The Surgeon

By francisxyzk

6M 119K 63.3K

"He took me to a place that reeked of old age and secrets." More

The Surgeon
The Surgeon 2
The Surgeon 3
The surgeon 4
The Surgeon 5
The Surgeon 6
The Surgeon 7
The Surgeon 8
The Surgeon 9
The Surgeon 10
The Surgeon 11
The Surgeon 12
The Surgeon 13
The surgeon 14
The Surgeon 15
The Surgeon 16
The Surgeon 17
The Surgeon 18
The Surgeon 19
The Surgeon 20
The Surgeon 21
The Surgeon 22
The Surgeon 23
The Surgeon 24
The Surgeon 25
The Surgeon 26
The Surgeon 27
The Surgeon 28
The surgeon 29
The surgeon 30
The Surgeon 31
The surgeon 32
The Surgeon 33
The surgeon 34
The surgeon 35
The Surgeon 36
The Surgeon 37
The Surgeon 38
The Surgeon 39
The Surgeon 40a and b
The surgeon: Epilogue
The Surgeon: A Prequel
The Surgeon sequel - The Twins: Part1
The surgeon sequel - The Twins: Part 2
The Surgeon sequel - The Twins:Part 3
The Surgeon sequel - The Twins: Part 4
The Surgeon sequel - The Twins: Part 5
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 6
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 8
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 9
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins Part:10
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part.11
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins Part 12
The Surgeon sequel - The Twins: Part 13
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 14
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 15
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins Part 16
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 17
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 18
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 19
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 20
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 21
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 22
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 23
The Surgeon Sequel: The Twins - Part 24
The Surgeon sequel - The Twins: Part 25
The Surgeon Sequel: The Twins - Part 26
The Surgeon Sequel: The Twins: Part 27
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 28
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 29
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 30
The surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 31
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 32
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 33
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 34
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 35
The surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 36
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 37
The Surgeon Sequel: The Twins - Part 38
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 39
The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 40
The Twins: The Epilogue
The 3rd book in The Surgeon Series: THE LADY
An introduction to The Lady, From Kade.
A message from Kelly
A Message from Troy
A message from Little Kelvin
A message from Kade and Kelly's mom
Mom: The back story. 1
Mom: The back story. 2
The Surgeon: Campaign
The Surgeon: A message from Tanya
A brief message from Tanya
A few words from Kelly
The Surgeon #RealLifeMonsters.1
The Surgeon #RealLifeMonsters.2
The Surgeon #RealLifeMonsters.3
The Surgeon #RealLifeMonsters.4
Update from Tanya

The Surgeon Sequel - The Twins: Part 7

28K 864 383
By francisxyzk

The dark shadows continue to move forward, following Kade. I can just make out their shape; they’re most definitely human, clad in hooded black robes, which afford them a sinister camouflage within the forest.

“Kade – be on guard, there are people following you,” I shout. He stops and grapples his disabling device from his pocket. The figures stop with him – watching.

I pick up my pace and catch up with him. I’m charged up and ready to use all I’ve got to defend ourselves from what I assume are The Twin’s disciples.

But it’s not the shadowy shapes that smack us first, it’s Kelly’s harsh words, “Oh here they come, my other brother and the thing he calls his soul mate.” She glares at me, with a rage in her eyes I’ve never seen before.

My unease is compounded by the fact that I can hear what sounds like giggling coming from the forest. I listen intently and can definitely hear a muffled, low level laughing.

I remain hyper focused on the forest and my friends.

Troy wipes Kelly’s spittle from his face and turns to attend to baby Belinda. Kelly erupts again, “Don’t you turn your back on me,” she shouts, slamming her fist into the middle of his back. He’s winded but his instinct is to protect the crying baby in his arms.

Kade and I exchange worried glances as the sinister laughing from the forest increases in volume.

I pull open the door of our vehicle as Kade grabs Kelly’s arm, “I don’t know what’s got into you, but you’ve crossed a line, sis,” he says, pushing her toward the open door.

Suddenly, with an alarming strength – Kelly’s fist smacks Kade square in the face and I hear a sharp cracking sound.

WTF – loud laughter and applause emanate from the forest and Kelly beams a smile as she turns to me, “He doesn’t love you. No, he feels sorry for you. He’s taken pity on you. My brother’s too nice to tell you the truth, so let me spill it – he thinks you’re a total freak a thing an it. Do the right thing – let him go so he can find a real girl.” I’m stunned by the hate in her words.

