Miraculous Ninja: A crossover

By theblueshad0w

7.8K 152 12

Lloyd had a hard life, growing up in an orphanage without even knowing his parents. He got used to it, being... More

1. Letter
2. Orphanage
3. Lloyd
4. Home
5. Return
6. Father
7. News
8. Tigg
9. Hero
10. Close
11. Truth
12. Quit
13. Pythor
14. Fight
15. Ready
16. Lanature
17. Help
18. Flame
19. Hurt
20. Courage
21. Bolobo
22. Spy
24. Lightning
25. Blind
26. Samurai
27. Heros
28. Exhausted
29. Love
30. Plan
31. Danger
32. Hurt
33. Pain
34. Wait
35. Return
36. Forgive
37. School
38. Morro
39. Water
40. Surprise
41. Anxiety
42. Captive
43. Prisoner
44. Guardian
45. End

23. Mall

110 3 1
By theblueshad0w

Lloyd's POV

The next days I kept saving the city from akuma attacks and went to school. Even though those little harassments didn't stop, I didn't tell my friends. Those are just humorless jokes, nobody takes those serious. I don't take them serious, I have to keep up my positive thoughts. I'm the last person who is allowed to be akumatized. I shake my head, I shouldn't think something like that. Right now I'm sitting in the Ninjago Mall, sipping a milkshake in my favourite coffee shop and waiting for my friends. I look at my phone when someone comes toward the table I sit at. I first thought it would be one of my friends but when I look up I see a face smirking at me, nope he's not my friend.


Morro smirks at me. He's in a class over me. He has blackhair with a green hairstripe in it, he wears a green sweetshirt and black jeans. You can say he doesn't really like me, for various reasons I don't really know. He's always hanging out with his group, there are Brian, Paul and Kathleen and they are always up for trouble. Morro sits down beside me and takes my milkshake.

"What is our little misfit doing here all alone? Oh yeah, nobody wants to hang out with monster like you."

"I'm not like my father."

"That would everybody say. It's only a matter of time until you will show your true color." He opens the lit from the milkshake and spills it completely over me. I gasp and stand up looking at him angry.

"Morro you lit-"


He and his friends run away and I just look shook, when I look around everybody looks at me with fear and anger.

"N-No wai-" they throw their trash and cups after me, telling me to piss off. While they keep throwing stuff at me I stand up and run out of the café shop, outside I drip over something and fall down. When I look up I see Morro and his friends standing behind me, Morro       and caused me to trip and fall, they just laugh and make a picture of me, covered in milkshake and laying on the ground, I stand up again and run away. I run into a rest room, stand infront of the mirror and just look at myself. Here I am. Monster of the city covered in milkshake. I close my eyes and try to calm down. I start to wash myself and my clothes. I take out my phone and see that the others already texted me and ask where I am.

Kai: Lloyd, where are you we are already waiting for you

Jay: Yeah, it's strange for you to come late, normally you're the one who's always to early there

Zane: Jay's right, statistical Lloyd is to 99.9% to early to our meetings.

Me: Sorry guys, on the way.

Nya: You better are or no candy


I chuckle silently and put my phone away. I love them. Always there to make me laugh. I take a deep breath and go out of the rest room back to the coffee shop. When I arrive there I see my friends standing infront of it. I walk over to them and smile slightly.

"Hey Guys."

They look at me suprised. "What happend to you?" Asks Cole "You're all went and you look kinda tired too. You alright Lloyd?" Says Cole ruffling through my wet hair.

"Yeah I accidentally tripped and spilled some milkshake on me." I laugh awkwardly "Soo I had to wash it off."

They just chuckle "And that's why we still take care of you Lloyd." Says Cole while the others agree, laughing. Cole suddenly picks me up.

"Woah, Cole!!"

He sets me on his shoulders and just laughs when I hold on to his head. "Come on Lloyd, let's spent a good time together!" Says Cole while the others agree, chuckling and taking pictures of us. I just blush a bit and still hold on to him.

"Mmh....fine. But I can walk on my own!"

"Nope. You Baby. No walking."

"Hey!!" I yell while Kai and Cole argue about when they will swape me. The others follow us, laughing.

"I'm not a baby!!!"

