The Circle (Slashers x Reader)

By Soft_K1tten

74.4K 2.1K 888

Title is obvious so I'mma make this short. "Are you insane to do this doctor?! Thes-these are no ordinary pat... More

Chp. 1
Chp. 2
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Chp. 4
Chp. 5
Chp. 6

Chp. 7

3.6K 140 86
By Soft_K1tten

A/n: I'm actually makin another book you can check out if you're into Samurai Jack


Age: 13

Dinner was quiet.

She preferred it that way as she grew a liking to being alone and quiet.

It was only her and her aunt who were eating a bland tomato lentil soup straight from the can. Her aunt barely bothered to cook. The little girl is currently living with her aunt and her husband after that huge fight with her mom and dad. Gloria is her father's little sister younger by 3 years. The young girl has never heard from or even seen her aunt as her father and sister had a strained relationship. They never got along which turned into a silent relationship later on. They never really had any connection or affection between them.

Hence why her father never mentioned his sister as he saw no point in mentioning her if she won't even talk to him. But after the fight between her mother and father and the neighbor's testimony of recent domestic disputes occurring yearly the court decided that the little girl was in an unsafe environment and removed her from both parents. They were tested to be unfit to raise her so they moved her to the closes relative she had. Her mother was an only child as for her father he had one sister and one older brother who killed himself while she was still a baby.

So they moved her to the countryside where her aunt and her husband lived. Both parents were in jail as of now for domestic abuse, child endangerment, and assault on a cop. They were currently serving 5 to 8 years with parol but losing custody of their daughter until they are seen as fit parents to take care of her again.

This doesn't mean that the girl is in a better place. She hated this place, even more, she couldn't leave. Being in the countryside meant a different school as they were too far from her previous school. They choose to home-school her by giving her a private tutor who was the brother of her aunt's husband. He was a retired psychologist and a professor who agreed to help but he was annoying as hell. He wouldn't stop psycho-analyzing her constantly when she would stay quiet.

She's not even allowed to go outside for more than 10 minutes. Her aunt would not have any neighbors or close friends finding out she's settling down and choosing to raise the child. Even though she's only there to collect money from childcare to have the girl under her roof. Gloria is known to be a party girl and doesn't want her image to be tainted by a worthless brat.

This whole place is a hell hole. Her husband, Ryan, was such a pedophile, it was quite obvious showing that he was 10 years older than his wife. Plus Gloria's childlike personality and recklessness is the most strangest thing to find attractive or hot. Ryan was not here currently as he was out gabbling his ass off. He was the pure definition of a town drunk. He had an obvious beer belly, smells of whiskey or beer, and always seemed to be stumbling side to side all the time.

The little girl sighs in irritation as Alfie is not with her at the moment. Her aunt threatened her that if she saw that toy anywhere near the dinner table she'd rip it apart and throw it down the garbage disposal.  So to keep her mouth shut and her friend protected she leaves him in her room. The cold soup is going mushy as Ryan refuses to turn on the heater saying that it's warm enough inside. Looking over towards her aunt she sees even she refuses to eat the mushy grey-red pool in front of her.

"Fuck you Ryan this is barely even food." She mumbled before standing up.

"You're done eating fatty," Gloria remarked before grabbing her niece's still-full bowl.

She turns toward the sink and throws them not caring if the dishes cracked. She turned back to the undisturbed girl still sitting at the table.

"I'm going outside for a smoke, go to your room, and don't you dare try sneaking out or I will hang you to the wall." Gloria sneered before walking out the side door.

She always had a fake mask on her. She wore it the day she meet her niece, but the young girl saw straight through that thin ugly persona.

Getting up she walked up the splintered stairs and turned left to go to the small door on the left side of the hallway and opened the door to a small room that could be the size of a closet. Smiling a little she saw the familiar friend of hers sitting on the bed waiting for her. Walking over to her friend while closing the door behind her she makes her way to pick up her friend and look out through the small thin window staring out in front of the yard.

She had no complaints about the view it was beautiful because she could see the sunset yet not be put off by the glare it gave. She was content with standing in front of the window. Looking out to the greens of the land, trees, bushes and the grass the young girl appreciated and loved it all. She was even trying to complete the entire landscape by drawing and painting the missing parts on paper and placing it on the same wall where the one window was.

This created a half-completed canvas on her entire wall. Some of the paper was colorful some were just drawn with graphite. But it complimented itself so much that it was like there is no wall.

Sighing peacefully as she heard the door downstairs slam and the drunk footsteps of Ryan stumbling about while Gloria is heard greeting the friends he brought over.

With a small sign and an eye roll, she lay on her small creaky bed. The girl felt fine with her friend Alfred held close in her chest as she drifted off to sleep.



"Alright let's head to the lunch room it's time for dinner everyone." Dr. Willock announced as everyone finally left the rooms and into the hallway.

