Chapter Twenty Nine-Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.

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"Do you want some ice cream ?" Quentin asked me curiously as he smiled . "Sure yes please and thank you." I smiled . "Alright what kind ?" He asked . "What kinds do you have ?" I asked him . "Vanilla , Strawberry, Black Cherry or Mint Chocolate Chip." He replied .  "I'll have mint chocolate chip please and thank you." I smiled. "Alright ." He smiled back and put 2 scoops of ice cream into a bowl and passed it over to me. "Here you go enjoy ." He says as he smiled as he handed me a spoon as well . "Thanks." I smiled as I had smiled then started eating my ice cream he had some too as well but he ate his own bowl of ice cream though .

He finished eating a bit of it and smiled . "How is it?" He asked . I had then finished mine earlier ." It's pretty good I like it ." I told him. "Good to hear ."  He replied as he smiled . "Yep how was yours?" I asked curiously. "It was good as well I enjoyed it ." He said . "Good to hear ." I smiled .

"Is that one of your favorite kinds that you had?" He asked . "Yes indeed it is I like a lot of different flavours of ice cream actually ." I told him as I smiled . "Sounds pretty cool same with me and I like the same kind as you too as well." He replied . "Cool." I smiled .

The Magic Within-A Quentin Coldwater Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora