Online Couple - Karmy (Faking...

By Howling-Shadow

40.6K 874 120

Faking It AU ; Karma and Amy, are both starting a YouTube account, and want to gain viewers. But, when they p... More

Let's be Lesbians
Coming Out
One Last Tease
I Love You More Than Donuts, Idiot
Everything is New
Step Sister
Prom Part 1
Prom Part 2
Awkward Moments
Sexting Menace
Lipstick and a Ferris Wheel
The Wedding
Woah...I know


1.7K 44 4
By Howling-Shadow

Chapter 14 - Reagan

Waking up that morning had been horrible to say the least. The moment Amy's eyes had fluttered open, she remembered everything that had happened the night previous. All the touching, the kissing, having Karma on top of her. 

And she had loved every bit of it. 

Amy hadn't wanted it to end. But of course it had to end, she had to put a stop to it. 

There was no way she was going to regret her first time with Karma. 

Sitting up in bed, she groaned, remembering how guilty Karma had looked as she left the room. Shit, she had to sort things out. She had to let Karma know that she wasn't to blame. Yes things had gotten out of hand, but that was a simple accident. 

No one was to blame. They were young, and their hormones had been racing. 

But honestly she didn't regret it at all. Being that close to Karma had been a really nice experience. They would definitely have to do that again, but will less clothes and more touching. 

Yeah, they were totally going to do that again. 

Biting her lip, Amy sighed and decided to get out of bed. She had to go and check up on her best friend. A part of her was worried that Karma had gone back home, but the blonde knew that Karma wouldn't do that to her. 

Once she had pulled on a pair of scruffy jeans and a checkered shirt, she walked out of her bedroom and headed for the spare room. Opening the door, as quietly as she could, Amy peeped her head inside and saw her girlfriend on the bed.

Karma was all snuggled up in a nest of blankets. Her hair was fanned out on a pillow, and her mouth was slightly curved into a sleepy smile. She showed no sign of waking at all, and continued to dream without stirring. 

Woah, she was damn beautiful in the morning. 

Silently, Amy backed out of the room, and made her way downstairs. Perhaps it was a good idea to wake Karma with breakfast in bed. Maybe that would ease some of the awkwardness between them. 

 It was very quiet in the Raudenfeld-Cooper household, which Amy was used to. It was Sunday of course, which meant that her family were attending church. Farrah had long stopped trying to get her daughter to come along, and now that Amy was dating a girl, she definitely wasn't invited. 

Whipping up some batter, Amy decided to make some pancakes. The last time things were strange between them, she had made pancakes, so it seemed fitting to make some again. 

Once she had made a pile for them to share Amy made them both some drinks and carried the tray upstairs to the spare room. 

Amazing Karma was still asleep, but she had changed positions. She was now on her front, cuddling one of the many pillows that had been on the bed. 

Chuckling, the blonde carefully placed the tray on the bedside table and sat down on the edge of the bed. Slowly she gently brushed a strand of hair away from Karma's face, and pushed it behind her ear. 

"Karms, it's time to wake up." She murmured as softly as possible. Biting her lip, she watched as Karma's eyes slowly fluttered open, meeting her gaze. 

Jeez, Amy would never understand how Karma could just look stunning this early in the morning. She was honestly like a fallen angel. 

"Hi, I've made pancakes to apologise for last night."

Karma sat up and stretched her arms out, groaning lowly, before shaking her head. 

"No Amy, you didn't do anything wrong, at all. It's good that we have a relationship in which we can talk. I went too far last night, but now we're back to good."

Leaning forward, Karma pressed a chaste kiss to Amy's lips, lingering for a few moments. Her hands slipped around Amy's neck, playing with her long blonde hair. 

Once the kiss was broken, they hugged for a few moments, just relaxing in the warm embrace. It was obvious that Karma didn't want to talk about what happened last night. It was so like Karma to just brush everything under the carpet and pretend that things were fine. 

