FBI - tales of the federal bu...

By slimeemogul__

97 0 0

with a twist. a lot of action , betrayals , mysteries & a glimpse into the lives of the agents in the DC fiel... More

i. Maliya Wynters
ii. Neil Burman
iii. Maliya Wynters
iv. let the games begin
v. Maliya Wynters
vi. Neil Burman
vii. Maliya Wynters
viii. Neil Burman
viiii. Maliya Wynters
x. Neil Burman
xi. Maliya Wynters
xii. Maliya Wynters

xiii. Neil Burman

6 0 0
By slimeemogul__

Thursday Afternoon
1675 Fulton Boulevard Apt 3b
The Evidence
Maliya told me about her encounter with this Reddington character & Dan. & if you ask me this is just too damn much to have happened all within a couple hours , we arrived at the address Dan gave us & were unlocking the door to the apartment.
" it smells in here jeez. " it did , like he hasn't been here for awhile.
" who stocks a fridge at a stash house , is he crazy ? all this food , gone to waste " i hope he wasn't staying here at some point because this was not fit for any man.
" lets just find this evidence & get the hell outta here " i second that. we checked everywhere no sign of anything even remotely interesting , took the pictures off the walls & studied them for a quick minute each. nothing except for some numbers scribbled on the corners . so i took them out of the frames & took pictures front & back before returning them to the frame & hanging them back up.
" found something " Maliya shouted from the back room where there was a single mattress on the floor & a sheet over top. poor guy. i found her in the closet , she tore up some floor boards & was trying to open a safe. " i need a 6 digit code "
" idk he was your partner , a birthday , girlfriend ?"
" no the man barely spoke about his life until recently . thought he was hazing me for a while there . its gotta be written somewhere "
" the pictures .. here look " i showed her the pictures i took with the numbers scribbled on them " but there's 5 numbers on each picture . they must need an equation or something. "
" or find the mean from each picture & try that. "
" nice thinking ok i need a pen & paper " in the age of smartphones .. she chose the pen . how poetic
" ok first picture is : 3 , 6 , 6 , 9 , 11 "
" ok. 7 is the first number .. five more to go "
" 7 , 8 , 15 , 6 "
" second is 9. "
" 13 , 18 , 24 , 5 "
" thats 15. will that count as 2 separate numbers ? "
" so 7 , 9 , 1 , 5 , one more to go "
" 2 , 4 , 6 , 9 , 4 "
" ok , try 7 , 9 , 1 , 5 , 5 "
i pressed in the numbers as she read em off to me & it blinked red. shit , that wasn't it , " maybe the 15 isn't 1 , 5 , but 1 + 5 , making it 7 , 9 , 1 , 5 , 6 "
" try it "
" ok .. " i pressed in the new code & it blinked green before unlocking. " we're in "
" nice one bugs ! "
i opened the safe & pulled out several manila envelope stuffed to capacity & 2 spiral notebooks.
" looks like we have our evidence , lets clear out & make it look like we were never here . " meaning anything we touched gets wiped , anything moved put back to its original place & we finally get to breathe some fresh air.
we made it back to the car & we drove off to the black site to comb through this evidence .
" finally get to fix my damn hair , bc this wrap gotta go. thank god i had a hood on to blend in with this horrible bad hair day on top of being all inconspicuous "
" you look fine. have the others meet us at the blacksite , i am stopping for some good ole shake shack . i am starved "
" we just ate breakfast "
" woman its 12:30 , we ate at 7:15 . "
" wow , its been a morning man. didn't notice i was hungry til you said something "
" do you want the cheeseburger & cheese fries ? "
" yes , with a pickle & large sprite. make sure they put lots of ketchup on the bag sir. thank ya kindly. "
" so the usual , large sprite , extra ketchup "
" don't let them forget my pickyyy " i laughed as i parked the car & headed inside the establishment. the line wasn't too long , so i ordered & sat down to wait.
" excuse me but is your name Neil Burman ? " i looked up & came face to face with a woman , average height , who looked familiar ..
" depends on whose asking " im skeptical , this is sketchy.
" sorry , its me , Lindsey Seeres , from Oakdale High "
" oh wow , how are you , what brings you to DC "
" i just got offered a job as the new media consultant for the white house "
" oh wow . congrats , thats huge . "
" number 56 , Neil " the worker spoke into the microphone saying my order was ready
" excuse me but thats me . " i stood & walked back up to the counter grabbing my bag & sodas in the cupholder. " well it was nice seeing you. "
" you too , hope to see you around " she waved as i used my back to push open the door & smiled before walking off to the car. Maliya reached over & opened the door for me from the inside , grabbing the bags & cups before placing them into the cupholders in the car so i can get back into the car.
" wanna eat in the car here ? " i asked
" yeah & you can tell me all about who that was giving you goo goo eyes "
" she was not giving me goo goo eyes . "
" oh i seen em from here buddy. she surely was , home girl was undressing you with her eyes " she joked as she dipped her fry into the ketchup & bit it.
" she was not , but that was Lindsey Seers , we went to high school together "
" oh wow , old girlfriend ? ouuu high school rival ? " she was now turned to me handing me my burger
" no . she's my old lab partner . but my high school rival was a boy name Marcus Gerber. if i ever see him again you may need to sedate me. "
" oh there's a story , lemme get comfortable "
" well , it started freshman year , it started off as your typical bully but i wasn't 1 to cower in fear so he got the entire football team to come to my house at 2 am & scare me & my mom. so the next day i went to school & i beat him up in the cafeteria "
" oh my goodness . poor Sheila. " she joked as she continued to eat her burger , how can she do that & still manage to look so beautiful.
" poor me , i thought i was gonna die . well long story short he pranked me all freshman year into junior year until i had enough & stuffed his locker with paraphernalia & got him suspended for 2 weeks . he was so mad when he came back that he found me & tried to kill me . he would've succeeded if it wasn't for Lindsey. "
" Neil. did she damsel in distressed you ? "
" oh yeah . we were in lab & we were working with the Bunsen burners .. that could've been bad , she sprayed him with a fire extinguisher , he slipped & fell onto the ground so hard , by then the principal pretty much had enough of our antics & we were asked to do saturday detentions along with cleaning up after every pep rally until senior year. thats when it got bad "
" don't stop now im too invested ! " she continued eating , turned towards me waiting for me to talk. i sipped my drink a couple times , ate some fries & took a bite of my burger " c'mon the suspense is killing me "
i laughed , she's so cute when she begs " ok ok , he left me alone , & i figured our little war was over until .. prom night .. he had my date bail on me last minute , who was my date ? Lindsey Seeres . i still don't know why or how he managed to do it but they went together , i went alone & i was taunted until i finally graduated & got outta that disturbed town. "
" oh wow , im so sorry. want me to shoot her ? i'll go shoot her right now ! "
" no . well .. na , i actually could thank them. he made me feel helpless & i never wanted to feel like that again , or have anyone feel how i felt so i decided i was going to be a cop , while studying in college i got my degree in criminal justice & then i was off to quanico "
" where you met me & we live happily ever after "
" yes .. well not yet .. we have to catch reddington first. "
" speaking of , finish up so we can meet up with the others .. im sorry that happened to you , but im not sorry it did at the same time , meeting you in that closet was a turning point for me . one day i'll tell you all about it. " i smiled at her as she smiled at me & then looked away drinking her soda. " let me tase her "
" maliya "
" what ? i'm only half kidding "
we bust out laughing & soon after i finished up , threw out our trash & headed down to industrial park.

