stars ✨ reddie fluff one shots

By reddiebagels

104K 2.8K 9.3K

Just a collection of fluffy one shots May be sad so yeah beware ig More

Whats up babies
Free Fall
Black and Purple
Now and Forever
Fuzzy Blankets
Summer Daze
I'll Hold You Forever
Brighter Than The Sun
Don't Let Go
You're My Everything
Christmas Miracles (parts 1 & 2)
You're The Only One
Future Works !
Don't Let Go (1 & 2)
The End
Family First
Palm Trees & Masterchef
A Short Perspective

Together We Stand

2.9K 96 291
By reddiebagels

Angels and Demons had lived in "peace" for only seventeen years. After uniting against a common enemy, the leaders of the two entities signed a peace treaty, despite how reluctant the Angels were to join the treaty.

The leaders of the demons, Wentworth and Maggie Tozier, were able to convince them, and one of the leaders, Frank Kaspbrak, was able to convince his wife Sonia, saying it would be safer for their young son.

So, it became "peace." Meaning, the groups wouldn't attack each other, but they did not get along. The Demons controlled the South side of the land, and the Angels owned the North. Their lands were separated by the Black River, the only way that an Angel or Demon could be killed. It would suck their souls away, and they'd feel nothing, sunk at the bottom of the river forever.

No Demons or Angels were ever appealed to the idea of crossing the river, until Richie Tozier reached his seventeenth birthday and wandered along the river's edge with his best friends, planning to break the rules set aside to keep them safe.


"Happy birthday!" Maggie exclaimed, hugging Richie, who tried to pull away from the hug.

"Mom, you're suffocating me!" Richie said, making Maggie release him with an eye roll.

Richie ran his hand through his hair before turning to the huge mirror in their living room to brush off his wings. They were huge and leathery, and made up a big part of who Richie was.

His wings, silver eyes, and small horns bursting from the top of his head showed he was a Demon, and he was damn proud of it. He didn't give a fuck if it meant Angels hated them; he hated them all right back.

"Where's dad?" Richie asked, folding his wings behind his back and putting in his eye contacts.

"Council meeting with the Angels. It's just him and the leader of the North," Maggie said, walking to the kitchen and grabbing a plate for Richie. "You need to eat. I'm sure you've got a busy day full of messing around with your friends."

Richie gasped in mock awe. "You know me so well," he said, eating as quickly as he could. "Love you! See you tonight!"

He ran outside and spread his wings open, lifting off into the air. The breeze in his face and running through his hair gave Richie a sense of freedom, one that he always craved.

"Hey! Dumbass!"

Richie stopped gliding and steadied himself, holding himself in midair, flapping his wings sporadically to stay airborne.

"Ah, Miss. Marsh! To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?" Richie asked as his red headed friend flew up to him, rolling her eyes.

"Bill and I have a surprise for you," she said, flying toward the ground. "Come on!"

"Can't we fly? Walking is so... Angel-like," Richie said in disgust, wrinkling his nose.

Bev smirked. "Oh look at me! I'm an Angel and I must walk everywhere to avoid ruffling my precious feathered wings!" she mocked in a shrill voice, dancing around.

Richie laughed at her, joining in on her mocking. "Careful, wouldn't want to run into the big bad Demons! If I see one I'll have to bleach my precious golden eyes out!" he screeched, making Bev snicker and link arms with him.

"Oh, what would I do without you, Richie?"

"You'd live a very boring life," he responded, smiling at his friend. "So what's the surprise?"

"You'll see. Come on, it's at Bill's place," Bev said, a sly smirk on her face.

When they got to Bill's, the pair invited themselves in and walked back to Bill's room. He was wrapping a large parcel, covering it with his body when the pair walked in.

"Bev! Y-you weren't supposed to br-bring him until later!" Bill snapped, crossing his arms and scowling. "You're sp-spoiling the surprise."

"It's not that much of a secret. I mean, what the gift is," Bev said, making Richie furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. She winked. "What matters is how you use it."

"What is it?" Richie asked.

Bill scoffed and threw Richie the parcel. He and Bev watched while Richie opened it, revealing a large black cloak.

"I don't even know what to say... mainly because I don't fucking know what this is," Richie said, lifting the cloak up and turning it around.

Bev and Bill grinned, pulling their own cloaks out, making Richie raise an eyebrow. They put theirs on, looking out the window and seeing how the sun only had five hours left in the sky.

"We're going over to the North," Bev said, flipping her hair out of her face. "But it's a long walk, so we have to get going. Flying will sell us out."

Richie's jaw dropped in shock. "What?!" he asked, following Bev as she walked out the door. "What do you mean by that?!"

Bev just smiled and Bill clapped his hand on Richie's shoulder, following her. Knowing he had no choice, Richie pulled on his own cloak and trailed after his friends until they reached the tree line.

They walked until they heard the crashing sounds of the Black River. By that time the sun was nearly set, golden hues flowing through the trees and illuminating the silvery eyes of the demons.

The river was named appropriately, charcoal waves crashed against the shore, giving off a somber and depressing feeling to the group. They stood before it, Richie walking right up to it and sitting at its edge.

It reminded him of the first time his father had brought him there, informing him of the separation between the two groups. He told Richie of the war between the Underworld and why the Angels and Demons had aligned. He also said the only way to defeat the rage of the river was to unite the two sides, as in having a Demon and an Angel come together in peace and love, but everyone knew it wouldn't happen. It was a sad story, ending in separation and unresolved rage, but it was what had happened and nothing would change it.

"Rich? Are y-y-you okay?" Bill asked, watching how focused Richie seemed on the river.

"Uh, yeah," Richie said in a dazed voice. "Should we cross now or later? Dad told me that it's hard to cross because it makes you feel weird, so I think we should get it over with and rest on the other side."

Bev smiled and held her cloak in her arms, spreading her wings. They were black like Richie's and Bill's, but the veins were red and made her own unique.

"It's up to you, birthday boy," she said with a wink, lifting off the ground.

Richie and Bill followed her, mesmerized by how long the Black River stretched. It was a quarter mile wide, and it took nearly twenty minutes to cross, since the river made them all feel depressed and lost.

They finally landed, all of them thoroughly exhausted. It was dark by then, so they all made their cloaks into makeshift beds, settling down and closing their eyes.

Sleep came easily, but Richie didn't stay asleep for long.


When Richie woke up, he was still tired. It confused him, since he figured he'd be more awake, but when he saw Bill and Bev still sound asleep, he realized he just hadn't slept much.

Usually Richie slept late, but he felt nervous so he couldn't sleep. There was a strange pit in his stomach, stopping him from rest. He narrowed his eyes and looked around, before gazing at a new sight.

A pair of golden eyes and the edge of a white, feathery wing stuck out from behind the edge of a tree.

Richie stood up slowly, never breaking eye contact. "Uh, hi?" he asked, not sure how to treat the Angel.

It clearly was not the right thing to say, since the eyes of the Angel widened in fear and he ran off, trying to get away.

Richie was confused as to why the Angel didn't just fly away, but he didn't dwell. He spread his own wings and took off, catching up.

The Angel was a surprisingly fast runner, especially because most creatures with wings were only adjusted to flight and only walked on the ground. However, Richie was faster with his wings and tackled the Angel to his ground, pinning him to the ground and sitting on his chest.

The Angel struggled, an angry glare on his face. "Get the fuck off of me!" he yelled, trying to struggled out of Richie's grip. "You're getting my wings all dirty, asshole!"

Richie was taken aback, before he started laughing at the Angel beneath him. "Wait, a Demon is pinning you to the ground and you're worried about getting your wings dirty?" he asked, smirking.

The Angel continued to glare. "Not everyone was blessed with non-feathered dark wings, bitch. Do you know how hard it is to clean dirt out of feathers?"

Richie shook his head. "If I get off will you promise not to run?"

"Fine. I won't run. Promise you won't hurt me?"

Richie climbed off the Angel, holding out his hand to pull him up. "Why would I hurt you? What's your name, Angel?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Uh, Eddie. Eddie Kaspbrak," he said, taking Richie's hand and shaking it twice. "And as for your first question... isn't that why you chased me? My mother says that Demons are dangerous and that's why we have to have a river between us."

Richie scoffed, self consciously running his hand through his hair and over his horns. He did it as a nervous habit, and Eddie was making him feel really conscious of himself.

