Blazing Crystal

By FaithHarris8

361K 9.3K 5.6K

(Revised Version in separate story. Check my profile under my other works to find it) "Me, you idiot! I love... More

Frozen in Ice
Meeting Fire
Stubborn Water
Boiling Tea
Heated Battle
Moonlight Song
Fire Lily
Cooling The Flame
Hot Springs
Streaming Heart
Flowing Friendship
Raging Storm
Budding Passion
Two Worlds Apart
Heal Me
Dark Water
No Turning Back
A New Journey
Flowing River
Fighting the Current
The Wilderness
Black Flakes
Song of the South
Forbidden Romance
Barren Wasteland
Fates Harsh Truth
Hard Topics
The Gang
The Southern Water Tribe Warriors
An Endless Journey
A Hopeful Journey
Taking Down the Beast
The Search
The Right Path
Tides of Change
The Rescue
A Taste of Victory
Family Conflictions
Bad Luck Charm
The Leopard-Seals Prey
Water and Fire
Her Prince Charming Part 1
Her Prince Charming Part 2
Not His Father
Team Avatar
My Reflection
Rotten Fruit
Burning Flame
Sea Ravens Part 1
Sea Ravens Part 2
Blood Moon
Dark Craters Part 1
Dark Craters: Part 2
Into the Pit
Endless Night Part 1
Endless Night: Part 2
A New Day
The Mend
Courage or insanity
Flight or Fight
The Sage
Merciless Melon
The Reunion
Fire Lord Zuko
Fire Lady Crystal
Epilogue: Happily Ever After
A/N: Thank you! And New ATLA Story

Scars Run Deep

3.5K 79 68
By FaithHarris8

Chapter: Scars Run Deep

There was definitely a sense of loss in the air. Standing on the balcony outside of the temple entrance, I watched as the bison flew closer. Zuko stood with me, and we both knew we were about to get some bad news.

Once Appa landed on the balcony a few yards in front of us, he immediately dropped to his belly in exhaustion. His dark red armor looked to be weighing him down heavily. Ty Lee hung back with uncertainty while Zuko and I rushed over to the group who were all clearly dismayed from what I could see in the distance. Aang was the first to jump off Appa's back and land in front of us. He had shaved his head in the time we had been apart, and his tattoo arrow was in full view. He looked exhausted and beaten. Momo landed on his shoulder looking worn out as well. I could immediately tell something awful had occurred. The fact they were here, and not celebrating victory at the Fire Nation was all I needed to convince me of that truth.


Aang looked over at me with relief when he heard my voice. "Thankfully one good thing came out of today... We were hoping you'd be here, Crys." He smiled weakly. "I was so glad to hear from Iroh's message that Zuko got you out of that awful place."

His statement surprised me. "Iroh? He sent you a message?" I took another step with worry, seeing his heavily burdened state. "What happened to you all?"

Sokka slid from Appa's back next, landing in front of us wearing traditional Water Tribe warrior clothing. A hawk flew down and landed beside him, then started picking at its feathers. I looked at the hawk with question, and then back at my brother for an answer. His dark blue pelted outfit looked singed and covered in soot. "I'll tell you what happened," he began, not meeting any of our gaze. He looked ready to crumble from the defeat they had clearly experienced. "We failed! The mission failed! We were lucky to get out of there! The Fire Nation won again..."

The others got off of Appa then going down his inclined tail. The group was smaller than I wished. Katara and Toph stepped off with ease. Behind them followed The Duke and two other boys I did not know. One was in a chair with wheels, with Earth Nation clothing and dark hair. His legs were bandaged together from some horrible accident he must've experienced when he was younger. Helping him down Appa's tail was a taller guy around Zuko's age with long black hair, a small mustache, and goatee. He looked strong, and I could immediately tell he was an earthbender. No adults followed...

Zuko stepped over to Sokka, while I hung back in horror at the defeated teens before me. Where was my father? Where were the other warriors? What happened?

Unfortunately, I knew the answer without needing to ask. Clearly they lost the advantage of the eclipse and were forced to retreat.

And I was not there to help. I failed my family again...

Zuko grabbed Sokka's shoulder with question, trying to get him to explain the events that unfolded. "What happened? Where are the others?"

Sokka shook his head with great despair. "At the Capital... The adults stayed behind to surrender so we could escape. Dad ordered us to get the youngest of the group away. The Fire Nation dropped bombs on our submarines, so Appa was our only way out and there was no chance he could carry the whole fleet. We had no choice but to leave the group behind." He hung his head and shut his eyes. Tears slid down his cheeks. "My father and the other warriors have been captured. They surrendered themselves so we could run."

Zuko frowned with dismay. I covered my mouth in horror. Dad... Dad was captured!

"Sokka..." Zuko squeezed his shoulder. He dropped his hand then and sighed with defeat. "I'm so sorry... I know we were all hoping for a different outcome."

Aang grit his teeth. He shut his eyes as they watered like Sokka's. "It's my fault. I let Azula play us and lost my chance to find the Fire Lord. The warriors were captured because of my failure to save this world again. I keep failing to defeat the Fire Lord. This is all on me!"

Katara walked over and hugged Aang to comfort him. "It's not your fault Aang... We all knew this mission may not succeed. Every man in the fleet today knew what they were signing up for. Today just wasn't the day we would win. There's nothing we can do but look towards the future. We can still defeat the Fire Nation. But right now we need rest. All of us need rest." Aang turned into Katara as she held him, and I could see he was beating himself up terribly from the loss.

Toph let out a heavy breath, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah. Sugarqueen is right. We need to focus on what to do now. What our next steps are... We can't mope around and wallow in our sor-" She stopped, and her lips turned down as her clouded eyes narrowed. Her feet went flat as she focused on the vibrations of the earth. "Hey... wait a minute." Her head cocked in the direction of the one person who had gone unnoticed so far. "That light feet back there... Isn't that the chick from Ba Sing Se who helped imprison the Earth King and his bear?!"

Everyone immediately looked back behind Zuko and I at the girl who had remained silent since their arrival. Katara, Sokka, and Aang's eyes widened at the person they knew from the very recent past. They were not happy at all.

"WHAT! What is she doing here?!" Katara ripped out her water ready to attack Ty Lee. Sokka yanked out his sword, and Aang flipped his staff prepared to fight as well. Toph had got into a stance too. The Duke and the unnamed kids backed away with uncertainty, but looked ready to defend themselves if they needed to.

"No! Wait! Don't!" I rushed between the group and Ty Lee holding my hand out to stop them. The movement hurt, but I tried not to show my discomfort as I defended my friend. Zuko had backed up as well to jump between if he needed to. "It's okay! She's with Zuko and I. She's not bad! I promise!"

Katara was appalled by my defense and cried, "What?! Not bad?! She's Azula's minion! She's the one who paralyzed Sokka in Omashu, chased us through the Earth Kingdom in a giant machine, tried to attack us on that drilly thing, and helped capture the Kyoshi Warriors! She's the enemy!"

Ty Lee stepped forward beside me with angst. "Was," she promised. "Not anymore."

Aang gripped his staff with both hands and pointed it towards her. "What do you mean, was?! Talk! What are you doing here?"

I looked at Aang with plea. I could see the tension was rising and I needed to intervene quickly. "Please listen to us, everyone! She helped us escape from the Capital. Zuko and I were about to be attacked and captured by Azula again as we were making our escape. Ty Lee turned on her friends and blocked their chi. She's on our side now. There's no need to fight her. She won't hurt anyone. She saved us!"

Zuko quickly stepped back so he could get between the group as well. "It's true. She joined us to help us end this war. If it wasn't for Ty Lee I would've never gotten Crystal out of that awful place."

Sokka was bewildered. He lowered his sword as he took in our words. The others slowly did so as well with their own weapons. "You're telling me this cartwheel chick whose bestie is your crazy sister changed sides?!" He pointed at her for emphasis. "How can we trust her after everything she's done to us?"

I looked at my brother with agony. "By trusting me."

Sokka was shocked by my plea. He wanted to argue, but after meeting my gaze fully for the first time since their arrival, and realizing he didn't want to fight me, he let out a deep sigh. Instead of debating further, he looked over at the three kids who clearly did not need to be part of this group decision. "Haru..." He looked at the earthbender with authority. "Why don't you take Teo and The Duke into the temple and get settled? The rest of us need to discuss some stuff further with these three."

