Azur Lane: A Fight Against th...

By TatsuyaHisaki

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17 year-old Jacob lived in a small peaceful village just on the beach side far from any major city or town. H... More

Part 1: The Azur Lane!
Part 2: Sakura Empire
Part 3: Akagi's Plan!
Part 4: The Mental Cube
Part 5: Spending The Day With Illustrious!
Part 6: The First Attack!
Part 7: Enterprise!
Part 9: The First Siren Attack!
Part 10: A New Ally!
Part 11: Prinz And Iron Blood!
Part 12: The Rescue Operation!
Part 13: Setting Up For the Ceremony!
Part 14: PARTY TIME!!
Part 15: I Became an Older Brother...Again?!
Part 16: My Date With Illustrious.
Part 17: The Secret's Out.
Part 18: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven!
Part 19: The Paradise That Embodies Heaven (Pt. 2)
Part 20: The "Fishing" Trip
Part 21: Finally... At Long Last.
Part 22: Fight Once Again...For Her Sake.
Part 23: The Brutal Truth...That Reminds Me of That Day. (Contains Lemon)
Part 24: Mother Complex...
Part 25: Three Legends of the Sakura Empire!
Part 26: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Contains Lemon)
Part 27: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.2)
Part 28: New Bases, New Faces, and New Fears... (Pt.3) (Contains Lemon)
Part 29: The Crane Sisters. (Contains Lemon)
Part 30: The Grey Ghost and the Head Maid! (Contains Lemon) (Christmas Special)
Part 31: The Pride of Iron Blood. (New Years Special) (Final)

Part 8: Fight or Save?

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By TatsuyaHisaki

The rain continued pouring down on me and Enterprise. Enterprise was still horrified at what she had done to Akagi. I knew Enterprise never meant to do what she did, from what I saw, it's like she lost all control of herself. A few seconds passed as we stayed still, not saying a word to each other. That was before Enterprise took off in a hurry.

Jacob: Enterprise wait!

But it was too late. Enterprise was no longer in sight.

Jacob: *thoughts* What should I do? I want to go after her, but rushing after her without knowing what just happened can put both of our lives in danger. Who knows, whatever happened before could happen again. For now, I'll try to regroup with everyone else, then, I'm going after Enterprise.

Although I said I was going to try and meet up with everyone else, that was easier said than done. I was all alone and had no idea where I was much less where the others could be. That was until I heard gunfire off to my left and I heard a few screams. I decided to head in that direction and a few minutes later, I found what all the noise was. There was two girls that seemed very familiar to me. One of them had short light purple hair and the other had two long pigtails and her hair was a whitish silver. That's when I remembered seeing them when we rescued Hornet and her team. I rushed in towards them and as I did, the air got colder and my face started to sting. Huge icebergs floated all over. The girl with the purple hair was reaching out towards someone, but then there was an explosion next to her which caused her to start falling over.

I wasn't going to make it to her in time, but I still tried. Just as the girl was about to fall over, someone caught her.

???: Can you hear me? Are you alright?

Jacob: *thoughts* I know that voice. Its gotta be Belfast.

I continued to get closer to them and eventually I did.

???: I think so.

Belfast: Then let's go. It's not safe here.

???: What happened to the commander?

Belfast: I don't know. He was caught in that light like the rest of us. Wherever he is, I hope he's safe.


Belfast and the other two girls turned to me as I stopped right next to them.

Belfast: Master! Thank goodness you're safe.

Jacob: I'm just happy none of you are hurt.

???: Do you know where we are?

Jacob: No I don't, sorry.

Belfast: You seem troubled Master.

Jacob: Of course I'm troubled. Look at what's going on here. None of this would have happened to us if we didn't come. And that's not all, after that light faded, I was with Enterprise and Akagi.

Belfast: Where is Enterprise?!

Jacob: I don't know. Enterprise shot Akagi and she fell into the ocean. After that, Enterprise looked terrified and then she took off to god knows where. I wanted to go after her, but she took off too fast so I wasn't able to see where she was going.

Belfast: I see.

Jacob: Nevermind that for now, we need to get going. It's not safe here.

Belfast: Right.

After that, me, Belfast, and the two girls headed out in a direction. For a while, no one said a word.

Belfast: Are you two concerned about that Sakura Empire girl?

???: Oh, I guess you saw?

Belfast: Yes. I wish I had been there sooner. I'm sorry that I was too late to help you.

???: Umm, aren't you mad at us?

Belfast: Pardon?

???: Cause Ayanami is our enemy. We're supposed to fight her, but neither of us wants to. We just...don't to change that.

Belfast: Well then, you should give it more time. We can't let the way we were created long ago define our decisions now. We can move in any direction we please and that power should not be taken lightly. Try to remember, we were made to fight and defend. We're not obligated to destroy.

A small smile appeared on my face as I knew if anyone could make these two understand what is right, it would be Belfast. Then the wind picked up as snow blew past us. A Siren ship started to sink into the water off to our right.

Belfast: This area is especially dangerous. We'll have to move quickly, try to regroup with the fleet.

???: But what about you?

Belfast: No matter, I have to stay back and find Enterprise. I owe that to her. As a maid it's my duty to stay by her side. I can't let her down.

???: I wanna help you too.

Me and Belfast turned to the two girls and the one with the pigtails had her hand raised a bit.

Belfast: Do you mean that?

???: So do I. We'll both help you find Enterprise, and then go home together.

Belfast: I wouldn't mind that, but it's not up to me.

Belfast and the two girls turned to me.

???: Commander?

Jacob: Before I give an answer, tell me your names. I know we've met before but I never got a chance to ask the two of you.

The girl with the purple hair spoke first.

???: I'm Javelin!

Jacob: Okay Javelin. And you?

???: I'm Laffey.

Jacob: Okay Javelin, Laffey, you want to help me and Belfast find Enterprise?

Javelin: That's right! Can we please help you find her Commander?!

Jacob: I appreciate you two wanting to help, but I wasn't planning on going find her right now.

Belfast: Are you saying we should give up on looking for her?

Jacob: Don't put words in my mouth. That's not what I meant. It's just, we still don't know anything about what happened earlier. It's too dangerous for us to go after her right now.

Laffey: Then what are we gonna do?

Jacob: *Smerks* And I thought that was obvious. Dangerous or not, we're going to go find Enterprise and bring her back.

Belfast: Yes Master. Shall we get going then?

Jacob: Yeah, let's get a move on.

Me, Belfast, Javelin, and Laffy headed in a direction was where I last saw Enterprise. After that, I told them I was going to split off from them and try to head in a different direction. Belfast objected, but I did what I was planning. So Belfast, Laffey, and Javelin were together while I went off on my own. A few minutes passed since I split from them and now I was on an iceberg trying to get a better view of my surroundings. Then I heard some voices coming from around one edge of the iceberg I was on. I pressed my back against the iceberg and slowly moved to the edge. I leaned over and peeked around the corner and saw a few people standing on a ship. Two of the people caught my attention first thing when I looked. It was Takao and Atago. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath before jumping towards the ship.

Atago: The mass produced Sirens have shut down. Everyone of them. Wow!

Takao: Well that's unexpected. What now?

I landed on the Siren ship, behind Atago and Takao, with a small thud. They turned around and looked at me. I picked my head up just in time to see the tip of Takao's sword inches away from my face. I picked my hand up and caught the sword in my hand. Blood started dripping from my hand. The swords tip was now centimeters from my face, but I stopped it.

Takao: It's you!

Jacob: Please calm down Takao.

Takao: Why should I? The enemy's commander is right here. I can end all of this right now.

Jacob: You act like I'm the one who started all of this.

Takao: I trusted you when you said you wouldn't get involved, but now, you're the commander of Azur Lane. They're our enemy so that makes you our enemy too...

Before Takao could finish, I turned to my left a bit and clenched my right hand into a fist as I swung it at Takao's stomach. Just before I made contact, I stopped my fist from hitting her.

Jacob: Enough of that crap Takao. Believe me when I say I never planned to become their commander. And now certainly isn't the time for us to fight each other.

Takao: Then what are you doing here?

Jacob: I came to help.

Takao: But you're the enemy commander. How can we trust you?

Jacob: I won't give YOU a reason to trust me, but I need to find Kaga.

Takao: Why would I tell you where she is?

Jacob: Because I know where Akagi fell in battle.

Takao and Atago seemed shocked after I said that and I didn't blame them.

Takao: Tell us where she is right now!

Jacob: Again, I don't have to tell that to you. You don't trust me, remember?

Takao gritted her teeth because she knew that I was right. She pulled her sword away and I let go of the blade. Then Takao started walking off. That's when Atago walked up to me.

Jacob: *Sigh* I swear, I always have to put on a tough looking act when I talk to her.

Atago: I'm sorry about her. She just really doesn't trust you anymore.

Jacob: I understand that and I don't blame her. I hope you believe me though.

Atago: Well I'm a little on the fence about you right now.

Jacob: I understand. I really did mean it when I said I was sorry, but I just thought...

Atago: Thought what?

Jacob: That if I became commander, I would have a better shot at finding the Sirens. I didn't become commander just to benefit myself thought. I started thinking about how Azur Lane and Red Axis are at war. Red Axis is using Siren technology against the Sirens while Azur Lane is using human technology to fight the Sirens. No matter how you look at it, both goals are the same, just the methods are different. That's why I became commander, cause I thought the I could try and get Sakura Empire and Azur Lane to join forces against the Sirens.

Atago: That's a bold move you know?

Jacob: I know, but if that's the chance I have to take so we don't have to live in a world where we fear the Sirens, then I'd gladly take that chance.

Atago: I understand your motives, but it's going to be hard for you to do that.

Jacob: I know that. You're the only one in Sakura Empire who agrees with me about what I think is best. So thank you Atago.

Atago: But you know, I can't decide for everyone in Sakura Empire.

Jacob: I know that. That's why I came to help with your search for Akagi.

Atago: But I'm still confused as to why you would want to help us.

Jacob: I know that everyone in Sakura Empire thinks of Akagi as their friend. I want to help cause I feel the same way. Me and Akagi may not see eye to eye, but I still want to think we are friends.

Atago: So your plan is to help us find Akagi and convince us to join forces with Azur Lane?

Jacob: Somewhat. If I can convince y'all to join up with Azur Lane, then that's a bonus for me. But if that doesn't happen then I'll try again some other time.

Atago: You're so dead set on getting us to join Azur Lane.

Jacob: I am. Atago please, can you take me to Kaga?

Atago: And what do I get from all this?

Jacob: Your friend back and if you want, I'll owe you a favor.

Atago: I was going to take you to her even if you wouldn't have said you owe me a favor, but if you're offering that too then how can I refuse?

Jacob: *Says under breath* Damnit!

Atago: Kaga is over there.

Atago turned towards a Sakura Empire ship and pointed at it.

Jacob: Thank you Atago. I owe you one.

Atago didn't reply, but I heard her giggle a bit as I walked off. The was an iceberg in between me and the ship where Kaga was. I jumped to the iceberg before jumping to the ship. There was a bunch of Sakura Empire people standing on the deck of the ship. There were two spots on both sides of them and they appeared to be rooms. I landed on one of the roofs and I'm surprised that I didn't make any noise when I landed and none of them saw me. I looked down at everyone and saw Kaga laying on the deck. Then she opened her eyes.

???: Look who's finally awake!

Kaga shot up to where she was now sitting on the deck.

Kaga: Dear sister!

Kaga was breathing a little heavy and she was holding her left arm. Zuikaku ran up to Kaga and crouched next to her.

