All Alone (Nightmare!Sans×Abu...

De Shattered_Nightmare

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Y/N was their name. Yet, I cant say what kind of person they were, before all THIS happened. You may say, tha... Mais

A/N, first things
Chapter 1: Meeting (rewritten)
Chapter 2: Bullies
Chapter 3: Who's this?
Chapter 4: Nightmare and ???
Thank You!
Chapter 6: The Competition
Important Message!
Chapter 7: His Words...
Chapter 8: Something Special
Chapter 9: The Medieval Times Festival
Chapter 10: Dark Religions (Late Halloween special, very late)
Chapter 10,5: Dark Religions (part 2-)

Chapter 5: New Student and Games?!

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De Shattered_Nightmare

Hoi! Heres da next chappie! I tried making it quick. Also, there is going to be a game, a really REALLY bad game. I asked somebody about the idea, they said it was fine. Imma explain more next.
~ Y/N PoV ~
I changed clothes and walk to school with Star. "See you later, Y/N!" Star says and walks to her friends. Moon already waits for me. "Y/N (M/N) L/N and Moonlight Black, can you please come to the principals office?" The loudspeaker in the school say, well the principal says. I wonder why he wants us. We walk to the office to see a new person standing next to him. "Thats Dean Morgan (Me: Is that a Lastname? I hope so, even if not, I'm gonna keep that name.) "He's new and I want you to guide and help him, please."

Me: Thats him! NM: That's obvious. Me: Shuddup and stop being mean. Also, Im gonna try drawing everyone in this.

"Dean is a Yellow Devil, so he's very special." Moon flinched his teeth and balled his hands to fists, it doesn't seem like he likes him. "Hey Moon, are you alright?" He loosens his tight grip and nods. "Well Dean, I'm Y/N and thats Moonlight. Nice to meet you." I make a gesture to greet him, he takes my and and shakes it. Moon does the same. "Y/N can you please go out first? We still need to settle something.", the principal says and I go out of the room.

After a few minutes they came out of the room and Moon and I started to guide the new student. When we were finished the classes were already over and I went home with Star and Moon. He wanted to come over, I called Julia and she was ok with it. We walked to my room and did homework together.

"Hey Y/N, could we please stay away from Dean?", Moon suddenly asks. "Why? He seems nice to me...", I needed to repond. Why doesnt he like him? "I don't trust him. I dont know why, but there's something off with that guy." I actually don't know what to say at this point. I feel like trusting Moon, he could be right. Dean is always so nice to me... he always watched me during the 'show-around-the-school-thing'. Thats a bit creepy, even though, Moon is also a bit overprotective since the day we met. "I think thats a good idea. He watched me during the guiding." I say, Moon looks at me and replies "I noticed that, thats why i'd like to stay away from him." He's right, that guy seems to be crazy.


Later, Moon left and I changed clothes and go sleeping.

With NM in your Dream

"So you're saying, that this Dean was watching you and your friend doesn't like him, because of that?" Night laughs gentle after he said that. "Yeah, thats crazy." He creeps me out. And Moon saw him in the office, already hating him! Moon really seems to hate him very much. I already told him what happened and now we're laughing. Nice, right?

The Dream fades again. I can hear a muffled 'Goodbye' from Nightmare and I sit awake in my bed.

~ Time Skip to last period ~

(I asked somebody about my Idea. Well, they said its ok. And well, its a fanfiction, right? So it makes sense for that to happen. -> suicide attention also, its going to be Russian Roulette. More to that later.)

We have Magic Lesson now. Moon sits beside me, Star and her friends are here too. Our Teacher explains whe suddenly soneone kicked the door down, with a gun and shoots the teacher. Everyone screamed, when suddenly the complete room black went. The corpse of the teacher, the tables and chairs are gone. Its only ourselfs and the guy that broke in and shot the teacher.

"Let us play a game.", he suddenly says, his voice is creepy and very dark. Everyone's scared. Even Zach.

"W- What game?" Zach asks, clearly scared.

"Russian Roulette."

(Me: I actually didnt want to kill somebody this part, but I wanted to update. Sorry. Also, for everyone who doesn't know what Russian Roulette is, Imma explain. There are two versions of Russian Roulette that I know. Either, everyone has a gun, like the game here, or only one person has a gun. In the chamber is only one bullet. )In the mans chamber were two bullets, one is gone now, since he shot the teacher.) You point the gun to your head, if your lucky, the bullet won't shoot, cause theres only one. If got bad luck, you're dead. He's going to play this game with you, like he said.)

He just starts singing, like wtf. He has a good voice, but i dont like that.

Locked up across the smoked filled room...
Felt the tension built.

This night has only just begun, so, here we go.

You gotta, just feel the ENERGY!

You gotta, just know who the ENEMY is.

We are hungry for adrenaline, we're about to go INSANE you'll see.

Bring out the guns (Suddenly, everyone has a gun in their hand.) We love the DANGER!

1, 2, 3, JUST PULL THE TRIGGER! (At that point, the intruder and Zach pointed the gun to their heads!)

One bullet left, inside the chamber!

Let us, play some, RUSSIAN ROULETTE! (Russian Roulette? Whats that?)

Roulette? (Moon suddenly asks out loud.)


...(Im not gonna make that, you hear the song.)

*gun shot* (Zach just shot himself, the intruders gun just klicked, but didnt shoot.)

*another gun shot* (Moon was lucky, and shot the intruder.)

