Subject Me To Life [Book One]...

By ViennaXo

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BEFORE YOU READ- DISCLAIMER! The main character is blunt, hates life and is very vulgar and hateful towards... More

Before You Get Started
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five

Chapter Fifty-One

4.2K 203 14
By ViennaXo

*Not edited*Not proofread*

Chapter 51– Who the fuck is this?:

I had never really seen Jace interact with anyone besides myself in the years I had been free to roam around the world. He spoke to those he needed to speak to— cashiers, workers at shops, creepy old ladies who hit on him because they claimed he looked like their late husband did "back in the day"— but never had he made friends or had a girlfriend or boyfriend that I know of. Even Jace and I had never really been friends, despite all the time we spent together and all the times we helped each other.

So seeing him here at the bonfire, smiling away as he converses with the normal humans, is a weird sight— so much different to what I'm used to. It makes me realise how much he had missed out on because of me.

        As much as I sometimes wonder about how my life would've turned out had things gone differently, I also wonder about how Jace's life would've played out if it weren't for me.

I think I've come to the conclusion that it would've been easier— a lot more simple without me around. I definitely think he'd be less stressed out and worried all the time; he would've been able to achieve a lot more than he has, done more with his life other than look out for me.

To put it bluntly, I believe he would've been happier.

        I wonder if he thinks the same...

A nudge to my side makes me snap my head up to Jace as he smiles down at me contently. He gestures in front of him with a slight nod of his head and I look to the spot he's signalling to. "Your little redhead friend is over there," he tells me like I don't have eyes of my own and can't see her standing there, bouncing on her toes as she chats animatedly with Zeke.

        I mutter out an audible, "Oh God," under my breath and turn myself around, hoping she hasn't spotted me yet.

        Jace laughs, and before I can even throw him a dirty look, he loudly calls out something I don't quite catch at the top of his lungs, and forcefully spins me back around. Everything happens so quick and before I know it, Lilah's curious hazel eyes are scanning the area in noticeable confusion until she sees me trying to flee her line of sight.

        "Oh my, you actually came!" She beams as she rushes over to me, a large smile forming on her lips as she faces me. I quickly glare behind me at Jace who continues to grin smugly as he carries on his conversation with the group of boys around him, not even sparing me a glance. He knows I'm looking though.

        "Not by choice," I grumble as I turn back to the petite ginger. My eyes trail across her makeup coated face and her curly hair. She wears a pair of blue jeans and, from what I can see, a white top that is covered with a brown scarf that goes with her brown jacket and brown ankle boots. She looks well put together; innocent and naive, ready for the world to chew her up and spit her out.

        Zeke finally reaches us, opting to stroll over rather than run like Lilah had, and hugs the air surrounding me in a playful manner, careful not to get too close. "You look nice," he tells me politely, despite the fact that I have made no effort whatsoever. I simply give a nod of acknowledgement to his statement, secretly cursing Jace in my head.

        "Did you come on your own?" Lilah asks me, pulling her jacket closer to her body, causing Zeke to let out a laugh.

        "Have you met Kody?" He snorts, "Like she came with anyone." My eyebrow raises and he throws me an awkward, cheeky smile. "Sorry, but it's true."

        My eyes narrow slightly in thought. Do I tell them about Jace? I wonder for a moment if maybe Dakota might have already mentioned him, but then clear the thought from my head. I hate to admit that he seems pretty trustworthy and respectful of my privacy. Not respectful enough to mind his own fucking business, but respectful enough not to share every detail about me and my life with the rest of the world.

        "No, I didn't come alone," I settle on telling them. It's not a lie, but I'm also not over sharing. I'm being vague.

        "Did you come with Dakota?" Lilah wiggles her filled in eyebrows.

        "Is he not here already?" I ask, looking around subconsciously, scanning the area for his familiar tall build and shaggy blonde head of hair. "I thought he would've come with you."

        Zeke shakes his head, as does the ginger beside him. "No. He said he's coming, but he didn't come with us. We thought he would've come with you."

        "Why?" They both shrug simultaneously, wearing similar looks on their face which I choose not to question. "Right..." I drawl, shoving my hands in my pockets, getting ready to take my leave. I look at both their faces one last time, both screwed up in the same expression, and decide I'm not going to offer anything more than a sharp, "Goodbye."

        Lilah lets out an amused chuckle which is really just a tiny puff of air being exhaled through her nose. "Tell Dakota we said hello when you find him!" She calls out to my retreating figure teasingly. I throw my middle finger up without even looking behind me before reinserting my hand back into my right pocket and carrying on walking.

        I leave the clearing where the rowdy seniors and college kids are currently getting drunk, and venture off into the woods. People are still around, but there's less chaos deeper into this part of the forest due to the lack of bonfire and alcohol. It's not exactly the most peaceful moment I've ever gotten, but it's much better than being with everyone else.

        As I aimlessly wander around, a handful of people pass me as they head back in the direction of the bonfire. My eyes snap up at every one when I hear them approaching, and every time, a feeling settles deep into my stomach whenever I realise it's just some drunken teenager stumbling through the woods; always a person with hair too dark or height too small to be of any significance.

        I trudge around the area for a good half hour. Twigs snap underneath my weight as I tread on them by accident, and that's really the only noise, besides the distant music playing and loud cheers, that I can hear. It's a little cold, as well, I soon notice, and decide it's best to head back now.