Zuikaku: Kaga. Please slow down. You've already been severely hurt.

Kaga: What happened? I'm trying to remember.

Then there was a brief moment of silence.

Kaga: The last memory I have, was fighting the Grey Ghost and then...

Kaga stopped her sentence and after that, a small flower that looked to be a hair pin fell onto Kaga's wrist. It was light blue and it matched Kaga's white and blue outfit.

Kaga: *In low voice* My sister, is she... *raises voice a bit* tell me where Akagi went, please!

Kaga looked up at Zuikaku with a sad and worried expression.

Jacob: *thoughts* I've had enough of this crap, talking about her sister.

Jacob: *Says out loud* You're not going to like that answer.

Everyone looked up at me. They all looked ready for a fight.

Zuikaku: It's you again.

Then Zuikaku unsheathed her sword and held it in both hands.

Zuikaku: What are you doing here?

I didn't answer her, instead, I jumped down from the roof and landed on the deck, right foot, then left. I had my hands in my pant pockets, hoping that they would realize that I wasn't going to try and fight them.

Jacob: You want to know where Akagi is right?

Zuikaku: You're saying you know where she is?

Kaga: Tell me where she is right now!

Jacob: *Looks down a little* Like I said before, you're not going to like the answer.

Kaga: Just tell me!

Jacob: Enterprise shot her and after that, Akagi fell into the ocean. I haven't seen her since.

Everyone looked shocked. Kaga stood up and stumbled over to me. When she got to me, she grabbed the collar of my shirt and shoved my back against the wall.

Kaga: Stop messing with me! Tell me where Akagi went!

Jacob: I wish I were joking, but it's the truth. I swear.


Kaga then pulled her hand back and made it into a fist before coming back and punching me in my stomach, right in the same spot where Takao's sword cut through my stomach. I started to pull my hands out from my pockets, but stopped myself from taking them out. I coughed up a bit of blood and it hit Kaga's shoulder. As much as I wanted to take my hands out of my pockets to cover my mouth, I kept my hands in my pockets.


Kaga pulled her fist back again before punching me in the same spot as before. Still, I kept my hands where they were as I coughed up even more blood. Kaga then let go of me and stepped back before she fell to her knees. My legs started to shake as I tried to keep myself from falling to my knees as well.

Kaga: *In low voice* You're lying. You're lying to us. Akagi.

That's when I saw tears flowing down Kaga's cheeks.

Jacob: Are you two really sisters?


Then Kaga looked down a little before speaking again.

Kaga: Actually, we are only half-sisters.

Jacob: So what you're telling me is that the two of you are sisters?

Kaga: I just said that we are only half-sisters.

Jacob: And the difference is?

Kaga: What do you mean?

Jacob: Sister or half-sister, it doesn't matter. If she is your actual sister then great, but just because she is your half-sister, doesn't mean that the two of you aren't sisters. If she's your half-sister then she is still your sister.

Kaga: What are you even doing here?

Jacob: I...want to help you find Akagi.

Kaga: Why?!

Jacob: Why? Heh, when it comes to the topic of siblings or family members, I'm a complete suck-up. When I hear people worrying over a sibling I always feel guilty and all that. I may not agree with what happened to me back then, but I'm learning to accept it, cause I know that I can't bring them back, so the only thing I can do is accept it. But even though I hear others worrying about their siblings and I always remember the bad things, that doesn't stop me from wanting to help.

Kaga: You expect me to believe all that crap?

Jacob: I'm not expecting you too. I would like for you to believe me, but that's up to you.

Kaga: How do we know you aren't setting us up? You're the enemy commander.

Jacob: My fleet doesn't even know where I'm at or what I'm doing.

Kaga: You're lying!

I was starting to get pissed off now and I was starting to loose my cool.

Jacob: Believe what you want Kaga, but I still want to help you. We may not see eye to eye, hell, me and Akagi don't see eye to eye either, and even though we may be enemies, I'm still willing to help you find Akagi from my own free will.

Kaga: That's enough from you!


Everyone took a step back and they all looked at me with surprised looks.

Jacob: Do you want to see Akagi again or not? I'm willing to help you out here cause I know the pain of losing people you love. It hurt, bad. You may think of me as your enemy but I don't. Even if you hate me for the rest of your life that doesn't mean I won't want to help.

Kaga looked at me and gritted her teeth.

Jacob: You can hate me all you want, but if you want to see Akagi again then you need to tell me everything you know.

Kaga: You're after something else aren't you?

Jacob: Actually yes.

Kaga: I knew it. I knew you were wanting to help us for your benefit.

Jacob: Not just my benefit, but everyone will benefit from what I'm hoping this will accomplish.

Kaga: Just what are you planning?

Jacob: I'm hoping that everyone in Sakura Empire can see that if their enemy's commander was willing to help them find their flagship and friend, that they would listen to what I have to say.

Zuikaku: If you're really willing to help us find Akagi, then we can listen to you.

Jacob: You want to hear it now or when we find Akagi?

Shoukaku: We want to hear what you're planning before we agree to you helping us.

Jacob: That's fair enough I guess. Well then, here it is. I was hoping that if I offered to help y'all find Akagi I could convince Sakura Empire to join forces with Azur Lane.

Everyone: *Gaspes*

Jacob: I know what y'all are thinking and I get it, but face the facts, we shouldn't be fighting each other, we should be working together to fight the Sirens.

Zuikaku: You can't be serious?!

Jacob: I am. The way I see it, Sakura Empire is using Siren technology to fight the Sirens while Azur Lane is using human technology, and because of that, y'all decided to fight each other. That's a stupid and childish reason to fight each other. Just because the methods are different?

Kaga: You wouldn't understand!

Jacob: You're right and I still don't understand. But what I DO understand is that YOU DON'T understand that even if the methods are different, Red Axis and Azur Lane still have the same goal, to fight the Sirens.

