It Wasn't Until I Met You

By HuMzzzz

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My names Lyndsey Olsen, I'm 18 years old and this is my story. NOT EDITED More

Until I Met You
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15

Part 3

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By HuMzzzz

Part 3

So I guess that brings us to the present, I've known Blake for 7 months and I can say without any doubt that I'm hopelessly and irrevocably in love with him. We more or less have been living together all summer and were a family him, me, Tavia, josh and little Derek who's growing up so fast he's already 10 weeks old.


'Finally you're here!!' Jessica yells as she sees me walking through the double doors of hell itself also known as school.

'Yeah sorry we were running late this morning Octavia was having a tantrum and refused to go to day care because her and josh are fighting and it's Blake's first day at work so things were hectic, to say the least.' I say with a tired say, I'm not too worried about Tavia and josh fighting, knowing Tavia she's already made up with him.

'So where is she?' Axel asked, he love's Tavia to pieces and Tavia gets along with him better than the others and she even calls him Uncle Axy.

'Day care, I bribed her with Toblerone, I think I may have gotten her addicted.' I say with a small shrug, I'm sure she's not too addicted.

'Guys we should get to class.' Hannah says, attitude wise Hannah is the nerd of our group, academically were all on the same level, we've got practically the same classes but are schedules are slightly different. She has brown hair and chocolate brown eyes and at 5ft 2 we all tower over her.

'Yeah we all waited for you, so we could be late together.' Jordan says slinging his arms around Hannah. Jordan smith, he's the classic class clown, stupid yet still one of the smartest at our school. With blond hair and blue eyes and at a 5ft 10 frame he's slightly shorter then Axels 5ft 12 built.

'But were not late yet' I say, the bell hasn't even gone of yet, he's not guilting me into doing anything, I'm not falling for it, again!!

'That's why I said we should get to class....' Hannah drawls out.

'What have you guys got first period?' I ask, hoping we have something together.

'AP biology' Hannah replies

'I've got that too' Axel says in monotone, grumpy grouch as always, he's never been a morning person, but that's Axel Fields for you, the jock who hates everyone but his group of goofs, I'd say I'm the closest to Axel not just because I've known him the longest, he's actually helped me a lot with Octavia, he's like a brother i wasnt given.

'History' Jessica says looking way to excited to be going to history. Jessica Smith, Jordan's older twin sister, the classic cheerleader with the Smith's signature blond hair and blue eyes. At 5 ft 7 she's one of the tallest girls at our school with me following behind at 5 ft 6.

'Same' Jordan says eyeing his twin weirdly, what's up with them.

'Oh I got AP Calculus', I say as I look as my schedule. Aww I wanted a class with at least one of my idiots, looks like calculus is going to suck.

'Omg have you guys seen the new history teacher.' Jessica squeals.

'No why?' I ask her not really interested in the answer but I can't say that to her, that would be rude.

'He's so hot' she says not picking up on my un-enthusiasm.

'He's a teacher.' Jordan says looking horrified.

'He is good looking.' Hannah says nodding her head, not paying attention to her annoyed looking boyfriend.

'You don't say another guys good looking in front of your boyfriend, it bruises their ego.' Jordan whines hugging Hannah.

'I'm sorry babe you're good looking too.' She coos

'Uhuh.' He says with a pout.

'Come on Jordon I want to go see hot Mr. History.' Jess says trying to drag her brother down the corridor.

'What?' I ask

'Well I don't know his name and it suits him.' She defends as Jordan finally starts to budge from next to Hannah.

An incredibly boring morning with consisted of AP Calculus, Human geography, free period, Italian and gym it was finally lunch!!

'I'm so glad we've got lunch together.' Jessica says taking a seat on our usual table, 'Yeah but we always get it together.' Jordan points out giving his sister an eye roll.

'I know were lucky.' She says smiling away, ignoring her brother like usual. You can't leave them alone for five minutes without there being an argument, yup there those type of siblings.

'Uhuh' he replies to her.

'How were your summers then peeps?' I ask once were all seated.

'Omg London was great me and Jordan finally met our crazy aunt and equally crazy cousins.' Jessica says, smiling away like usual, in the 10 years I've known her i have seen her upset about 15 times, and she's just a happy person I guess.

'Yeah it was a blast, but the weather could have been better.' Jordan say's taking a bite from his burger, eww mystery meat!!

