Shaped Me

By SincerelyShomal

21.3K 1.2K 178

"Is this always how it's going to be?" There it was the question we each longed to ask but refused to voice... More

One Kid
Clue, Clue
Junior Year
Drop It
Hands to Myself
Snowball Fight
Mr. Silently Sexy
Teach You
Question It
Are You Okay?
Truth Be Told
I Live with Children
Video Game
You're Weird
Eat the Gummy Bear
Kill Me
Double Trouble

Watch Yourself

969 59 4
By SincerelyShomal

Chapter Eight: Manny

Gym class will always be punishment in my opinion. Apparently our school has decided to make numerous changed throughout the summer. Change number one, new gym uniforms. Gym Suits. Our principal felt as though bringing them would lessen bullying throughout our school. Truthfully we all looked terrible in the old gym uniforms and now we are all looking worse in the orange jumpsuit. The color is fitting because this is a prison.

"Who voted on this ?" Beth said pulling up the zipper on her jumpsuit. The shorts appearing even shorter on her. "I'm pretty damn naked."

Zipping up my own prison wear I try to pull the shorts down while simultaneously pulling the shirt part up.

" What size is this?"

" Size malibu barbie." As if gym class is not bad enough now I'm going to be running around like an Oompa Loompa in jail. I thought when I was making my schedule with Miss. Thorne last year that I chose the most painless gym class. One of the perks of junior year is that we didn't have to take a general gym class. Well, now I am certain that nothing about this class is going to be painless.

    "Okay, ladies! We are going to be learning the basics of yoga." Mrs. Santos spoke. How come she gets to wear leggings? Can I wear leggings " Let's start learning some basic poses."

    "Manny remind me to kill you when I'm back in my own clothes."

    "I'll love you forever Beth."

    Luckily since it's the first day she didn't have us do too much and within thirty minutes we were out of the suits and back in our own clothes. Today has been nothing short of strange and I have a feeling the next few days are going to be the same. Everywhere you turn there are new faces or people you don't know, which is weird considering half of these people have been in the same school since kindergarten. With Woodside being a town over, They are technically new. Navigating the school with so many people in it has proven to be more annoying than usual.

    "Have you heard?"

    "Beth I can guarantee you I haven't." Currently pushing our way through the crowd of girls who don't seem to want to leave the locker room. The obnoxious smell of perfume and sweat floating through the air can give anyone a headache. "You and Lex are the only people I actually talk to."

"I keep telling you, all of that can change if you would just stop being so shy."

"Not shy, just kind of anti-social."

"Well, we're going to change that too."

"Ignoring that. What did you want to know if I heard."

Switching out my books for the rest of the day and grabbing my gym bag I lock the hot pink lock. Looking around I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me, but the full hallway makes it difficult to pinpoint a person. Shifting my weight from one foot to the other I try to shake the feeling.

"They're making everyone retry out for our teams in order to fairly incorporate Woodside's students."

"What do you mean retry?"

"You heard me. So I hope you have a routine prepared."

    "I'm already over this and them." Slam. The locker next to me closes with more force than necessary pulling Beth and me out of our conversation.

    "What did you say?" The question directed at me caught me off guard as she stared back at me. Dark eyes focused on me almost completely throws me off my train of thought. The girl standing in front of me has to have been the inspiration for Wonder Woman. I'm almost positive she can see the top of my head without having to adjust her position.

    "I'm already over this and them," I repeat before realizing the words are coming out of my mouth. Tugging at the strap of my backpack Beth eyes me cautiously as though telling me to back down. Maybe my emergency alarm is broken but none of my bells are going off right now. Maybe I should have just shut up. Maybe I should have taken Nile up on his offers to go to the gym with him this summer. Her eyes darken a bit as she continues to look down at me. Am I really looking up to this girl right now? I blame my mother for me not being at least two inches taller. Not that it was going to serve me well in this situation. 

    "Listen." Does she chew nails for fun? Why does she sound like that? "We didn't want to come to your stupid school in the first place but here we are."