The earthbender nodded, seeing that this was a conversation they did not need to be part of, and he gestured for the other two to follow him. Teo and The Duke eagerly did so, seeing that things were getting a little intense between us. Once they disappeared behind the columns that led into the temple, the rest of us returned focus to the topic at hand.

"Alright," Sokka began, running a hand through his hair in defeat. "Let me get this straight..." He stepped forward directing his next question to Zuko. "You're telling me that this girl has changed sides after years of being Azula's minion?"

Zuko nodded. "It was hard to believe myself, Sokka, but like I said... If it wasn't for Ty Lee, Crystal would've suffered much worse than she already had by the hands of both my father and sister. I'd probably be dead or tortured too. We owe Ty Lee our lives. She not only helped us escape, but she also helped me mend Crystal back to health once we got here. We would've been in a much worse state right now if it wasn't for her assistance."

Katara looked at me with worry when Zuko mentioned my most recent health. I grimaced wishing he wouldn't be so honest about my state to my family. I knew they would want to know his meaning, and I really didn't want to think about the last few days.

Ty Lee bowed quickly to the whole group to show her respect and regret. Her braid fell to the side of her face and her eyes were shut anxiously. "I know you don't have any reason to trust me. I know I've done some awful things to help Azula hurt you and others in the past. But I don't want to be that person anymore. Seeing Zuko switch sides, and getting to know Crystal, I see I want to be part of the right side of this war. I want to help restore balance. Please, give me a chance."

Aang was bewildered. Katara looked like she wanted to argue. Toph stepped out of her defensive stance with shock, seeing Ty Lee was not lying. Sokka slowly put his sword in the holder on his back, sighing with defeat.

"It's going to be hard to trust you..." Sokka shook his head, taking in a heavy breath. "But if Zuko and Crystal do then I trust them."

Ty Lee sighed with relief and stood straight to smile at the group. "Thank you. I promise... I'll do everything I can to help you."

Katara narrowed her eyes. "Don't thank us yet. Understand that you're on a probation period. You will be watched. You may fool everyone else with your transformation, but it's going to take a while for me to trust you."

Ty Lee cringed and nodded with understanding.

Aang smiled weakly. "You know. This could be fun though. Having another Fire Nation kid with us, I mean. Think of all we can learn from her."

Toph shrugged. "Eh... It seems like she's telling the truth so I believe her enough to let her hang. If she tries anything we'll just sick Momo on her."

Zuko and I both let out a breath of relief. Ty Lee was not being flung off the temple. The group was being civil. I looked back at Ty Lee with a smile, and she could see the worst was over and no one was attacking her. She smiled to everyone with gratitude.

"Okay... onto a different note," my sister began. Her eyes shot over to me with relief. Katara broke the distance to me suddenly and pulled me into an embrace. "Thank the spirits you're okay, Crys! We were so worried about you! We thought we'd never see you again!"

I wasn't ready for the sudden force on my body. Although I had healed what I could, there was still a lot of damage. As her arms wrapped around my body, she pushed down on my ribs and I shut my eyes and grit my teeth from the sudden pain that erupted. My body shook as the knife like stabs I had dimmed started up again. Katara noticed I had gone tense, and she quickly released me with worry. I stumbled back, and Zuko caught me from falling by putting his hand against my back.

Sokka had come over with worry when he saw my agonized state. "Okay? Does she seem okay to you?!" He looked me over. "We all know she isn't okay! She's standing, but look how pale she is!"

I tried to play it off, finding my balance and shaking my head vigorously. "No. I'm fine. Really. Just took me off guard." I breathed heavily to try and calm the pain. "Just a little sore still. Some bruises and bumps, but I'm in one piece." I looked back at my brother, trying to smile. "I promise."

He looked dead into my gaze, seeing through my lies. "Stop trying to play this off! We all know you suffered! How bad are you? I know you're trying to cover the damage with that dress, but you can't hide the pain from us. It's all over your expression. Did you meet the Fire Lord? What did he do to you? Talk to me."

Sokka's bombardment of questions was too sudden. I quickly felt cornered. I looked away from his gaze, holding my side to calm the stabbing of my ribs. "Sokka... It's okay... I'm fine. Just tender in a few spots. Bruised and tired, but I'm feeling better and am safe. Zuko got me out of the Fire Lord's clutches and that's all that matters."

He shook his head. "Don't lie to me! I know what Azula did to you. She told me what she put you through when you first arrived in the Capital. How bad is your shoulder?"

I was horrified by his words. I shot my gaze back at him and my mouth dropped in horror. "What? You ran into Azula!"

Sokka narrowed his eyes. "You're not answering my question! Don't try to change the subject. How bad are you hurt? I want you to be honest."

At this point Aang and Toph approached. I felt immediately surrounded. I didn't want to tell them what had happened to me. They were all too tired and beaten. They needed to focus on their own health.

And I did not want to relive the nightmare. I'd done so much to try and forget in the last few hours.

"Sokka... Please drop it. I'm fine. All that matters is Zuko got me out. It's all in the past. There's no need to get worked up just because Azula said something. You all have had a long day and you need to rest. We can talk more tomorrow. Please... just let it slide for now."

The group was shocked by my plea. Aang could see I didn't really want to talk about it at the moment, and he slowly nodded with understanding. Sokka and Katara both wanted to pry, but they saw the pain and exhaustion on my expression and they dropped it for the time being as well. I knew they would ask again tomorrow, but thankfully they were putting a hold on the matter.

"Fine..." Sokka breathed out. "But we're not done with this conversation. Katara and I are your family, Crys. We deserve to know how you really are."

I shook my head. "I'm fine. There's nothing to tell you." My throat caught as the memories tried to creep back into my mind. "I was kidnapped from you all by the assassin, taken to the Fire Nation palace, and then saved the next day by Zuko. It's over... in the past... let's move on."

Zuko looked like he wanted to argue, knowing I was lying through my teeth about physically being okay, but I shot him a glance begging him to go with it. He met my eyes, let out a heavy sigh, and crossed his arms in defeat.

Sokka noticed and looked at the both of us with narrowed eyes. "Like I said... this conversation isn't over." Katara nodded in agreement.

Toph tried to lighten the tense atmosphere. "But... On the plus side, the gaang is back together. So at least we know everyone is alive and can be at ease with that fact."

Aang nodded in agreement, saying, "Toph's right. We are all out of the Fire Nation Capital and safe. That is what's important right now."

Sokka stepped closer to me, ignoring Toph and Aang's optimism. He grabbed thankfully my good arm with determination. "I mean it, Crys... We're not done talking about this..." his eyes softened though, and he carefully pulled me into his brotherly embrace. His tense body relaxed as he gently hugged me to not hurt me. He dropped the subject, as he spoke softly, "But I'm so glad you are out of that awful place and safe. We all are."

Tears filled my eyes, and I pressed my face into his shirt relieved he was too. "I wish I could've been there to help you and the others with the battle. I'm sorry I wasn't there... dad and the other warriors... maybe I could've helped to save them somehow."

He shook his head and pulled away slightly to meet my gaze. "Nothing could've been done. Once the eclipse was over there wasn't a chance. We had no choice but to try and retreat." He brushed a strand of hair back from my face. "I'm glad you weren't there. The fact Katara was part of it made me nervous enough."

Katara scoffed. "I'm a master waterbender, Sokka. I can handle a battle." Katara placed a hand on my good shoulder. "I'm glad you're okay though. We were all so worried when the Assassin took you. We feared we'd never see you again..." Her eyes filled with tears. I grabbed her hand to give it a squeeze for comfort. She smiled, glad to feel my touch.

She then left me and threw her arms around Zuko giving him a hug. I was surprised as were the rest of the group. He stumbled slightly, taken aback by my sister's unfamiliar gesture. "Thank you for bringing her back to us, Zuko."

He didn't seem to know how to react. Hugs weren't his thing when they came from other people. He slowly hugged her back, replying, "Yo- you're welcome."

"So... what now?" Toph began, seeing we needed to change the subject since I wasn't spilling any information to them about my time away.

Katara nodded, leaving Zuko and stepping back to the center of the group. "Toph's right... We need to decide what we're gonna do now." She walked over to what remained of a fallen column and sat down. She narrowed her eyes though, seeing Ty Lee was still with us. "Should we have this conversation with her here?"

Sokka shrugged. "Probably best we keep her in our sights for now until we can trust her."

Ty Lee grimaced at their distrust, but understood. "I have no one to report to. I'm a traitor now. If I go back to the Fire Nation Capital I'm signing my own doom."

Toph spoke up. "Let her stay. If she tries to sneak off in the night to report our plans I'll know. She's telling the truth anyway."