'Texas was so fucking hot , my grandparents made me work on their damn ranch, I'm so glad I'm home.' Axel grumbles, hah I know it wasn't that bad, a certain blue eyed babe who's name may or may not be Lucy is why he's in a sour mood.

'Hannah, how was your cruise?' I ask her.

'It was fun I guess how about your summer?' she says, she doesn't really get along with her family so she was probably bored out of her mind.

'It was good, uhh I've got news me and Blake kind of started dating, after my mom came back the second time.' I say a smile coming to my face at just the mention of Blake, man I have it bad.

'She's back.' Jessica says, asking the question that the whole table probably wanted to ask.

'No she left as soon as the hangover was gone.' I say, not letting how much it hurt show, put on a smile and no one will question anything.

'Oh I'm sorry babes' she says.

'I'm used to it' i say with a small shrug.

'I knew you and Blake would end up together, you guys are adorable.' She says trying to lighten the mood, gosh I love her!!

'You haven't met him' I say with a smile.

'But still' she says pouting.


'You said the second time, what of the first time?' Axel says looking at me; I guess he wants me to tell the rest of them about Derek, I told him when he called freaking out about Lucy.

'That's the thing, it was the first week of summer and me Blake and the kids were watching a movie and mom rings me telling me she's in hospital.' I say letting the events replay in my head.

'What?' Hannah asks seemingly worried, don't worry Han she's perfectly fine.

'Yeah that not the shocking part she tells me she's in labour.' I say slowly, letting them process it. 'Whatttt' they all shout in unison getting strange looks from the student body.

'Yeah she gave birth to a baby boy Derek; she bolted as soon as he was born so the birth certificate kind of lists me and Blake as his parents.'

'WHATTT??' they all shout again.

'Uhh yeah he said he's helping raise him and well him and josh have been with us since he wakes up in the middle of the night with me to look after Derek.' I say remembering our first night with Derek, but I wouldn't want to change them for anything.

'Omg he's so sweet' jess squeals.

'I know' I reply with a dreamy smile, I can't help it, its Blake's fault for being so sweet.

RING, my phone rings shaking me from thought of Blake, I answer it and say 'Hi' without really looking at the I'd.

'Hey Lyn' Blake's deep voice replies

'Blake' i answer like the idiot I truly am, of course it's him!!

'Yeah it's me don't you check caller id' he relies with a chuckle; even his laugh is so hot!!

'Uh no, so how is your first day going?' i say, getting over my idiocy.

'It's okay some kids are a little annoying' he say in a slightly hushed tone, aww he doesn't want anyone to hear him.

'Oii you're not suppose to say that' i say laughing.

'Yeah I know, but you won't tell anyone would you.' He says I can just imagine him pouting, if he was in front of me I would literally do anything he asked.

'Of course I would' i reply with a smile.


'So what's up' i say, throwing out playful banter aside for the moment.

'I need a big favour' he says

'Yeah sure' i reply without a second thought

'Are you busy now, you haven't got class?' he asks nervously.

'Nope, I just had lunch what's up?' I ask him, I'm free for 20 more minutes,

'The day care called and said josh wasn't feeling to good so I have to pick him up, but I've got class, so could you pick him up?' he asks.

'No probz, ill get some soup down him and put him to bed.' I say, I'm sure I'm not going to miss anything it'll just be introductions.

'Thank you so much' he says, letting out a sigh.

'It's no problem, I will see you tonight it's your.....'

'My turn to cook I know babe, I'll see you tonight.' He replies cutting me off, I guess he knows me enough to finish my sentences.

'Yeah babes see you tonight' I reply with an eye roll

'Bye' Blake says cutting the call.

I look up to see all my friends were eavesdropping, can't expect ant less form these idiots.

'You guys are adorable.' Jess coos.

'Who are you picking up?' Hannah asks.

'Blake's son he's not too good.' I say, I hope he isn't feeling too bad, and if he's ill the other two will probably get ill too.

'Awww' she says pouting.

'So you're skipping' Axel asks giving me a disappointed look, oh can it you skip more then of us, 'It's only the first day it'll only be introduction and such.' I say sticking my tongue out at axel.

'You won't see hot Mr. History' jess says, her eyes growing wide as if I'm missing out on something incredibly important

'That's alright; I'll see you guys tomorrow.' I say getting up from the table, to which I receive a couple of 'Bye's!!'

Guys this is unedited so there's probz loads of mistakes, anyways what do you think of Lyn's friends?? There was no Blake but dont worry he's in thhe next chaper!!


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