Sean and Kaycee || Oneshots

By seayceeforlife

34.7K 982 464

Random oneshots that jump into my head probably when I'm in the shower or listening to music at 2 a.m. I love... More

The Debt
Always my first priority
The Debt - 2
The First Time
It's a date
Just a thought
The Odd Couple
You're my home
Blue tings 💦
The Gift
Silent Treatment

Mom and Dad

3.3K 92 19
By seayceeforlife

Sean's POV

"And please welcome Sean and Kaycee!"

The crowd hooted and we climbed on the stage with big smiles on our face and our hearts full from the support we received in this weekend. We awkwardly waved at the audience, all the while laughing which made audience laugh too.

"So Sean and Kaycee are y'all ready for the meet and greet?"

Me and Kaycee nodded our heads and I said, "Let's gooo."

Me and Kaycee taught this weekend at the Xtreme dance studio for the second time. It felt so good to come back here to teach a partner class when this was the place where we had our first collaboration. I would never grow tired of teaching with Kaycee. It's exhilarating. It's something I don't feel with anyone.

"Oh my God! I can't believe I'm finally meeting you guys. I've been following you for two years. Never thought I would get to meet you guys."

I grinned at the girl, brushing off the compliments while Kaycee was blushing.

One of my favourite sights of Kaycee.

"Can I take a picture, please?"

"Of course you can." Kaycee said with a smile. I smiled at her. We took some pictures with her and she stopped at looked at us.

"Ummmm.. I wanted another picture that's.... you know..." And she waved her arms a bit.

I understood immediately and nodded. Kaycee gave me a blank stare though. I nodded my head at her and wiggled my eyebrows and she understood and smiled. Freakishly connected after all.

The girl came back and her friend said, "Ready?"

As soon as I heard that, I went into a woah, the girl had the victory signs on both her hands and Kaycee crossed her hands and pouted. We burst into laughter as she clicked the photo.

"It was amazing meeting y'all. I fulfilled my life's wish."

She hugged both of us again and waved us goodbye.

We meet so many wonderful people who support us, who share our passion and even people who were there, supporting their dear ones.

Soon enough, a lady approached us. We smiled at her and she smiled at us sheepishly.

"I have a small fan here who wants to meet you guys."

A small girl, about four years old, came toddling at us from behind.

I could literally feel Kaycee melt beside but I know she's a softie when it comes to kids. My heart melted when I saw her waddling towards Kaycee, eyes full of adoration.

The girl stopped right in front of her and spread her arms towards her, telling her to pick her. The whole room awwed and honestly my heart did a jump when I saw Kaycee pick the little girl up. The little girl looked so content and proceeded to lay her small head on her shoulder and wrapping her arms around her. Kaycee gave me one of her blinding smiles that could honestly give vision to a blind person and my heart swelled.

There was something about seeing Kaycee with a child in her arms that made my stomach flip around.

"What's your name?" Kaycee in a soft voice filled with affection.

The child did not answer.

"Her name's Catherine. Or you can call her Cath." Her mother answered when the child showed no intention of saying anything.

Suddenly she jerked up straight, startling Kaycee. She turned her body around searching for someone, her eyes finally landing on me. She then extended her arms towards me and leaned forwards.

A smile adorned my face and I probably looked borderline creepy with my huge smile but Catherine started giggling when I took her and it was so alike Kaycee's, that my heart did an aerial. She laid her little head on my shoulder and I swear to God I melted on the spot. I looked over to Kaycee and her eyes were twinkling.

"She's a huge fan. Don't go on her size. She's captivated by y'all and watches your videos day and night and often I catch her imitating them even though she's just four. She can't attend a dance class but when I got to know you guys were coming here, I knew I had to bring her here, just to watch." Her mother told us and I'm sure our jaws were touching the floor. "She even refuses to eat until and unless she is watching your videos while eating."

My heart lurched at her mother's words. And I was pretty sure that Kaycee had already melted into a puddle of goo beside me.

Her father then said, "Cath, look up. We are going to take a picture."

Immediately Catherine looked up and started wiggling in my arms as if saying she wanted to go down. I carefully put her down and she took quick steps to reach in between me and Kaycee and quietly took our hands in both of her hands.

Both Kaycee and me were following her movements and when she caught our hands we looked up and our eyes meet. I could feel the happiness radiating off her and me.

We both heard a click and looked in front. Both of us smiled into the camera and there was another click.

There was a tugging on our hands and I looked down to see Catherine quietly telling us to kneel down with her eyes. We both kneeled down and I was startled when I felt her small lips on my cheek. My eyes widened and I could feel my heart dancing in my chest with stilettos. She proceeded to kiss Kaycee on the cheek too and I swear I've never seen Kaycee glowing this much before and she literally glows all the time.

Then without a word she walked over to her mother and stretched her arms out. Her mother picked her up and before they walked away she turned back and waved her tiny hand at us with a blinding smile. We both waved back with equally bright smiles.

After she was out of our sight, I turned to look at Kaycee only to see her already looking at me. Even without words, I could tell that this affected her as much as it did to me. Freakishly connected after all part 635.

The girl didn't say anything. Yet she affected us more than anyone else.


Later that day, after the meet and greet were over, we walked over to our car. I could hear our mothers chatting animatedly about how it was a success and honestly I couldn't agree more. We were exhausted so we didn't talk much but the silence wasn't uncomfortable. It was peaceful and satisfying.

Laura got in the driver's seat and my mom beside her, while we got inside at the back. We rented a car for a few days since there was not point calling an Uber day and night. Kaycee was in the middle while Kylie and me were in the window seats.

Our mother fell into an easy conversation and Kylie put in her headphones and was soon in another world. After settling our bags at the back I turned over to Kaycee. She looked thoughtful yet peaceful. I poked her forearm.


"I can hear your brain buzzing from over here."

"I'm thinking."

"No way! I would've never guessed."

She gave me an exasperated look and shook her head saying she was not in the mood. I understood she was still thinking about that.

"Thinking about Catherine?"

Kaycee didn't even look surprised. After all these years, we're used to reading each other's minds. She didn't answer but I didn't need one.
I quietly took her hand and interwined my fingers with hers and she laid her head on my shoulder.

After all these years, we didn't need words to express how we feel. After all these years, -the spark, the chemistry, the emotion- was still there.

"I can't wait." I whispered.

After all these years, I was used to not getting a reply. After all she hardly reciprocates. Not because she doesn't feel the same way but because I'm the showy one.

Which is why, she surprised me when she whispered, "Me too." and gave my hand a squeeze.

I think my universe just got even bigger.

Just so you know they are in their mid twenties in this one.....

I honestly have no idea where this came from. I might have seen a few baby videos and poof! Here we are. Tell me if you want more cause I have a few pre-written. Also you are free to message me or comment down your ideas you want to see.

Peace out *Sean's style*

Woah *Kaycee's style*

Bye 💜

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