"Well, we may look evil, but we're actually pretty damn nice. Name's Tozier, Richie Tozier of the South." Richie knelt to the ground and kissed Eddie's hand with a wink. "At your service."

"Tozier? Like the-same-as-the-leader-of-the-Demons Tozier?!" Eddie asked in shock, stepping back a few feet.

"You promised you wouldn't run," Richie said, guilt rising in him, knowing that Eddie was afraid of him. "I swear I'm not evil."

Eddie bit his lip. "I believe you," he murmured.

Richie smiled. "You're the son of the leaders here, aren't you?" he asked. "Same last name."

"Yes," Eddie said, looking annoyed as opposed to proud.

"Oh my gosh! To what do I owe the honor of meeting the prince of the North?! Are you always a part of the welcoming party?" he asked, dropping to the ground once again and giving Eddie a mocking bow.

Eddie hit his shoulder and scowled. "Isn't it illegal for you to be here?" he asked irritably, sitting down and leaning against a tree.

"Oh, yeah, for sure," Richie responded. "I'm here for the adventure, Eds."

"What the fuck did you just call me?"

"It's a nickname," Richie said, shrugged and sitting beside Eddie. "What are you doing here? Did you plan on crossing?"

Eddie shook his head. "My mom said it was too dangerous to come near the Black River, so I wanted to."

"Pretty ballsy for an Angel."

Eddie rolled his eyes, looking up at Richie. "Uh, can I ask a strange question?" he asked timidly.


"Um, can I touch your horns? I've never seen a Demon up close except for your father and I wasn't going to ask him, since that's fucking weird. We don't have horns, so..." Eddie trailed off, looking at Richie hopefully.

Richie giggled and laid his head in Eddie's lap, making Eddie tense up before relaxing and running his fingers across the smooth covering over Richie's horns. He also ran his limber fingers through Richie's soft hair, admiring the feeling.

"Enjoying yourself, Eds?"

Eddie glared and tugged a strand of Richie's hair harshly. "Don't be an asshole or I'll rip your hair out, Demon," he snapped.

Richie laughed again. "You may be a literal Angel, but you're darker in the soul than me," he said, eyes set on Eddie's golden eyes.

"Stop staring at me, weirdo," Eddie said, glaring.

"I can't help it, you have such pretty eyes," Richie said, reaching a hand up to cup Eddie's face in his palm. "And weirdly soft skin, what the fuck do you use to moisturize?!"

"Fucking weirdo," Eddie mumbled with a small smile.

It was strange; the pair had only just met, but they had a strange connection. It was especially weird since they were from opposing sides that were never meant to meet or belong near each other.

"There were two other Demons with you, right?" Eddie asked, looking around the forest nervously.

Richie sat up and narrowed his eyes at Eddie's expression. "You're afraid of them, aren't you?" he asked, noticing how Eddie was avoiding all eye contact.

Eddie nodded hesitantly. "I'm not as fast as any of you, so how am I supposed to escape? Not every Demon is as nice as you, right?"

"They are. They'll be hesitant for sure, since they've never met an Angel who didn't hate them, but they're my best friends and good people," Richie said, crossing his arms defensively. "And what do you mean that you can't escape? You can fly off, same as us. I'm actually surprised you didn't fly earlier, since we're on your side of the Black River and-"

"I can't fly," Eddie said, face burning red with shame.

Richie looked around. "Well, I can, so come on, I can teach you," he said, holding his hand out for Eddie.

Eddie shook his head, not looking up. "No, I know how, but I just... can't. Like, my wings are feathered, so I have certain feathers that contribute to my ability to fly. My mom... she takes me to our doctor about once every two months and has them cut so that I can't fly."

Richie's jaw dropped in shock. "What?! That's ridiculous! I mean, we knew that she was crazy in the South, but that's some next level insane!" he exclaimed, his own wings hurting at the thought of them being cut so he couldn't use them.

"Yeah, we don't all get leather wings," Eddie said, running his fingers along Richie's wings, before opening and looking at his own in disappointment. "Lucky bitch."

Richie scoffed. "Shut up, Eds. Your wings are so beautiful," he said in awe, looking at the pristine condition of the white feathers.

