My Bad Boy

By notsoverytypicalgirl

1.3K 91 56

Lucy Anastasia Evans. The bad ass chick in town. She’s the one you don’t wanna mess around with. She’s the gi... More

My Bad Boy
Chapter 1 - Introducing Me?
Chapter 2 - How They're Left Hanging
Chapter 3 - Slightly Remembering
Chapter 5 - The Tour Guide and The Going to be Best Friend in No Time
Chapter 6 - Lunch Break
CHAPTER 7 - The Traditional Way

Chapter 4 - A Day of Greatness *Note the Sarcasm*

116 11 8
By notsoverytypicalgirl

Heyeers loviess! Here's My bad boy Chap 4! :) I was hesitating about this chap but i decided staying with this. Have fun reading! ^^
P.S. This chap is dedicated to @worldgirlalwaysxx. Thanks for the cover sis! :)

CHAPTER 4 – A Day of Greatness *Note the Sarcasm*

My jaw just literally dropped the second I stepped out of Landon's car.


That's the only thing that is running in my mind. And from what I see in their faces, I bet so does Landon, Lily and Mom. I turned half of my body to face dad in our backs and he stood there proudly with his arms in his hips and as soon as he saw me, he gave me a very proud smile and the see-I-told-you look.

When dad talked about it to us back in our old home, I honestly didn't listen much. Partly because of the fact that I hated the moving idea and partly because dad just keeps on repeating it all over again to the point that it already sound like exaggeration.

But I just realize now that all that dad said was so unbelievably true. Our house before was nothing compared to this, in terms of the size of the house and the texture of it. Well, yes of course, it was cozy, small yet beautiful and I love it. But this! This is way bigger!

We are standing outside the white fence of the lot near a wooden bench before walking pass the front lawn’s pavement  with really healthy green grass surrounding it - it looked almost fake but really isn't. We continue to trail our steps up the small stairs to reach the porch with a small round table and 2 chairs enveloping it which is colored black that matched the white paint of the porch that is located at the left side of it.

Dad did the honor of opening the front door and stepped inside first. There is this small corridor we passed before really entering the huge house.

To the left side of the place was the large spaced living area which has a spherical table that has a gray carpet under it, surrounded by sofas. The sofa in the center which was facing the window that could see the patio of the garden is the largest whilst the other two at the sides are smaller. Next to the living area is a small wall that is separating it from a mini bar which was still at the moment empty. And at the edge of the left side, was the kitchen. It has gray marble surfaced countertop which has white kitchen cabinets overhead it. In the middle of the kitchen stood another marble surfaced countertop with black stools beneath it.

On the right side of the house, the fire place comes to view. There is also this large couch facing the fireplace and between it is a rectangular wooden table. Next to the fireplace is a vacant space that has another small corridor in which I believe is leading to the door of the master's bedroom. Before the bathroom at the edge of the right side of the house is a black colored spiral staircase that led to the 2nd floor. However we did not go up yet and instead went to the backyard through the back door. At the left side of the backyard was the swimming pool, a big rectangular swimming pool. And on the right side is just an empty backyard with an oak tree standing alone. Dad led us to the right side of the lot where the garage is found. Dad opened it immediately, pressing the remote and the doors dramatically flew up, showing us the ford that dad mentioned. It was placed at the end of the garage and from the looks of it; I can tell it could fit 7-8 cars in it. After the garage, mom was excited about the garden at the other side of the lot. She loves plants and flowers. Although she's a busy dentist, she always finds time to take care of her beloved plants.

After examining almost every inch of the ground floor, Landon whispered something to Lily which looked quite suspicious then gave her a piggyback ride.

"Good luck finding the best room!" he started running with Lily in his back.

"Hey! No fair!" I yelled as I sprint towards the house heading to the 2nd floor.

"Children careful!" mom shouted from outside.

Landon and Lily laughed as I try and catch up.

"Better run faster slowpoke!" Lily said ahead with her baby voice.

We ran around the 2nd floor looking for empty rooms. There are 5 sequent empty rooms in the right side of the place. Lily picked the 1st room and Landon picks the 2nd while I picked the 4th one. The other two empty rooms which are enveloping my bedroom then become the guest rooms.

I felt contented with my room. The structure of it is almost the same as my room back in our old home. The window is ahead of my bed, only this time the window is bigger and my bed is facing the door. There is also a table with a mirror attached to it in side of the room reflecting the door of my bathroom. And instead of a closet, here I have a large walk-in wardrobe.

The house is perfect. My room is not bad. So I thought Maybe all of this not so bad after all.

It was Friday meaning I don’t have to go to school since we’re still finishing settling. I was thankful that I need not to worry about school yet. Not just yet.

By Sunday, we're already settled and mom wasn’t busy so she offered Lily and me to go shopping with her which we gladly accepted. Landon has to meet some of his friends so he couldn't come. Lily shopped for stuff toys and other things that 6 year old girls want to buy while mom and I shopped for clothes and some sorts.

A day later, Monday came.  The horrible Monday came which means my first day of the new school. I'm wearing a black tee, skin-tight jeans and my all-stars. I let my wavy brunette hair fall freely in my shoulders. Mom and dad left early this morning so Landon drove us to our new schools. Lily is again dropped off first. By the time we reached my new school, Landon dropped me off outside the school gates. I took a deep breath before opening the car door. I was about to walk away from the car but stopped when Landon called.


I turned to face him. "Yeah?"

