The Experiment

By Reactier

31.4K 1.2K 1K

(Tord doesn't know Tom, Edd, and Matt in this book) Tord, who is known as the head scientist for the Red Army... More

Now Who's in Charge?
Confused Lust

Blushing Mess

2.6K 105 134
By Reactier

A lot of cursing in this chapter lol
Third Person Pov:

"Eat your fucking dinner you Commie cunt," Tom says to Tord and smacks a plate of rather tasty food on top of Tords paperwork, causing Tord to flinch.

Tord takes his glasses off the bridge of his nose and slightly glares at Tom as he says, "I'm busy Thomas, I don't have ti-"

"Eat yo fucking dinner or I'll shove it down your fucking throat cunt, either way you're not getting out of fucking eating,"

"FINE! Okay! I'll eat the food! Just stop cursing so much! It's irritating!" Tom hands Tord a fork and Tord gives Tom one last glare before beginning to eat the food.

Tom is only like this during dinner time and bedtime, he gets very annoyed when he's tired and has things to do, so he curses a lot while doing all his chores. It irritates Tord immensely since he doesn't enjoy profanity all that much.

"Finally, you're like a spoiled stupid child," Tom says which makes Tord growl. Tom crawls over to a spare desk chair and sits on it, he rolls over to Tord in it and bunks him with it. "Lemme have some of that, I haven't eaten shit today thanks to you," Tom rips half of the large steak in half and rolls away with half of it in the desk chair.

"You tell me to eat then you take my food? Seriously?"

"Bitch how about you shut the Hell up and let me fucking eat," Tom then struggles a bit to keep a hold of the steak since his hands are beginning to enlarge and his nails are growing into claws. He decides to get on the floor and eat like a wild animal instead since that's all he can manage to do, he holds the meat down with his claws and chomps at it in a somewhat frightening way since his teeth have turned into sharp fangs.

Tord cringes at Tom's horrible eating etiquette, but just sighs and begins to eat the half of his steak and mini salad with ranch dressing.

Tord has to admit, he was really quite scared to eat before, but Tom has been practically forcing food down Tord's throat with the included bitchy care method, so he feels different about food now, even though he would still procrastinate on eating if he had the chance. Tom has been helping and he's grateful, but he'd never admit it.

Once their dinner is complete, it turns 10:00 PM. That means Tom has to drag Tord to bed in the most violent yet most effective way possible.

"NO! I'm not done with the project! It's almost done! Just give me twenty minutes!-"

"You better stop fucking struggling or I'll fucking make you sleep forever bitch!" Tom has Tord halfway through Tord's bedroom doorway, but Tord has the doorframe gripped and he refuses to leave the laboratory/office.

Tord may be a workaholic, but he knows by now that Tom's going to force him to sleep, even if that means Tom has to suffocate him until he passes out, because let's be honest, Tom would do that.

Eventually, like every night, Tom manages to pull Tord off the doorframe and practically throw him into bed. The next part of the sleeping process is for Tom to sit on Tord until he gets tired of struggling and passes out himself.

"Stop! No! Get off! Get off me!" Tord says angrily as he struggles to get Tom off his chest. "You're suffocating me!"

"I couldn't give two shits if you passed out from not breathing, because then you'd be asleep and not my problem for the night, now stop struggling and just go unconscious for fuck's sake!"

Tord tries to scream, "Get off me!!" But he starts to lose his voice and he becomes too tired to keep struggling. He eventually goes limp and passes out from using all his energy from refusing to sleep.

"Fucking finally," Tom says to himself and sighs of relief, he then gets off Tord and jumps off the bed and on to all fours.

Tom stretches his body, getting Tord to bed is a workout for him. If it weren't for the growing monstrous strength he's forming from all the chemicals he gets ejected with daily, he wouldn't even be able to get Tord off his desk chair.

He crawls like a swift lizard into the laboratory/office and turns the lights off, then crawls back into Tord's bedroom and curls up on Tord's bed, soon falling asleep much easier than Tord did.


Tord slowly opens his eyes to the sound of birds chirping outside, he sits up and tries to remember how he got into bed- oh right, Tom. He stands up from the bed and walks over to his dresser, he had to sleep in his clothes due to being dragged into bed straight from work, so he decides he'll take a shower and put on new clothes.

After many minutes of preparing for the day, Tord walks out of his bedroom door to see that Tom is nowhere in sight. Tord mutters, "Where the hell did he go? He better not have tried to escape..."

Tord walks over to his desk and sits down on his chair with a sigh, suddenly the lab door bursts open and Tom crawls in with a plate of food and a glass of milk somehow perfectly balanced on his back.

He crawls over to Tord and says, "Take the goddamn food before I have a cramp in my spine." to which Tord nods and quickly takes the plate and glass, Tom bends his back and small crackles can be heard from him doing so. "The things I do for you." Tom then crawls over to the spare desk chair and sits on it with a relieved sigh.

"Why did you bring my food anyway? Usually Crystal brings me the food," I reply as I take a bite of my toast.

"She called the laboratory and said she wouldn't be able to make it today, so I decided like the good guardian that I am that I would crawl to the cafeteria and fetch some food for you,"

"Oh well thanks-"

"All I ask is that you give me your plate when you're done with it," Tom says which makes me tilt my head in confusion.