"Well a lot of beautiful things are fucking useless," Eddie snarled, pulling his wings tighter behind his back.

Richie didn't really know what to say. He figured that, like himself, the son of leaders would be allowed to learn and practice to lead when they decided their time was over. Even though Demons and Angels were immortal, the leaders didn't want to lead forever, and they would eventually pass it on to their children and their spouse, should they choose to get married.

"Sorry if that was uncalled for," Eddie said, referring to his small outburst. "I've really never left my home. I snuck out last night because I'm tired of being treated like a piece of glass."

"Like I said. Ballsy," Richie stated once again, nudging Eddie.

"Richie! Where are you?!" a voice called through the woods.

Seconds later, Bill and Bev broke through the brush into the clearing where Richie and Eddie were standing. Both blushed when the pair looked at them, both Bill and Bev with wide eyes and confused expressions.

"Uh... hi?" Bev asked, eyes fixated on Eddie.

"Is that the only greeting that Demons know?" Eddie asked, raising an eyebrow. "I'm Eddie, who are you?"

"I'm Bev, this is Bill," Bev said cautiously, looking at Richie to see if they could trust Eddie. When Richie nodded, she held her hand out to Eddie with a grin. "Pleasure to meet you, glad you haven't turned us over yet."

Eddie rolled his eyes. "I'm not gonna turn you guys over. You seem like decent people, and I haven't met many, so don't worry."

"Okay, cutie," Bev said with a wink. "Wanna show us around the North?"

Eddie shrugged. "There's not much to see around here," he said. "Just the forest, houses, and our center."

"What ab-about snow?" Bill asked. "I h-hear it's cooler in the N-North and we've never g-gotten snow in the S-South."

Eddie tilted his head sadly. "You've never gotten snow?" he asked, looking between the three Demons.

"Nah," Richie responded. "Too warm down South."

"Well, we get snow, but not for another few weeks, since we're just passing fall season. When we do you guys can come see it, if you want," Eddie said with a smile, his golden eyes shining in the morning light.

For a few seconds, there was peace and calamity among the Demons and Angels.

Then, it was shattered.

"Edward Kaspbrak!" a shrill voice screamed.

They all whipped around and saw a large woman crashing through the trees, followed by another Angel and...

"Dad," Richie muttered, knowing how much trouble he was in. "Shit."

"Richie?" Wentworth asked, unsure whether he was glad to see his son was alright or livid that he was anywhere on the North side of the river.

"You know them?!" the woman screamed, glaring at Wentworth.

"Yes, he's my son, and those are two of his friends," Wentworth said, his voice tight. "Richard, what are you doing here?"


Bev cut Richie off. "It's my fault, sir. I told him we should cross to explore. We had no ill intentions, we just wanted to explore," she said, looking over at Richie.

"Then why are you anywhere near my son?!" the woman yelled. "They were going to kidnap him, Frank! Eddie knows better than to be here!"

"That's enough, Sonia," Frank said, looking between the four teenagers. "Eddie, explain what happened."

"I snuck out and came down here so I could see the Black River. Richie and his friends were on the other side, so I invited them over here," he said calmly, shocking all of the Demons. "They're trying to cover for me, but it was all my plan."

Richie looked over at Eddie, shocked he was taking the fall for them. They barely knew each other, but Eddie was putting himself on the line for them.

Frank nodded. "Then our business is done here. Eddie, let's go." He held out his hand and shook Wentworth's. "I look forward to our next meeting. Travel safe."

Wentworth nodded and thanked him, ushering Bev, Bill, and Richie away.

Richie glanced back at Eddie one last time, and he saw Eddie give him a small smile. Even though they'd only met, Richie felt upset that he couldn't see Eddie again, and the look on the Angel's face showed Richie that he felt the same.

"I'll see you again," Richie thought, before turning away and looking at the river crashing before them. "I swear I'll see you again."


Eddie knew he was screwed. He didn't say anything as his parents marched him home, knowing that trying to soften the blow would only anger his mother more.

His only hope was his father, but he didn't look pleased either. Frank wasn't as strict, but he only had one rule, and that was to stay away from the Black River.

Especially because Eddie couldn't fly.

