "What do you want?" Robyn says grumpily.

"Someone attacked Claire!" Kate crawls up and reached her hand out to Robyn. She gladly takes Kate's hand and pulled herself up. "They need your help."

"Where did they attack her?" Robyn wiped the sand off her pants and instantly pulled a hoodie over her head. She threw all of her stuff into her backpack and sipped it. "Do you know who attacked her?"

"All I know is that she woke up screaming! We should go." Kate faded away into the foggy jungle.

Robyn didn't hesitate and jogged immediately after Kate through the jungle. Her mind quickly flipped into the speculating stance, asking herself the questions, Who would attack a pregnant woman? Was it someone from their group or was it an intruder? What did they want with Claire and her baby? The caves weren't that far away from the beach as she remembered. Kate and Robyn arrived within ten minutes. She scans with her eyes the area to see who was with her and who not.

Robyn rushes to a very confused and sobbing Claire. She dropped to her knees and calmly took her hand in hers, shushing her to keep her from freaking out. "I'm here, Claire." With her free hand, Robyn softly brushes Claire's tears away. "Can you tell me what happened?"

Claire didn't respond. She is clearly in some type shock. "She woke up screaming. Claire keeps saying that someone tried to hurt her." Charlie says.

"Did you see where he'd go?" Robyn glanced around her. Her eyes settled down on the Korean couple, Shannon and Boone.

"I couldn't see." Claire murmurs loud enough for her to hear.

"Have you seen Jack?" Robyn questions Charlie.

"He went with Hurley and Locke to search the perimeter." Charlie says.

Robyn sighs deeply and looked over to Claire. Her greasy wild blonde hair is sticking against her face. Claire didn't dare to look up to her, all she keeps glancing at is her stomach. Robyn brings her hands up to Claire's face and gently lifts her face up to look at her. "Claire, hey, look at me." Claire tried to keep her eyes open. "You're safe now. I will do anything to keep you and your baby safe, okay?"

"I promise." Robyn carefully stroke her cheeks with both of her thumbs. She barely made this kind of promises with someone, but, seeing how scared Claire is, saying something is better than saying nothing at all. Robyn just wishes that whoever attacked her will never show his face here again.

"Can you keep an eye on her, Charlie?" Charlie nodded and quickly wrapped a blanket around Claire.

Robyn instantly gave Claire a small pad on her shoulder before pushing herself up to a standing position. As Robyn twirls around on her feet Jack, Hurley, and Locke arrived back from their search party. Her heart lowered into her stomach at the sight of seeing them returning without the intruder. She moves quickly towards them. "Did you find him?"

"He got away." Locke replies. "I sense that you would know what we need to do."

Robyn looked down at her feet for a short second before taking a deep breath and said. "For now, we need to make sure that no one leaves the caves. We need to have enough people who would want to help us out to take watch. Three to four of us would be enough for tonight and for tomorrow we need to organize a search party to bring this asshole back."

They nodded. "I will take first watch with you." Locke offers. Robyn nodded, she was grateful that Locke wanted to help her and didn't question her plan.

Robyn spins around on the ball of her heels ready to walk away, but, Jack grasps her forearm holding her back. "How positive are you that someone else, besides us, is out there?"

"Are you telling me that Claire is lying about her attack?" Robyn couldn't believe her ears. Does Jack really think that we are the only ones on this island? He wasn't there when Sayid and the rest of them heard a distress call from a French woman, but, hearing her tell him about the polar bear certainly would have raised some questions.

Jack sighed. "I'm not saying she is, Robyn. Claire told me that she was attacked with a needle. I didn't see any marks on her stomach and you know just like me that she is scared, dehydrated and isn't sleeping enough."

"Jack, you're a doctor and if you studied hard enough you would know that needle marks won't show up for the next thirty minutes." Robyn yanks her arms free from his strong grip. "Also pregnant women don't lie." She takes a few steps from him.

"Where are you going? And how would you know that?" Jack shouts.

"Getting the gun back from Sawyer." Robyn yelled back.


After a short walk through the dark and humid jungle, Robyn arrived at the beach. She immediately headed towards the spot where Sawyer had his tent set up. Robyn halted, took a few subtle puffs and hesitated if she just should barge in or like knock on his tent. She didn't have the time to think about how to plan her visit, so she slowly pushes the tent flaps to the side and took a quick peek.

"What do you think you are doing!?" His cranky voice echoed in her ear. Robyn jumps up from hearing his voice. She turns around to face him.

"I need the gun back, Sawyer." Her heart is beating loudly in her chest. "I don't have time to explain why. I need to go back to the caves as fast as I can."

Sawyer chuckles and takes a step closer to her. "First, you ran sack my tent and second, you just expect me to give you a gun without an explaination?"

"You went through my bag?" Robyn crosses her arms.

"Yeah, you took it from me," Sawyer passes her. "Do you even know how a gun works, sweetheart?"

"Oh come on, Sawyer. Are you going to give me the gun or not?" Robyn turns around, seeing Sawyer going through his suitcase pulling out the gun he stole from the US Marshal.

"Only if you tell why you need it."

"Fine!" Robyn groans deeply. "Claire got attacked by someone with a needle. I am taking first watch and I would feel a lot safer with a gun on me."

"Why didn't you say that sooner? I am going with you." Sawyer puts the magazine in and puts the gun behind his pants.


"Are you coming or not?" Sawyer asks. Robyn shakes her head and ran after him.

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