Kaga: That's not even part of the reason why.

Jacob: Then tell me Kaga, what am I missing here?

Kaga looked at me before turning her head and looking away from me.

Jacob: The mass produced Siren ships stopped working correct? Bet you're wondering why that is.

Shoukaku: Don't tell me you know that too?

Jacob: I don't, but what I do know is that the Orochi is the only one who can control the Siren ships.

Zuikaku: What are you saying?

Jacob: Just think a little, why is it that right after Akagi disappears, and Sakura Empire is weakened, that the Siren ships suddenly stopped working?

Everyone looked at each other as they all looked like they had realized something.

Jacob: That's right. The Orochi never intended to help y'all by letting you use the Siren ships. This Orochi is just using Sakura Empire to get what they want. And if you think about it more, taking what I said earlier about the Siren ships suddenly stopping, it's clear that the Orochi isn't going to help y'all get out of this, so that means it's up to you to escape. Additionally, if the Orochi isn't going to help Sakura Empire escape from this and Azur Lane finds y'all, then there will be another battle, and neither side can fight anymore. The Sirens are just letting Red Axis and Azur Lane fight an unnecessary war so that in the end, when everyone is on the brink and is at their weakest state, they can just come in and wipe us all out without even breaking a sweat.

Everyone fell silent as they thought everything over. For a couple of minutes I just stood with my back against the wall. I heard footsteps coming towards me, so I looked up to see Shoukaku walking up to me.

Shoukaku: Are you doing okay?

Jacob: What's the matter Shoukaku, you never liked me before so why start worrying about me now?

Shoukaku: Well if you are going to be like that.

Jacob: *Let's out small laugh* I'm just messing with you. I'm doing just fine. Thanks for the concern.

Shoukaku: I can tell that you are badly hurt.

Jacob: It's nothing much. Kaga only punched me.

Shoukaku: And you coughed up blood.

Jacob: She is a warship and I'm human.

Shoukaku: If she only punched you then why is there a big pool of blood on your shirt where she punched you? For something like that to happen there would need to be an open wound. A punch wouldn't accomplish something like that.

Jacob: So you saw right through my lie huh?

Shoukaku: What's wrong?

Jacob: The punches wouldn't have been too bad to take on if it wasn't for Kaga punching me in the exact same place Takao stabbed me.

Shoukaku: She stabbed you?

Jacob: Yeah.

Zuikaku: Why didn't you protect yourself from Kaga's punches? You just kept your hands in your pockets.

Jacob: I kept my hands in my pockets to show that I wasn't here to fight. I forced myself to keep them in my pockets to show you that I wasn't going to resist any actions towards me so that I could gain your trust.

Zuikaku: But you didn't need to do that.

Jacob: I thought all this out. It was the best way to show that I wasn't here to cause trouble.

???: What do you think caused the conditions of the ocean?

???: Maybe it's because of Orochi and the severed connection.

???: Losing the black mental cube was stressful for everyone. It was a huge loss.

Shoukaku: Yeah but there were some balls dropped though, I mean on the Orochi thing.

???: What are you saying?

Shoukaku: Just that it could have been handled much differently. How were we supposed to know to control the Sirens with that cube? None of it was explained properly.

???: Now is not the time. It doesn't matter who's to blame.

Shoukaku: And what's with the forcefield enchantment stuff or whatever it is Akagi uses, there are way too many secrets don't you think? The First Carrier Division elders have been behaving strangely. What exactly are they hiding?

Jacob: Y'all still upset about losing the black mental cube?

Zuikaku: Do you know where it is?

Jacob: Yeah I know, and it's closer than you think.

Zuikaku: Then where is it?

I looked at Zuikaku and raised my hand up to chest level as I stuck out my index finger. Then I moved my hand to my chest and put the tip of my finger against my chest.

Zuikaku: Are you saying that...?

Jacob: That's right. The mental cude Azur Lane recovered from y'all is inside of me.

Shoukaku: How can that be?

I explained everything to them.

Zuikaku: I see. So that's why you have two swords now and you definitely seem a lot stronger than before.

Jacob: That's right.

A few minutes passed and Sakura Empire still couldn't find Akagi. On top of that, the conditions of the ocean were getting worse.

Kaga: What was that?! Say it one more time!

Zuikaku: Kaga try to control your temper.

???: This order's effective immediately. We are terminating our search for Akagi. All ships, reconven back at headquarters at once. We'll see you there, be careful.

Kaga was starting to get pissed off a little and I could tell that she was about to lose it.

Kaga: It's unacceptable! You cannot leave our flagship behind!

???: Look, you're right. Losing our flagship was quite unfortunate, and the mass produced Sirens are not functional either, therefore, it is not advisable for us to stay in this area if we don't have to. Our fleet no longer has the ability to continue the operation as it is and I am unwilling to risk the lives of everyone here to search for just one ship.

Kaga: Souryuu!

Kaga tried to walk towards Souryuu but she started to stumble and she was now falling over. Zuikaku stepped in and caught Kaga from falling to the deck of the ship.

Kaga: Where is she? *In low voice* Please come back...Akagi.

Kaga started to cry and all I could do was stand there against the wall. That was before I pushed off the wall and started walking around Zuikaku and Kaga. I stood in front of Kaga looking down at her before I crouched down in front of her.

Jacob: I know how it feels to lose someone you love, but before I never said she was gone for good. I'll search for Akagi for years if I have to, but I promise I'll bring her back to you Kaga. You have my word.

I placed my right hand on Kaga's cheek as I pressed my forehead to hers. Kaga continued to cry as I stayed crouched in front of her with a small smile of sympathy on my face.

Souryuu: I'm so sorry. What else can we do?

???: Dear sister Souryuu.

I stood up and turned to Souryuu.