Industrial Park , Black Site
6 pm
we told assistant director shepherd we were working a case that's why we weren't in the office today , but since he's in bed with Mr Reddington , he knows the real reason .
we combed through all of Dans evidence on both reddington & shepherd. he had enough to take him down , but shepherd is a pawn , reddington will just recruit someone else.
" i say we bite the bullet , tell director wynters about shepherd only , have him validate our findings & we go after Reddington. " Trey was all for telling William but he forgets we don't know how high this goes.
" this leak could go over even my dad. i'm talking white house proportions. if we blow this story too early on a hunch we could lose everything , not to mention probably take the fall for all of Dans screw ups & shepherd's misdoings since joining the academy. he was one of our training officers. we have to be 100000% sure everything is solid , gather new evidence for ourselves & then i'll take it to my dad. outside of the office to avoid detection & prying eyes & ears. " Maliya was making an offer & everyone agreed because she was making the most sense. " ok we have nothing else to go over today. no call from Reddington , it's after 7 lets call it a night, reconvene when new evidence arises. everyone do your back ups & delete . ill let you guys know the new code. "
" goodnight & remember the annual dinner is next week , may be a target for Reddington , something to keep an eye out for. " Sasha reminded us as she left out in a hurry.
" true. what's the rush your my ride " Malik yelled after her
" ok you two , don't stay here any longer. i mean it , go home & get some well deserved rest. see you both at work tomorrow "
" good night Trey. say hello to Keisha for us " he gave me a thumbs up as he left & then there was 2. spider had on her thinking face & i made myself comfortable
" come on , its a thursday & it's karaoke night at Nathans " she sang as she stood up & shut off all the monitors.
" oh yes , time to watch drunken fools , sing horribly & make a fool of themselves. "
" gotta love theme nights "
" lets go. " we finished up securing the site & then shut everything down , we walked out making sure to reset the passcode for the main door.
we walked back to her car & drove to her building so i can pick up my car & go home to change clothes.
" meet you at Nathans , lets say 9 o'clock ? " she asked as i pressed L in the elevator & she pressed 10 for her floor .
" make it 9:30 , gotta stop by & see momma. "
" ok give her kiss for me , tell her i'll see her next weekend , i didn't forget. "
" bout what ?! " i was genuinely surprised my mom is not good at keeping secrets but she never told me about this & i make sure we speak every day.
" she didn't tell you ? well not my business to tell , take that up with your mom .. see you at nathans. " the doors opened & i stepped off looking back at her as she waved bye & the doors closed.
i headed to my car thinking of all the excuses so i didn't have to leave her. i spent all day with her & i miss her already .i got into my car & headed in the direction of my moms house , i will ask about her & maliya's weekend plans , im nosey its my job as a son to be all in her business

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