The Runaway

Por JaneKiley713

1.8K 80 15

Daniel is an aspiring lawyer, like his Uncle Keegan. He has plans to become a member of parliament, even Prim... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Recent Events
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 10

115 5 5
Por JaneKiley713

Daniel Goddard

I stared at Olivia as she adjusted Edith in her arms. Matthew had crawled into my lap, chewing nervously on his thumb. We would break that habit later. Mother wrung her hands in her skirt, mulling over what Olivia and I had told them. We only paused because Edith had woken from her nap, crying at the top of her lungs. She was not hungry, and we changed her as quickly as we could, but she would not stop crying. It had to be from the tension in the room.

We'd taken turns, although my time for speaking was less than my Livy's, telling my parents of how we met and how she came to be here. We were about to tell them where she came from when our little interruption happened. Livy jogged her nervously, cooing to her, almost pleading, for her to fall back asleep. Father stood and walked the short distance to us, kneeling in front of my wife.

"May I?" He gestured towards my daughter. Livy looked at me for a second before relinquishing Edith to my father. "I've learned quite a few tricks over the years. I'm sure Danny's told you, but he's just one of five delightful babies we've raised. I've become quite good at consoling them."

Livy chewed nervously on her lip as Father stood and carried Edith back to his seat. I tugged Livy closer, willing that my touch soothed her soul. I knew that my mother was making her nervous and that there was nothing I could do about it. I glanced at Father and smiled. He was enraptured by my daughter within a matter of seconds. It wasn't as if he hadn't any babies around the manor: Kat and Helen had given birth within weeks of each other. My niece and nephew were about a year old now, and from what I heard, mischievous as their parents.

"You've yet to introduce us to your children, Danny." Father murmured, brushing his pinky lightly down the slope of Edith's nose. We watched as her cries turned to whimpers and her eyes began to droop shut. I would have to learn that technique from him very soon.

"Mother, Father, may I introduce your grandchildren; Edith Martha Goddard and Matthew James Goddard." I ran my fingers through Matthew's hair, earning his attention at last. I smiled at him as he finished with his fingers, resting his head against my chest.

"They aren't Daniel's," Mother stated, cutting daggers into Olivia.

"Mother," I warned, placing my hand over Matthew's ear. "They are mine, in name and in blood, if anyone were to question it. Their father will have no claim to them. I love them with all my soul. Including their mother, and that will be the end of that, Mother." Mother harrumphed, undoubtedly working up a scheme in her mind. She never used to be this way, but I know that she lives for us and that all she wants is our happiness.

"They're quite beautiful, Olivia," Father commented softly. "Shall we be expecting more in the near future?" Olivia paled at his question, gripping my hand tightly. My parents didn't know the extent of our situation, other than Olivia leaving the leering eye of her brother-in-law.

"Not for some time, Father. Little Edith is barely a month old. We would like some time to adjust Matthew to being a big brother before bombarding him with little infants around the house. And besides, the house in Hyde Park is becoming cramped. We need to find a place to relocate to." I dismissed. Livy squeezed my fingers as my parents watched us. I knew her nerves weren't settling, and yet there was nothing that I could do to ease them.

"Olivia, I do not mean to pry, but it seems to me that you've been in an altercation recently." Father pondered. Livy touched her cheek, trying to cover the still purple bruise. Thankfully her stitches faced me. They'd have to come out in a day or two, depending on what Victor thought proper.

"V-v-very observant, sir," She stuttered. "I-I tripped an-and hit the corner of the bed frame earlier this week." This time, it was Father's turn to harrumph, adjusting my daughter once again.

"I'd be inclined to believe that story if I hadn't noticed the faint pattern of knuckles with each bruise. Not to mention the fact that I saw her stitches earlier, a nice bright red on her hairline." Father took Mother's hand as they looked upon us. "What happened, preferably the truth this time."

I turned to Livy, pressing my hand over her cheek. I willed for the tears in her eyes to disappear, for all her pain to disappear. She turned her head and pressed a kiss to my palm before covering my hand with hers. She was gathering the strength to speak her truth, I could see it in the depths of her eyes.

"Cover his ears," She begged, allowing me to retract my hand from her cheek. She snaked her hand down her face, rubbing her neck. She had done it so often that past few days I was surprised she hadn't developed a rash.

"Four days ago—I...I was assaulted. Th-they were—They were two men I had the d-displeasure of knowing long ago." She paused to wipe furiously at her tears. Matthew crawled from my lap to hers, hooking his arms around her neck. "I'd rather—I'd rather leave that subject alone, if I may." I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and clutched her close.