                     Soon (Y/n) felt someone grabbing her wrists and being pulled to the side. Shocked and filled with a sudden adrenaline she reacted quickly by elbowing the guard who had grabbed her in the face. Hearing a crack the guard let her go as he held his face with blood soon coming out from underneath his guard mask. He let out a painfilled groan causing the Grunts around them to take out their black nightsticks and point them at her; a few even having cattle prods pointed towards her.

"Gentlemen please calm down that was just normal behavior, you did spook her after all Jeremiah." Dr. Willocks calmly as she started at (Y/n) making mental notes.

                     Glaring back unknown to the doctor (Y/n) stood back in place in the line as she held Alfie close to her chest again.

                     During the walk to the cafeteria, it was silent besides the clanging of chains on the ankles of those with the heaviest chains like Jason, Micheal, Thomas, and even Hannibal. Finally making it to the double white doors with two large guards on either side of them. It was different than the first cafeteria (Y/n) was in. When the doors opened it showed a large cafeteria room with steel tables and benches that were all welded into the floors. There were only four tables all facing vertically toward the doors. Dr. Willocks walked in front of them all after everyone was in the room.

"Alright everyone, now for tomorrow's session I will explain more to you about my treatment plans for you-"

"Oh gooooood doc' you sure are a fuckin' tease when it comes to information aren't ya??" Billy groaned as he rolled his head and eyes back dramatically.

"Mr. Loomis do NOT make me give you a warning." Dr. Willock told Billy sternly as she gave him a hard stare.

"OhH nOoOo she's gonna give you detention Billy boy hahaha be careful before she makes you  write 'I still write slasher fanfiction at night before bed on the board ahaha." Chucky mocked as he let out a cackle in between.

"HEY THAT WAS A ONE-TIME THING AND IT WAS STUS NOT MINE!!" Billy shouted out flustered trying to cover up his red face.

"Oh sure, and you didn't write in the bathrooms in the same DAMN red pen 'Ghostface + Jason' above the piss pots." He stared Billy down while raising a deformed brow.

Dr. Willocks cleared her throat with a stern expression on her face. The noise alone made the guards stand up straight before getting closer to the patients to get their attention. It did as well as silencing any further convers-

"You're just jealous you weren't in any of my fanfiction."

"Enough, now please get in line and start your lunch please it's already gotten late and we may have to reschedule your outdoor trip another time." Dr. Willock said as she soon left the doors to observe through the cameras.

The rest of the guards dispersed around the room and kept watch as everyone broke off to get in the cafeteria line. Though (Y/n) soon realized that it was more of a buffet line with the cafeteria attendants being needed to give out the hot meals such as the tomato soup Billy was getting and what looked to either be stew or beans that were being poured into Brahms small bowl.

The smell of fresh warm bread made her mouth water as (Y/n) saw a tray of crisp golden grilled cheese sandwiches on her right and went to snatch the first one after Michael. Though her hand was grabbed by mistake as she pulled the sandwich away from the stranger. Only to see Billy smiling bashfully before grabbing two grilled cheese off the tray.

Looking around more (Y/n) saw not a lot of options but enough to have the best full meal she's had in years. There were bread rolls, some stir-fried vegetables, regular turkey sandwiches, another pot of soup that was potato cheese, and for some reason a huge tray of tortilla chips. Picking out to her stomach's desire she was finishing up by finally deciding which soup was calling to (Y/n) to devour.

Until she was caged between two red and green striped arms. Turning around without an exasperated sigh (Y/n) looked to see this walking Christmas tree wearing the hospital's off-white jumpsuit over his sweater. Honestly, she had an urge to ask if he was burning up under it.

Freddy stared her down seeming lost in thought before speaking with a very serious tone.

"You must be the best thing to ever crawl out of hell- AH!" Freddy was zapped before being pulled away from (Y/n) by a guard.

He was soon tossed to the end of the line and made to sit down until everyone sat down. "That's what you honestly get for stupid shit like that," Chucky remarked after he was handed his full tray before biting into a random bread roll.

"Hey nutcase don't tell me you're mute too, it's a waste of... whatever is underneath that mop." He remarked pointing at (Y/n)'s messy hair, "eh I bet you you're another one of those mute fuckers that always thinks no one is worth their time and have their heads so far up their ass-"

"H-h-hey... (Y-Y-Y/n) wo-ou-ould y-you.. w-wa-ant to hav-ve... lunch w-w-with me, B-Bra-ahms, a-and Th-Thomas?" Norman asked standing next to (Y/n) with his full tray in hand.

".. s-Sure, thank you Norman." (Y/n)'s groggy and very sore voice pushed out as she looked up at him.

Least to say Chucky nearly swung when Billy couldn't stop laughing....


A/n: lol I never went to therapy and it got worse but ngl I'm into cannabis right now and its helped pretty well so far and obviously don't use or abuse drugs and I'm 21 so yeah.

As for the story im gonna try my best to keep updating it but tbh with everything else I might post updates around October cause that brings the better ideas out.

Also I may do a oneshot book I say that rn cause it will probably include some slasher so yeah. Take care of ya selves.~

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