Things weren't fine between them. Amy knew that the bubbling sexual tension would overflow at some point, and it would be soon. She wasn't an idiot. 

Sometimes it hard to keep herself in check, she would glance at Karma and wonder what she would look like laid on her bed wearing nothing but a pair of....


Now wasn't the time to fantasize about her girlfriend. Not when they had to talk.


Amy's phone rang out, causing the pair to break apart from their hug. Slipping the phone out of her jean pocket, Amy sighed and showed the caller id to Karma, before answering. 

 "Want to go to a party tonight? You can bring Karma along. Just make sure you look hot. Lauren and Theo are going, and so is Liam, come on it's going to be great."

Amy raised her eyebrows, causing Karma to let out a laugh. Whenever Shane called, he would always talk very fast, which didn't allow her a lot of time to get anything in. Amy found it annoying, but Karma found it hilarious 

 "Is that Karma I can hear laughing? Oh, did you both finally-"

"Shane! Shut up for one moment. And no we didn't, Karma slept in the spare room."

Karma looked up at Amy, her cheeks blushing to a nice pink colour at what Amy had just said. 

"Now, what did you say about a party?"

"Oh yes, a hot guy called Duke invited me, and said I could bring my friends along. So, wanna come? It'll be fun. I can show you both off like a proud papa." He teased, making Amy snort and shake her head. 

"It sounds fun but, I'm not too sure."

"I want to go." Karma said, loud enough for Shane to hear. "Come on, I promise the only showing off that will be going on, will be me showing off you. My beautiful girlfriend."

Rolling her eyes at Karma's cheesiness, Amy sighed and looked down at her lap. She wasn't going to win this. Fuck it. She might as well go and have fun, and anyway, it wasn't like she was going alone. Karma would be there, and so would all the others. It would be fun. 

Well, as fun as house parties could be. 

"Fine, we'll come, but only because Karma is giving me puppy eyes."

"Yay, I'll pick you both up at eight, look sexy."

Oh for fuck sake. This wasn't going to be a fun night after all. 


The party was just what Amy had expected. It was filled with underage drinking, and countless couples dancing intimately in a cleared space in the living room. Pot smoke seeped in, from an outside window. Amy was more than a little used to the smell, as both of Karma's parents used the herb. 

Turning away from the direction of the incoming smoke, she caught her reflection in a pain of glass, which as the night had gone dark, turned into a black mirror. 

Karma and Shane had made her wear a dress to the party, reassuring her that it suited her perfectly. When she had stepped out of the bathroom, Karma double taked, even going as far to let her eyes travel up and down the blonde's body. It had made Amy blush deeply. Knowing that her girlfriend liked what she saw was the main aim. She wasn't dressing for anyone else. 

She frowned at her reflection, until she spotted Karma gazing at her. The red head was smiling softly, a look that Amy would never quite get used to. She never thought that looks like that would be reserved for her, for boys in their class maybe, but not her. 

Slowly their eyes met, which made Amy chuckle softly, and move to face Karma. 

"What's that look for?" She questioned, tilting her head to the side, a small smile painted on her lips. 

"What look? Am I not allowed to look at my beautiful girlfriend?" Karma asked, smirking softly at her now flushed girlfriend. 

"You were gazing at me, like I was the only person in the room." Amy pointed out, not bothering to hide her glee. 

"That's because you are the only one I see, Amy. You have a glow about you." She shrugged, slipping her arm around Amy's waist, tugging the taller girl closer. 

"You are such a sap. But, I love you too." 

Grinning, Karma pulled the blonde down for a kiss, leaning up on her tip toes to reach her lips. It was short, but sweet, and it left Amy wanting more. Sadly, Karma pulled away, giving her a teasing smile. 

"I'm going to get us some drinks, I'll be back in a few minutes."

Amy sighed and watched as Karma darted back into the crowd, leaving her standing there, awkward and alone. She would be alright for a few minutes, and anyway it was quite fun to watch drunk teenagers stumble around, acting like they were the best dancers in the whole state of Texas. 

Smirking, she watched as Shane smoothly flirted with a handsome man, with a shaved head. She assumed that he was Duke, the guy Shane had been gushing about. It was nice seeing him look so happy. She knew that he wasn't the type to date someone for a long period of time, but maybe Duke would be the one to change that. 

Letting her eyes move around the room, she caught a glance of a girl at a set of decks. Biting her lower lip, she took in the dyed strands of purple in the ends of her hair. 

She was something different. Even going to a school like Hester, where everyone was different and unique, Amy had never seen a girl like that before. But still, she felt a nagging feeling in the back of her head, that she knew this girl, that she had seen her around. 

As she stared, she didn't notice that the girl had noticed her. 

She felt more than a little awkward now. She must have looked like a right idiot, just gawping at her like a fish. Surprisingly Amy was proved wrong, instead of flipping her off, the girl smiled and waved her over. 

Ok, this was weird. 

Swallowing, she briefly looked around for Karma. It didn't take long to find her, she was busy chatting to Lauren, who was standing besides Theo. Strangely enough since Karma had become her girlfriend, she had started trying really hard to be friends with Lauren. 

Karma wouldn't notice that she had moved, and anyway, she would probably be talking to Lauren for ages. Karma could talk for a living, especially when she was trying to prove something. 

Fuck it. 

She really wanted to talk to this mysterious DJ, and figure out who she was. Amy was sure that she had seen the girl somewhere before. But perhaps she had one of those faces. 

Heading over to the booth, she couldn't help but return the smile she received from the DJ, it was a friendly smile. The last thing she wanted was to sent the wrong message to the other girl. 

"Hey, you looked a little lonely over there. Thought you could do with a friend." she said, huskily, tugging off the headphones that she had been wearing. 

"I was just waiting for my friend, she went to go get us some drinks." Amy explained. It was only after she had said it, did she realise that she had just called Karma her friend, not her girlfriend. 

But it was an accident. 

Just a simple slip of the tongue. She wasn't trying to flirt with the DJ, was she? Nope, of course she wasn't, it was just habit had got the better of her. 

"Well I hope she doesn't mind me stealing you away. I just thought that someone as gorgeous as you, shouldn't be alone tonight."

Fuck, she might not have been, but the DJ was flirting. 

And even worse, Amy was enjoying it. She was liking the attention the older girl was giving her. It was a nice change from just having Karma pay attention to her. 

Swallowing she tried to speak, but instead ended up stuttering a little. 

Why was she reacting like this? It wasn't like she was nervous, what would she be nervous about? But then again, Amy knew that answer to that. It was because no one had really flirted with her, except Karma. 

"You're cute when you're nervous. It makes me wonder what you would be like on a first date."

"A first date?" Amy's eyes grew wide. What was happening? 

"Yeah, if you're free. I'm Reagan, by the way. What's your name, lonely girl?" If the cocky smirk was anything to go by, Amy knew that Reagan intended to ask her out for more than just a date. 

Flushing, she took in the beauty of the woman in front of her. The woman who wanted to take her out on a date. 

"I'm Amy..but I'm..I have a g-"

A hand made contact with Amy's upper arm, causing the blonde to jump in surprise. Turning she saw that it was Karma, holding two drinks and an amused look on her face. Shit. She could feel her stomach sinking ever-so-slightly. She felt guilty for talking to Reagan, she almost felt like she had been cheating on her. 

Karma was her girlfriend.

"Amy? I've been looking everywhere for you. Sorry I was so long, I got chatting to Lauren. Did you know that Theo asked her to come to the party, and that she is really into him? I think it's sweet, she deserves to be happy." Karma said, before she noticed the older girl standing by Amy. 

"So you must be the friend that left Amy by herself. You want to be careful, anyone could snatch her up." Winking at the blonde, Reagan, took off the headphones and placed them on the deck. 

Karma frowned, just about to speak, but Karma was cut off by Reagan, who had turned to look at Amy once again. 

"So, how about that date? We could go and have dinner, and then you could come back to mine, check out my music collection."