Frank didn't agree with Sonia's forceful removal of Eddie's ability to fly, but he didn't stop her either. It was his only regret, but he didn't know what would happen if he fought back against his wife.

As soon as they got inside, Sonia turned around on Eddie, fire in her eyes. "What the hell were you thinking?! You can't fly and you know you're not allowed to go down by that river! And befriending Demons?! What the hell is wrong with you?!" she screeched, towering over Eddie.

Eddie glared back. "I was bored! This life is infuriating! Everyone else can fly and do as they please, and I'm trapped in here and get my feathers snipped so I can't do anything!" he shouted, rage coursing through his blood. "And for your information, those Demons were very nice and they have names!"

Sonia grabbed Eddie's shoulder and marched him to his room. "Stay in here and do not come out until you've learned to have respect for me! I have done everything I can to protect you, and I expect you to follow my rules!" she yelled, slamming Eddie's door behind him.

Eddie kicked the door and flopped onto his bed, screaming angrily into his pillow. He didn't care what his mother said; he was going to find a way to cross the river and reach Richie, flight or not.


Richie, Bev, and Bill were escorted home in silence. As soon as they reached their homes, Bev and Bill were told to go home while Wentworth took Richie to the town center, which was empty at that time of day.

Richie sat at one of the long tables, Wentworth across from him. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Richie looking at his feet and feeling his father's eyes burn into him.

"I'm sure Frank knows his son was lying," Wentworth said, making Richie look up. "About him inviting you to the North. He's not stupid, but I assume his wife was blinded by rage and didn't realize her son was lying."

"I'm sorry, dad," Richie said quietly, eyes falling back to his feet.

"It was Bev's idea, I assume, but you know you're the ringleader of your little friend group."

Richie winced. "Yeah. I didn't want to stop them. I wanted to discover what was over there as much as they did, if not more. And Eddie was really nice, and-"


Richie shut his mouth.

Wentworth sighed. "Richie, I can see the connection as clearly as you. I know you're drawn to the Angel, but I'm going to ask that you don't pursue him," he said, making Richie nod, clearly upset.


"It's not because I don't want you to find happiness with him, but his mother would never allow it."

Richie scoffed. "She's not even the real leader!" he exclaimed, not feeling that there was any point in denying his and Eddie's connection.

"She still gets a say, and creating more undesirable tension between the North and our people is not a good idea," Wentworth said, more forceful with his tone. "Do you understand?"

Richie glared at his hands. "Yes, I understand," he growled, hating Eddie's mom and the choices he didn't get to make.

Wentworth sighed and stood up, clapping Richie's shoulder. "This is for your safety, Richie."

"I'm immortal, same as everyone else! There is no danger!"


"It's not fair that because we live on opposite sides that we can't be friends! It's horrible and messed up and I hate it!"

Wentworth sat and watched his son rant and yell about the ridiculous rules. He knew he could intervene, and Richie would listen, but right then, Richie needed to let out his anger. Wentworth watched as Richie yelled, his eyes shifting between red and silver, before Richie finally stopped.

"Go home, son. Your mother is probably worried."

Richie stood and stomped out the door, slamming it behind him. He didn't speak to anyone for the rest of the day, slamming his head into his pillow and wishing he hadn't been born on the south side of the river.


Eddie walked out of his room the morning after he had met Richie, making his way to the town center. He knocked on the door to a house, and one of his friends answered.

"Eddie? We didn't see you at all yesterday," Mike said, tilting his head. "Are you okay?"

Eddie nodded, entering the house when Mike invited him in. He knew Mike could read him better than anyone, so Eddie quickly explained the story of what had happened the day before and how he met Richie and needed to see him again.

By the end of the story, Mike was holding a cup of tea, as was Eddie, and gaping at him.

"Wait, so you met a Demon and felt a connection and now you want to see him again because...?"

"Because I think..." Eddie paused and looking at Mike hesitantly. "Maybe he's the one?"

"Like a soulmate?"

Eddie shrugged. "Yes?"

"Eddie, he's from the South. Like, the one place we're not allowed to go because your parents forbid it. I want to help you, but I'm not sure how I'd be able to since we're both stuck over here," Mike said, refilling Eddie's glass.

Eddie stood up. "We get Stan's help!"

"Stan will not help us with this."