Everyone decided to calm down and get back to discussing our next steps. Zuko and Ty Lee took a spot on their own column, while Toph bent herself a stoop to sit on. Sokka and I remained standing.

Aang walked over to what remained of a stone bench and sat down with a pout. "Fair enough. So, what's the new plan?"

Sokka left my side and stepped over to Aang. "Well, if you ask me, the new plan is the old plan. You just need to master all four elements, and confront the Fire Lord before the comet comes."

Aang looked indifferent as he flicked a pebble beside him. "Oh, yeah, that's great. No problem... I'll just do that."

Katara sighed. "Aang, no one said it's gonna be easy."

Aang pouted. "Well, it's not even gonna be possible. Even with Zuko as my firebending teacher, how am I supposed to master firebending in that short amount of time?"

Katara shook her head. "You mastered waterbending and earthbending pretty quickly. And I'm sure Zuko isn't that bad of a teacher despite his background."

Zuko glowered at Katara. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Katara smirked, and I shook my head in disbelief. Ty Lee giggled.

Aang lied back on the bench. "I'm not saying Zuko is a bad teacher," he muttered. "He's probably the best firebender I know." He shut his eyes with dismay. "I'm just saying I don't think I want to learn firebending that fast."

I frowned. "Aang... if this is about burning Katara before, that's in the past. You learn from mistakes."

Aang grimaced. "Can we worry about it tomorrow, please? Why don't we just take a nice tour around the temple?"

He jumped up and grabbed his glider racing off. Hawky and Momo flew to follow him as he leaped off the balcony and pulled his glider wings out. As the three flew away, the rest of us shook our heads in defeat.

Toph seemed surprised by his actions. "What's up with him?"

Sokka ran a finger over his brow. "There's got to be a way to convince him to want to learn firebending."

Katara looked at Zuko with expectation. "Any ideas oh great firebending master?"

Ty Lee giggled at Katara's mockery. Zuko didn't let her words faze him. "Let me think..." Zuko tapped his chin in thought, actually trying to come up with a solution. After a moment, he beamed with delight. "Wait! I think I have an idea." He stood and stepped into the circle. "You all once told me Aang learns best by having fun, right?"

We all looked at him with question and surprise. Toph was curious, asking, "What's on your mind, Sparky?"

Zuko looked around at everyone and wisely answered, "I'm familiar with the geography of this area. There's a civilization half a days ride from here. The Sun Warriors, who were the original firebenders after the dragons, were residents there over a hundred years ago. They've all died out, but their teachings remain. We may not be able to learn from an actual Sun Warrior the original way of firebending, but we can learn from what they left behind."

Katara was bewildered. "You want to go to an ancient civilization to learn from rocks and scrolls?"

Ty Lee quickly helped Zuko, seeing where he was going with this plan. "It's an adventure that might inspire the Avatar. The Sun Warriors were the first men and women to be shown by the dragons how to firebend. It could be what Aang needs to not be so afraid of the element."

The group was amazed by Ty Lee's input. She fell quiet again from the attention.

"What happened to the dragons...?" Toph seemed curious, directing her question back to Zuko. "I know they used to exist, but I never really understood how they went extinct."

Zuko grimaced. He glanced over at Toph to answer her. "Unfortunately, my great grandfather Sozin happened. He started a tradition of firebenders hunting dragons to earn glory... my people slaughtered them all. My Uncle was the last man known to face a dragon and live."

Sokka was amazed. "Your uncle...? but, Iroh doesn't seem like that kind of man."

I walked over to Zuko seeing his thoughts had gone elsewhere as he worried about his uncle again. I took his hand to give it a comforting squeeze. He smiled at me grateful. He answered Sokka with melancholy, "We both come from a complicated past. My Uncle grew up much like myself... a prince only wanting to earn honor from his father. If my cousin Lu Ten had not died in war, then my Uncle would've been Fire Lord and not my father."

The group fell silent taking in this new information. Katara finally broke the long pause and asked softly, "Do you think he would've been a much more compassionate ruler than your father?"

Zuko squeezed my hand and hung his head. "Iroh would've been a great leader for my people. His heart has always been in the right place."

Sokka had stepped over and smacked Zuko on the back making him lose his balance slightly. "And you're going to be even better, Zuko. Anyone who can rescue my crazy sister can definitely rule a nation."

I pouted. "Hey... What's that supposed to mean?"

He ignored me. "Okay! It's settled! Commence operation 'Dragon.' Zuko and Aang will go to the Sun Warriors civilization tomorrow while the rest of us resupply and work on where to go next from here." He looked around. "Now we just need to find Aang and tell him."

A few hours later the group had shed Appa's armor, fed our animal companions some much needed food, and were now gathered around a fire that Zuko helped light. Aang was told about the journey to the Sun Warrior temple and brightened at the idea. He was thrilled to go on an adventure with Zuko.

As we sat in a circle, eating some potato soup that I helped Ty Lee make for the group, we were finally introduced to the two new kids. Haru waved over at Zuko, Ty Lee, and myself when he was introduced. He seemed not too thrilled to have the Fire Nation kids with us, but he remained cordial. After realizing he was the kid who was forced into a Fire Nation prison designed to hold earthbenders back in the days that my family and I were separated, I could understand his animosity.

Zuko apologized to Haru when he heard the story about how the group first met the boy and his family, and promised that he would free every earthbender in every Fire Nation prison once we dethroned the Fire Lord. Haru seemed satisfied by Zuko's promise.

Teo was the other kid I did not know, and my family explained that he was the boy they had met at the Northern Air Temple back before Zhao attacked the Northern Water Tribe. Teo was thrilled to finally meet me, letting me know that Aang had told him a lot about me. He was not thrilled to meet Zuko and Ty Lee, but I hoped everyone would warm up to them soon. Thankfully, The Duke reassured Haru and Teo that he knew Zuko and that the Fire Nation prince was cool.

After tension simmered, and bellies were full, everyone decided to get some much needed sleep. The majority of us wanted to sleep by the fire, not wishing to be separated again so soon. Haru, Teo, the Duke, and Ty Lee decided to find their own rooms, a little uncomfortable with the group they didn't really know. Everything was calm again though. We were all just glad to be back together and know everyone was okay.

Third Person POV

The group continued to sleep as the morning sun rose. Zuko was awake though, cooking some eggs over the fire he started again for the gang to eat when they woke up. Hawky was perched beside Zuko by the fire, warming his feathers while munching on the fish Zuko had also caught in the stream that morning. Zuko was always an early riser, so he didn't mind helping out during the hours he was awake while others slept. Usually, Crystal was awake with him, but the last few days she had been injured and weak. He missed her company, but was glad she was resting after the trauma she had faced mentally and physically.

Surprisingly, Sokka was the next to wake, and he slowly made his way out of the sleeping bag he'd exhaustingly crawled into the night before. He couldn't really sleep at ease though, knowing his father and the other warriors were being carted to a prison right this second. Nor could he sleep knowing his twin sister was restless as well.

As he walked past Katara who slept with her own post battle exhaustion, his eyes landed on Crystal who rested on the blanket she'd dragged to the hangout spot a few hours before. She had wanted to be near her family rather than the room she'd originally been staying in. Her eyes were shut tight and she looked to still be in pain even as she slept. She was on her back, and Sokka had a feeling she was in too much discomfort to lay any other way.

Walking over to Zuko, the young prince glanced at Sokka and then turned back to his work. Hawky squawked as his new master approached, and Sokka knelt down to stroke his head down to his wing.

"Seems like you guys picked up a good friend during our time apart," Zuko commented towards the hawk, handing Sokka a plate with the steamed eggs. "Looks like Momo and Appa like him a lot."

Sokka nodded, taking the plate from Zuko with thanks. "Your uncle actually sent him to us. He wanted to warn us about the Fire Lord knowing our plans, and also to let us know you and Crys were safe so we wouldn't worry." He sat beside Zuko cross legged as he watched his friend crack another egg and put it in the steel tray he had sitting on some coal.

Zuko smiled with relief. "I'm glad to hear Uncle was able to warn you." He shut his eyes. "I hope he made it out okay yesterday."

"I'm sure he did. If he's anything like you, that guy is impossible to stop." Sokka stroked his hawk again. "He said I could keep Hawky. He's a great man for such a gesture." The Water Tribe boy looked at the simmering eggs with question. "Where'd you get the coal by the way?"

Zuko glanced at Sokka for a moment, and then turned back to the food. "The war balloon we escaped in. There's plenty in there to use for other things."