We spent a good time in the mall. People are may staring at us weirdly but we have fun and that's all that matter. Right now we're sitting at a table and eating some burgers with fries. When we suddenly hear a loud noise. We all look up and see some kind of golden dust in the center of the mall.

"W-What's that?"

We watch it for a while when in the dust a person appears. No wait, not a person. He doesn't has legs, instead of his legs there's just an orange fog. Under the fog appear some people. They look like pirates. What the hell is going on her?

"Hello Ninjago!!! My name is Nadakhan and I am a djinn!!! And I can grant everyone of you three wishes!!!"

While I look at him doubtful my friends look at him with shiny eyes.

"Every wish??"

I look supirsed to them. "Guys, you don't really believe him?"

"Why not, I mean this city already saw enough things, I wouldn't doubt it if he really can grant wishes." Says Nya and the others.

"Guys please don't wish anything, I don'r trust this."

We all look back to the djinn in the center of the mallhall.

"Come on, don't be shy who would like to make a wish!!!"

The people start to make wishes but not a single wish was fullfied the meant way. He's tricking the people to use their wishes, but why. Now some people have already used their three wishes and Nadakhan takes out a shiny sword.

"Thank you." He smirks and hits the people with the sword. But instead of hurting them they transform into lights and get suckrd into the sword. When the people saw this all started to panick and run away, but the pirates which are probally working for Nadakhan have blocked every escape possibility of the mall. We're captured!! The people again start to wish for things and they all get sucked into the sword one by one. Nadakhan strokes over his swords blade. "I will let all of you free but therefore I want the energy miraculous!!!"

"He's...an Akuma..."

The others look at each other. "What do we do..." asks Jay scared.

"No wishes. Nobody. It's too risky" Says Zane and I nod.

"Yes. Nobody makes a wish promise me that."

They want to say something when Nadakhan appears beside us. "What are you promising here?"

We all look shooked at him and step back.

"Nothing!!" Says Kai and we all just nod and smile nervously. Nadakhan laughs and smirks.

"So, where's your beloved hero? I'm waiting. Oh."

He sees Nya and looks at her for a while. "Sweet girl. What's your name?"

Nya crosses her arms "Why should I tell you."

Nadakhan disappears and appears beside Nya again. "Because I said so." He graps her and then dissappears again. We look shooked at the place she just stood at and look around. We see her reappear with Nadakhan in the middle of the mall.

"Nya!!!" Both Kai and Jay yell her name and then start to run off.

"Wait guy-!" Cole and Zane run after them. "NO GUYS, DON'T!!! NO WISHES!!!!" I run after them to the center of the mall where Nadakhan and his people already build up their base. I already see Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane and Nadakhan standing there, Nya dissappeard again when they arrived. But when I arrive their Nadakhan swings his sword and hits Kai with it.

"KAI!!!" We all scream and Cole looks angry at him.

"I wish you give us Nya and Kai back!!"

Nadakhan only smirks and two puppets looking like Nya and Kai appear in Cole's hand.


"STOP COLE!!!" I ran up to Cole and put a hand on his mouth. "Stop!! Don't wish anything anymore!!!"

Zane looks at me "Lloyd, we have to do something!! Who knows what they are doing with Nya or Kai!!! We can't wait for help!" Zane looks serious to Nadakhan. "I wish that you understand the true intention of my words. No tricks."

"Smart boy. Good I understand you. I will take you by your word."

"Now I wish that every pain I get, will turn back on your 100x times."

We all look supirsed at him. Yes, Zane were always the smartest.

"Good. Your wish is mine to keep."

"Now my third and last wish-"

"So if I understand you correct you meant the pain you get right? So...it's fine when I do this."

He snaps with his fingers and the pirates are capturing me, Jay and Cole. Zane looks at us shooked.

"No! Don't hurt them!!!"

Both Jay and Cole try to free themselves and both make the exact same wish. That the pirates should let us go. They really do and I just look at them upset.


"Ha! I heard that!!"

I look with big eyes to Nadakhan.

"Oh no.." I hold my head while both Cole and Zane use their last wish and they both get sucked into the sword.


Scream both me and Jay while Nadakhan laughs. "Only two left. Come on you two just make your wishes and thi-" while he's talking I take Jay's hand and run away with him. Nadakhan looks angry and points at us. "GET THEM!!!"

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