"Is It safe to presume that one of those men fathered these children?" Mother questioned, her tone softer than before.

"Yes, the Englishman of the pair fathered our children. The other half was an American, well acquainted with Livy and the Englishman." I muttered. Father stood, careful not to jostle the baby awake.

"Matthew must be famished. Come, and I shall show you to the kitchen. You must be famished as well, Olivia." Father exclaimed, extending his free hand to her. Olivia stood and took his hand, leaving the room so Mother and I could talk.

"She tells an impressive tale, I'll give her that," Mother said sullenly. I scoffed, rising to my feet. I crossed the room and quickly occupied Father's chair.

"Mother, drop the act. You're being rather cruel to my wife, and you know it." I snapped. "You've never acted this way before, so why now?"

"I don't trust her, she's lying to my face and I know it." She admitted, turning towards me. "I don't care that she's black or that she's an American, truly I don't. If this girl is going to be my daughter-in-law, I need honesty." I grabbed Mother's hand and sandwiched it between mine.

"I'm sorry, Mother, I am. There are certain aspects about Olivia's life that we are timid about sharing." I admitted. "There are dangerous people after her, Mother, and all I care about is keeping her safe. I want a life with her, to have more children with her. We're unable to achieve that because we live in constant fear." Mother curled her fingers around mine, mustering her most encouraging look.

"It's those two men, isn't it? The two who assaulted Miss Olivia?" She questioned. "Do you know their names? Perhaps we could report them." I snorted, shaking my head. If only Richard Montgomery could be arrested. We could simply threaten Jacob Wilde to leave the country, but he would be back just as soon as he'd step foot on American soil.

"I wish we could, Mother. The American we can trick, perhaps, but the Englishman is nobility. The only way to keep him from harassing her further is his death—and that will not be for quite some time." I muttered, pinching the bridge of my nose. I stood quickly, dropping Mother's hand.

"Promise me you will make amends with Olivia by tomorrow morning. I don't want her stay here to be uncomfortable, and I know she won't say anything to you." I begged. Mother stood as well, wrapping her arms around me. I had out grown her by nearly a foot since I reached the age of fourteen. No matter how tall I got, she always pulled me down to her size.

"I shall do my best, my darling." She promised.

I left Mother, eager to find my family. I hoped that Mrs. Westfield was entertaining them with Papa in the kitchen, but my hopes were thrashed when I at the sight. Only Papa and Matthew remained. Papa was indulging him in sweet cakes, much to my chagrin. I made a noise at the back of my throat, earning the attention of my family. Matthew grinned toothily at me as he chewed on his on the cake.

"Olivia had to nurse the baby. She sounds like she is catching a cough, the poor thing." Papa commented, patting the stool beside him. He had Matthew perched on his knee with an arm around his torso for support.

"We think she is coming down with something. She's been fussy since yesterday evening." I murmured, sitting beside my father. "Mother promised to make amends, but I am unsure that all will go over smoothly." Papa chuckled as he picked at the cake on Matthew's plate.

"Your Mother is a stubborn woman, almost as stubborn as your grandmother. She will make amends." Papa tickled Matthew under his chin. His giggle was infectious as he leaned into my father. "Hmm? Are you ticklish there, Pet?"

"Do you mind keeping an eye on him? Maybe bring him to the nursery when he's finished his snack? I need to check on my wife." I asked, pressing a kiss to Matthew's head. Father smiled as he bounced his knee.

"My grandson and I have some catching up to do, now go," He instructed. I smiled as I left father and trudged to the second floor. No doubt, my siblings were conversing somewhere in the house. I told Abby and Victor to tell Kat and Albie about Olivia and my marriage. I knew that they wouldn't be upset about it. We had a knack for finding odd spouses and angering mother. I bound up the servant staircase, exiting through the upstairs study.

Since Katrina had gotten married, Mother and Father were continuously changing the layout of the second floor. Their bedroom remained the same, only updated in style throughout the years. They changed Katrina's room into Grandmother and Grandfather's room. Grandfather was getting older and it wasn't safe for them to live on their own anymore. They kept Abby's room as it was, for when she stayed in between ventures with Victor and the children. They were still figuring out that to do with Albert's room. When they found out Helen was pregnant sweet Ingrid, Mother and Father surprised them by renovating the third floor of the manor to be their very own suite.

I entered my room tentatively, incase Olivia had gotten sweet Edith down for a nap. My hopes were dashed when I found Olivia struggling to nurse Edith on my window seat bench. I crossed the room quietly, perching myself beside her. Olivia sighed and passed the baby into my arms so she could adjust herself. I leaned in and pressed a kiss to her temple, earning a sigh from her lips.