Sokka nodded. "You've got to show it to me later. I'm curious to see the Fire Nation's modifications to it." He grabbed the fried egg and took a bite. His eyes glanced back over to Crystal though as he did.

Once he chewed and swallowed, he placed his plate beside him and let out a deep breath. "We were relieved to hear you got her out of there, Zuko... but you have to tell me... how bad was she? She got all the way to the Fire Lord, didn't she? I can't imagine what she went through."

Zuko cringed knowing what the water tribe boy was asking him, and he moved from his knees to sit cross legged as well. He looked away from Sokka, aware that what he was about to say would be upsetting to them both.

"Bad, Sokka... she won't talk about everything with me, so I don't know all the details apart from what I saw and heard." Zuko looked over at the fire with agony. "She was already in the palace for a few hours before I caught up. By that point, Azula had already tortured her and had her shoulder dislocated." Sokka shut his eyes only able to imagine his sister's reaction. "When I finally snuck into the war room with my disguise, I saw her face was swollen from being struck. She looked like she was hurting but trying so hard not to show it. I'm surprised she was able to stand by the time I got there... she was trying to be strong despite the circumstances."

Zuko grit his teeth and shut his own eyes as he remembered what his father had done.

"They were making a mockery of her. Forcing her to drink wine and sing even though she could barely stand. My father and his men were acting like lunatics and speaking crude comments towards her like she was some tool for their pleasure. It was sickening, but all I could do was watch to not blow my cover."

Sokka's fists tightened.

"She won't talk about anything my father did or said to her that I didn't hear," Zuko whispered. His gaze shot over to where she slept. "She won't even tell me about her time before arriving in the palace. She hasn't said much since she woke up from her fever the other day. I only know what I've seen and been told by my sister..."

Sokka shut his eyes and grit his teeth. He stated, "It's the past all over again. She's been traumatized and she's trying to put up her walls. It's just like what happened when mom died." He looked at Zuko eagerly. "Apart from the shoulder, what other damage is there?"

Zuko grimaced. "She has a burn near her wrist from my father branding her. And her ribs are broken, although she keeps lying and telling me their just bruised. She tried to heal what she could, but I know she is still in a lot of pain." Zuko met Sokka's gaze. "But her spirit is still strong, Sokka. She's going to be okay. And I know she's going to be better now that you all have arrived. She's glad to hear and see you are safe. We all are."

Sokka grit his teeth. His eyes filled with tears. He tried to hold them back while staring at his uneaten food. "That doesn't make it any better. The fact she was hurt again by the Fire Nation only makes me feel disappointed in myself for not protecting her." He shook his head. "She has the worst luck out of all of us. It's like no matter how much I try to protect her she always ends up getting hurt in the end."

Zuko turned back to cooking the food, but his heart hurt as Sokka's words hovered. "This all started with me," Zuko whispered. "If I'd never come to your village in the first place, we could've avoided all of this."

Sokka listened to Zuko's guilt with surprise. "No, Zuko." He let out a heavy breath. "This started long before you... ever since that monster came and killed our mother, Crystal has always been a target." Standing, he stepped closer to the young prince with sincerity and placed a brotherly hand on his shoulder. "I'm not thrilled with you kidnapping my sister that day you came, but I don't wish you hadn't. I've never seen Crystal so full of joy before. When she's with you, she's happier than i remember her ever being. You brought her adventure and courage... something Katara and I couldn't."

Zuko shook his head. "She became a target because of me, Sokka. My love for her made my sister and father want her. They found something they could use against me. They tried to convince me to join them by threatening her. I know the right path though, so they couldn't persuade me to switch sides."

Sokka shook his head. "You saved her, Zuko. Something I know Katara and I wouldn't have been able to do with the circumstances. Even while invading the Fire Nation Capital on the eclipse, we would've never found her in enough time. I'm grateful for what you did. You had the opportunity to betray us, and instead you sacrificed everything for my sister. You're a good man. If I can trust anyone to protect my sister in the future, it's definitely you."

Zuko was shocked by the compliment from Sokka. He smiled weakly. "You know... Your sister actually saved us that day. If it wasn't for her using her bloodbending to stop my father then I would've been fried."

Sokka was bewildered. "Wait! What?! She used bloodbending? During the day? No full moon?" He looked over at Crystal and Katara with shock. Both of his sisters were bloodbenders, and they could use their ability without needing the power of the full moon. "I'm never getting on either one of my sisters' bad sides again." He then thought over what Zuko said and was actually satisfied. "She used it on the Fire Lord, you say? Crystal has to be the first person from our tribe who has ever been able to take a swing at the Fire Lord and lived to tell the tale. That's my amazing sister for sure."

Zuko nodded. He grabbed a stick to poke through the egg that was cooked all the way now so he could put it on a plate. "It definitely threw off everyone in the room. I don't think any of them have seen bloodbending before."

Sokka tapped his chin. "That's because it's only been succeeded under a full moon, but my sisters are one of a kind. Imagine what we can do with this rare ability."

"Win," Zuko promised. "With the Avatar, a metalbender, and two bloodbenders, the Fire Nation won't know what hit them."

Sokka nodded. "We still have a chance to win..." He then said sincerely, "I do mean it Zuko. We all owe you our gratitude... we weren't thrilled you took off after Crystal without us the other day, but once we came to our senses we realized you were our best bet to get her back. Thank you for saving her. Our family will never be able to repay you."

Zuko looked at Sokka with his own sincerity. "I will always do what I can to protect the woman I love, Sokka."

He smiled, seeing the prince truly meant what he said.

"Alright you two..." they both jumped from the sudden interruption. "Quit your bromance talk before the others wake up," Toph snapped. "Or I'll metalbend you off the temple."

She stepped over to Sokka and Zuko, having woken while they were in deep conversation. She grabbed a plate of eggs on the ground that was once Sokka's and took a bite. Sokka shouted with horror, but Toph smirked while walking away. "You snooze you lose."

Zuko chuckled and grabbed another plate handing it over to Sokka. He took it, but continued to watch Toph walk off with a pout. "Why is she so mean to me?"

The young prince shook his head. "Isn't it obvious?"

Sokka looked at him with question as he put another egg in his mouth. "What?"

Zuko sighed and stood. "Geez... I am turning into my uncle." He turned and left the Water Tribe boy who watched him go even more confused. Zuko couldn't believe Sokka was too oblivious to see Toph had a crush on him.

Crystal POV

"No!" I scratched at the dark wall before me, searching for a way out. "Please! Someone!" The stone before me was solid, and I was trapped.

"Now now, my little bird... this is no way for a good waterbender to behave," Ozai's cold voice hissed behind me. "Don't make me punish you for your disobedience."

I shook my head. "No! Get away from me!" I turned and looked at the monster before me. I felt like I had shrunk as his giant menacing figure stepped into my dark cell. I tried to back away, but my body would not move.

He grinned. His hand reached forward to grab a strand of my hair. "You were always destined to be brought to me. One of the last waterbenders of the Southern Water Tribe... now you are mine at last!"

"No! Don't touch me!" I tried to grab his hand, but he grabbed my own.

"I can do as I please." He pulled my wrist up to show the blistered mark. "You're mine!"


Waking up with a start, I felt my heart pound heavily within me from the nightmare. It took me a moment to try and calm down.

A dream... just a dream...

When I finally managed to open my eyes and focus on my surroundings, I found the rest of the group was awake and getting ready for the day. I took in reality, seeing I was safe. There was nothing to fear. I was out of that dark place. Slowly my heart calmed as I remembered this.

The sun shined down on my face showing it was morning, and I grimaced as my muscles ached and my shoulder pulsed in pain. Sleeping on the ground may not have been the best idea. But being with my friends and family again had been a comfort I needed.

I had slept in my dress through the night, knowing I could've shed down to my sarashi like Katara, but I knew doing so would reveal all of my bruises and marks from my time in the palace. I did not want my family to worry.

Managing to sit up, I grimaced from the movement and tried to hide my discomfort as much as I could. I was tired of my family trying to question me about the torture I went through. They didn't need to know.

"Look who finally decided to join the land of the living," Toph chimed. She stepped over to me with her arms crossed. "Not like you to be the last to wake Princess."

I tried to play it off. "We all were exhausted yesterday. I'm glad to see the rest of you are well rested." I tried to move to my feet, careful not to move my shoulder too much. My ribs burned, but I found my balance.

"Well Katara and I are going to wash up at the stream Zuko told us about. Eat some breakfast and then we'll go together."