"We're persuasive!"

"No, I'm persuasive. All you do is grumble and threaten to cry," Mike pointed out, standing up to follow Eddie out the door.

Eddie scoffed. "If it works, it works, Mike."


They made their way to a barn near the outskirts of their town, where their friend Stan lived. He owned all sorts of birds there, so he was happy to stay on the outskirts, so long as he had his pets.

Eddie knocked on the door of the barn and Stan opened it, welcoming the pair inside. He pulled them over to a small pen, where a red bird with golden wings sat, looking up at the new faces.

"Her eggs hatched!" Stan exclaimed, reaching past the bird and pulling out a small red and gold chick. "Now we have seven phoenixes and not just Zyra!"

Eddie took the chick in his hands, smiling at the tiny bird. It was soft and cuddled into his palm, chirping gleefully.

"She's cute, Stan," Eddie said, wondering if Richie would find the bird as adorable as he did, before deciding that yes Richie would definitely find her cute.

"Isn't she?!" Stan exclaimed, putting the little bird back with Zyra. "Ben's been helping me with the others. He's up in the rafters."

Eddie and Mike looked up and sat Ben sitting in the rafters, a toucan sitting on his knee while he fed it bits of banana. When Ben saw them, he shooed the toucan away and spread his wings, landing skillfully on the floor next to his friends.

"Hey guys!" Bill said in a soft but excited voice. "What're you doing here?"

The mood changed when Eddie explained why he was there. He could see Stan getting defensive over his birds, narrowing his eyes at Eddie.

"So what do you want?" Stan asked when Eddie finished his story. "Besides Demon dick."

Eddie glared at him. "You're such an asshole. I need to borrow one of your birds to send a letter to Richie. Please?" he pleaded, looking around the barn at the countless birds.

Stan shook his head. "They're Demons! They'll hurt my birds!" he exclaimed, spreading his own wings slightly, ready to fight with Eddie if he had to.

"They will not! They're actually good people! Whatever we've been taught is biased and soulless! They're good people!" Eddie snapped, wishing that his friends could understand. "Please, Stan. I need your help."

Stan could see how desperate Eddie was, and the look on his friend's face made him sad. He sighed and pulled out a whistle, blowing into it. A small white bird responded, landing on Stan's shoulder.

"Do you have your letter?" Stan asked, and Eddie instantly handed it to him. "Fine. I expect her to come back in twenty four hours, and if she doesn't, it's on you."

Eddie nodded and added something to his letter, before giving it back to Stan. "Thank you."

Stan nodded and grumbled, but Eddie could tell he was pleased that he was able to help his friend.


Richie was sitting in his room, writing down his plan to get back to the North. Well, trying to. He'd been working for an hour and hadn't written a thing down.

A small tap at his window drew his attention. He figured it'd be Bill or Bev, but he definitely was not expecting the little white bird with a rolled up paper in its beak. He opened the window and the bird landed on his desk, dropping the letter before flying into Richie's shoulder.

Richie opened the letter, but not before running his pointer finger over the tiny bird, making it chirp happily.

Dear Richie,

I don't know if you felt it, but there was a connection I felt between us. I know we're supposed to be together, whether it be friends or more.

If you agree, send me a letter in response and we can try to find a secret time to meet, since my parents have forbidden me from the Black River and I assume yours have done something similar.

If you don't agree, just send the bird home. It belongs to my friend, Stan, and he'll kill me if that bird gets hurt, so help me out.

I hope to receive a response.


When Richie finished the letter, he didn't hesitate to begin scribbling one in return for Eddie. It didn't take him long, and soon he was handing the bird his own letter to bring back to Eddie.

The bird chirped and flew out the window, and Richie began to pack a bag. He knew as soon as Eddie read the letter, he'd do as Richie asked, and Richie refused to disappoint him.


When the bird returned a few hours later with a note, Eddie's heart soared. He grabbed the letter, but didn't read it, before saying goodbye to his friends and running off.

When he got to his home, he opened the note and read it, shaking with anticipation.

Eds :)

What you felt I did too. We're connected and I will not let you be alone in the North. If you want to see me again, meet me in the clearing where I found you yesterday morning.

We can figure out what to do from there.

Stay safe, Angel.


