By Simplicity_writes

118K 12.9K 182

Imperfection is the story of Anuoluwapo.A young energetic Yoruba lady who is full of life, she's independent... More

Mrs. azim
August visitor
I'll be your girlfriend
First visit
First weekend
Best Man Ever
Suprise ! yet surprised
Hidden Emotions
Who is Khalifa ?
The big question
Greatest fear
Unexpected guest
That's my man
Planning my wedding
Engagement ceremony.
Wedding Dinner
Matrimony/ Budan Kai unveiling of bride
White wedding
Khalifa, the total package
Short lived.
Our love life
Trouble in paradise
Not mine
Laugh last
D's Identity
Months later
New arrival
Bonus chapter ( Khalifa's POV)
Mi familia perfecta
Bonus chapter; Zahra's wedding
Bonus chapters or Not
Bonus chapter (1)


2K 257 10
By Simplicity_writes

I returned from work earlier this evening.  Ever since i started working again. I usually return home very early let's say before 7. It is still not easy  for me leaving my kids for  a long time.  I enrolled them in a day care centre not too far from me.  I also enrolled Sarah into a vocation  training institution. I asked if she wanted to further her education like Balaraba did but she said she prefers learning hairdressing.i don't think  that is a bad idea.  Balaraba is still in school and she's going to graduate  next year inshallah.

So what I do is, Sarah  would head to the day care centre after work just to stay with the kids, i pick them up afterwards while we head home together. Sometimes Bala meets us also or return home straight. 

People question why i have two maids when they really don't do much and i also enroll  them in school.  First of ,   i don't see Balaraba  as my maid, to me she's my younger sister, she also helps with the  twins, they love  her so much. I need Sarah  to help  with little task at home , she's also a good girl. It's not easy for me taking care of this big house all by myself  so i don't see  anything wrong with it.

In no time,i  started preparing dinner.  Bala was with me in the kitchen while  Sarah stayed with the  kids in the living room playing 

"So who's  this cute boy you were telling me about the other day" I teased  her. She gisted me about  this boy that she recently met

"You don't want  to tell me baa" she smiled shaking her head.

"His name is Zaiyan, i met him  on my way back home  few weeks ago.  He offered me a ride of course I declined because i was in the street already. He tried having a conversation  but i just walked away . I saw him  another day. This time he pestered  me and i finally broke my silence.  We started talking and we got to know each other better"

"Awww.. you like him ?" She nodded  nervously.  I smiled. Balaraba is 22 and I'm happy she's  starting to experience  love.

"So are you guys officially dating "

"He keeps  begging me but I'm  scared. I'm afraid he'll  hurt my felling.  And he's  way out of my league.  He just graduated from Nile university.  Aunty, Nile while me in this college  of  education. "

"Girl don't you ever look down on you again ok.. Take me and my husband  as an example.  Like who would have thought  i would end up with Ahmad. I went to Lasu and him Harvard.  Love is a beautiful  thing and one can't  help who he falls in love with. Just give him a try okay. See how  it goes and take things slow.  You hear "
She nods
" he even wants to see you ?"

"See me why ?"

"He wanted to take me out to dinner but i told him no that i have  to inform you, so he want to formally seek permission  from you " she blushed. I smiled.

" such a gentleman  he is, look i have no problem  and I'm  sure my husband  wouldn't mind. Go out and have fun enjoy your youth. Okay " she nods. 

"Thank  you ma"

"Youre welcome  darling. Help me place the plates on the table  while I dish this " she did  as she was informed.

Khalifa returned  just as I was placing the plates on the table. He went up to shower and change  after greeting me and the kids.  He returned a while later.

We sat down to eat. The twins were placed on their high chair while they  ate from their plates. I served them a portion.  Khalifa and i ate from the same plates. 

After  dinner, it wasn't easy trying to get the  twins to sleep they wouldn't sleep . I played all types  of trick for them to sleep but they stayed wide awake. Khalifa later came by and played a movie for them on his iPad. As if they were hypnotized.  They ended up falling asleep.

"Thank you for helping with the twins "  i said as I was performing my nightly routine.

He laughed  briefly " it's nothing. How was your day by the way".

"Just the usual. You"

" i dropped by Mami's house. The date of the wedding has been set. On the 15th of April. " he informed.

"Really that's nice less than five  months from now" he smiled.

"I wish I could just redo our wedding once again . I feel like getting married but of course with you " we started laughed together.

His phone starts to ring. He checked it, suddenly  frown before cutting the call. The phone rang again and he did the same . I sighed, i know who that is already .  The phone  calls didnt  stop ,he kept doing the same.

"Probably  she has something  to tell you "

"Babe  you know how she is "

" just answer to see whats up " he sighed and finally picked the call

"What is it" he asked in a dry tone.he sat up in a panic mood.