I grimaced. If I did that Katara would see the damage. "That's okay... you two go ahead. I'll go a little later with Ty Lee once I get some energy."

Toph frowned. She spoke softly so only I would hear, "You shouldn't try to hide it all. I can sense your pain from across the temple. Your family is worried about you."

I tried to move around her wishing she wasn't so perceptive. As I did, I replied, "They don't need to know. None of you do."

Toph grabbed my dress sleeve to stop me. "Look, princess. I get you don't want to share, but you know your brother and sister are going to keep pestering you for information. It's because they care. The more you hide it, the more they're just going to ask."

I jerked from her, and stepped back. "Everyone should just drop it," I muttered. "I'm not the first person to be injured by the Fire Nation. I'm alive and standing on two feet, so there's nothing to discuss."

"That may be... but you are the first person amongst us to be prisoner to the Fire Lord. From what Zuko has said, you were a mess by the time he got to you."

I frowned. As much as I wished Zuko wouldn't be so honest with my family about the state I was in when he saved me, I couldn't be too mad at him. He cared and he was concerned as well. He knew I was still in a lot of discomfort, even after trying to heal myself the other day. He begged me to get Katara to heal me, but I refused. I didn't want my sister to see the bruising on my shoulder, or the scar on my arm. Or any other part of me for that matter... I still had black and blue marks all over my flesh from my imprisonment.

"I'm free and with my family now. That is all that matters." I walked away from her. "Everyone needs to focus on the future and leave me alone." I was a little cold, and felt bad for my mood, but I was frustrated. I didn't want to talk about it. Why couldn't they all just drop it?!

After eating some breakfast, and trying to avoid conversation with my brother and sister, I spent time with Zuko as he packed for his trip with Aang. We were in his room and he was shoving the last provision into his bag.

"I'm coming with you!" I protested when he mentioned I was not coming after begging him to let me. "You and Aang could get killed!"

Zuko placed his bag on the bed, and then grabbed my good shoulder. "Crystal," he spoke firm. "You are not coming. You're still injured and faint. You need to stay here a little longer to rest. It's for the best. Aang and I will be fine."

I went to argue again, but the concern in his gaze made me stop. Letting out a heavy sigh of defeat, I hung my head knowing he was right. I was in no condition to traipse through the ruins of a civilization. I'd just slow them down.

"Fine... you're right... Just be careful," I muttered. "And don't be gone too long."

Zuko lifted my chin and lowered down to kiss me. As his lips brushed my own, he whispered, "The very idea of leaving you again stresses me out." He pulled away and reached into his bag again, rummaging through for a moment. Pulling something out, he turned back to me. In his hand was a bundled up cloth. As he unfolded the material, I was surprised to find a black choker with the gold charm of two dragons forming a heart. "But I'm going to leave my heart here with you. I'll be back for it soon."

I was stunned by the necklace. "Wh-where did you get that?"

Zuko smiled. "Lady Sun gave it to me before we escaped. It belonged to my mother. Now, it belongs to you."

The beautiful necklace looked to be priceless. I stepped back. "What? I... I can't accept that Zuko. It was your mother's. You should hold onto it."

He shook his head. "My mother gave it to me to give to the one I love. As long as you wear it, I know it's in good hands."

My cheeks burned from his statement. I knew I was blushing like crazy. Zuko stepped around me and helped clasp the choker around my neck. Once the charm rested against my chest, he turned me so he could see it. He smiled when he looked at me in full. "It suits you."

I blushed harder. "You say that about everything I wear," I muttered.

He pulled me into his arms and placed his mouth against my forehead. "That's because you're beautiful."

A shiver ran down my spine, and I smiled from the compliment. "You're just trying to distract me from bribing you to let me come."

Zuko pulled me closer. "No matter what, you aren't coming. You're going to stay here and rest."

With defeat, I nodded my head against him. "Fine. I'll stay... but it won't be much rest because I'll be worried about you."

He chuckled at my stubbornness.

About an hour later, Zuko and Aang got on Appa and prepared for their trip. As we waved them off, Momo pouted because we were not letting him go either. I comforted Momo letting him know I felt the same. Once Zuko and Aang were gone, it seemed like our group didn't know what to do with our time.

We all ended up sitting around, not really doing much. Katara did practice her bending, while Sokka sharpened his sword with a look of great disappointment that we had lost the battle the day before. Toph was laying against some hay taking a nap. Hawky and Momo were inspecting and eating bugs.

Thankfully, Ty Lee was making friends pretty well. She was starting to talk to Haru, who was beginning to welcome her more than the day before. As she spoke with Haru, it became extremely clear she was flirting hard with him. To my bewilderment, Haru was flirting back. The Duke and Teo noticed as well, and kept trying to get Haru to follow them and explore the temple. Haru waved them off so he could continue to talk to Ty Lee and show off his earthbending.

"Looks like Cartwheels is getting along pretty well." Toph chimed, having roused from her nap and stepped over to where I sat on a column fiddling with the necklace Zuko gave me. I was already worried about Aang and him. "Seems you have a big effect on turning evil to good. Maybe that's your power."

I shook my head. "Ty Lee was never really bad... she was just stuck in Azula's game."

Toph nodded. "Sure Princess... you tell yourself that." She sat down beside me. "New necklace?"

I was surprised, releasing the charm to stop fiddling with it. She shrugged. "I could sense the gold. It's technically earth." There was a pause between us, and then she asked, "What happened to your other necklace?"

I grimaced. Looking down at my wrist, I placed my hand on my sleeve wishing the mark beneath would just disappear forever. "It was taken from me during my imprisonment."

She shook her head. "So it's true... you do have a burn on your arm. I overheard Zuko tell Sokka."

Shutting my eyes, I asked softly, "What else does Sokka know?"

Toph went quiet again, sensing my tone had become heavy. She finally let out a deep breath. "Enough to know that you're not okay. We all know that. You were crying in your sleep last night and woke from a nightmare, and this morning we all could see you were in pain. You can't hide it from us. That's why it's better to just be open. Let Katara heal you."

I shook my head, stood, and started to walk away. "I healed myself. I don't need help with this one, Toph." I left, refusing to let Toph beg me any further to reveal the nightmare I lived through.

Later that afternoon, we were all gathered by the fire again still bored. Thankfully, Momo and Hawky entertained us with their interactions as they playfully chased one another around the temple courtyard we were in. Ty Lee told more stories about her time in the circus which seemed to peak the groups interest too. Katara even seemed to be warming up to Ty Lee, asking her about the different elements of the circus she mentioned. Sokka added in that Katara belonged to a circus, which earned him a splash of water from the pot nearby.

"There was also this woman who had a magical voice," Ty Lee stated. "She was usually our opening act, and she would sing so many pretty tunes."

Toph commented. "My parents tried to get me to sing. Turns out, I'm blind and tone deaf."

Sokka muttered something under his breath. Toph caught whatever he said and tightened her hand into a fist. The earth bounced up under Sokka, and he went flying onto his back with an oof. Toph smirked with satisfaction, as he sat up and glared at her.

"You know... Crystal and I would sing all the time at home," Katara stated. "Crystal's voice is the best in the village." Her words hit me in a way that brought back my angst.

Teo nodded. "I'd love to hear some tunes."

"Ooh!! Sing for us!" The Duke begged. He looked over at me with plea. "Please, Crystal!!"

I cringed. Ozai's voice echoed through my mind. "Sing for us... another song my pretty little bird..."

My throat caught, and my breathing hitched. I stared at the fire before me suddenly feeling sick.

"Be a good little girl and sing for me."

"No..." my voice was soft and scared. I was losing control of my sanity again it seemed. "I can't."

"Crystal?" Katara's concern brought me out of my wild thoughts for a moment. Sweat had formed on my forehead and my whole body shook. My eyes started to water and my breathing grew heavy as the last few days came rushing back to me. Looking at her, I saw she was shocked when she saw the despair on my face.

I shook my head at her. "No... I'm not singing... No more..."

Katara was stunned by my sudden freak out. Sokka looked like he had reached a realization towards what was wrong. The rest of the group had fallen silent.

Sokka stood to come to me. "Sis... it's okay. You don't have to."

The Fire Lord came to my mind again. His manic grin sent shivers through me. No! Forget!

"Yeah," Katara began. "No ones making you. We were just suggesting-"

Ty Lee knew what was wrong instantly. She tried to shift the attention from me. "No singing is necessary. I could show you all some of my flips instead."