"Did she eat anything?" I whispered. Livy rested her head against the window, placing her hand on my thigh.

"A little. She's too tired to eat, but she won't stay healthy if she can't eat or sleep." Olivia pressed her free hand to her forehead. "I'm worried about her catching something, Daniel." I took her hand in mine, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Let's get her down for a nap. I'll ask Victor to check on her before supper." I promised. I stood, bouncing methodically in my walk to the bassinet. Edith's eyes drooped as I placed her in the basket. I rocked her until her mouth fell open into an "O". I turned back to Olivia, watching as she made her way over to me. I wrapped her in my arms, willing our reality to melt away for just a minute.

"Your father's lovely," She mumbled into my chest. I chuckled as I ran my fingers through her loose hair.

"He adores you and the children. Mother will, too, once she calms down." I assured her. She wrapped her arms her arms around my waist with a gentle squeeze.

"You make me feel safe, Daniel." She whispered into my chest. "You feel like home to me when I've never really had a home." Heat blossomed in my chest. She consumed my soul, my heart entirely. I tilted her face up, peppering kisses across her cheeks.

"You are my home," I breathed. I pressed my lips softly to hers, smiling when she reciprocated. I pulled away, just enough to peer into her eyes. "I love you, Olivia. I think I've loved you since you crashed into my arms." Her eyes widened, but they sparkled with amusement. She kissed me again, and I willed the world and our problems to melt away.

"Daniel," she murmured against my lips. "Daniel, I—"

The door opened with the slightest creek, causing us to jump. Molly, I think, stood in the doorway, her cheeks bright red. I wanted to laugh, but I knew it would embarrass my wife, and further embarrass Molly. I turned, releasing Olivia from my arms, and addressed Molly with a smile. I knew Livy was going to try and fix her appearance.

"My Lord, I'm so sorry. Please—"

"It's alright Molly," I said quietly. "Is there an emergency?"

"Lord Albert and your sisters are requesting your presence in his suite. I've been instructed to watch the baby." Molly informed us. I took Livy's hand, lacing our fingers together.

"Thank you, Molly. You will fetch us if Edith wakes." I instructed, pulling my wife from the room. I chuckled as we reached the main staircase. Livy's cheeks were flushed from being caught by the maid. If she only knew how many times poor Molly had walked in on the rest of our family, including my parents.

"You think that's funny?" She demanded, attempting to smooth down her hair.

"I do," I confided. "Poor Molly has walked in on many... situations like ours. My siblings like to joke that she gets an itch when someone in the house is about to do something sinful with their spouse." We climbed the stairs, bickering playfully. I wasn't going to address the declaration that was interrupted. We could revisit that conversation later tonight.

"How many floors are there?" She huffed as we reached the landing.

"Four," I murmured, pulling her against my body. "This floor is for Albert and his family. The fourth is for the servants." I ducked my head and claimed her lips once more. She mewled when I pulled away. Her lips were swollen and so delectable... I wanted nothing more than to whisk her away somewhere secluded and have my way with her.

"They're waiting for us," I whispered, lacing her fingers through mine once more. I opened the doors to Albert's suite, not bothering to knock.

"Albert," I called, pulling us towards their sitting room. Father equipped Albert and Helen's suite with a sitting room, three bedrooms and an office for Albert. They were gracious for the privacy and autonomy their suite brought. They didn't want to leave Mother and Father, especially when their family was just beginning to grow.

"Danny?" He called, jogging into the hall. I smiled as he neared. He was trying a new look, one to make himself look older.

"Albie," I exclaimed, dropping my wife's hand to embrace him. "Is that a mustache I spy?" He laughed as he pulled away, his hands on my shoulders.

"Yes...Helen enjoys a little bit of facial hair." He admitted. He glanced over my shoulder, his smile softening.

"You must be Olivia," He murmured, letting me go to embrace her. I watched as Olivia stiffened for just a moment before embracing him back. Albert pulled away and took her hands in his. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Olivia. You are lovelier than Abby described." Olivia blushed furiously, attempting to hide her face behind her hair.

"Thank you, My Lord," She murmured. Albert scoffed with a laugh, turning towards me.

"Did you tell her to call me that?" He asked. "My dear, we're family. Call me Albert, I beg of you." I wrapped my arms around Olivia's waist and held her close.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"They're in the sitting room. Ingrid is napping in her room. We were expecting you to bring the baby, but she must be sleeping?" Albert pondered, walking back towards the sitting room. We followed, our hands intertwined once more.

