An Awesome Addition

By Ravenna30

136K 3.1K 1K

[COMPLETED] Hey! This is a fem!Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover. Percy Jackson is a daughter of Pose... More

1.Friends at Diagon alley!
3.The train ride
4.New family!
5.Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore knows everything!
6.'Lockhart's idea of a morale-booster'
7.Percy's biggest fear
8.The Yule Ball
9.Good things never last...
10. Too Much Unexpected Things In A Day
11. History class
12. Battle Begins!
13 . Friendship turns into something more

2.We get wands!

10.2K 253 81
By Ravenna30

August 1990, Ollivander's

The children were in front of Ollivander's. Perci entered the shop first and held the door for the others while looking around the shop. It wasn't much - a small, kind of a creepy place with shelves crammed with small boxes which she assumed to be were wand boxes. It wasn't much. There was a person behind the counter who looked like Einstein's long lost brother with white hair which stuck here and there and a crazy look in his eyes. He looked at his customers and smiled.

"Ahh..Weasleys and you are?" He inquired Perci. His voice was cheerful and welcoming.

"Perci Jackson sir" she answered politely. Ollivander's eyes twinkled and he smiled brightly.

"Of course! You look like your mother, Sally! Ah quite a witch she was! So kind and caring to everyone despite the differences. She was the main reason that the Slytherins took our side in the last war. She can be quite be terrifying when she wants to be. I knew she was going to become a great witch and indeed she became one!" He got a far away look in his eyes.

Perci felt proud of her mother. She already knew how her mother was one of the world's most wonderful people. However, she felt bad for the Weasleys who were standing there akwardly.

She cleared her throat to get Ollivander's attention. "Our wands Mr.Ollivander...?" she asked.

Ollivander smiled at her. He thought that she was just like her mother, nice and sweet to everyone. Percy also appreciated her politeness. She held the door for them and saved them from this extreme awkwardness and she told him that he was the good guy.

"First, we'll have the Weasleys, eh? I think you will be a tricky customer, Ms.Jackson" Ollivander said cheerfully. Soon, the Weasley twins had their wands aftr a couple of tries. Then Ollivander moved to Perci. He was excited in what wand will choose her. It wasn't only because of the fact that she was the daughter of the one of the most powerful witches but also she gave of a powerful aura. So Ollivander began giving her wands to try with him muttering the cores and the woods of each wand. Perci was getting scared after twenty seventh wand. She thought that maybe she wasn't a witch like her mother and that she would have to go back to New York searching schools where she will be labeled as the 'school weirdo'.

However, with each wand Ollivander was getting happier and happier. After twenty nineth wand he wondered whether that she was that 'courageous, loyal warrior'. He decided to feed his curiosity.

"Maybe...maybe.." he wondered with a crazy look in his eyes which Perci was not comfortable with. He went to the back of the store to retrieve the powerful wand in the store.

Perci turned to the Weasleys. "Well, that wasn't crazy at all!" They agreed.

"Ollivander gets over excited when there is a tricky customer like you" Percy explained. The others nodded.

Ollivander came back with a sleek box which had different shades of blue and green. It looked like metal, different from the wooden boxes. It didn't have any names or markings on it. The old wandmaker was beyond curious about it. He opened the box and gave the mysterious wand to Perci.

Perci observed that it wasn't a wood wand. It was an fusion of some sort of shiny metal which gleamed like bronze with various types of wood. The wand fit in her hand perfectly. The wave like designs on the wand gave more grip for her. It was a sea green color wand similar to the box. She felt comfortable with it like it was a part of her. She hesitantly waved her wand. Instantly, the mishaps in the room repaired itself and an overwhelming oceanic smell and sea green glow filled the room.

Ollivander looked like a child on Christmas, smiling like a madman. Perci was happy that she atlast got a wand.

"A fusion of oak, pine, cedar, apple and a mystery metal with cores as a pegasus' hair, a black one to be specific, thesthral hair and many more. 12 1/2 inches, flexible" he rambled on about the wand.

Perci however had a question. "If you don't mind me asking sir, how did you make the wand without knowing the cores and other things?"

Ollivander looked at the girl still smiling. "The materials call to me to be made and most of the cores and the metal was given to me by an unknown person. She told me to make it and that the wielder of the wand will be the most courageous and loyal person"

Perci was confused. She wasn't the 'most loyal or courageous person'. She paid the wandmaker and proceeded to get out of the shop.

However, Ollivander wasn't finished. "We except great things from you Ms.Jackson! Great things! You will be a very fine witch. Remember, the wand chooses the wizard!"

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