"No," Katara began, silencing Ty Lee. "I want to know what's going on with Crystal." She directed her question to me. "What's wrong? Talk to us."

Shaking my head, I snapped, "I just said I'm not singing! There's nothing else to say! Drop it!" I stood and made my way from the group feeling the blood rush to my head from the abrupt movement. My heart pounded heavily as memories slid back despite me trying to push them away again.

"Hey! Don't walk away!" Katara suddenly was behind me grabbing the back of my dress to stop me from retreat. "You can't react this way and just leave."

I jerked from her grasp and kept walking. "I just need to be alone," I spoke softly. My body shook as the memories continued to rush back. My throat hurt as I recalled the endless singing from the other night.

My sister stepped in my path, holding her arms out to her side to block me. I stopped in my retreat, looking at her with shock. She met my gaze, eager to know what I was refusing to share. "Talk to me. Please. I'm your sister. You should be able to tell me what's wrong."

I backed away feeling my heart thud painfully. "I'm fine. Just tired. Please stop making a big deal out of it." I went around her, honestly feeling exhausted. I did want to be alone. I wanted to try and forget again. And I didn't want them to see me fall apart as the Fire Lord traumatized my mind again. I'd buried him in the last day, and now he was back; Tormenting me again.

"Crystal!" Sokka shouted after me. I knew he was following me. I couldn't let them see me like this. My guard was breaking and the true pain was beginning to show.

I took off into a run. My eyes were blurred by tears and the panic rose. The taste of wine came rushing back. As I lost control and everything rose back to my mind, I ran harder wanting to forget. As I ran, my ribs pounded and my shoulder protested.

Of course I didn't run far. My body was too exhausted to do so. Feeling my one lung tighten as my broken ribs pushed against it, I darted around a column and stopped running. I gasped trying to catch my breath, and I leaned back against the stone for support. My heart continued to pulsate through me at an unhealthy rhythm. My breath was shaky as I tried to compose myself.

There was no way I was getting out of explaining this one to my family.

I slid down against the column, and sat back trying to catch my breath. My heart refused to calm as the Fire Lord's laughter echoed through my subconscious once more. I'd done so well not thinking about the trauma I'd faced, but everything resurfaced as the memory of my singing returned. I didn't want to sing again. I was so tired.

I stayed hidden by my column for only a minute before I heard the patter of feet coming towards me.

"There she is," Toph suddenly said.

I grimaced, wishing for once Toph couldn't sense me through the vibrations of the earth. Standing as they approached, I let my hand fall against the column to steady me. I kept my eyes from my family as my whole body shook. I felt awful for taking off the way I had, but I didn't want them to see me crumble. I was glad Zuko at least wasn't here to see it.

"Crystal... please don't run," Katara begged. "We know this has to do with your time as a prisoner to the Fire Lord. Tell us what happened. We can help."

I clutched my ribs wishing the pain would stop, while also desiring to just be alone. "No. You can't."

"You're worrying us," Sokka's voice sounded from behind, and I heard him step towards me. "We know you went through something terrible during the short time we were apart. You can talk to us. We're here for you. You know that."

I shook my head. "There's nothing to discuss, Sokka," I whispered. I moved my hand over my shoulder as it throbbed slightly from the lie. "I'm fine. I'm with my family again. I just don't want to sing. I'm sorry for overreacting. Just let it go."

Katara wasn't convinced, but decided to try a different tactic. "If you're not going to talk, then at least let me help you heal a little. You look like you're still in a lot of pain."

"I'm fine." I went to leave them again, but Katara intercepted my path once more. Sokka stood behind me. I felt trapped.

"You're not fine. You look as pale as a spirit. You can't sleep without looking like you're in unbearable pain. And you won't tell us anything about our time apart." Katara stepped forward. "Please, at least let me help you heal your shoulder."

I shook my head. "No..." Lowering my eyes, I tried to move around her. "I remember how worried you were after Ba Sing Se when you had to heal me. The last thing I want is for you to be worried again if you see the damage."

"Stop!" Katara grabbed my wrist on the arm of my dislocated shoulder causing me to grimace from the instant pain. "I am worried! We all know you have been through something terrible. The fact that you can't even sing anymore tells me you are traumatized by what the Fire Lord did to you... If you don't tell us what happened and show me the damage, I'm only going to keep worrying! Don't shut us out again! Don't put up your walls like when mom died! Tell us what happened to you."

I tried to pull away from her, but the pull hurt my shoulder. "Katara..." I kept my eyes shut as the memories tried to come back. "Please... I can't..."

She tightened her grip. "After everything we've been through together, you should know you can tell Sokka and I anything! We're your family! Don't you trust us?!"

Sokka noticed Katara was pulling me a little too hard and tried to intervene. "Hey. You're hurting her, Katara. Let's all just calm down."

She didn't let go. "Maybe that's what needs to happen to knock sense into her!"

Her statement made my heart ache. "This has nothing to do with any of you! Let me go!"

Katara only held on with more desperation. "I'm not letting go this time! Last time we did that you didn't talk about what happened to you for six years! It's just Sokka, Toph, and I! We're your family, and we're here for you."

I shut my eyes harder as her pleas rang in my head. My heart pounded heavily. The Fire Lord's laughter blared through me. The memory of burning flesh caused my scarred wrist to tingle.

They weren't going to let this go. Not until I told them. Why couldn't they just let it go?!

Knowing the consequence, I ripped my wrist from her and my dislocated shoulder seared in pain.

As I clutched it, I stumbled back. Staring at my family with agony, I cried, "Fine! You really want to know what happened?! I'll tell you!" My whole body shook from the terror that replayed in my mind. "I was taken to the scariest pit I've ever been in! I was placed in the control of a sadistic monster and his devilish little girl! That's what happened!" Katara, Sokka, and Toph fell silent with shock. "I was forced away from my family thinking I would never see them or freedom again! I was too weak to escape, no matter how hard I tried!"

I turned towards the column to try and avoid everyone's gaze. My heart still pounded heavily within me. The memories rushed back. I breathed trying to calm down but felt myself only lose control.

"I tried so hard to free myself." My voice cracked and softened. My eyes blurred and burned as the tears refused to stop. "I tried numerous times to break from my captors, and every time I failed... when I was first taken, I tried to burn the rope binding my hands by sticking it into the furnace on the ship, but I was stopped before I could. Then I jumped overboard at the Gates of Azulon trying one last attempt towards freedom before being dragged to my nightmare. But no matter how hard I fought, I was too exhausted and weak to escape."

I shut my eyes hard as I told the rest.

"Then Azula showed up and the true nightmare began... Not only did she break me down from the moment she stepped foot in my cell when we reached the Capital city, but I was forced to endure her torture all the way to Ozai's throne room... and I wanted to show I wasn't afraid, so I fought her back. But I shouldn't have... because it only gave her reason to hurt me. After she dislocated my shoulder to punish me, I was thrown into this horrifying throne room where the Fire Lord waited. He threatened to kill my family... to hurt me... rape me... and all I could do was stand there and try not to get myself killed..."

I grit my teeth as a sob tried to escape me. My body trembled at the very thought of the Fire Lord.

"I was so tired... but he wouldn't let me rest. He dressed me up like a doll and shoved me into a room full of drunks who only saw me as an item of pleasure... they made me sing forever it seemed... forced wine down my throat... and to punish me for trying to disobey, the Fire Lord branded me with the object that was once a symbol of Zuko and I's love... he tried to destroy all humanity from me. And in the end he did... because in the end I gave up hope. I truly believed Zuko would betray me. I truly believed I would die as a prisoner to the Fire Lord. For a moment, as I watched the Fire Lord offer Zuko everything he ever wanted, I thought I'd truly lost."

Looking back at my brother and sister, I saw they were horrified by all I was telling them.

"And now that guilt hangs in me. I feel terrible for losing faith in not only Zuko, but you all as well. In that moment, I truly felt that the war would never be won and I would die as a prisoner to the Fire Lord. I lost my will to fight. The Fire Lord defeated me. I was beat." I shook my head. "You all were preparing for battle, and all I could do was sit on my knees and give up. I'm pathetic compared to the rest of you... and that makes me feel like I've let you all down." I shut my eyes again and hung my head as the pain in me only grew from the regret I felt. "I'm sorry..."

There was a pause as they took in everything I'd said. I could only imagine their thoughts at the moment. I was certain they all were shocked and horrified by the news.

