More Than A Servant

By MaddyLib_21

247K 6.6K 882

*Starts out in the same timeline as Servant Of Two Masters* Merlin and the Knights are out on a trip, when th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The End...ish
Gwen and Morgana
A Ban Lifted
A Day to Remember
Wedding Bells
Years Later...

Chapter 21

6.5K 197 15
By MaddyLib_21

Arthur can't believe it. Merlin is a sorcerer. Merlin betrayed him. By the looks of it he's in league with Morgana. What has he been doing all this time? Trying to gain Arthur's trust only to kill him later? Arthur is fuming. One can practically see the anger radiating off him.

"Arthur..." Gwen starts, "calm down. We don't know everything right now."

"Well I intend to find out," he says as he stands up and pulls out his sword.

"No... Arthur!"

It's too late. He's already walking into the clearing. Gwen follows hoping to stop him before he does something stupid.

Merlin and Morgana are sitting in the field unaware of anyone surrounding them. Morgana is the first to look up and see Arthur coming toward them, sword drawn. Instinctively she jumps up and gets ready to fight. She holds her hand in front of her in an offensive position.

Merlin, on the other hand, looked relieved at first.

"Arthur!" He calls out, happy to see him.

"I'll deal with you later," Arthur says to him angrily.

Merlin looks at him confused for a second, but then he remembers what he was just doing. Oh crap... Arthur knows. Meanwhile, Morgana is still on guard looking like she will attack at any second. Merlin looks around and sees that four other knights are also starting to sneak up on her, waiting to strike.

"One more step and you'll regret it," she says to Arthur.

"Trust me, I think that would be the least of my regrets right now." He starts to advance.

Merlin's mind starts racing. He has to somehow get Morgana and the knights out of harms way, and hopefully not die trying. Only one solution comes to mind, but he knows Morgana won't like it. At this point though it doesn't really matter what Morgana wants. His eyes flash gold, and Morgana passes out. Merlin runs up to catch her before she hits the ground, and lays her in the grass. Arthur just stares at Morgana for a second in shock, until he realizes that she's just asleep. Then he points his sword straight at Merlin's chest.


"Woah, mate!"

"Just hold on a second..."

"Silence!" Arthur shouts at the knights and Guinevere.
"You!" He shouts at Merlin, "you're a sorcerer!"

"Yes..." Merlin responds quietly. His eyes are wide and filled with tears. He's trembling.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't run you through right now!"

"Arthur don't-" Gwen cries.

Merlin puts a shaky hand up to stop her. He needs to explain.

"Arthur... I'm your friend-"

Arthur laughs bitterly.
"Friend? Is that why you betrayed me? Ran off to Morgana to join her?"

Merlin's eyes widen.
"It's not what it looks like-"

"Really? Because it looks like you and Morgana were just having a moment and you have been keeping your magic from me for the past six years."
Arthur starts advancing on Merlin and Merlin backs up, terrified.
"I trusted you! You betrayed me and your kingdom. That is treason!"

Merlin trips over a branch so he's lying flat on his back watching Arthur advance on him. Merlin is almost sure that his life is over when-

"Stop!" Gwen jumps in between them.

"Guinevere, what are you doing?" Arthur demands.

"Stopping you from doing something you'll  regret. Arthur, you have to hear him out. Just breathe for a second and think about what you're doing."

Arthur stops in his tracks. He breathes. He almost killed Merlin. He almost killed his best friend out of anger. Arthur is still furious with Merlin, but at least now he's thinking clearly.

"Tie them up," Arthur commands his knights.
"They're coming back to Camelot with us where Merlin will explain everything."

Merlin's breathes a sigh of relief. Although he's disappointed that Arthur is about to take him captive, at least he's not dead. And neither is Morgana.

"Umm... sire?" Elyan questions.


"We found these manacles and keys sitting by the edge of the forest."

Merlin's eyes widen in horror. He can't have the cuffs on again. He'll be nearly dead before he even gets a chance to explain. Arthur sees Merlin's terrified expression, grabs the manacles, and walks over to Merlin.

"What are these?" He demands.

"They- Umm- they're magic blocking handcuffs. Morgana used them on me..."

Arthur looks between Merlin and Morgana, deciding who to use the handcuffs on.

"Arthur..." Arthur looks up at Merlin, "I have always been loyal to you. I have never betrayed you. Morgana had me tied up and in chains for over a week, you have to believe me. Please just tie me up and put a guard on me, but don't make me wear those."

Arthur looks at Merlin's pleading eyes. He's literally shaking.

"Why shouldn't I? So you can escape?"

"Because I'll die!" Merlin shouts.

Arthur is taken aback by this answer. Despite Merlin's betrayal and Arthur's previous outburst he doesn't want Merlin to die. He walks over and puts the handcuffs on Morgana and signals Percival to tie Merlin up. Percival gives Merlin an apologetic look as he ties Merlin's wrists together.

"Let's move. We have a lot of ground to cover. Especially with two prisoners."

"Arthur, is this really necessary-" Gwaine starts.

"I said, let's move."

They all start walking toward the edge of the clearing when Merlin remembers, he can't leave. There a wall around the clearing that he can't pass through. As they're nearing the edge Merlin stops.


"What?" He said harshly.

"I can't leave."

"What do you mean you can't leave?"

"I mean this clearing has a force field around it, only for me. I can't pass through it and neither can my magic. Look," he walks up to the barrier and pushes on it, "see?"

"Well how can we break through this barrier?"

"Only Morgana can." Merlin nods at her sleeping form.

Arthur gives an irritated look. Then he passes through the barrier, faces Merlin and sits down.

"Right. Well since the only thing we can do right now is wait, you get to start explaining. I assume she'll be out for a while?"

"A couple hours at least."

"Great. Well start talking."

Merlin looks Arthur in the eyes. He takes a deep calming breath.

"Okay then. Here goes nothing."

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