"Good Luck." he said smiling not sweetly but rather wickedly.

"Really Landon?-" I crossed my arms "- your saying that like you don't know me."  I can't help but show a cocky smirk. Landon does know me a little bit more than mom and dad. He knows that nobody would want to mess with me especially at school. He's the one who taught me self-defenses too after my unfortunate incident.

"I wasn't talking to you" he stated. "I was talking to them" he nods his head to the students entering the school.

I let out a small laugh.

"Oh, sorry. My bad"

He smiled in response. "Don't get into too much trouble luce, alright?" He said as he starts the engine.

"Goodbye Landon." I replied waving my hand once then he was gone.


I walked in the main hall.

Yep ! These are a lot.

Just as I thought there were a lot of students walking, chatting and heading to their classes.

Feeling determined, I continue to walk to a less crowded space, away from the jostling students. About after a minute, I found my way out but there’s a bit of a problem… Now I'm practically lost.


I have no other choice but to ask for directions.

Double Great! I bet this people are friendly.

I thought sarcastically. But I seriously don't have any other choice now, do I? I need to do it or else I'll just look like a stupid loser who's lost and don't know where to go. So I just went to the most close person I could lay my eyes on. I didn't realize he was talking to his friends until I finished my query.

"Excuse me, do you know where the principal's office is?" I asked in a calm voice, trying to be friendly.

He chuckled and his broad back move up and down as he did. He's still facing his friends and his back on me.

"Sorry girly but I'm not a map." he said simply in response. His friends laughed but I didn't. I didn't even move a muscle then he turned to face me.

Damn! Why do all bastards have to be gorgeous!

His stark green eyes widen as it met mine. His not-so-short dirty blonde hair is swept to the side not so messily and I can tell he's perfectly fit from the looks of him. His bicep, his jaw, and his back earlier. He's wearing a simple v-neck shirt and jeans. My eyes widen a bit at the sight of him but I managed to stop myself before I’d look like someone with eyes out of their sockets and continued talking.

"Let’s get something straight here. First of all, I am no girly so don’t you girly me, got that boy? And second, I didn't ask you if you were a map because clearly you’re not. I’m not stupid." I spat, raising my brow. "So do you?" I added asking, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!" His two friends teased him which made some students turn their heads to us.

"Careful man. She's not the easy type." the other blonde says to him.

Neglecting his friends, he answers my question.  "Yeah. I know where it is."

"Are you gonna tell me? ’Cause if not I'm gonna ask someone else" I tapped my right foot, irritated.


I rolled my eyes and turned away to start walking but surprisingly he gripped my wrist and faced me back. We're close. His body is just inches away from mine. We're face to face and I swear if we move a few more inches we’d be in lip contact… literally.

I tried to keep my composed self from his freakishly gorgeous eyes, peachy lips and annoyingly beautiful face which thankfully succeeded. He stared at me and I did the same to him. I hear gasps from students who passed but I did not look away.

Triple Great! Now I bet this douche is popular.

A smirk is creeping out of his mouth but I kept a straight face to flaunt my seriousness.

"It's on the opposite side, girly. Right next to the office." he said sexily, almost whispering, not leaving my blue eyes. I pushed him by the shoulder to keep distance then without realizing, I kicked his leg.

"Douche!" I barked.

 He crammed down and caressed the leg I had kicked. Then stood straight up and I saw him amused in the corner of my eye as I turned to walk away.


Well at least the moron told me the truth. I went to the other side of the school and found the principal's office next to the office just like he said. Looking back to what happened, I realized that he blisteringly look familiar. It's like I've met him before but can't quite put my finger on it. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid again.

 And he's so undeniably hot!  My subconscious shows up again.

I know! Now shut up!  I answered mentally.

I knocked thrice before opening the door. I saw the principal looking at me as I enter. Her name is on the plate in the table that says Mrs. Evelyn Marie McCartney - High School Principal. She looks like she's around her late 40's because of some wrinkles on some parts on her face and some white strands of hair. She's wearing something like a secretary's uniform and a pair of eyeglasses that made her look strict but in reality turned out to be real sweet.

"Oh dear, you must be Miss Lucy Clay" She smiled warmly at me.

 "Yeah, this is she." I answered politely. “So uhm, you send new students here before they go to class?”

"Yes I do" she smiled. “I want to meet them personally first before I send them off to their classes. Please have a seat and I'll give you your schedule." she continued as she took her seat. I did what I was told and she explained everything. About being late, some overly formal teachers, some school policies and how detention works. Then she hands me my schedule.

"Thank you Mrs. McCartney" I smiled as I thanked her. "But do you have any map of the school? I'm kind of worried about getting lost."

"Right! Right! But actually dear I have something else in mind." she paused for about three seconds. "Well I don’t really think you’ll need a map because I prepared a tour guide for you." she finishes looking at me. I quirk my eyebrows to show how confused I am.

"A tour guide?" I asked, completely perplexed. Well that’s just strange.

"Yes." she answered as if I am fully aware why I have a tour guide. As if on cue, the door clicked open and she announced. "Oh! There he is!"

I turned the half of my body to see who it was and there were two guys, two good looking guys by the way, but my eyes just focused to one. He is the one I least expected.

Quadruple Great! Seriously? Like Seriously?! Oh Come On! You have got to be kidding me!

_____Chap4 End

That's Chap 4. I hope that was okay. Lemme know what you think yeah? C & V? ^^
Byeers... for now :)

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