SLS#11# Mist Beneath October...

By HiddenInTheEpic

126K 9.1K 1.3K

October Breeze was just blowing and four different person was trying to drag their lives ahead. Broken, messe... More

Broken Souls
Totally Messed
Time For Action
Good Sign
Right About Them
Contact Lenses
Last Breath
Wastage Of Time
Get Rid Of Him
Fed Up
Spoil The Mood
Perfect Love Story
Rock It
Other Story
Cute Attempt
Move On
My Life
The Unknown Lady
Suspicious Behavior
New Drama
Negative Vibe
Hope Of Life
Sorry For Them
Mental Asylum
A Date
Beautiful Moment
Weird Things
Like Brother Like Sister
Source Of Strength
New Disaster
Crazy Girl
Messing Up
Worst Wrath
Everything Is Fair
Very Soon
Wrong Decision
Comfort Zone
Second Chance
Such A Kid!!!
What Is He Up To?!
Topic Sealed
Worst Feeling
His Wife
Long Story
Heart Full Of Darkness
Wait And Watch
Another Way
Big Question
Pay Back
Plan B
The Baby
Beautiful Feeling
God Knows!!!
Crazy Guy
Enough For Me
Baby Northscott
Other Way Around
Truth Is Bitter
Completely Messed Up
Hardest Decision
The Lost Baby
Disaster And Destruction
Divert His Mind
Nice Way
Hope And Happiness
Blacked Out
Scariest Thing
The Best Choice
Can't Be Expressed
Beautiful Soul
Literally Nothing
Cast Analysis
Cast Analysis
Cast Analysis
Cast Analysis

Weird People

1.2K 79 2
By HiddenInTheEpic

Noryn's POV

" What the f, dude!!!" I said to Dean.

" I don't know what's wrong but I think there's something wrong." He said to me and I sighed deeply.

" What do you think it is?" I asked him but he couldn't say anything.

" What's wrong, dude?" Hugh asked us as he entered my cabin.

" The employees are leaving their jobs. I don't know what's wrong here." I said to him.

" How many are left?" He asked me.

" Seven." I said to him. " But I am sure they are going to leave as well."

" But what's wrong? Did you talk to them?" He asked me and I looked at Dean.

" I talked with Nevin. He was saying that he got a job in another company which is paying him thrice. So, he has left." Dean said.

" What about the others?" Hugh asked him.

" Not sure, Dude." He said to him and I sighed.

" What is that can be which has spoiled the whole thing like that?" Hugh asked. I shrugged having no clue about that.

" Should we talk to Mr. Campbell?" Dean asked us.

" No, not yet. I will talk to Finn. It is not that serious issue to talk to Mr. Campbell. Trust me." Hugh said and I nodded. " He has other things to do as well. We just shouldn't bother him for this." He said and I sighed.

Glitz and glitters our fashion house is one of the most famous brand in Australia. It came to the place where it is now by the hard works of many people who worked to devotedly for the company. It is very memorable for Campbell family as well. I heard Stella came here to be a model for the brand when there was a big mess here. After Stella's incident the authority became very strict about appointing someone. But as I can see these days the employees are resigning without giving an excuse which is very surprising for both me and my friends. I think we have to take a step soon otherwise everything will turn worst. Cause their is a big deal coming soon. We are stuck here with this big drama.

" What are you thinking about?" Dean asked me.

" The designing section is empty. We don't have a single person to continue the works. What should we do now?" I asked them.

" Look, guys. I have a recommendation. But I don't know if she is already engaged with some other company or not." Hugh said.

" Whom are you talking about?" I asked him.

" Meryl Hill." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" She said that she got a new job a few days back. Will she leave her job for us?" I asked him.

" At least we can ask her. We are drowning, Dude. Even if she can't join us she at least can suggest us about someone. She must have some friends who can help us." Dean said.

" Ok, let's talk to Finn and then talk to Meryl. We shouldn't left any chance that can save us from getting destroyed." Hugh said.

" I can understand that." I said to them. " Guys, we have to try our best. If we lose then numbers of people will lose their job and livelihood." I said to them. He sighed.

" I believe that Campbells will do something for that disaster but we shouldn't let that disaster come. We have to take steps to stop it." Hugh said.

" So, what will we do now? What's the plan?" Dean asked me.

" You go talk to the production house. Nora, you fix a meeting with the fiance department. I will go and talk to Finn. Inform me when the meeting is fixed, Nora." Hugh said and I nodded.

I came out of my car and fixed the meeting with the finance department. It was a long day for all of us. I was hell tired. I needed to go home and sleep. My eyes were begging to shut down for at least 6 to 7 hours.

I went back to my apartment and took a long shower. I didn't have enough energy to cook dinner for myself. I took my phone and dialled the number of the restaurant nearby. I go there with Hugh and Dean often. I love their food. It's delicious and healthy as well. That healthy word reminded me the thought of working out it continuously dropping for the stress of works these days. I don't find enough strength in me after the office and there is no chance to do it in the morning before office.

I think I need to fix my time for that soon. Otherwise I will turn into a panda soon. So, I need to sacrifice my beauty sleep for awhile to keep myself fit and healthy. I know that remains till the planning all the time. But I determined myself that I will do that this time. I was thinking about my working out plans when my phone started to ring. I checked it was my brother Norman. I sighed deeply before picking it up.

" Hello!!" I said.

" Nora, where are you?" He asked me.

" Home. Why?" I asked him.

" I need some money. Can you send it to me tomorrow morning?" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" I haven't gotten my salary yet." I said to him.

" It's a bit important." He said.

" I send you money last week as well. What happened to that?!" I asked him.

" It's.. I needed it for some other thing." He said and I gritted.

" I don't have a treasure, Norman, neither I own a fortune. I get a fixed salary. And I can't keep sending you money every now and then. It's high time you should start to learn how to save money and use them in the best way possible." I said to him.

" The last word is you will not send me money, that's it?" He asked me.

" Should I beg on the street to fulfill your demands, Norman? I am a limited income person. You need to understand that. " I said to him.

" Ok. I understand that." He said and hung up. I sighed deeply.

I need to talk to his mom. It can't be going like this. He will go out of control if he is not told the right thing to do right now. The doorbell rang and  I sighed before standing up and walking towards the door. I opened the door and found the delivery boy. I paid the bill.

" But I didn't order all these things." I said to him.

" Ma'am, it's gift for you. You are our regular customer." He said and I chuckled.

" People gifts flowers, chocolates and other things to each other. I never saw people gifting chicken, carrots, tomatoes, cucumber, olives, lattice, cheese, mayonnaise as a gift." I said.

" Didn't get you, ma'am." He said.

" This extra dishes and the salad." I said to him. He chuckled a bit.

" Ma'am, I was just ordered to bring them." He said.

" Ok, thanks for the gift which is definitely weird but say thanks to your boss." I said to him.

" Sure, ma'am. Enjoy your meal. Goodnight." He said and left.

I chuckled. Weird people all around.

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