Chapter Thirteen-Reading The Book .

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Quentin was sitting down outside he was reading his book and I came up to him he looked up , he looked like he was gonna turn the page when he wasn't looking down at it plus he looked up at me while I was about to talk "Hey Quentin I see your reading your new book you got . Are you enjoying it so far ?" I asked curiously . "Yes it's pretty good but it's always good so good I can hardly put it down ." He chuckled with a smile . "Good to hear that you're enjoying it also some books are like that , that you can't put them down because their so good as well as interesting ." I said as I smiled . "True,very true ." Quentin replied . "So anyways can I sit with you while you read your book ?" I asked curiously. "Sure of course you can ." He said . So with that I had sat down next to Quentin .

He went back to reading as I looked through a magazine while sitting next to him next he had turned to page 37 then started reading it he was the kind of guy who loved to read he also loved to talk about Fillory as well as magic he even loved to do magic tricks as well . He was a pretty talented magician in the school Brakebills which we both went to but of course today was a weekend so we didn't have school .

The Magic Within-A Quentin Coldwater Love Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें