Miraculous Ninja: A crossover

By theblueshad0w

7.8K 152 12

Lloyd had a hard life, growing up in an orphanage without even knowing his parents. He got used to it, being... More

1. Letter
2. Orphanage
3. Lloyd
4. Home
5. Return
6. Father
7. News
8. Tigg
9. Hero
10. Close
11. Truth
12. Quit
13. Pythor
14. Fight
15. Ready
16. Lanature
17. Help
18. Flame
19. Hurt
21. Bolobo
22. Spy
23. Mall
24. Lightning
25. Blind
26. Samurai
27. Heros
28. Exhausted
29. Love
30. Plan
31. Danger
32. Hurt
33. Pain
34. Wait
35. Return
36. Forgive
37. School
38. Morro
39. Water
40. Surprise
41. Anxiety
42. Captive
43. Prisoner
44. Guardian
45. End

20. Courage

120 3 0
By theblueshad0w

Lloyd's POV

It's all black. I don't really remember what happend. Only that I couldn't breath. Breath. AIR!

I sit up, gasping for air and breathing heavily. I'm covered in sweat, I grap my head and look around. The first thing I see is a little dragon flying towards me and hugging me.

"Ll- Are you alright?!?"

I look at her. It's Tigg. It was just a nightmare. Everything is turning and my head is dizzy.

"Yeah, I'm just dizzy...what happend? The last thing I remember is...panicking and not getting air. I was scared."

I finally noticed Kai sitting behind Tigg on the ground, turned with his back to me. He's surprisingly quiet, it seems like some kind of depressed aura is around him.

"I'm sorry green Ninja." My eyes wide and I look down at myself. I detransformed. Right, I used my power. "It's my fault you got hurt." He takes off his miraculous and looks at it. "I can understand if you want to find a new hero..."

I look at him for a while, I walk over to him and notice that he gets a bit nervous, I kneel down behind him and lay a hand on his shoulder.


"What??" He wants to turn around but Feuu and Tigg both hold his head in the position so he doesn't see me.

"Kai, I choose you because I knew I could trust you and that you have the potential to be a hero. Yes, you made a mistake, but everybody makes them, me too. Look when I got the miraculous I was scared and didn't wanted to have the responsibility to watch over the miraculous or the city. But I saw that the city needed me and decided that someone has to do it. The same happend with you, when you saw me in danger you saved me. I owe you my life."


"No but. Hero's aren't hero's because they don't make mistakes, they protect the people. And you are a hero. You protected me." I reach out one hand over his shoulder to his hand holding the miraculous, I close his hand with mine. "This miraculous belongs to you. Nobody else."

I noticed his supirsed expression when he saw my arm, but he just noded. "Thank you.."

I take my arm back and smile, even though he can't see it. "Your welcome. We should both transform again to get down here. We still need to defeat the villain. Oh and Kai..thank you for respecting my wish to keep my identity a secret."

I see that he blushes a bit, he hides his face and tries to act cool. "N-No problem" I just chuckle silently when he notices something and shakes his head. "And I already defeated the villain"

"Really? Good work, then I just need to repair everything."

Tigg's eyes wide and she looks at Kai. "Does that mean you led the Akuma fly away??" He just looks surprised and nods "Yeah is it so bad?"

I look at her confused "Tigg, what happens if I don't purify it?"

"It will start to spread out as soon as the akumatized persons gets emotinal again and will akumatize more people!!"

We both look shooked at her. Kai looks sad "It's my fault.."

I put a hand on his shoulder."It could've happen to me too. But instead of regretting it you should rry to fix your mistake. Come on we have to hurry!!" I take out some candy and give it to Tigg and Feuu. "Sorry I only got Candy."

Feuu takes it and sighs while Tigg has already eaten the candy up. "It should do it." While Feuu starts to eat, Tigg and I look at each other and nod. "Tigg, Ninja go!!!"

She starts to transform me and when the transformation finished, I look to Kai who's still turned away from me. I chuckle. "Don't worry I'm transformed." He takes a deep breath and turns around with his eyes closed. "You sure?"

I just stand there "Yes, come on!" He opens his eyes slowly and sighs relieved when he sees me in my suit.

"Now come on transform!"

Feuu and Kai look at each other and they transform. "Let's do this green Ninja."

"You know, it feels a bit distant and strange if you call me that. I can't tell you my real name but can just think of a name.

He starts to smile and raises a fist. "Ready Greenie?"

I smile slightly, fistbump him and nod "Ready as I'll ever be! You go looking for the man while I start looking for the Akumas, if you find something use your badge to call me!"

We split up. I jump over some roofs looking for the Akuma.

//Good I was able to cheer him up, he must have been really scared. I hope he didn't recognized my voice or arm.//

An hour later I still haven't found the Akuma when my bracelet starts to ring, I tap on the dragon and a screen appears.

"Greenie I found the guy, come to the flower shop near the Ninjago High School."

"On the way."

I start to run over the roof tops on the way to the shop. If I can't find the Akuma it would be better to be near the person in order if the Akuma appears I can purify it.

A little later I arrive at the flower shop. The flowers outside are destroyed and burned.

"What...? What happend..?"

Flame lands beside me. "I dunno. But I saw him walk inside."

I nod and we both enter the shop. Inside it looks pretty nice, beautiful flowers and plants are standing everywhere. "Wow..." I walk over to some of the flowers and look at them. "They're beautiful..."

"At least someone still appreciates my flowers."

We both look up supirsed and see someone coming towards us. He's wearing blue jeans with a brown shirt, he wears a cap on his head and a necklace with a feather as a pendant.

"My name is Bolobo. I'm the owner of this little shop."

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