Jacob: I may be the commander of Azur Lane, but ever since everyone was caught in that light, I've only met up with three people from my fleet. None of them know where I'm at especially the three I mentioned. With that being said, I can't order them to do anything until I regroup with them, so escaping from here is all up to you. I'm sorry I can't make this any easier for y'all.

Souryuu: You're helping us enough as is. You offered to help find Akagi so you're a big help.

???: They're not willing to let us slip away freely, are they?

Jacob: I'm positive of that. If I were there with them now then I could really make this easier for everyone.

???: Then for now I suggest that I pull the Azur Lane away. Please sister, command the retreat.

Zuikaku: No don't, I will be the rear guard.

Shoukaku: Zuikaku!

???: As your elder I will not allow you to do that!

Shoukaku: This isn't a responsibility you should take on!

Zuikaku: I know how she feels, so do you, I would think. Sisters are special. I can't imagine suddenly losing you. I've no doubt I'd break down too.

There was a brief moment of silence before Shoukaku lifted up her head.

Shoukaku: You don't have to worry about that. Your sister will always be by your side.

???: Take care of each other and return to base quickly.

Zuikaku and Shoukaku nodded their heads before they walked over to on side of the ship and jumped onto the water. I followed them and was standing next to Shoukaku.

Zuikaku: Everything is going to be okay. I may not look like it but I'm actually a lucky ship!

Shoukaku: Promise you'll look out for each other.

Ayanami: We promise Shoukaku.

Zuikaku and Shoukaku were getting ready to head out.

Jacob: One more thing. Just so there won't be too much commotion, I won't be going with the two of you. If Azur Lane sees me with you two then it will cause problems. So I will be close by but far enough to where we won't be seen together.

Zuikaku: Okay, sounds good.

Jacob: Good. You two take which way you want to go. I'll head out in that direction.

Shoukaku: Right!

Jacob: Alright, you two be careful and stay safe.

Zuikaku: Right! You too.

Jacob: Will do.

I turned towards everyone else back on the ship.

Jacob: As for the rest of you, stay safe and be careful as well.

Souryuu: You too.

I gave Souryuu a thumbs-up and turned back around. I walked up right next to Zuikaku and Shoukaku.

Jacob: On your move.

Zuikaku nodded her head and her and Shoukaku took off heading straight. I moved out to their right and we split up. I was far away from Zuikaku and Shoukaku, but I could still see them. They were heading towards a bunch of icebergs while I was going to go far out to the side. We were nearing the icebergs when I looked back at Zuikaku and Shoukaku. They were right next to each other when they suddenly split apart from each other as water flew up in between them. I made it behind the icebergs and Zuikaku and Shoukaku were no longer in sight.

Jacob: *thoughts* Be safe you two.

I was moving pretty fast and the last time I saw Zuikaku and Shoukaku was roughly 4 minutes ago. I was onto an iceberg like last time when I found Takao and Atago. I was walking around for a bit when I started to hear voices. Something was off about them though, they seemed to get deeper for a little bit before the depth of their voices went back to before. I pressed my back up against the side of the iceberg and moved to the edge. I leaned over and peaked around the corner. That's when I saw someone with black hair and she had fox ears on her head. She wore a black and red outfit and she had 9 tails. The moment I saw her I knew that it was Akagi. She was unconscious and it looked like she was floating in the air.

???: Humans are so entertaining and so strange. They claim to hate war but insist on fighting each other. The internal contradictions are exhausting.

???: These girls are like mirrors, reflecting the thoughts and histories of the humans. It seems conflict is the core of humankind. Well, the world will change many times, but war stays the same.

???: Goodness, you brought that here?

???: Oh yes. She still has quite a role to play.

I took a closer look at the two people who were talking. Suddenly, as I realized who these two where or...what they were, my eyes shot open and a chill ran down my spine. A new feeling ran throughout my body, the instinct to kill. My right leg was twitching back and forth, urging me to step out from behind the corner and fight these two. My breathing became irregular and faster as my blood boiled. Anger filled my mind and it grew stronger every second I looked at the two Sirens. It was hard, but I managed to fight the urge of wanting to take them down. Instead, I took my phone out and I took a picture of Akagi unconscious and being held by one of the Sirens. I put my phone away in my pocket and continued to listen in on them talk.

???: And I'm so greatful to Enterprise. Because of her the black mental cube has acquired a huge amount of data. I believe it's enough to start the project.

???: Yes, at long last

I quickly pulled out my phone again and started recording a video. The camera was pressed against my leg cause the only thing I needed was the audio.

???: Finally, Orochi will come to life.

I paused the video and turned off my phone before putting in back into my pocket. I gritted my teeth and pulled my head back behind the corner of the iceberg. I jumped off the iceberg and landed on the water before continuing to go where I was going before.

A few more minutes later and I was on top of an iceberg looking down at the water. Off to my left, I saw something come out from a pathway in between two icebergs. I looked closer and saw that it was Zuikaku. When she came out from the icebergs, she suddenly stopped and looked up a bit. I looked to where she was and my whole body froze.

Jacob: *thoughts* Enterprise.

I looked closer at Enterprise and saw that her eyes were glowing, just like before.

Jacob: *In low voice* It's happening to her again.

Then, a bunch of planes flew above her and they all started dropping bombs which caused large pieces of ice to fall off the surrounding icebergs. Zuikaku moved out of the way, but one plane started shooting at her from her left and another plane started shooting at her from her right. Shoukaku had her hand extended out to Zuikaku and she covered Zuikaku as the bullets from both planes crossed over them. More explosions happened all around them and even more huge pieces of ice started to fall.

Tons of smoke from the bombs filled the air as water fell back towards the ocean. Out from the smoke, a red piece of paper flew towards Enterprise and it left a trail of fire. I looked down at where the paper had come from and saw Zuikaku holding Shoukaku in her arms, Shoukaku was unconscious.