    "Okay." Manny shut up. Where are my alarms? Or the damn angel on my shoulder that is supposed to stop me from doing dumb and potentially harmful things? Taking a step closer to me clears her throat.

    "Watch yourself." Shoulder checking me she walks away luckily before I can say anything more stupid. What the hell did I just do? Oh, there goes my alarms just a little too late. Beth and I watch as she and the girls standing with her disappear down the hall before either of us takes a breath.


    "I don't know. I don't know."

    "What happened to you not being confrontational?"

    " Good question." So far junior year you are not living up to my expectations in the slightest. All of my classes pretty much sucks and now I have an enemy? I think. Hopefully, practice is going to go better than the rest of the day but if Beth is right about new tryouts then it's probably going to be the same. With my gym bag in hand and the rest of my classes outdone for the day I head to the gym alone. Maybe I need to make more friends this year. Most of my classes minus gym are by myself and I spent most of today alone. I have not felt this lonely since my actual first day at this school.

A couple of the girls smiled my way and I'm thankful to see some familiar faces. However, the number of new faces is hard to ignore. Our dance team only has about twelve spots and right now there are definitely more than thirty girls in the room.

"You heard?" Janet a sophomore asked taking a spot next to me. Nodding my head already knowing she's talking about the tryouts. I listen as she continues to tell me about everything that is happening with the dance team. According to her, every spot is up for grabs. At the end of last year, there were only four spots open because our seniors graduated. Marissa, the captain, was one of them. So almost everyone, minus me, was vying for the spot of captain. Now nothing is guaranteed.

Mrs. Santos is the faculty advisor for the dance team this year as well. The busty woman is more energetic than anyone of us knows how to handle. Currently, she is going through the roster of everyone who signed in. Those of us who were on the team are already dressed in the workout uniform we were given last year, training shorts and a team t-shirt. What everyone is wearing lets you know where they fall. Girls who were on the team at Irishsmith having on their workout gear, Woodside girls have on their gear and those who were on neither team have on plain workout clothes. The tension in the room is almost palpable. Woodside on one side, Irishsmith on the other and everyone else straddling the invisible line in the middle.

"Got a hair tie?" Janet asked finishing up her stretches. I wonder if we're actually going to do anything today besides talk. That is all today has been awkward "introduce yourself "moments and teachers droning on about their expectations. Handing her the hair tie I fight the urge to remind her to give it back to me at the end of the night. I'm a bit particular about my stuff but would prefer not to be looked at like a weirdo.

" Thanks. Look it's Kennedy." Following her finger I see Wonder Woman walk into the gym. Her already intense features only seem to intensify as she sizes up the room. Her eyes roaming warily from side to side. Can someone make you feel like a peasant with just one look?

"Who is she?"

"She was the captain of Woodside's dance team. She's supposed to be really good at least that's what I heard."

"From who?"

"Some of the girls were talking in the locker room." Parting to make a space for Kennedy the Woodside girls all looked equally in awe and afraid.

" Alright, girls I am so excited for this season! We are going to do amazing. Plus something new for the team this year is that we're not only doing a winter showcase but we'll be doing a spring one as well. Also, we are going to be competing this year." Mrs. Santos all but jumped around as she spoke. Her dark hair pulled out of her space as she spoke. Clipboard clutched firmly in hand and a whistle around her neck she smiled at us almost unnaturally. No one should be this excited about anything.

"As many of you are aware we have twelve spots and there are definitely more than twelve of you in here. So we will be hosting tryouts. The first round of tryouts will be this Friday. You are expected to choreograph a two-minute piece and myself alongside two other individuals will make the first round of cuts. Then we will teach a group dance and make final cuts after that. Fun right?" I pray she takes the awkward silence in the room for what it is and just continues.

"Come on you guys get excited." Guess Not.

To appease her some of the girls let out a sympathetic cheer. The room quickly fell silent again. Everyone seemingly overthinking the words she just said. Yet another thing that did not live up to my expectations. Just thinking about trying out again is making my palm sweat. Wiping them on my shorts I try not to let the nerves show.

