More Than A Servant

By MaddyLib_21

241K 6.4K 862

*Starts out in the same timeline as Servant Of Two Masters* Merlin and the Knights are out on a trip, when th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
The End...ish
Gwen and Morgana
A Ban Lifted
A Day to Remember
Wedding Bells
Years Later...

Chapter 18

7.2K 189 36
By MaddyLib_21

As their hands meet, Morgana feels an energy coursing through her just under the skin. It is almost as if her magic is reaching out to his. Merlin feels it too, but he doesn't let go. He guides her into the middle of the clearing before he releases her.

"What was that?" She asks breathlessly.

"Magic," he raises an eyebrow.

Whatever it was, it was exhilarating. Morgana doesn't think that used any enchantment. It was just their magic reacting to each other. She longs to see more, to know more of this Merlin.

"Show me."

He thinks over what he should show her.


A flame hovers over Merlin's hand. It's a simple spell and most magic users can do it. Morgana looks at him clearly unimpressed. He shrugs at her and tries to think of another spell. Then he smiles to himself, remembering their days back in Camelot.


He cups his hands in front of them, and when he opens them a red rose appears. He takes the rose and hands it to her.

"My Lady," he says with a mock bow.

"I hardly think that's appropriate." She giggles. As in actually girly giggles.

"I don't see why not. I used to bring you flowers back in Camelot." He smirks.

She lets out a small laugh. Then she looks down at the ground, lost in memory. Those were the days. In those days she felt safe and secure. She felt loved, something she hasn't felt in a long time.

"That was so long ago. So much has changed..."

"It has."

As he looks at her he sees her pain. He sees years spent alone. He sees betrayal after betrayal, and the role he played in that. He also sees what could have been. If not for destiny, could they have been happy? What if destiny was wrong about her?

"You know... just because times have changed doesn't mean we can't change back." He starts.

She looks at him incredulously.
"What are you suggesting?"

"Before all of this, you and I were friends, good friends. And I'm just thinking what if we could go back to that?" He pauses, then adds quietly, "You could join me."

Morgana still cannot believe what she's hearing. What he's suggesting! Her heart longs to say yes, but logically that couldn't happen... could it?

"Merlin... you're not suggesting going back to Camelot, are you?"
He shrugs, giving her a half nod.
"They would kill me on sight! Besides magic is still outlawed. Look, I agree that Arthur is not Uther, but after everything I've done there is no way he could ever forgive me."

"Not necessarily. He may surprise you. Maybe you could help convince him to allow magic back in Camelot."

His eyes are practically begging her to say yes. She can't help but imagine the bond they once shared springing to life again. Maybe this could be... maybe they could find a way. But could she ever trust him like she once did?

"Merlin, I-I don't know."

He sighs, "It's okay. We have time."


Gwen, Arthur and the knights had traveled for a couple of hours to get to the hovel. Finally, they pass around a large group of trees and have the hovel in sight. Arthur gathers his men and starts to lay out a plan.

"Okay. There's Morgana's hovel where Merlin is currently being held. What we are going to do is go in and rescue Merlin. If at all possible, we would like to capture Morgana as well."

"Sire," Leon interrupts. "Don't we want to kill Morgana?"

"Only if need be. We must certainly be on guard. So, four of you will go to the back, three to the left and three to the right. The rest of you will be with me. Hopefully we will have the element of surprise on our side. Percival, you focus on rescuing Merlin and the rest of us will try to deal with Morgana. Any questions?"

There is silence from the knights.

"Alright then. Let's go."

They sneak up to the hovel and all get in their positions. Everything seems to be going well thus far. Morgana hasn't seen them yet. Arthur signals his men and rushes the door banging it open, and the men file inside. To their shock, nobody seems to be there. Looking around, Arthur can tell that it must be Morgana's hovel judging by the books and potions. Where did they go?

"Look around for clues. They can't have been gone long."

The search the entire hovel, but all they find is a bunch of magic books and weird potions, which is to be expected. As they're searching it begins to get dark so they can no longer see, let alone search. Arthur decides to gather up the knights and make camp a small ways from the hovel. After unpacking their stuff and tying up the horses, they all gather around the campfire and eat.

"We sure this is Morgana's place?" Elyan asks.

"Yes." Gwen answers, "She was just here yesterday with Merlin. I remember what the inside looked like as well."

"Where could they have gone?" Percival interjects.

"I have no idea." Arthur replies. "But wherever it is, they couldn't have gone far. Plus, there must be tracks. Traveling with a prisoner is not easy."

Merlin. A prisoner. Something was definitely not right with that picture. The knights go quiet for a moment all realizing this to themselves.

"What's the plan?" Leon asks.

"Find the tracks. Follow them. We've got to find them eventually. And even if we don't find them by following the tracks, they'll come back here eventually."

"Maybe some people should stay near here, in case they come back."

"That's an excellent idea, Leon. We'll split up groups in the morning."

Silence follows. No one really knows what to say. Almost all of the groups of knights have joined up at this point, meaning all of those closest to Merlin are there. No one can pretend that everything is okay. This is their friend captured by their worst enemy.

"What do you think she's done to him?" Gwaine, who had been uncharacteristically quiet up until this point, breaks the silence.

Arthur sighs. He had really been trying not to think about it. The thought of Merlin suffering or being tortured gives him chills.

"I don't know. But I do know what Guinevere said. Merlin seemed unharmed last time she saw him. However, he was tied up in a chair, which is to be expected."

"If she hurts him-" Gwaine stops shaking his head at the ground.

"Don't worry- I think all of us know what we'll do," Percival half chuckles.

The knights of the round table nod in agreement, and some of the onlooking knights agree as well.

"We should get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us," Arthur says.

The knights all agree and Percival volunteers to take first watch. Arthur lies down next to Gwen as all the other knights are already lying down. She takes his hand and meets his eyes.

"We'll find him Arthur; I know we will."

"I know. I'm just afraid of what state we will find him in."

"Yes... but we don't know yet. Last time I saw him he was fine. I'm sure that he will be okay."

"You're right Guinevere. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Arthur."

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