Zuikaku: I see you Grey Ghost!

Then the paper turned into a plane and it rushed towards Enterprise. A few seconds later, there was an explosion around Enterprise and smoke surrounded her. Then, Enterprises cap fell to the ground and all she did was stare at Zuikaku. I looked at Enterprise and saw a plane take off from behind her with a bomb. The plane rushed towards Zuikaku and Shoukaku and I saw the bomb get lowered down, about to be dropped on them. Zuikaku was holding Shoukaku in her arms as she just stood there, waiting for the bomb.

Then, an iceberg exploded off to their left and Zuikaku looked. To my surprise, Shoukaku did too. I looked as well and saw a girl jumping through the air. I got a clear shot of the girl and I knew who it was.

Jacob: *thoughts* Ayanami.

Ayanami was in the air heading right for the plane that was about to drop the bomb on Zuikaku and her sister. Ayanami cut into the plane as the two passed, the plane exploded and Ayanami was caught in the explosion. Ayanami started falling towards the ocean and for the first time that I noticed, a large crack formed in the water beneath Ayanami before it opened up revealing a weird, purpleish place or something like that. It looked like a void or something, or at least that's what people described a void to look like. The edges looked like broken glass.

Ayanami continued falling towards to open crack and I saw her reach out her hand, trying to grab onto something to stop her from falling in. That's when, just to my left, I saw two girls running down the side of an iceberg. The two girls were Laffey and Javelin. They were rushing to go help Ayanami. Javelin and Laffey jumped off the side of the iceberg and Javelin spun and threw her hand up. Something raced towards a part of the iceberg that looked like an overhand as it stabbed into the ice. Laffey had her hand extended towards Ayanami for her to grab it. At first, their hands were right near each others, but just out of reach. Then Laffey grabbed Ayanami's hand and they continued to fall. Then Javelin grabbed Laffey and they stopped falling.

I looked over to Enterprise who didn't have that golden glow in her eyes anymore and she was watching Laffey and Javelin. I turned to my right and took off. Eventually, I was on the iceberg with Enterprise. I was behind her and she didn't notice me, but I was running up to her. That's when I noticed a small crack forming in the ice behind Enterprise. I started running faster as I noticed the crack starting to make its way across the ledge behind Enterprise, and it was only getting bigger.

I was only a few feet away from Enterprise now.


Enterprise turned around to face me as I continued to run towards her. That's when the crack that had formed in the ice behind Enterprise broke and the ledge that Enterprise was standing on started to fall. I was right near the new edge of the iceberg. Enterprise was falling down towards the ocean and right underneath her was the same hole that Ayanami would have fallen into if it weren't for Laffey and Javelin. I dropped to my side as I started sliding on my legs and my butt. My left hand was keeping me from falling on the side of my stomach. A few seconds later, I felt my legs leave the surface of the ice as they slid off the edge, then my waist, and then my stomach. I extended my right arm out to Enterprise's and grabbed her hand. Me and Enterprise were hanging off the side of the iceberg, the only thing keeping us from falling was me holding onto the edge with my left hand.

Enterprise: Commander?

Jacob: Don't let go Enterprise! I swear I'll get us out of this.

Enterprise: But why? Why would you save me even after everything I've done?


Enterprise: Commander?

I felt myself losing strength in my left arm and my hand slipped back a little. I tried to pull us up, but that caused my hand to slip even more. All that was left touching the edge was my fingertips.

Jacob: *thoughts* If one of us is going down today, I refuse to let it be her!

I gritted my teeth and placed my right foot on the side of the iceberg as I pulled up with what little strength I had left in my left arm before pushing off of the side of the iceberg with my foot. I was bent back while I still holding Enterprise's hand in my right hand. I started turning to my left as I pulled my right arm forwards. Enterprise rushed past my body as I flung her back up towards the ledge to the iceberg.

A few seconds later, Enterprise landed on the iceberg and I continued falling towards to hole in the ocean. Everything was moving in slow motion now. Every last ounce of strength I had left was gone. I couldn't even move as I was falling towards the hole. The whole time I was falling, I knew that I was going to die if no one caught me, but I still had a smile on my face the whole way down.

Just as I was about to fall into the hole, something slammed into me which caused me to fly to my left. Soon after that, I felt cold water and I knew that I didn't fall into the hole. I just laid there, floating in the water facing the sky as I saw Zuikaku coming towards me, Shoukaku right behind her. Zuikaku and Shoukaku were trying to speak to me, but I couldn't understand them. My vision started to get darker and I knew that I was about to go unconscious. My eyelids started to cover my eyes, but right before they completely covered my eyes, I opened them again and started to stand up.

I was standing straight up and I looked at Zuikaku and Shoukaku.

Zuikaku: I'm sorry Jacob! I made one of my planes run into you.

Jacob: So that was you?

Zuikaku: Yes, I'm so sorry.

Jacob: If that was you, then why are you apologizing to me? You saved me Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: But you...

I placed my hand on Zuikaku's shoulder and pulled her close to me as I embraced her.

Jacob: But nothing Zuikaku. You saved me and that's that. You used whatever method you had to to get the job done. Thank you for saving me Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: Ja...cob.

Zuikaku started to say my name, but she passed out before she could say much.

Jacob: I may not be your commander Zuikaku, but good job. You deserve a break.

I looked at Shoukaku and smiled at her. Shoukaku smiled back at me before she stood up.

Jacob: Shoukaku, I'm taking you, Zuikaku, and Ayanami to Azur Lane as prisoners of war.

Shoukaku: Wait what?! You can't be serious?

Jacob: Of course I'm not serious, but I am taking the three of you with us.

Shoukaku: Why?!

Jacob: You'll just have to wait and see.

(The next day)

I was sitting down at my desk going over some paperwork when Hornet, Cleveland, Wales, Belfast, Laffey, and Javelin walked into my office.