"Since we are all here how about we start some conditioning now? Yeah!" Yeah if she's going to be this energetic every practice I don't think I  can do it. Writing on the roll away whiteboard she gave us instructions for the thirty-minute workout.

" Do each set for seven minutes. Rest for two. Come on ladies let's do this!"

"What did she put in her coffee this morning?" Janet whispered.

"Crack" A girl answered loud enough for the people around us to hear. Laughing we all got into sit-up positions.

"Yes! That's the spirit ladies!" Clapping Mrs. Santos walked throughout the room.


Dead is an understatement for what I am right now. Each of my nonexistent muscles is screaming and I am positive getting off this ground is going to be harder than I want it to be. Janet is completely sprawled out next to me the only sign that either of us is alive is the heavy rise and fall of our chest. Mrs. Santos is currently trying to have us finish up with stretches that no one but Kennedy is doing. She was the first to make it through each of the workouts and happens the be the only person whose heart doesn't seem to be trying to find it's rightful place. Told you, Wonder Woman.

"That's it for today, you're dismissed." The calmest words to escape her mouth all day.

"I'll help you up if you help me up," Janet said no moving.

"My heart is still trying to find it's correct rhythm. I'll let you know when it's beating again." We stayed on the floor for five extra minutes before deciding to leave before Mrs. Santos got any more ideas.

"I really hope that's not how every practice is going to go. If so I think I'm going to die." Following Janet out of the gym, I try to avoid Wonder Woman who is currently laughing with Mrs. Santos. I swear on all that is good and holy that if she becomes captain I'm going to lose my mind. "Hey, you got a visitor." Pointing behind me she bumps my shoulder before winking and walking away.

"Hey, Curly Sue." Leaning against the wall Nile stood looking at me. His eyes low and focused. I can't read his face and his hands are resting at his side. I haven't seen him since this morning and for the first time, I'm actually looking at him. The dark jeans still look as good as the day he tried them on. Uncle Mike surprised Nile by giving him money to go school shopping. The look on Nile's face that day could break anyone's heart. He tried to give the money back something about Uncle Mike already doing too much for him. "You just going to stare at me or are we going head home?"

"Huh?" Hearing is hard as all my muscles scream at me. His eyes are still low and focused as he takes closer steps to me. Thank God because I don't think my body is listening to me anymore.

"You still mad at me?"

"I don't know." The only thing I am certain of is that my bed and I need to become reacquainted quickly. "Probably but everything hurts and I can't feel my feet."

Leaning forward I rest my head on his chest. I can feel his chest vibrate as he laughs at my expense. But right now I don't care. His close proximity and uniquely Nile smell calm me almost instantly. His arms are still at his side.

"Why aren't you hugging me?" Again his chest vibrates shaking my head with it.

"Because sweetheart." He kisses the top of my head lightly before slipping my gym bag off of my shoulder. Pulling away from me he turns so his back is facing me. "I'm positive you're a few seconds away from falling asleep and I'd rather you not sleep standing up. Hop on."

Standing there looking at his back I fight all the thoughts that fill my mind. Where is my shoulder angel? The demon is definitely winning today. The fitted shirt is another welcome change to Nile's wardrobe.

"I'm just trying to get you home."

"I know but everything hurts and jumping is a lot of effort." Again laughter. Push him. Quiet shoulder demon.

"Come on one last bit of energy and then home free." Home free. I like the sound of that. Jumping up on his back I ignore my protesting legs. Squeezing my thighs lightly he pushes me up a bit more before grabbing both of our bags. Holding onto him I rest my head on his shoulder. Comfortable. Laundry detergent and Nile has to be my favorite scent. Nile has a small birthmark on the side of his neck it's faded but right now it's right in front of my face. Without thinking I kiss it lightly before closing my eyes and enjoying the ride.

"You're going to be the death of me Curly Sue.

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