Eddie blushed when he finished reading the letter, grinning widely. He held it to his heart, feeling it swell with joy and happiness.

He quickly grabbed a cloak and a pair of gloves, as the temperature had dropped and it was freezing. When he was packed, he hid his items and waited until his parents had gone to their room for the night. He would've left earlier, but it was hard when he couldn't fly out of his window.

Running through the frozen woods took a while, the first frost settling over the ground. It was cold and bitter, but Eddie knew that finding Richie would be worth it. He broke into the clearing that they'd met in, the area feeling as though it was separated from the rest of their world.

It was their place, and they were safe in the area.

Richie showed up a few minutes later, and Eddie didn't hesitate to rush into his arms. Richie reciprocated the hug instantly, running his fingers through Eddie's soft hair.

"Miss me?" Richie asked in a cocky voice, sitting down on the ground and pulling Eddie close to him, both for warmth and for comfort.

Eddie settled in next to Richie, rolling his eyes playfully. "I think you missed me more," he said, breathing in time with Richie. "I wish our people didn't hate each other or we could go inside and not be fucking cold."

"Yeah, hypothermia kind of ruins the mood, don't you think?"

"Yeah, and it especially sucks because we don't die so we just have to deal with it."

Richie laughed and scooted closer to Eddie, wrapping his arms around him. "Oh, the pains of immortality."

Eddie blushed. "The only pain of immortality is that I don't get to spend all of my days with you," he said quietly, making Richie shut his mouth and his face burn red.

"Do you mean that?"

"We're connected," Eddie whispered.

Richie used his free hand to cup Eddie's cheek. "Yes, we are," he whispered, leaning in and pressing a chaste kiss to Eddie's lips.

It was as if sparks flew between their lips, igniting a form of love that neither of the two had ever felt. It wasn't a common "I love you" between friends; it was a love that only soulmates could feel.

Eddie kissed back, holding Richie's cheeks in his palms, before he pulled away and rested their foreheads together. "Can I meet you here every night?" he asked, knowing that they wouldn't be able to find a way to run, especially with Eddie being unable to fly.

Richie nodded and kissed his forehead. "Next time bring blankets so we don't freeze our dicks off," he said with a laugh.

Eddie glared. "Why can't you?"

"I'm the one crossing the Black River, Angel," he said, kissing Eddie's neck and cheek. "But I can if that works better for you."

"I was teasing," Eddie said, kissing Richie once more on the lips. "I'll see you tomorrow night, right?"

"Of course, my love," Richie responded, hugging Eddie before he spread his wings and flew back over the Black River.

Eddie walked home with a grin on his face. He was so lost in his joy and sense of belonging that he didn't realize his mother was standing on the balcony, watching his return.


Eddie and Richie continued to meet for two months. They were the best two months of the pair's lives, as they had finally found the one for them.

They had both fallen in love, and the joy of their love was impacting their lives. Both Wentworth and Frank had noticed how happy their sons seemed, but they didn't understand why.

Sonia did. She sent a paid spy to follow Eddie and found out he was secretly meeting with a Demon. She didn't stop it right away, wanting to know the exact moment when the Demon would try to use Eddie for whatever it wanted, so the spy could save him and leave the Demon in the bottom of the Black River.

It never happened.

The spy always reported that Eddie seemed happy and in love, as did the Demon. It enraged Sonia, but she didn't know what to do. All she wanted was to push the Demon into the depths of the Black River, but she couldn't do that without trying to start a war.

One night, Eddie ran to meet Richie. This time was different than the others; he was in terrible pain, as his mother had his flight feathers clipped that day.

The moment Richie saw his beloved in tears, he held out his arms and caught Eddie, trying to determine what was wrong.

"Eds, honey, I can't understand you," Richie whispered, holding Eddie in his lap and trying to calm him down. "What's wrong?"

Eddie sobbed again, burying his face into the soft fabrics of Richie's cloak. "Sh-she made me get my f-f-feathers cut!" he choked out, opening one wing to show Richie.

Richie had thought that the cutting of the feathers meant they just chopped off the feathers that helped him fly. He had no clue it meant they ripped the stubborn feathers from Eddie's flesh, clearly causing pain and damage.