"Calm down and explain your self. The baby is not due yet right "

"I'm  on my way,  just calm down " he got out of the bed. I stood up also.

"What's wrong "

"It's like she's in Labour she just  called crying. I couldn't make out all she said . I need to go" he seeked permission  with his eyes.

"Of  course. Do you want  me to come with you "

"No just stay  here.. I'll  keep you informed " he went into the closet to
Change clothes. He returned, kissed my forehead before leaving .

Lots of thoughts  are running through  my mind right now. I can't even think straight. She might  be having her baby even though it's still early.  Am I mentally ready for this. Can I still watch khalifa play daddy to another woman's  child not just another woman, Doyin's child.

Doyin was the reason he left me. She took him  away from me once , what if she takes him again.  I might try  to stay tough on  the outside but I'm breaking inside.  Khalifa and i talked about this,  we sat and talked about all this  but I'm still not rest assured.  What if he has no other choice but to marry her. This  time for real.  What would i do.  I know i shoudnt be thinking about all this now but i can't help it . I swear I can't.  I can't cope in a polygamous home. I do not have that strength 

I tried sleeping hoping, it would take my mind  off everything  that has happened but i can't help it. I got out of bed and headed to the kids room. I watched  as they slept soundly.

Couldn't help  but smile as I watched my children. They are the only real thing i have.  They are my reason  for living. They are my whole existence.  I can't stand to imagine my life without them. They look so cute  sleeping  Iman was snoring slightly,  his mouth partly opened.  He looked just like Khalifa.   It's incredible how two human  can be alike in so many ways.  The twins and Khalifs has so many traits in common. For instance , they both have this frown while sleeping just like their  father does.  They got some physical  features from me also  but not as much as they got from Khalifa. They are both light skinned   just like me and their dad.  They have this curly hair just like their dad  and it goes on and on.

I checked the wall clock above their bed and the time is past 11 already. Ahmad is still  not back . I said a silent prayer for him to be safe wherever he is  .  I closed the door to the twins room quietly not to wake them up.  I still wasn't feeling sleepy.  I headed downstairs.  All the lights was turned off. I went into the kitchen and  made myself  some hot chocolate. 

I sat and enjoyed the silence letting  my thoughts  prevail.   I couldn't help but think  about khalifa.  Hopefully everything  is fine.   A while later, i noticed Khalifa drive in . I got up and left the kitchen to wait for him at the entrance.  

The door opened and i saw Khalifa. 

"You're up " he stated  coming in . I closed the door behind him

"Was waiting for you to return. What happened to her " he turned to me and shook his head. He tried to talk but stop. He had a sad expression  on. 

"The baby died"

"Oh my .." I held my hand to my mouth. I was in shock.  I never expected  that 
"What happened.  She wasn't due right. "

"Complications.  The foetus was already dead in her womb. She was operated on just to get the baby out or else it could harm her or possible kill her ... "

" she had a girl"  he added quietly

"I'm  so sorry babe..  come here" I pulled him into a hug.  "Everything  would be fine. She's  in a better place now..." I ran  my hands around his back trying to console  him. Regardless  of what has happened,  that baby  was still his daughter.  He just lost a child.

"Is there something  you need. Should I get you anything,  water,tea"  I offered

"Just hold me" I nodded

"Come on, let's go into the room so you can lie down,  probably  take a shower" I  guided  him into the room . I took of his clothes so he could take another shower.  After taking a shower, he came out and laid on the bed. I held him  throughout  the night.

Two weeks later

Ever since  Doyin lost the baby. Khalifa has been going to the hospital to check up on her. She still hasn't been discharged. She still has some complications  like they said. 

I'm on my way to see her presently with Khalifa. I haven't  seen her yet but i reached out to her to share my condolences. 

She begged to see me for a reason  I dont know. The ride to the hospital  was quiet.  No word was said, not even the radio was on. We just had our hands entwined.  In all honesty, I'm nervous. I don't know what to expect but I'll  keep calm

We finally arrived the hospital. We got out of the car and went in. Khalifa led the way to her  ward.  Just as we were about to go in, i stopped. Lots of emotion were high. But i have  to keep them in check.  Khalifa turned and mouthed ' its  okay.  I nodded  and followed  him in.

My eyes landed on Doyin who laid  on the bed . Her eyes were closed. Her drip was not just an ordinary but blood, i didn't know it was this serious  . She looked so thin  laying on the bed. Like she's actually  slim but this is way too tiny.  I myself can't explain how she looks

"Anu" she called quietly bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Hi, how are you feeling "
She gave a weak smile. "Can you please  come closer, sit beside me" i glanced at Khalifa who gave me a slight nod. 

I let go of Khalifa and took a seat beside her. She placed her hands on mine but i flinched . I'm  not comfortable  with her holding  me.

"I'm sorry. How are you doing.  And the twins, how  are they" I just nodded.