Jacob: What's going on? I'm a little busy at the moment.

Laffey and Javelin lined up in front of my desk facing me.

Cleveland: Talk about reckless! What were you thinking?!

Jacob: Umm...

Hornet: So y'all made an excessive effort so you could save an enemy? Shoot! Y'ain't tryina earn any medals that's for sure.

Javelin looked down at the floor slightly.

Javelin: I apologize.

Jacob: Does anyone care to...

Belfast: No please wait. There's nobody else to blame here but me. I am the one responsible for allowing it.

Jacob: Do I get a say...

Wales: That's noble of you to say, but we need to send the right message to the others.

Jacob: Excuse m...

Hornet: Well, okay then. Laffey, Javelin, Commander will decide what kind of punishment the two of you will get.


Belfast: I'm sorry Master.

Jacob: Shut it! Anyway, I thought I told y'all that I was busy with paperwork.

Wales: But we need to get this...

Jacob: What did I say?

Wales: Right, sorry.

Jacob: *Sighs* Alright, what's going on here?

Everyone: *Stays quiet*

Jacob: Okay, now I want y'all to talk when I ask a question. And don't even think about interrupting me again, got it?

Everyone: Yes sir.

Jacob: Good, now what's all this about?

Hornet: Laffey and Javelin saving an enemy.

Jacob: Okay, and that's a problem why?

Wales: Because they saved one of the enemy. We can't let this kind of act go unpunished.

Jacob: I see.

Javelin: We are willing to accept any punishment you give us Commander.

Jacob: Are you now?

Javelin: Y-yes.

Jacob: Okay then. Well, seeing as how I'm the commander here and even though y'all may see Sakura Empire as your enemy, that doesn't apply to me. You two may not consider Ayanami as your enemy, but that doesn't mean that the three of you aren't. Ayanami is still a part of Sakura Empire and you two are a part of Azur Lane.

Javelin: Right, we're sorry Commander.

Jacob: With that being said, enemy or not, you two put that thought aside and saved someone's life, regardless of who they are, what they've done, or where they're from. And with THAT being said, I would have been VERY disappointed in the two of you if y'all wouldn't have stepped in to save Ayanami.

I gave Laffey and Javelin a small smile.

Wales: But Commander.

Jacob: Yes Wales?

Wales: I'm not saying their punishment should be severe, but we need to...

Jacob: Use these two as examples to show that this sort of thing shouldn't happen?

Wales: Yes exactly.

Jacob: You're thinking all wrong Wales. This IS the kind of things we want people to see, especially Sakura Empire. If we can show them that we care about them, then we can convince them that we should be working together and not fighting each other.

Wales: But Commander!

Jacob: It is my choice on what their punishment will be and it is me who decides what Azur Lane fights for. I am the commander, am I not?

Wales: Right, sorry Commander.

Jacob: Don't worry about it Wales. I'm not trying to become a Warlord or anything. I just want the best shot at taking down the Sirens as we can get. If we can get all the camps to work together then we have the highest chances of winning against the Sirens.

Wales: I understand.

Jacob: Now, Laffey, Javelin, I have decided on what punishment the two of you will receive. Are you ready to hear it?

Laffey and Javelin: Yes Commander.

Jacob: From today on, Laffey and Javelin, you two will be on Prisoner Supervision Duty.

Laffey and Javelin looked a little shocked.

Cleveland: We've got a strict rule that prisoners of war need maximum care.

Javelin: So that means?

Jacob: We're counting on ya.

Javelin: Okay!

After that, Javelin and Laffey left my office which left me with Belfast, Cleveland, Hornet and Wales. Hornet, Wales, and Cleveland were sitting on the couches as Belfast poured them some tea.

Wales: That was a light punishment.

Jacob: There was no need to be overly harsh on them. Besides, those two already talked to me about this situation and I didn't mind at all. Belfast was there too.

Belfast: Would you like some tea, Master?

Jacob: I'm good, thanks.

Wales and the others were talking about the Sirens and project Orochi while I was scrolling through my photos on my phone. When they mentioned project Orochi, I scrolled to the picture I took when I found Akagi with those two Sirens. Then there was the video. I stared at the picture of what felt like hours, but I was brought back to reality.

Belfast: Master, is something troubling you?

Jacob: Actually, yes.

Belfast: What is it?

Jacob: The thing is.

I explained to them where I went after me and Belfast split up to search for Enterprise. When I got to the part about the Sirens, I left out what they said about Enterprise. I wasn't quite sure what that Siren meant so I wasn't going to throw that out there.

Wales: I see.

Cleveland: It must have been hard for you to just walk away like that.

Jacob: It was.

I had just finished with the last piece of paperwork and I put it off to the side. I stood up from my desk and walked to the door.

Belfast: Master?

Jacob: I'm going see those two.

Cleveland: You mean the Sirens?!

Jacob: What! No you idiot! I'm talking about Zuikaku and Shoukaku. They were hurt pretty badly in that battle, so I'm going check up on them.

Cleveland: Oh.

Jacob: Well, I'll see y'all later.

I grabbed the door handle, twisted it, and pushed the door open. I stepped outside into the hall and was about to let the door go before I stopped and put my head through the doorway.

Jacob: Hey Belfast. I need you to come with me please.

Belfast: As you wish Master.

Me and Belfast walked out of my office and we made our way to where Zuikaku and Shoukaku were being held. A few minutes of walking and we made it to their room. I knocked on the door and no one answered. I opened the door and walked in to find Zuikaku and Shoukaku sleeping. I walked over to them and shook them. Zuikaku let out a small, but cute moan and I started to blush a little. I managed to get Zuikaku up. She started to sit up and she rubbed her eyes. I pulled up a chair and sat on it backwards, you know, like with the back rest to your stomach and your legs on each a side.

Zuikaku: Jacob? Is that you?

