Casualty of Chance

By GhostlyTeaCups

23.6K 467 20

Mckenna Munson was just your ordinary twenty-eight-year-old living up life until her only enemy, an ex-boyfri... More

Author's Note:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Author's Final Note:

Chapter Nine

853 22 0
By GhostlyTeaCups


We finally got to Red Woody and honestly, I was so glad to be back into the swing of things. After having a long conversation with Lyla I was back at work, curling hair of one of the actresses. "I'm so happy you're back Mckenna," the actress spoke admiring my work in the mirror," you actually manage to get my hair to look so healthy and give it a shine." "No problem," I give a warm smile feeling Happy's presence around me. I assumed he was keeping an eye out as I was working which didn't bother me one bit. "Hey turn that track up," I yelled happily humming the tune for "Pour Some Sugar On Me" by Def Leppard. The radio cranks up and I continue to work on some more curls for this actress. "Shake that ass girl," one of the other actresses cheered as I didn't realize my hips were swaying to the beat," come on girl take a break, dance." I looked down at the actress I was working on," go for it girl," she encouraged. I sat my hair curlier down and took the hand of the actress that was cheering me on. Together we danced, our bodies moving together as we giggled and laughed for fun. By the time the song was over with I went back to my work finishing curling hair.

"You know he hasn't stopped watching you," the woman spoke smiling warmly at me," Is he your boyfriend because I have never seen him ignore the other girls like he's done today." I could feel my face blush," I honestly couldn't tell you what we were." It was the honest truth,  I mean the most intimate thing we've done was cuddle. My stomach filled with butterflies thinking about this morning and I knew I shouldn't get ahead. I continue to work on the woman's hair until I was satisfied that it would look good on film. "Thank you, sweetheart," the actress smiles," I look gorgeous now off to the dressing area." Throughout my whole day, I continue to work, styling hair working on makeup doing the best work that I could have possibly done. Lyla seemed pretty pleased by the end of the day and had decided to make me a full-time stylist. I honestly loved working with the people there. It just seemed more home than my little shop that I was struggling as a manager at. I continue working on my last client only to realize that Happy was nowhere to be seen and that Half-Sack was sitting around.

"Where'd Hap go," I was beginning to feel anxious realizing that he was no longer there. He was the only one that knew my secrets besides Kozik and Sloan. "Oh he had some work to do for the club," Half-Sack replies," I was told to make sure you eat something before you go home and to rest as much as you can." I shake my head," even if he's not here he somehow still cares about me," I thought to myself. I finished my last client, immediately I started to clean up gather all my supplies and making sure everything was sanitized. I turned off the station locking up shop before following Sack outside. The night was cool for California, the air was fresh with a chill, "You ready Mckenna," Half-Sack asks already sitting on his bike waiting on me. "Yeah I'm just starving for dinner," I smile taking the helmet that he offered and getting on behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and felt completely nothing. "Maybe," I thought to myself engrossed in my thoughts,"  Happy just has this vibe to him that I'm attractive too."

 Dinner seemed a bit uneventful and it seemed we headed straight over towards the club once it was done. I haven't seen my father in about three days I think and I'm sure he was getting really worried about my wellbeing. I walk in catching the familiar smell of cigarettes and booze it felt almost like home. "Dad," I saw him sitting by the bar with a joint in hand relaxing with a glass of whiskey. "Baby girl," he smiles I embraced him with a hug," I haven't seen you in a few days is everything okay?" "I'm not pregnant if that's what you're asking," I replied grabbing the joint taking a hit, exhaling the smoke," I had a miscarriage," I lied knowing damn well that it was a bald-faced lie. I hated to lie to my father, but this was something super personal for me, it was something I just wasn't comfortable to tell him. "Oh Mckenna," he looks at me with sadness," I'm sorry love, but this could be a blessing. That man you were with was a bastard." "Right," I felt the high as I took my next hit coughing," I don't know dad I just didn't think it was the right moment in time. I mean Warren scares me," I sigh looking at him it was the first real conversation that I had with my father. He nods sliding me a shot glass filling it with whiskey," you might as well have a drink." I took the shot feeling the burn down my throat, fuck weed and alcohol defiantly not a good combo. An hour passed and I was pissed drunk and stoned out of my mind. I suppose this was my latest rebellious phase or maybe I was just going back to old habits.

I decided to lay on the sofa that after stumbling around, my eyes felt heavy and I was drifting slowly to sleep. That's when the nightmares occurred, the flashbacks from the past. It was back when I was with Warren. The lifestyle was rich, I could have had anything that I wanted, but there was something I never got. Love... I was lonely I was pathetic and probably was at my lowest point. I never got that warm loving feeling or the security of a relationship. I wanted Warren to love me like you would love significant others, but unfortunately, that never happened. "Mckenna," a raspy voice interrupting my thoughts I looked up seeing Happy standing there. "Hi," I slurred," I missed you today." He didn't reply much instead picked me up from the sofa. My surroundings begin to swirl as I felt like I was being carried away. "Hap stop," I vomit all over him and myself. I kept puking feeling the burn from the liquor. Happy placed me back onto the ground pulling my hair back so I can continue the embarrassment. "I'm sorry," I started to cry upset for making a total ass out of myself. From what little I remember he lead me to his room, getting half-sack to clean up the puke. He then locked his door placing me in his shower, pulling off my clothes. He then sat me in there, washing my hair and handing me the loofa to wash myself off. He continues to assist helping me out of the shower, drying me off and handing me a t-shirt and my underwear. "Come on," he spoke kissing my forehead," it's bedtime."

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