Warm arms suddenly surrounded me after a minute of silence, and I felt my brother pull me to him. He held me tight so I couldn't break away. I didn't want to. I gave in. A sob escaped me and I pressed my face into his shirt losing my emotions. The pain and fear rushed out as Sokka lowered us to our knees. He ran a hand through my hair, the way he had when we were younger and I needed comfort. "Don't ever apologize for being human," my brother whispered. As he comforted me, and I let the emotions free, I felt the pain within lift slowly.

Being in Sokka's hold helped me push back the nightmares again. All I had to remember was that I was no longer the Fire Lord's prisoner and I was safe again with my family.

About an hour later, I sat on the bed in the room I'd been placed in upon my first day at the temple. My dress was on the floor, so I was in my sarashi revealing every bruise on my exposed skin. The moon shone through the open window, but Sokka had lit some candles to give us more light. He leaned against the wall, watching the healing session with agony.

Katara sat behind me as she pressed cool water to my bare shoulder. The glow lit up the room as she worked on the tendons that were still damaged. I grimaced from the sudden discomfort. Toph had left us to go check on the others, so it was just my brother and sister left with me. When they first saw the damage, they tried not to show their horror but I could see they were greatly disturbed.

"It's worse than I thought," Katara said softly. "I can see you tried to heal it though."

I cringed as the water hit a spot that hurt, and then relaxed when the pain eased. "The word is, tried," I muttered. "I don't know how to heal very well. I'm self taught on that."

I stared at the scar on my wrist as Katara continued to work her magic. Sokka had seen the scar when the healing had first began, and he immediately cursed the Fire Lord with every word father told us never to say. I let him go off, knowing there was no excuse I could make to calm him down.

"I'm going to have to do a few more healing sessions on this, but it will be less painful, hopefully."

"Thanks," I said softly. "It does feel better."

Katara sighed and slid off the bed. "Now your wrist... let me see it."

"You can't fix it," I whispered. "I've tried. It won't disappear."

Katara ignored my excuse and grabbed my hand. She pulled my wrist over to her as she sat in front of me cross legged. She stared down at the discolored skin and ran her thumb over it. I grimaced as her touch burned. She noticed my discomfort and grabbed more water up from the pot on the floor. Pressing the water to my skin, her blue glow began and the pain eased.

"It's definitely going to scar, but I may be able to fade it more," Katara stated. As she held the glowing water to my discolored flesh I watched her trying to learn from her actions. "I wish you wouldn't have hid this for so long. But I understand why you did. I'm sorry we pushed you so hard tonight. We just were scared you would shut down like you did when mom died. It took years to get you to open up about that. We want you to be able to be honest with us."

I hung my head in guilt. "You all had just returned from a battle and father was captured by the Fire Nation... I didn't want to add what happened to me on top of everything else."

Sokka stepped over and stood beside me so he could place a hand on the top of my head. "Always caring about others... you're heart is just like mom's."

I shut my eyes soaking in the presence of Sokka and Katara. As I did, I wished father were with us too. I missed moments like these.

Third Person POV

The throne room was dark apart from blazing torches. Guards stepped into the room, escorting the captured war prisoner down the long path towards the blazing platform where the Fire Lord sat on his throne in waiting. The guards yanked the middle-aged man in front of the throne and held firm to his arms so he would not attack.

"Finally, I meet you."

The cold voice of Fire Lord Ozai echoed through the room.

"Chief Hakoda... Leader of the Southern Water Tribe," Ozai hissed, leaving his throne and stepping through the parted fire towards the man who had been stripped of his armor and left in his shirt and trousers. He smirked as he approached, amused that the Water Tribe Chief showed no fear in the face of his greatest enemy. "I've been dying to meet you."

Hakoda glared at the man before him with hatred. His hair still had a braid with a bead on the end, and his face was still covered in soot from the recent battle the day before. He had been kept in a holding cell in the Fire Nation palace all night and day while his men were carted off to a prison somewhere. He spoke with spite towards his greatest enemy. "I'm surprised the Fire Lord would desire to meet me so greatly. I'm the chief of a small tribe."

Ozai stopped in front of Hakoda who remained strong despite the uncertainty within him. "That may be... but you're the father of my treacherous son's waterbender." Hakoda grit his teeth as the Fire Lord spoke of his daughter. "I can see from your reaction you understand where I'm going with this."

Hakoda kept strong. "I can see what my daughter means. Zuko is definitely nothing like his father."

Ozai scowled. He would not let this man disrespect him in front of his men. "Silence!" He grabbed Hakoda by the shirt collar and yanked him forward so they were face to face. "My son is just a fool. But your daughter is the reason for this!"

Hakoda smirked. "My daughter was a blessing that came into Zuko's life. She showed him what family is. And after seeing how much your son cares for Crystal, I'm happy to accept him into my family as well."

Ozai sneered. "I see..." He released Hakoda and stepped back. "You should know then... I treated your daughter well and accepted her too... as my pet. If it wasn't for my son she'd still be my chained up beauty singing for me and my counsel."

Hakoda growled. He tried to lunge forward, but the guards held him back.

Ozai was thrilled to see he was finally riling up the man. "Want to know what I did to your little girl? All of the fun we had?" He crossed his arms. "After my daughter dislocated her shoulder upon her arrival, I was generous. I had her shoulder mended. She was cleaned up, dressed, and fed. All the things you should be relieved to hear." His eyes turned dark. "Such a beautiful young woman... I can only imagine her mother held that same beauty. It's a shame my father sent the Southern Raiders to kill their target that day. Your wife and I could've gotten along well if she were made my prisoner."

Hakoda scowled and tried to lunge again. Ozai was unfazed and continued.

"No matter... your little girl was fun to have for the short time I did. The rumors about the women of the Southern Water Tribe are true. She is a prize for any eye to see. Those mesmerizing eyes... that soft dark skin... No wonder my son swooned for her. And that voice too... absolutely enchanting." He started to circle around Hakoda who wanted to murder the Fire Lord right then and there. "Want to know the best part about her though..." He stopped behind Hakoda, placing his hands behind his back while he faced away in thought. "Those screams. They filled me with so much delight. Listening to her pain, and seeing the defeat. It made me fill with thrill knowing one of the last waterbenders of the Southern Water Tribe was finally under my control. And better yet... I branded her so she always remembers the time we had together."

Hakoda couldn't take it anymore. He was ready to kill the man. "You bastard!" He managed to rip from the guards grips on his arms and turn towards the Fire Lord. Although his hands were cuffed together, he rushed at the Fire Lord and smashed his body into the man's back. Ozai gasped and stumbled forward from the pain, his crown flying out of his topknot from the impact. He tripped over his feet and fell to the floor. As the Fire Lord landed on his knees and hands, his whole body filled with rage. His hands heated up, while his men grabbed the Water Tribe Chief again to restrain him once more.

Ozai stood, his robe disheveled and his hair a mess from the loosened topknot. Steam escaped his nostrils. "You fool! Do you know who I am?!" He went to fire at Hakoda, but he stopped himself. He knew killing the man before him would be no gain. He needed the man alive in case leverage was necessary in the future. "You've sealed your fate, Chief Hakoda. I will send my men to the Southern Water Tribe first on the day of the comet and kill every man, woman, and child. And you will be thrown into the Boiling Rock where you will have to helplessly sit while your people are slaughtered! Get him out of my sight!"

The men yanked Hakoda out of the room, while Ozai turned and stepped over to his crown. However, Hakoda said with pride as he was dragged away, "Don't hold your breath, Fire Lord. My children, the Avatar, and your son will defeat you. You're time on the throne is limited."

Ozai turned sharply to glare at the man. Hakoda was taken away, smiling with satisfaction knowing he had gotten the last word.

Crystal POV

Pacing back and forth near the fountain outside the palace temple, I ran a hand through my hair anxious. It had been two days since Zuko and Aang had departed. What if something happened to them? What if they were captured? or hurt? Or dead?!

Mission "Dragon" had me worried sick.

Teo and The Duke watched me pace from where they sat near a column. Teo was in his chair, while The Duke sat cross legged. They had just explored more of the temple and come to have a drink and rest for a little bit. Seeing me pace, they decided it would be fun to keep a tally of how many times I passed them by. Every time I crossed their past, they marked a line on the stone before them with a sharp rock. As I passed them for what was probably the fifteenth time, I heard The Duke comment, "what do you think she's doing?"

Teo answered, "She's definitely not resting like Sokka ordered her to." I passed them again, my brow quirking as they talked about me. "Seventeen."

I went back to my thoughts as they continued to count. How far could this temple be? Zuko said it was a half days ride. They were gone for two whole days. Did they really need to read rocks and look at architecture for that long?