Kade grabs my hand and muffles through the hand that covers his face, “Don’t listen to her…”

…When Kelly swings her leg back to kick him, I grab it and slam my Disabling Device into her thigh, giving her the full dose.

She throws her fist back, but the sedative kicks in fast. Her smack on my face is like being hit by a wet lettuce – limp.

When I see her wobble, I gather all my strength and throw her into the back seat.

Back on the road I check either side of me, the disciples are still there, but their laughter has subsided. Yet they continue to observe.

Troy puts the baby into the car, “I’ll drive Tanya, you see to Kade then let’s get out of here,” he says, jumping into the vehicle.


In the vehicle I gently lift Kade’s hand from his face. It’s a mess, his nose totally smashed!

 “Step on it Troy, he’s hurt real bad,” I say, pinching his nose to stem the blood loss. 


As we drive I note the dark hooded shapes retreat back into the forest, to their leaders – The Twins.



I nestle Kade’s head in my lap; protecting it as best I can. But he squeezes my hand at the pain of every bump in the road. “We’ll be home soon and get you fixed up. And tonight, the hot chocolates’ on me,” I say with a reassuring smile.

His eyes are blood-shot and rapidly swelling, but I can still see their warm smile.


Troy pulls up outside the facility. Even though I now know it was The Cryogenic Zone – it still feels like my second home. 

I immediately feel safe.


Little Kelvin comes running to greet us, “Where have you been, myself and my wife have been very worried.” He says this with a forced look of concern that gives away his age – he looks like what he is, a six year old pretending to be a grown up.

Kade’s mother, in her holographic form sweeps in to greet us. I note the extreme look of relief on her face, “Oh  – thank God! You’re safe,” she says with her hand clasped to her mouth. She looks at her six-year-old cloned husband, “Kelvin, get back to your game – now!” She says, with a mother’s dismissive tone rather than a wife’s. He skips off, happy to get back to his Plague Inc.


“It’s a broken nose, right?” Asks Kade’s mom.

“Right.” I reply.

Her attention turns to Troy who’s trying to pacify Belinda’s tears, without much success, “Put the baby in the crib and press the ‘rocker’ mode. Then come help Tanya get Kade on here,” she says, pointing to a surgical bed.

Once we’ve gotten Kade on the bed his mother suddenly shouts, “OH MY GOD – where’s my Kelly?” I instinctively put my hand on her shoulder, which falls right through her – it’s easy to forget she’s a hologram.

“She’s sedated and locked in the vehicle. She did this to Kade,” I say, with tact. Then I explain more, “The Twins took her blood and we think they’ve put some kinda spell on it to turn her violent.” She looks over at Kelvin, “Quit the game and go get the items you’ll need to pack and dress a fractured nose,” she instructs.

She notes my concern, “I know he’s only a child, but he’s my husband’s clone; this is a relatively simple procedure and I trust him to undertake it, with my supervision.”

Kade gives me an affirmative thumbs up.


As Kelvin attends to Kade’s injury with a remarkable care and professionalism, his mom talks in between instructing the kid, “I don’t believe in this paranormal stuff, I believe in the very real evil that’s inherent in those girls.” She points to some surgical gauze, “Pack both nostrils with that,” she says. I hold Kade’s hand when he flinches as Kelvin packs the gauze up his nose.

“You’ve seen what they’re capable of. Those creatures are GMs, Genetically Modified hybrids. GM is a dangerous practice, in the wrong hands – it’s deadly,” she says, with a scientific authority.

Troy, listening intently, says, “But her mood change coincided with the creature taking her blood and them sacrificing Maria."

…She cuts in, “Oh no, it gets worse. That poor girl, what a horrible death. Look, The Twins are highly dangerous; they’re like a pair of out of control medical cult leaders. You no doubt saw signs of their devotees?” She asks. Troy and I exchange glances, “Yes, their disciples, we saw a bunch of them in the forest,” I confirm.

Kade’s mom is very strong in her opinion, “They’re followers. I believe The Twins use all this sacrifice and devil worship stuff to frighten and keep control of them. I just don’t buy the hokum! Sure, they’ll use Kelly’s blood for something, but it won’t be to infect my daughter with a demon,” she says, with a dismissive laugh.

She looks at Kelvin, who’s carefully bandaging Kade’s nose, “Good job,” she says, with an encouraging tone. Her attention suddenly turns back to Troy, “Did Kelly receive any kind of bad news before this mood change?” She asks. “Yes. We unfortunately discovered that Kelly and I are brother and sister,” he answers, lowering his eyes as though in shame. Her reply shoots from her – “You met The Nanny, she told you that!” She says, with a slightly raised voice.