*music drop, thing* (Suddenly everything went black and the intruder is like a demon, popping up behind us, disappearing and some fall to their knees and on their ^s$. This went on until everything went (kinda) back normal. Now the intruder stands infront of us again and didnt even have a scratch from the gun shot.)

Let go of everything within...

Release the inner beast/peace.

This game has only just begun...

SO HERE WE GO! (No, please, not again, i was slightly crying and panicking, Moon hugs me for support.)

You gotta, just feel the ENERGY!

You gotta, just know who the ENEMY is.

We are hungry for adrenaline.

We're about to go INSANE...

you'll see.

Bring out the guns! (Everyone has the guns, again.)

We love the danger!

One, two, three,
Just pull the trigger! (No, not Moon!)

One bullet left, inside the chamber.

Let us play some,

(Again the same thing...)

*bullet shot* (It hit the intruder! Moons fine, the intruder, lies now dead on the floor.)
*pretend that song ends here*

A short while after that, the police runs in our classroom. Moon called 911 directly after this incident.

What would happen now? Is there a chance this happens again?

They said Jason is dead.
No wonder, he shot himself directly through his head.

I was kinda relieved when i heard that. Not only, that he always punched me and so on, but also im relieved to now he doesn't turn into a Zombie and stands up again.
Why would I think that? Oh god, i watch to much movies.

We were all sent home after that, most of my class were terrified and probably traumatized by that now. I wonder how Regina will react to this...

~with Nightmare~

"HE DID WHAT?! Omg, are you fine?!" Nightmare kinda screams and seems clearly worried.

"Im fine, its ok. Moon shot him and i was surprised when he came up with this demon thingy. I dont think hes dead though..." I answer him to assure him that im fine. "The human probably is dead. Maybe he was possessed by that demon? If so, the demons host is dead, other than the demon itself. Beware, this demon can posses one of your friends, hopefully that wont happen." He says and it can be true. If that demon really possessed him, it can always come back and posses different people...

(Me: Should I let the demon posses the Reader, so that she gets the demons powers? That would be crazy... I like it.)

~Nightys PoV~
'A demon?' I have to make sure she stays save... but how? I can't let ANYTHING happen to her. But, what should I do?

~At school the day after this event~

>Youre PoV<

I am currently at the cafeteria with Moon. Star stayed home, because of that event, she's still traumatized. You can't properly ask her to play a game. Poor Star.

"DID YOU DO THAT YOU B¡TCH?!", Regina screamed at me. That other new boy right beside her. "What makes you think I did that?", I ask calm. Why would I do such a thing?
Thats crazy! I'm not a demon.

"Dexter, what if she wants to hurt me?", Regina asks that boy beside her, starting fake crying. "I won't let that happen." Dexter says with a calm tone in his voice.

After that, we move to another table, not caring about what Regina screams after us. "Now I don't trust a guy. That Dexter seems... suspicious...", I state Moon (Me: that right? State something to someone, thingy?) "This time I think he's alright." Moon answers chuckling. "Hey Y/N!"

God. No.

Dean walks up to our table with his own tablet and sits down beside me. "I heard what happened, I'm so sorry, about that." Dean says, worry in his voice. Moon flinches again. God thanks the bell just ringed. Its good that I don't have to deal with his shoot.

We quickly made our way to the art room. "Today, we will draw something... rather dark. No colour, just use your pencil. Draw what comes to your mind. At the end of our class we will show the drawings." The teacher tells us and we immediately start our work.

When everyones finished, the bell rings and we can't show our work. 'Thats ok... I guess.'

We then walk to our next lesson. Moon isnt in Alchemy next... but I think Dean is... And Dexter too.

When I got to class, I see Dean sitting beside my seat. No, whyyyyyy?
"Hey Y/N! The teacher allowed me to sit beside you!", Dean said, a big, wide smile on his face. God, no. No! I dont want to even SEE him. And now there's his annoying voice! I won't surrive this lesson.

Goodbye cruel world!
I die because of his annoyance!

This lesson is FINALLY DONE!
Speed pack all the things in the backpack and get away from him! But, little did I know Regina is waiting for me at the door to the classroom. I jumped when she suddenly said something.
"Hey! Where do you think you're going?" Regina asks, "I'm going to my next class. You should know that, since we are in the same class." I reply simply, but I guess that wasn't the answer she wanted to hear, since she grabbed me by my hair, so I don't go nowhere.

"I'm sorry, b¡t€#! I think I haven't made myself clear!" I hate her so much! I thought that bullying would stop, since she's soooooo sad that they died. Guess I was wrong.

"Hey! Stop that, its not nice!" Deans high pitched voice says, he's the last thing I wanted. But hey! He stops her from hurting me... I guess thats good. Regina lets go of my hair and I quickly get away from them. Go to the next class, pack out your things and then go to the bathroom.

When I'm at the bathroom, I look at the mirror, seeing myself. God, why am I that ugly? I turn on the water and rub my eyes with my cold, wet hands. Suddenly someone pushed my, my head meets the water tab and I black out.

I wake up, in the nurse's office. I know that place too well... I lied here, so many times, always something different. That happened before, since Reily isnt there anymore and Regina is the only one left, it was probably her idea to push me...again.

Cliffhanger! Who got you in the nurse's office? That will be clear in the next chapter.
Im sorry for the long wait. No one will read this story anyway XP.
Well, see till next time, my Dreamers.
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