Coma (Narry)

By narry_on_top_

69.4K 2.8K 217

When Niall wakes up from being in a coma for 1 year and doesn't remember a thing. He is met by no one around... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24 {Final Chapter}
You Again (Narry)

Ch. 14

2.3K 93 4
By narry_on_top_

"Harry! Niall, I'm so glad you guys are here! Niall you remember Gemma," I pull out of the hug that Anne brought me into before looking at Gemma and sending her a smile. Gemma looks nice, her boyfriend Ashton was here with her and another man I haven't ever seen before.

Harry and I took a seat next to each other, Gemma sat next to me on my left and Harry in my right. "I'm so glad I have everyone together, now the main reason you all are here is because me and Robin are getting married. Gemma I wanted you to be my brides maid," Anne says. I knew she was dating a guy named Robin but we never actually met.

"Oh mom, that sounds wonderful! I'm so excited, I knew you were a good guy Robin." Gemma says. Harry and Anne start laughing.

"Gemma, if I remember correctly, you kept pulling pranks on me and wasn't very nice." Robin said chuckling. I was pretty lost but I tried my best to listen, even if I didn't know what they were talking about. I take a look at Ashton to see him looking at me.

'I have no idea what their talking about.' He mouths and I nod agreeing.

"I did not," she says with a gasp.

"You did! You even tried to get me to join with you," Harry says trying to contain his laughing.

They kept going on and on while me and Ashton just sat there not knowing what to do.

"So I know Ashton here, what's your name?" Robin asked me.

"Uhh, I'm Niall." I tell him smiling.

"How do you and Harry know each other?" He asks and I look at Harry, my smile faded away.

Harry chuckles, "He knows Ni, me and Niall are boyfriends." Harry tells Robin, Robin smiles big.

"I'm glad you found someone, Harry. How long have you guys been together?" Before we could answer him the waiter came to get our order.

After the waiter left with our orders Anne started talking about her wedding and who would be in it. Harry was going to be the best man, Harry and Gemma's 5 year old cousin Sara was going to be the flower girl and Sara's brother Jackson was going to be holding the rings.

Then they went onto talking about how we were all visiting Anne and Robin for Thanksgiving witch was only 3 weeks away.

"Niall, you should be in my wedding to!" Anne says then finishes her bite of salad.

I start choking on my food I had in my mouth. Everyone stares at me as I try to chug down my water I had. Great, I just embarrassed myself.

"You okay?" Harry whispers to me and I nod.

"Anne I really don't belong in your wedding, I think that should be a family and friend type of thing! Plus, I can be the best mans date." I told her.

"No, I insist! I want you to be apart of my wedding, maybe you could walk me down the aisle. My parents are dead and Harry has to walk down with Gemma so what about you?" She asks. I look at Harry and he just smiles and nods letting me know it'll be okay.

"Yeah, I'll do it." I tell her.


Later on when me and Harry got home we laid in bed and cuddled.

"I don't have to go to work tomorrow," I tell him. Tomorrow was Friday and Normally I never had work on Friday. We had on our Favorite show we liked to watch together, it was called Office. Even though here lately they mostly started playing reruns we still ended watching it.

"Me either," he says as I cuddle into him more. "Hmm a day together, I think we should have a date tomorrow." I smile a little.

"This time I plan it, you planed the others!" I tell him.

He laughs, "You do that!" I smile, now proud of myself.


Went to a job interview, it went great. They told me I got the job, yay!!! Lol

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