The wing looked battered, blood staining the pristine white color. It looked painful, and Richie felt his blood boil with rage. He scooped Eddie up and carried him toward the river.

"Richie, what are you doing?" Eddie asked, squirming in Richie's grasp.

"I'm getting you to the South. Fuck the rules, she's hurting you and I won't let that happen!" Richie said, spreading his wings and taking off.

Eddie was hard to carry since the bad feeling of flying over the river made him feel dazed, plus holding onto another person. They were about halfway when a cold voice called out.

"Bring him back or I'll send you to the bottom of this river."

Richie turned and saw Sonia, holding a spear. It wouldn't kill either Richie or Eddie itself, but it would hurt them enough to knock them into the black water below.

"Leave them alone," came another voice, and Richie turned his head to see warriors of the South, was ready to protect him.

"He will release my son," Sonia said, inching closer to Richie.

"No I won't! You're hurting him!" Richie hissed, feeling more anger surge through him. "He's my soulmate and I won't let you hurt him!"

"He's my son, and you don't get to choose what I do with him," Sonia responded.

Richie could feel his grip on Eddie weakening, and Eddie knew it too.

"Let me fall, Rich," Eddie whispered. "I'd rather be dead than live over there."

"No, I can't live without you," Richie responded, looking weakly at the Demons behind him and the Angels before him. "Please, Eds."

Eddie frowned, seeing how close the two sides were to battle. "I don't want your people to fall in fighting with mine. Please, the war needs to end."

Richie shook his head. "If you die I will never stop fighting," he whispered, backing toward the Demons.

"You have five seconds to deliver him to us," Sonia ordered, raising her spear. "Five."

"Richie, give him to them," Wentworth ordered.

"No, I'll never see him again!" Richie cried.


Eddie looked over at the Angels, then to the Demons. He reached into his pocket for the small knife that he always carried with him.

"Richie," Eddie whispered as his mother continued her count down.

"What?" Richie asked, as Sonia reached three.

"I'm sorry."

With that, Eddie stabbed Richie's hand, letting himself fall into the black water. Everyone stood in shock, and Richie screamed.

"Richie, no!" Wentworth yelled, but Richie dove in behind Eddie, grabbing around for him.

The water was like ice and fire at the same time, burning and freezing. It was painful and soothing at once, the light and dark crashing to form the river.

Richie felt another person and realized it was Eddie, and Eddie knew it was him. Their lives would soon end, and they grabbed onto each other, knowing they'd never feel the other again.

Eddie held Richie as tight as he could, wishing he could tell him "I love you" one last time.

The water roared around them, screaming in their ears. It was the sound they'd hear for eternity, and they would never be true from the water's hungry grasp.

Then, time stopped.

The water quieted, and Richie could open his eyes. Around him was clear water, and in his arms was Eddie. The pair made eye contact and both spread their wings rising to the top of the water.

The Black River was no more; in its place was a clear stream, only ten feet across and seven or so feet deep.

On the Northern side was the Angels, gaping at Richie and Eddie in shock. The same went for the Demons on the South side, gazing at their leader's son and the Angel who was the son of the leaders of the North.

"Are we dead?" Eddie asked, paddling to reach the bank of the South.

"You united our kingdoms," Wentworth said as Frank came crashing through the trees and acknowledged what happened. "They've united us!"

Richie pulled Eddie to his feet, his jaw dropping. "Eds, your wings!"

Eddie looked at his wings and found that they'd transformed; they were no longer feathers and were now white and gold, made of the same material as Richie's.

"They can't cut them and stop me from flying anymore!" Eddie cried, diving into Richie's arms and kissing him.

Sonia wasn't pleased. "Edward, you are to come home this moment! I will not have you sleeping around with a Demon!" she yelled shrilly, but Frank stopped her.

"They are our people too now, Sonia. Our son has become part of the unity between the North and the South. They will not be separated," Frank said, walking through the stream and shaking both Richie's and Wentworth's hands.

"Thank you father," Eddie said, hugging Frank.

Richie put his arm around Eddie's shoulders, kissing his hair. "What do we do now?" he whispered.

Eddie smiled. "We unite our people."


Leave a nice comment I guess 🤷‍♀️

Wasn't my best work but I tried so yay

6,729 words !

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