The Magic Within-A Quentin Co...

By SamReidFan27_

483 35 3

Quentin and Erin go for a walk one day and they go on an adventure with her brother also in this story she mi... More

Chapter One-Hey Quentin What's Up?
Chapter Two-Quentin Would You Like To Go For A Walk Us?
Chapter Three-So Quentin How's Your Dad Doing?
Chapter Four-The Spark Of Magic.
Chapter Five-I Love You Quentin Coldwater.
Chapter Six-Quentin ,Are You Okay ?Are You Hurt ?
Chapter Seven-Hey Quentin What's Up?
Chapter Eight-Going To Live With Quentin I'll Come Back &Visit .
Chapter Nine-Goodnight Quentin/Quentin Hears Something .
Chapter Ten-Wake Up Quentin It's Morning .
Chapter Eleven-So Quentin Did You Sleep Good Last Night ?
Chapter Twelve-Going To The Book Store With Quentin .
Chapter Thirteen-Reading The Book .
Chapter Fourteen-Quentin You Okay? Are You Hurt?
Chapter Fifteen-Strawberry Lemonade .
Chapter Sixteen-What Is He Talking About ?
Chapter Seventeen-Food And Refreshments.
Chapter Nineteen- Will You Dance With Me?
Chapter Twenty-Quentin I Like Your Bracelet .
Chapter Twenty One-Julia Do You Want Something To Drink?
Chapter Twenty Two-Card Tricks .
Chapter Twenty Three-Quentin Is Everything Alright ?
Chapter Twenty Four- Visiting Eliot .
Chapter Twenty Five- Going Back Home With Quentin.
Chapter Twenty Six-I Really Love You Quentin Coldwater.
Chapter Twenty Seven-Cracking Codes.
Chapter Twenty Eight-Thank You Again For Helping Me Crack The Codes.
Chapter Twenty Nine-Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.
Chapter Thirty-Are You Good At Poker,Quentin?
Chapter Thirty One-A Phone Call.
Chapter Thirty Two-The Book Store In The Mall.

Chapter Eighteen-Cake & Ice Cream.

14 1 0
By SamReidFan27_

After we had ate Kandi had walked over to us . " Do you two want cake?" She asked curiously as she looked at both of us . " Sure we are kind of full but we'll both have a piece just a little piece please and thank you ." Quentin had told her . "Alright will do ." She nodded while smiling then cut a piece of the cake which was vanilla since she was allergic to chocolate and she had put some mint ice cream beside the cake for them she handed Quentin his slice of cake and his ice cream as well then she handed me mine . "Enjoy ." She said as she smiled at us both . "Thanks ." We both spoke the same time then started eating our cake with our ice cream .

Later on we had both finished ours .
"How was it ?" Kandi asked curiously. " It was pretty good actually I liked it ." Quentin replied ."Good to hear how about you Erin ?" She smiled as she asked . " Yes I agree it was good ." I smiled as I answered her question . " Good to hear ." She smiled .

After we had talked to her for a bit we had to go . " Anyways Kandi we've got to go thanks for inviting us to your birthday party ." Quentin smiled. "You're welcome ." She smiled back . "Bye Kandi ." I replied as I hugged her then Quentin gave her a hug . " Bye see you again sometime ." She replied back . "You too." We both spoke at the same time once again then we went out the door then went back to Quentin's house he took out the keys out of his pocket then opened the door with it after he did that we walked inside and sat down together on his couch .

"So what you wanna do now ?" Quentin asked . " Maybe we can just hang out while listening to music ." I suggested . " Ya know that sounds like a good plan ." He nodded in agreement so that's what we did together we hung out while listening to some music on the stereo he had some pretty good taste in music actually . "You have a really good taste in music Quentin ." I told him . "Thanks ." He smiled . " You're welcome ." I smiled back .

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