"I asked  to see you..  Thank you very much for coming " i glanced  at Khalifa who  was watching intently.

" i have offended you in the most unimaginable  way a friend can hurt someone, i am so sorry,  i need you to forgive me. Please. "

" i started  way back when we were still in the university.  I was the reason why  your boyfriend  back then Femi broke up with you.  I was so jealous that you had the cutest guy on campus all to yourself.  I told him lies about you , that was why he changed towards you "

I could remember  that my then boyfriend  started acting different towards me all of a sudden , he would treat me like i wasn't human, he would ignore me and even say hurtful words to me.  Doyin was with me during this period. She even cried with me when we broke up, she knew about everything  yet she was the one who  broke us up.

I tried to speak but she stopped me " please let me finish "

"I acted as if nothing happened.  I even slept with him after you guys broke up but he never loved me like he loved you. He hated you because of the lies i told you.  I held  that grudge against you for years.  We continued being friends. Then you came with the news that you were getting married.  I didn't see it as a big  deal until your wedding when I met Khalifa, i saw how handsome  he was and how wealthy he was. My hate towards you intensified. I hated that you had luck with  the Cute guys  yet you weren't up to my standards.   I played along but i had my plans."

"Years into your marriage,  i follow you on your social media and i saw all your posts. All the luxury and wealth you had.  I saw how loved up you two were, so i made it a plan to have Khalifa  because I wanted that life.  A friend  of mine introduced  me to this priest who gave me a charm to use on him so i could get  him "

Now I couldn't help the tears that were streaming  down my eyes. Someone i called my friend betrayed me this much.

"It worked and i had Khalifa to  myself. I thought  I had everything  you had, i was happy. But not for long, i noticed Khalifa changed towards me.  I knew my charm was running  out, i knew i was going to lose since you already had his children so i seduced him to bed against his will because I  charmed  him one more time.  Everything  that has happened  is not his fault, he didn't know what he was doing, he couldnt  help himself, It is all my fault, I'm sorry  "

" i took you as a sister, i saw you as a friend. You... you did all of this, for what. I trusted you. You took my happiness  away from me. You almost destroyed my home, why just because  of jealousy. Out of millions of men out there, you chose my husband.  You chose to destroy  my family  "

" please forgive me, i am paying already.  I lost my daughter to this.  Now I am suffering,  i am in pain  . I haven't  stopped bleeding.  I know i have offended you. I just need you to please forgive me. Please pray for me"

I felt Ahmed place his hands on my shoulders, my vision was starting to get blurry due  to the amount of tears I shed.  I placed my hand on his hands shaking my head.  Doyin kept begging me to please pray for her, that it is what she needs the most.  

"As hard as it may be, I have forgiven  you. I have my husband  back,  I got my family back.  All is forgiven, To you, you felt you ruined my relationship  with Femi, who knows, if Temi hadn't  dumped  me then, I might not  have know Khalifa not to talk of  marrying him. In a way, you paved way for me to meet the love of  my life. And for everything  you did to my husband, I have forgiven you, I hope he has forgiven you also "  I glanced at Khalifa and he nodded.

"Thank you, both of you thank you.   But Any I have one more request.  Please pray for me.. Please,  this pain is unbearable "

I inhaled, I held her hands and start praying for her.  I prayed that the Almighty forgive her all her sins, u prayed that may she find redemption,  I prayed for her sound health, I prayed that she finally find peace and happiness.

After that Khalifa  and i left the hospital. 

"Are you okay " he asked when he noticed I didn't  say anything throughout  the drive.

"Yeah.. I kinda feel pity for her you know, after every thing she's done, I still do pity her. Karma bit her really hard.  I pray she gets better though "

"I do too"

"Anu, you know i love you right " I tilted  my head to the side, where is this coming from or where is this man heading to.  I nod slightly. He placed his hands on mine

"I love you and I promise never to hurt you again. I promise you that I'll  never allow anyone to separate us.  It is the two of us for life even in Jannah insha Allah .  I love and  appreciate  you every single day of my life.  You, Imran  and Iman  mean everything to me and for you guys, I'll do anything  to make you happy "

I became teary eyed.. "I love you and I would  never  stop loving you... Never  "

"Baby please don't make me cry " He laughed.  " i love you too  Oko mi" I leaned over and planted a miss on his cheek. 


Hello beautiful  people !

Sorry i kept you all waiting

This is actually  a two chapter that i put into one.  

I need a little favour from you guys and what is that?

I need you to tell me how you feel about  this book from the beginning  so far.  Your opinion  would be highly appreciated  so please comment. 

And please please please don't forget to vote.  Yes that is importanter.   Please  do vote annd recommend this  book to your friends.  Tell a friend to tell a friend.  

God bless..

And sadly, i have  to inform that we have just two to three more chapters before the  story ends. 

I know so sad right

But i promise you guys... something  is cooking.  Just wait and see.. 

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