She takes a breath then continues, “We have a lot to talk about. But first, you have to know that you and Kelly are NOT brother and sister. I checked your DNA as soon as you arrived at the Cryogenic Centre.” I see relief flood Troy’s face as he breaks into a smile.

Kade responds by raising both thumbs.

I try to smile but a low level anger makes it forced, “Why didn’t you tell us all of this sooner?” I ask, hoping the anger can’t be heard in my voice.

“I wanted to protect you from as much as I could, that’s what mother’s do. I had no idea that events would unravel the way they have,” she says, with genuine warmth.

Her eyes meet mine and I see them visibly soften, “I guess you know that The Surgeon isn’t you biological mother?”

“Yes.” I stare at her, hoping she gives me a positive answer to my next question, “Do you know who, or where my parents are?” I ask.

“All I know is that they’re alive and out there – in a far flung Zone. Although I know a lot of things about this place, many secrets were withheld from us, and we were fed diverting information in order to protect the truth of what happens here. I’m sure The Nanny confirmed the same,” she says.

I smile warmly, “Yes she did. And thanks for your honesty,” I say, checking my pocket to make sure I still have Nanny’s letter.

“I just wish I could help you more.” She gives me a caring look, then turns toward Kade, “You’re all fixed up. You’ll need to rest for a while, you got a whole lot of healing to do before I let you out of my sight again,” she says, with a motherly care.


As Troy heads off to get Kelly I enter the kitchen area to prepare hot chocolate for Kade and I.

As I prepare the drink a strange emotion engulfs me – I feel empty and alone.


Kade is in bed, propped up by mountains of snowy white pillows. He sips his warm chocolate through a straw, “Mmmm, this is the best, Tan,” he says, his voice nasally and gruff, like he has a bad flu.

“I’m guessing, I don’t look too handsome, huh?”

“You look pretty beat up.”

He turns his head slightly so his eyes meet mine, they’re now so swollen that they’re barely open: two hot red slits. “Do you still love me, even though I look like Frankenstein’s monster?”

“You don’t have to ask, you know my answer.”

He takes my hand, “Lie next to me,” he says, shifting a little to make space for me. I put my drink on the side table and sink into the pillows beside him.

“I know what’s on your mind, Tan.”


“What Kelly said? Trust mom and I, we’ve experienced Kelly’s anger issues before; they’re always triggered by some kind of trauma. I thought she had them under control, but obviously not. All those things she said were borne of anger,” he says.

“Sure they were.”

“Are you being sarcastic?”

“No. I know she was angry, but I guess her anger exposed what she really thinks about me,” I say.

Kade turns his face a little, “Tan, look at me!”

I turn my face to his and inhale his soapy smell with a hint of antiseptic, “If that’s how she feels, then it’s her problem and she’s gonna have to solve it.” I know he feels pain when he talks as little breathy gasps follow certain words, “You and I are gonna get old together, aren’t we?” He asks, squeezing my hand.

I smile warmly, “Yes, we are.” I gently rest my finger on his lips, “Now don’t talk anymore, I know it’s hurting you.”

I watch as he drifts into a deep sleep.

Then I quietly leave the room.


I fight the tears that are pricking at my eyes. I can’t cry while I’m driving. I need to fully focus – as you know this place is full of shade, darkness and murdering devotees. And unlike Kade’s mom, I’m open to a possible supernatural threat.

I’ve made a decision.

Recent events have taught me that sacrifice is real. And I’ve decided to sacrifice my feelings for Kade so he can find lasting happiness. Kelly was right; I need to let him go – so he can find the real deal.

This hurts like hell, but it’s the right thing to do.


I’m going on a solo journey, one of self-discovery. I have to find my parents; I need to know where I’ve come from.

I press my foot on the accelerator and drive deep into the darkness determined to discover the Zones and unveil their secrets.


I glance at the passenger seat and a sudden image of Kade: smiling, supportive and strong flashes into my head.

But the seat is empty. I’m alone.

I have a tough fight ahead, but right now the first thing I have to beat is my soaring sadness. There’s no going back.


I glance at the passenger seat again, but this time something real catches my eye. It’s the recording device Twin:1 gave to Kade, containing Maria’s final words and death throes.

Figuring it may offer distraction from my sorrow – I press play…

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