"Yes, our Edith seems to be catching a cold and we want her to rest while she can." I confirmed. Albert laughed, clapping me on the shoulder.

"Look at you, talking like a father. I'm proud of you, Danny." I grinned, glancing at Olivia. She blushed as we entered the sitting room. Everyone but Gabriel was home. I knew he would be upset to find that We left home bachelors and only one of us would come home a bachelor. They shot up from their seat and crowded us, only Abby and Victor hanging back slightly.

"Oh, Danny!" Katrina exclaimed, wrapping her arms around me. "When Abby told us—I could hardly believe it! We thought we were going to have to play match-maker!" She laughed, kissing both my cheeks. She engulfed Olivia in her arms as Henry shook my hand, grinning from ear to ear. Henry and Victor were only a few years apart, but Henry acted so much younger than he seemed.

"Where has my little brother been hiding you?" Katrina exclaimed, holding Olivia by the arms. I could see how stiff she was, trying not to flinch as my sisters touched her. "Abby and Victor have been telling us a little bit about you!"

Olivia swallowed as she glanced at me. I shrugged, looking at Abby. We never settled on what to tell the family. I wanted to trust them, so much, to keep my family safe. But, it would be so much easier to keep our stories the same. I wrapped my arm around Olivia's shoulders as I looked at my siblings.

"Why don't we take a seat so we can better explain," I suggested.

I sat in one of Albert's upholstered armchairs, tumbling Olivia into my lap. I wanted to be as close to her as I could, so that I could comfort her. I rested my hand on her stomach, playing with the fabric of her dress as I told my siblings of how we met. She rested her head against mine, her hand gripping mine whenever she spoke. We told them of Matthew and Edith and our marriage. We told them what we chose to tell our friends and our parents for the time being. That's when the questions came rolling in.

"Why would you tell Mama and Papa a lie like that?" Katrina questioned, leaning forward in her seat. Olivia looked at me, biting her lip. Only Abby and Victor knew about Richard and her life before she came to England. I pressed a soft kiss to her lips before she turned to look at our family.

"I was born on a plantation just outside of New Orleans. My mother is a house slave and my father's her master. I'm only six months older than my half-sister, Isabella. I legally belong to her, but she's never treated me as her property. Her brother w-w-wasn't so kind..." I squeezed her side, urging her to stay her course. She drew a shaky breath before continuing.

"Nearly five years ago, my sister—she married a duke and I was to come with her. He raped us both; my sister on her wedding night and me two weeks after he arrived. My son Matthew was born eight weeks before his half-sister Clarissa. Isabella has four children with him- all of them by rape. Edith is legally Daniel's. My children and my nieces don't know—we couldn't tell them that they're siblings—My sister and my nieces are in danger. My half-brother and Richard tracked me to Hyde Park. Daniel found me when I was nearly due. He didn't have to take me in, and he certainly didn't have to marry me." She relaxed against me, her fingers lacing with mine.

"I am so grateful for your brother." She mumbled. With my free hand, I wiped away her tears. Without looking, I knew Kat and Helen were crying as well. Abby had already heard this horror story once before. She knew we had omitted her beatings and my love's little angels.

"Who else knows?" Henry asked. I looked at him with a sigh. I knew all too well of his past. For a short time, he trafficked women before he had the money to try and free them. Aunt Penelope was a blessing to Uncle Alastar. He still hadn't given up on that passion. He constantly worked with Alastar and Uncle Keegan to file legislation to help prostitutes.

"Uncle Keegan helped Olivia escape seven months ago. He's Richard's personal lawyer. He's been protecting Olivia and her sister since they've arrived. Keegan's become... romantically attached Isabella, the Duke of Winchester's wife. He's possibly fathered her youngest child, Marie. Their lives are at stake." I pressed a kiss to Olivia's temple.

"Mother and Father don't know," Abby interjected. "I didn't know that Lord Montgomery was that kind of man—He was always just Robert's hunting partner. He has hidden his marriage and his daughters skillfully. Only a select few know of them."

Katrina sniffed, wiping her cheeks with her handkerchief. She grasped Henry's hand, placing her free hand affectionately over her stomach.

"We believe you, Olivia," She murmured.*





Hello Lovelies!

Recently Radish has updated how they publish stories on their site, and for a lot of us, that meant that it revamped how many of them were published. So, both the Real Life series The Debt series are being re-released on Radish 1 week at a time until the last chapter has been published. So what does this mean? It means that the entirety of the Debt series will not be unlocked (meaning you have to pay for it) until March of 2021. It think the Real Life series will be fully unlocked in April of 2021.

This chapter will be available in full by July 2021.

Lots of Love,


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