Music collection? Yeah right, even in this dazed and slightly confused mindset, did Amy know that, that Reagan's music collection was a double meaning for something else entirely. 

Taking one glance at how awkward Amy looked, Karma rolled her eyes and stepped forward. 

"I'm Karma and I'm actually her girlfriend, it's a simple mistake to make. We've been best friends since we were five." Karma explained, sipping her drink. 

Instead of looking embarrassed, Reagan only grinned and nodded, taking the couple in before her. "Oh, I didn't know she was taken. I should have known really, a girl that beautiful."

Amy couldn't understand what was going on. One minute Reagan had been flirting with her, and now she was teasing her, and Karma was letting her do it. Flushing, she gave the two girls an awkward smile. She would never see herself as beautiful. 

"I'm very lucky to have her. Now I'm afraid I'm going to have to steal Amy away, it was nice meeting you Reagan. You'll have to come back to Hester soon, I'm sure Penelope would love to see you again." Karma said, before taking Amy's hand. 

Reagan grinned, picking up her headphones again. "Yeah, sounds great. I'll get in touch with the school, see if I can do a gig or something. Bye Amy." 

Amy let Karma lead her out of the busy living room, and into an empty bedroom. It had surprised her that any of the bedrooms were empty, but then again, perhaps Duke had rules. 

Sitting down on the bed, Amy watched as Karma locked the door and sat beside her, still sipping at her drink. 

Now was probably a good time to talk. They had needed to talk for hours, and now they were finally alone, they could do it. But first Amy needed to ask something important. 

"So? Aren't you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you?" Karma asked, looking at Amy as if she was actually losing her mind. 

"Because Reagan was flirting with me, and I didn't know what to do."

"Amy, come on. I'm not mad at all. I know you love me, and only me. Yes she caught your attention, but I would have been surprised if she didn't. She is very good looking." 

It amazed Amy, at how calm Karma sounded. She didn't sound one bit jealous. But surely that meant that something else was going on underneath the surface. 

"She may be good looking, but I think I was more startled at the fact that someone was flirting at me, that wasn't you. I didn't know how to react."

Amy watched as Karma shrugged and lifted the glass to her lips again. But before Karma could drink, Amy slipped the glass out of her fingers and placed it on the bedside table, away from the red head's hands. 

Turning back to Karma, Amy was met with an annoyed look from her best friend. It shouldn't have, but it amused Amy, Karma would always react the same if she had something taken away from her. 

Barely stopping herself from laughing, Amy sobered up and moved her own glass away. If she was going to try and talk to her girlfriend, she would do it with a clear head. It was only fair that Karma received an honest conversation. 

"Karms, we need to talk about last night, and I know you don't want to, but we need to." She began, taking Karma's hands in her own, she gently squeezed them and watched for her reactions. 

"I really enjoyed it, in fact I want to do it again. Admittedly with less clothes on, but we can work on that.' 

"Amy, I don't understand what we need to talk about. I know you enjoyed it, I enjoyed it too." Karma burst out, still looking confused. She hadn't asked for her glass back, which meant that she was still up for listening. 

"We need to talk, because I need you to know that when I tell you to stop, it isn't because I don't want you. It's because I'm nervous, I'm so scared of messing this all up, and making things awkward.I just want our first time to be special, something we can look back on."

After listening to the blonde's speech, Karma nodded and gave Amy's hands a squeeze back. Tugging her right hand free, she gently slipped it around Amy's waist, pulling her closer, till they were pressed comfortably together. 

"You know, we don't have to set a date, or plan anything Amy. I promise that when the day comes, it will be incredible. We won't forget it, or mess anything up between us. I can't say that it will be perfect, because things go wrong, and we are bound to giggle a little. But that's fine, that's us." 

Nodding in agreement, Amy ran her thumb over the back of Karma's left hand, slowing tracing patterns on the soft skin. Karma sighed quietly, and shifted till she could rest her head on Amy's shoulder. 

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