Jacob: Yup, it's me. How are you feeling?

Zuikaku: I'm still a little tired from yesterday, but other than that, I can move around.

Jacob: Cool. Well, if you're not too tired and if you're feeling up to it, I would like you to come with me.

Zuikaku: I'm fine thank you. But, do you mind me asking, why are you in Sakura Empire?

I let out a small chuckle.

Jacob: How is your eyesight right now Zuikaku?

Zuikaku: I mean, everything is still a little blurry.

Jacob: I see.

Zuikaku: Why did you laugh just now? And you still didn't tell me why you're in Sakura Empire.

I let out another small chuckle.

Zuikaku: What's so funny?

Jacob: Zuikaku, we're not in Sakura Empire.

Zuikaku: Then where are we?

Jacob: Zuikaku, you're in Azur Lane.

Zuikaku stared at me for a few seconds before she came to realization. First thing Zuikaku did was reach for her sword. She grabbed it and unsheathed it, pointing the tip right at me.

Zuikaku: You think you're going to keep me and Shoukaku hereas prisoners?

Jacob: No, not as prisoners. More like guests.

Zuikaku: Shoukaku. Wait, where is Shoukaku?!

Jacob: Relax, she's sleeping right over there.

I looked over at Shoukaku as Zuikaku did the same.

Zuikaku: She isn't dead is she?

Jacob: What? Of course not! You really think I would kill her?!

Zuikaku: I don't know.

Jacob: I thought you knew me Zuikaku. I wouldn't do something like that. Especially not to the two of you, are anyone at all.

Zuikaku: Is she okay?

Jacob: She's just fine. Resting up is all.

Zuikaku: What are you planning to do with us while we're here?

Jacob: God! You make me sound like some kind of rapist.

Zuikaku: That's not what I meant. I meant, what are you going to make me and Shoukaku do while we are here? Like force us to help Azur Lane and threaten Sakura Empire to surrender in the war?

Jacob: Did you forget everything I told you yesterday before Sakura Empire escaped?

Zuikaku: I uhh...

Jacob: *Sighs* Don't worry about it. You two were hurt pretty bad yesterday, so I was planning on getting the two of you repaired and in tip-top shape as soon as possible. Then I was going to personally bring you two back to Sakura Empire.

Zuikaku: That's it?

Jacob: Yup. And again, you make me sound like I'm going to sextually assult the two of you. I thought we had trust man?

Zuikaku: That was before you became commander of Azur Lane!

Jacob: Fair enough I guess.

Zuikaku sat up a little bit more and the bed covers fell off of her. Zuikaku started to blush as she covered up her chest with one arm and her stomach with the other.

Jacob: Is something wrong Zuikaku?

Zuikaku: Where is my coat?

Jacob: Huh? Oh! It's hanging up over there. When we got back last night, I took it off both your coat and Shoukaku's coat and put them hanging over there. Then I laid you both in the bed.

Zuikaku was blushing like crazy and I had no idea why. I heard Belfast gasp behind me and Shoukaku shot up blushing just like Zuikaku.

Jacob: Umm, why are you two blushing like that?

Zuikaku and Shoukaku: HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO US!!

Jacob: Do what?!

Zuikaku didn't respond, instead, she lifted up her sword and started to slash down at my head. I raised my hands into the air and caught her sword in between my hands.

Jacob: Hold on Zuikaku! What did I say?!

Zuikaku didn't reply and that's when I noticed Shoukaku swinging her sword at me too.

Jacob: *thoughts* Since when in the hell did she have a sword?!

Shoukaku swung her swords down at my head and I moved my hands down Zuikaku's sword, still holding it like before, as Shoukaku's sword landed where my hands where at. Her sword landed on Zuikaku's and now I was having double the force being pushed down on me. Their swords were nearly about to slip from in between my hands when there was the sound of a gunshot. I felt something fly just on the side of my ear and the window behind Zuikaku shattered. Zuikaku and Shoukaku stopped pushing down on me and I turned to look at Belfast, who had her guns aimed at me.

Jacob: Um, Belfast?

Belfast: Master, you haven't done anything inappropriate with these two have you?

Jacob: What?! Of course not! What makes you ask that?!

Shoukaku: You said that you laid us in bed!

Jacob: Yeah and?! What's so bad about that?!

That's when Zuikaku and Shoukaku started pushing down even more.


Jacob: What do you mean?! I'm not a pervert!

Then it finally hit me.

Jacob: *thoughts* Wait. Laid them in bed. Pervert.

My eyes opened wide as I realized what I said.


Zuikaku: It's too late to apologize!

Jacob: I didn't mean it like that! I meant that I took off your coats and put you two in the bed for y'all to sleep and I left! LIKE WHY THE FUCK WOULD I DO THAT TO Y'ALL?!!

I then spent the next hour explaining to them that it was a misunderstanding.

Zuikaku: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to jump the gun.

Jacob: No it's fair that you thought that way. I could have phrased what I said better. I'm sorry.

Belfast: I'm sorry for the way I acted Master.

Jacob: It's cool Belfast. Again, that was kinda my fault.

Zuikaku: So uhh...anyway, you said you wanted me to come with you somewhere?

Jacob: Well, I meant both you and Shoukaku.

Zuikaku: Then where do you want to take us?

Jacob: On a date.

Zuikaku and Shoukaku started to blush again.

Jacob: You know, I'm sorry. I shouldn't joke like that considering what just happened.

Zuikaku: So then, where do you want to take us?

Jacob: Well, I figured that I would show you two around Azur Lane. Kinda like me repaying you for showing me around Sakura Empire. But if you want to think of it as a date you can.

Shoukaku: Do you really want to die?

Jacob: Sorry.

I stood up from the chair and extended my hand out to Zuikaku.

Jacob: Com'on, let me show you around. I think the two of you might find it pretty interesting around here.

End Part 8: Fight or Save?

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