"What? Why?"

"I've been craving some sharp stuff ever since my teeth turned practically invincible from that weird pill you gave me the other day, it feels like my organs are especially made for inedible things now," Tom shrugs and I sigh, I knew I shouldn't gave given him that pill, stupid orders.

Tord begins to eat the bacon and eggs as he chats away with Tom, they've been becoming even closer since Tom has been taking care of Tord. Tord especially feels loved since no one has ever treated him with such generosity and kindness, it makes him feel fuzzy inside whenever Tom does such things for him.

"So how did the soldiers and cooks react when you walked into the cafeteria anyway? They don't just see experiments running around the place everyday you know," Tord asks Tom as he takes a bite of his toast.

"Well a lot of the soldiers called Red Leader and he of course told them what was going on, and the cooks were hesitant on giving me food so they called the head chef and I had to explain why I needed food; so after a bit of explaining I ended up getting the food since I'm pretty damn good at convincing people of things," Tom replies as he rests his beastly forearms on the arms of the desk chair and lets his enlarged feet rest on the ground as he slightly sways himself from side to side. "You're lucky I actually care about your health, you'd be eating the bedsheets if it weren't for me ya know."

"Thank you Tom," Tord says with a soft smile, Tom looks at Tord in surprise.



"You just sounded very genuine when you said that,"

Tord smiles and playfully pushes his shoulder, saying, "Shut up!"

Tom smiles as well as he says, "I'm serious! You really sounded happy right there and you always seem exhausted when you talk. It's nice to hear that side of you sometimes, you know that?"

Tord blushes a bit and bashfully smiles, looking away a bit shyly with his shoulders lifted up a bit, "Th-thank you.." When Tom said that it instantly made Tord feel immensely happy and made his heart start to quickly race; Tord doesn't know what this nice feeling bubbling in his chest is, but he seriously likes it and doesn't want it to ever leave him.

Tom notices the blush and smiles to it as he says in his head, "So he likes compliments a lot huh, typical guy."

Suddenly the phone rings and they both flinch in surprise, Tord picks it up and stutters a he says into it, "Y-yes?" Tord is still awfully flustered from the feeling in his chest lingering; even though he feels embarrassed by the stuttering, he's still very happy he's holding on to the feeling.

"Tord! Old friend! I have ordered a few more chemicals for dear Thomas, these ones are a bit different than just injecting them so I would read the directions! They'll be delivered to your office in just a few hours, so listen closely for a knock at your door! Tata!" Red Leader says in Norwegian.

"Yes Sir," Tord says back in Norwegian before Red Leader hangs up the phone, Tord sighs and places the phone back down on to it's holder. Sadly the nice feeling in his chest is now gone from that conversation, he doesn't like the idea of doing anything besides shots and pills.

"What was that about?" Tom asks Tord and Tord turns to him.

"Some new chemicals are being delivered here and they need to be applied through a different method apparently," Tord replies and Tom tilts his head in confusion.

"In what way exactly?" Tord shrugs and Tom huffs. "Well they better not be weird like a shot into my ass or something-"

"No way! Even if it was I wouldn't do that-"

"We both know you'd probably force me into it, you still crave your leader's praise,"

"Mm.." Tord says and looks down, he's right about that. A few hours later of pointless conversation and useless project work, there's a knock at the door so Tord says, "I'll get it."

Tord stands up and walks over to the door, opening it up and another man in a fully red deliveryman suit looks up at him. Tord doesn't understand how these delivery guys can be so short but so strong, for chrissakes they carried Tom in a cage and he's heavy with all those new monster features!

The man looks down at his clipboard and asks in Norwegian, "Head Scientist Tord Larsin?" then looks back up.

"Yes, that's me," Tord replies in a casual voice, accidentally saying it in english.

"Sign here," the delivery man says in Norwegian, completely ignoring Tord's english as he holds up his clipboard and a pen.

Tord takes the clipboard and pen and signs the paper, the little man then takes the clipboard and pen and looks down at the signature to make sure it looks right. The man then hands Tord the box of chemicals and walks away; Tord closes the door and walks over to his desk, he places the box of chemicals down on it and Tom looks at it with a slight "Ooo" noise.

Tord grabs his scissors and cuts the box open; he looks inside and expects to see bottled chemicals, but insead he sees odd plastic tubes with a clear lotion like substance inside them.

Tord takes the note resting on the top of the chemical tubes and unfolds it, it reads, "Use three tubes of this thick chemical and apply it to every inch of the body, it will give a extreme tingling sensation to the experiment which will not allow them to move well on their own for around thirty minutes; so you must be the one to apply it to their body- I repeat, every inch of the body must be covered."

"Every inch- oh god..." Tord says in his head before becoming a flustered mess.

"What's it say? I can't read Norwegian," Tom asks Tord, not noticing he's a complete blushing mess.

Tord quickly closes the box and says with his english breaking and panic raging in his whole body, "We start this tomorrow because I not ready today, I finish the project immediately!" Tord then grabs the box and slides it under his desk. "BACK TO WORK NOW!" Tord then hysterically begins to write on his papers, which confuses Tom exceedingly.

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