        Not only is it cold, but Jace will be furious when he notices I've ditched the party to be alone, if he hasn't already, and I'm too tired and drained of energy to argue with him— especially over something we're always arguing about.

        We have the same fight over and over again. I need friends, I need to go out more, I need to talk to more people, I need to interact with my peers... blah blah fucking blah.

        I don't think Jace realises how fucking lucky he is that I don't go around breaking people's arms whenever they look at me in a way I deem offensive. I've come a long way in the last year and a half. Not causing anyone bodily harm.... serious bodily harm.... serious bodily harm that they didn't deserve is good fucking progress. I'm pretty much normal now.

        "Watch where you're going," somebody slurs as they almost knock into me, staggering into the woods. I furrow my eyebrows as I watch them stumble by, wondering if I could make their sudden death look like an unfortunate accident.

        As I'm calculating the possible outcomes of killing someone in my head, I hear my name being called from behind me. I've been seen now, there are witnesses; even if that witness is only Zeke, I can't risk going after the drunken idiot and snapping his neck. maybe I'm not exactly normal normal, but at least I only thought about killing him and not actually going through with it.

        That's progress.

        Huffing in exasperation, I reluctantly turn around. I'm just beyond the outskirts of the clearing where the bonfire is situated and Zeke is standing on the other side of the towering flames. He looks irritatingly happy and it causes me to frown.

        I trudge over there slowly, taking my time with my snail-like pace. "Where have you been?" He asks, a drink in his hand that looks a little less than half full. I shrug my shoulders and tell him I've been around, but don't elaborate as to where. "Right, well I'm going to get another drink and find Landon. Lilah's over there so go stand with her. I don't really want either of you alone now that it's gone eleven and almost everyone is drunk and stupid," he tells me before walking off.

I watch after him for no longer than a second before I give in and walk over to Lilah. She's staring at something, however, I can't quite see because of the angle I'm at and the people obstructing my view.

Before I'm even in front of her, she has already spotted me. Instead of her usual happy smile, she looks a little troubled. She catches herself quickly, though, and slips on a pathetic forced smile that I see right through.

"Kody, hi!" She greets almost nervously. "How are you? All good? Great. You're looking a little parched. Want to get a drink?" She rushes out all at once, walking so that she's behind me and I have to turn around so I'm re-facing her. She looks uneasy as she attempts to keep up a chirpy facade and I frown suspiciously.

        "I don't drink, really," I offer with furrowed eyebrows. I'm sceptical of her on-edge demeanour but I refrain from making any comments about it. She's weird anyway.

        "That's fine, there's probably juice and stuff," she chuckles awkwardly, ushering me towards the abundance of coolers.

        Juice at a bonfire? Who the fuck were they catering for? Six-year olds?

        "What is your problem?" I ask, stepping away from her outstretched arms as she tries to lead me away. I stand and glare with my arms crossed, waiting for a response.

        She has the audacity to feign confusion. "What? Problem? Me? No. Nope. No problemo here." She adds in another short chuckle that raises my suspicions. She doesn't know how to sell it, does she?

        "Lilah," I say her name with finality. She stares at me with her doe eyes and we stay like that for a few moments. Just before she's about to crack, a voice catches me attention.

        I instantly recognise it as Dakota's. As soon as I hear his low tone, I know exactly who it belongs to.

        Instinctively, I turn around, despite Lilah's worried frown as she steps forward.

        My eyes are drawn to him straight away, like I already knew exactly where he was standing. His blonde hair blows gently in the cool breeze, but it makes no difference to the messiness of his already chaotic strands. He wears a pair of black jeans and a light grey hoodie that shows off the outline of his muscular arms, hiding away the artwork inked into them.

        As I notice the smaller things about him, like the rings on his fingers and the brand of shoes he wears, I also come to realise he's talking to someone. Someone who I don't recognise.

        She has light blonde hair, short and straight. I can only see the side profile of her face, but she has high cheekbones, a small nose and a defined jawline. Her makeup is done from what I can tell and her eyelashes are too long to be natural. She's shorter than him and her frame is thin in an athletic way. She's dressed in a white, off-the shoulder crop top that is more classy than it is revealing, and a pair of form-fitting jeans. Her skin is a little pale and the shade of her hair doesn't help that.

        Who the fuck is this? I ask myself.

        Their discussion looks heated, hands are flailing as they argue and neither of them look happy with the other. Dakota is tense, I can tell, and the blonde chick isn't exactly relaxed as she covers her eyes with the balls of her hands in exasperation, throwing her head back.

        Inquisitively, I raise an eyebrow at Lilah who looks sheepish. "Who's that?" I question, not bothering to beat around the bush or act like I'm not interested.

        Her mouth opens just as Zeke and Landon walk over to us. They seem to be a lot more comfortable with each other and less hostile as they stand side by side, looking between Lilah and me. "What's going on?" Landon is the first to ask.

        Lilah continues to look at me. "We found Dakota," she admits, addressing the two males beside us.

        "Really? Where?" Zeke looks from left to right, then behind him as he gets on his tiptoes. I'm slightly baffled at how he missed the pair standing no more than ten feet away, however Lilah and me are probably blocking his view.

        "With Zoe."

        Zeke and Landon still and both glance at me. I begin to grow frustrated. Who the fuck is Zoe and why do they keep looking at me like I'm about to blow up at any given moment?

        "Someone better start fucking explaining," I look at them all with a glare. "Now."

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