I supposed it was a good thing though Zuko would be coming back to see me much better than I was when he left. Katara had given me three healing sessions, and already my shoulder was able to be moved with only slight discomfort. My ribs were much better too: Katara confirmed that Azula had broken one when she kicked me during the time I was chained in her quarters. The scar on my wrist was still visible as a tint of pink flesh, but thankfully the actual damaged flesh was finally healed. Katara was a miracle worker.


As I moved past the boys again, I thought about another thing that was pressing on my mind. Dad...

Sokka explained to me in full what really happened on the day of the Black Sun. He told me how they met the other warriors at Black Rocks and started their preparations to invade on early morning of the eclipse. He told me about the submarines that they used to get beneath the Gates of Azulon. He explained to me about the centipede machines used to crush the tanks. He told me about father heroically rushing into one of the watchtowers only to be injured by an explosion.

Then he went on to tell me about Aang returning after trying to find the Fire Lord and not succeeding. Aang, Sokka, and Toph went to search for the Fire Lord's hidden chamber while Katara stayed to help take care of father. Sokka and them ran into Azula right as the eclipse began and she distracted them long enough for them to lose the advantage. They were forced to leave and return to the other warriors, only for their submarines to be bombed during retreat. That moment was when they had no choice but to leave the warriors behind and protect the youngest of the group.

I reassured Sokka that none of it was his fault. He argued it was his plan and that he should've stayed behind. I took his hand to squeeze it comfortingly. I told him we needed a leader right now to guide us, and he was the best man for the job. I told him that's why father made him leave: the world needed him to win.

The fact father was left in the clutches of the man that caused me so much pain a few days ago greatly unsettled me though.

"Twenty," Teo stated. "Should we stop her before she burns a hole in the floor?"

The Duke spoke up, "Maybe we can get to thirty."

I walked by them again running a hand through my hair. I let out a deep sigh, trying to tune out my audience. I didn't get past twenty-one though.

"Alright! That's it!" Toph's voice made me jump and stop in my step. I looked over to see her stomping over to me. "I've been listening to the patter of your feet for thirty minutes now Princess, and I'm going crazy!" She grabbed my dress sleeve and yanked me away from the balcony to go back inside the temple.

"Where are we going?"

Toph ignored me, pulling me along through the dark halls and up some stone stairs. I hadn't done too much exploring of the temple, frankly because I was too tired and sore to go very far within. She continued to yank me along, while I asked her again where we were headed.

"I'm taking you somewhere to distract you for a few hours. Clearly you need it since you're so antsy about Sparky being gone."

I grimaced. "I'm not antsy. Just a little concerned. It's been two days and their still not back."

She led me to a doorway that was covered by a tan curtain. We stepped through, and I was amazed when I saw what was on the other side. Scrolls were scattered across tables and placed on shelves. There was a large opening to go out on a smaller balcony and overlook the canyon. The room was a study full of air nomad knowledge.

"Wow..." I stepped over to the table and picked up a dusty scroll that looked greatly mildewed and weathered. Opening it, I found some of the words were illegible, but the passage was still intact. "How did you find this place before the others?"

Toph shrugged. "I sensed it from below. Came up to investigate and feel around. When I realized what was up here, I thought of you. You like to read so maybe this can preoccupy you for a few hours while the guys are gone."

I was stunned by her gesture. Looking over at her, I smiled with gratitude. "Thanks, Toph. This makes me really happy."

She walked over to the table where I stood and moved her hand over the surface to brush her fingers on a rolled up scroll. "One thing I hate about being blind is not being able to read. I've always hated needing my tutors and others to read for me."

Her words made me frown. I grabbed her hand and pulled her over to the scroll. I made her finger trace over one of the characters on the sheet. "Iroh and Zuko taught me how to read. I'm not an expert, but I can try and teach you the shapes of the characters... then maybe one day we can make a system where you can read by touch."

Toph shook her head. "I doubt that will ever happen."

I released her hand. "You know... If things go the way we hope and we win this war, then maybe I'll use my free time to create a system for you."

She smirked. "If you do that, I will be very impressed." She pat my shoulder, turned, and then made her way out of the room. "Don't get too lost in the books, Princess."

Once Toph was gone, I sighed and turned back to the parchment on the table. I smiled though, glad for the distraction. I could finally pass time now.

Scanning my eyes over the scroll before me, I was able to pick up from the words that it was a parchment on medicinal herbs. Going over to the shelves, my hand slid along the dusty surface until I hit a scroll that was wrapped around a spool. Taking this one off, I blew off the dust and opened it. Sitting against the end of the stone shelf, I started reading about airbender tattoos and their origin. It was good to be distracted.

After a few hours of reading, the sun started to set and it was getting darker. Heading back down, I found my family and friends were gathered on the main balcony again eating some stew for dinner.

"There you are!" Katara exclaimed. "Toph told us you were lost in scrolls. We thought you'd never come down."

Ty Lee handed me a bowl of stew as I approached, and then returned to her spot beside Haru. All of us had started to notice their relationship in the last few days and were shocked at what was developing. Haru had first been cold towards Zuko and Ty Lee, but somehow Ty Lee won him over.

Sokka took a bite of his stew and then asked,"Read anything good?"

I nodded. "There's a lot about medicinal properties and airbender traditions. Also diary entries from different monks of the past. It's a relief the Fire Nation didn't destroy them."

Toph sighed. "Sounds like homework to me."

I took a bite of my stew. "You know. There's some scrolls about earthbending too. I ran by them briefly."

She pursed her lips. "Hm... well that may be interesting."

A groan suddenly sounded, and my eyes widened when I realized who had arrived. Putting my stew down, I got up and rushed out towards where the edge of the balcony was. I saw Appa in the distance and was relieved to see his approaching figure.

They landed only a few moments later, and Zuko and Aang slid off Appa looking pretty well for being gone for two days. I rushed forward to hug Zuko, who was shocked to see me doing better than when he left. As I hugged him, he hugged me back glad to see me too.

"You look better," he said with relief.

I smiled weakly. "I finally stopped being stubborn and let Katara heal me."

He sighed with relief, and then bent his head down to kiss me on the lips. I welcomed his touch, and was glad to be back in his arms. As he pulled away slightly, he whispered, "I'm glad."

"Aang!" Katara and the others had arrived. Aang was quickly hugged by my sister who was relieved to see him as well. "I was starting to worry!"

Teo asked from where he and the rest of the group stood, "Did you find the civilization?"

Zuko pulled away enough to face the group. "Yep. And it was definitely enlightening."

Aang nodded. "You guys aren't going to believe this, but the Sun Warriors are still alive! And the grand masters who they learn from are the last dragons on earth!"

We fell silent in total astonishment. Dragons?!

Zuko sighed. "Aang... you broke the rules."

Aang grimaced. "The chief told us not to tell anyone. But these people are not anyone!" He grabbed Zuko's arm then, exclaiming, "Let's show them the moves we learned!"

Zuko groaned. "We just got back Aang. Can't we settle in?"

Aang pouted. "Please, Zuko!"

Ty Lee spoke up. "I'd like to see it. I'm curious."

The Duke jumped up and down. "Show us! We want to see."

As Zuko was yanked by Aang to the area we had been eating before, I smiled glad to see the group back together.

A few minutes later, we were all gathered around the cobbled courtyard watching as Aang and Zuko went around the circle simultaneously twisting, turning, punching, lunging, and at the end connecting fists and forming an arc with their body. Once they were done, we all clapped to show them we were impressed.

Sokka commented, "Yeah, that's a great dance you two learned there."

Zuko crosses his arms in defense. "It's not a dance. It's a firebending form."

Sokka smirked. "We'll just tap-dance our way to victory over the Fire Lord."

Zuko shook his head. "It's a sacred form that happens to be thousands of years old!"

My sister lowered a cup of tea from her lips and asked, "Oh yeah? What's your little form called?"

There was a pause, and Zuko cringed. He spoke with embarrassment. "The... Dancing Dragon."

We all laughed as he lost his argument. As the two sat back down, Zuko let me rest my head against his shoulder while Aang told the story of their journey to the Sun Warriors. Finally, I felt I could breathe as the gang was back together again.

I didn't know what the future would hold for us. And at that moment I didn't care. I didn't want to live in the past or the future. As I leaned against Zuko, listening to Aang animatedly talk about a sun stone and being slimed to a ceiling, I smiled. I was just glad to be living in the now, enjoying the time I had with my family.

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