Don't Leave Me (Ayumi x Yoshi...

By TheHellInsideYou

1.8K 39 35

When Yoshiki was eight, his best friend (and crush) got killed by his own parents. Age eleven: Bleached his h... More

Chapter 1: Never Mine, But I Can Dream

Prologue: Crushed

1.3K 18 8
By TheHellInsideYou

ANOTHER ONE! YAY! I'm making two new fanfictions because I want to. B) Anyways, this is an alternate universe where Sachiko and Yoshie never died and Takamine stayed sane and all that fun stuff. Also, there is a little Kagerou Days reference here, so I will admit this is not ENTIRELY my idea. Anyone who sees the reference gets a surprise. ;3 Anywho, ON TO THE STORY!

Note: I am one to make my story characters go through literal Hell. :D

Kishinuma Yoshiki's P.O.V  

"Yoshiki-chan! Look, I found a flower!" Nakamoto Ayano laughed, her platinum blonde hair flowing in the soft summer breeze. Kishinuma Yoshiki sat on a bench, watching with happy gray eyes as Ayano-san ran over to him with a yellow wildflower, quite rare where he currently lived. A delighted smile of a curious eight year old was plastered onto his face. His midnight hair was hanging in his eyes, but he couldn't care less.

He may have been a boy, but he had never seen a flower before, and was quite excited to be seeing one with his best friend. Her baby blue dress went well with the flower, Yoshiki noticed. He never really had noticed the eleven years old girls beauty, nor did he care or like her that way (at least he thought so), but he liked how the bright sunshine yellow went with it. The colors complimented each other.

Ayano-san held the flower in front of his face, looking at him. He was usually taller, since she was quite short for her age, but when he sat she looked down on him. It felt natural.

He held out his hand and she let it flutter into his open palms. The petals were silky and soft, the stem was smooth but firm, and the leaves had easily seen ridges. He picked it up and held it upright, comparing it with the sun.

"It looks like the sun." He observed. She giggled and snatched it playfully out of his hands. He was used to this behavior, and it didn't bother him in the slightest.

"Yeah, you're right!" She chirped, sending him a friendly smile. She studied the blossom, twirling it in her fingers. Yoshiki got off of the bench and looked around. The wind was getting a bit stronger; his hair had finally left his dark gray eyes, to his happiness. He could actually see clearly now. His hair was possessed by some demonic spirit or something. And it didn't help the suns rays were hot enough to rival desert heat.

"Hey, Ayano-san, can we go on a walk? I don't like the park when it's windy." Yoshiki had to ask, since Ayano-san was his babysitter as well and his parents were out doing errands. She may seem childish, but she was very responsible. She had done all the chores, and tricked him into helping. He had never got hurt with her around, since she would make sure all hazards were avoided.

"Of course! Hehe, I always like walks in the summertime, though my favorite season is winter. I love the snow..." She threw the daisy-looking flower into the air, but before she could catch it, he jumped up and grabbed it. She tilted her head slightly. He took her moment of confusion to shove the flower behind her ear, holding back the pretty straight strands. She blinked, before grinning happily. "Oh! Thank you!"

"No problem." He laughed. He always had so much fun with her. He wished it woud always be like this, even when he didn't need a babysitter.

The two kids started to walk away from the park, laughing and talking about everything on their minds. Ayano-san is so nice...and pretty. He chased away that thought, continuing his story about the worm he found the other day that he swore was almost an inch thick...maybe a little exaggerated, but who uses centimeters? (Canada.)

Yoshiki straightened out his red long sleeved shirt. He wasn't sweating, but it sure was kind of hot and uncomfortable crumpled up. " my mom told my dad 'Don't you go near my...bad word...daughter again!'. I-I think he's going to leave..." She sniffled. The conversation switched subjects often, but the two didn't like to dwell on things for too long.

"Aw...I wish I could help, but...I doubt I would do anything." He frowned, and gave her a quick hug. Her sad expression turned sunny.

"Heh...well, at least you want to help." Ayano-san gave a tiny ghost of a smile. He tried to return it, but a large gust of wind knocked him off of his feet and he fell onto the sidewalk. At least no one is around. This is embarrassing. He sighed, looking up at her from the ground. His hair was back in his eyes.

"I don't think the ground likes me."

"Oh, Yoshiki-chan..." She sighs before bursting with hysteric chuckles. She offered an hand to him, which he gladly took. He staggered a bit when he got back to his feet, but quickly regained his balance. She was still hiccuping with giggles, and he sighed. "I-I... *giggle* I'm sorry, but that was really funny! You crack me up!"

"Whatever." He starts to laugh with her. Not a single bad thing ran through the young boy's head, not a worry in the world. They were standing on the sidewalk, passing cars not even noticed. They didn't care people were giving them odd looks. They were children, they didn't care. They were having fun.

"Hey, we should start heading home. Isao-san and Ayako-san are coming home with Miki-chan soon. I can tell." She says sadly. He stops laughing simultaneously with her, and huffs childishly. Crossing his arms, he tries a glare. "Heeey! Stop glaring!" Her voice was colored with amusement.

"I don't wanna go home!" He whines, grinning the whole time.

"Your glare is scary. Stop it." She orders. He shakes his head stubbornly, "If...if I buy you ice cream will you come home?" Bribery. It always worked with him.

"...Okay. I would have come home anyways, but ice cream is good too!" He laughs. She nods her head happily.

"But you deserve a treat! You're the most behaved person I visit!" That is also what he liked about her. She never addressed him as a child, she called him an actual person. It made him feel older.

They continue the random conversation, heading towards the busy street they were forced to cross. That was a clear sign they were there longer than they were supposed to. It was rush hour; the worst time to cross this road. It was a main highway, too, which made it even more dangerous. But Yoshiki knew she would never let him cross if a car was coming. He trusted her.

The cars passed by, sending gusts of wind strong enough to make her dress blow up. But the dress was long, and didn't have to be pushed down to hide her area. He had a shirt and jeans on, so the wind didn't bother him much. Made him hotter in the sun, sure, but his skin didn't burn from the nip of the wind.

The two stopped and Ayano-san let him press the button, like always. He pressed the big, bright red button, and looked out to the road. It was going to be a few minutes until they were able to cross.

"Hey...Yoshiki-chan?" She says gingerly.


"If...if you had the choice to come to middle school with me just to be in my class, would you?" Her cheeks suspiciously flushed. He was a bit thrown off by the peculiar question, but brushed it off.

"Of course I would!...No one really likes me at my school. I guess not wearing t-shirts and shorts makes me weird. Not that I care, though." He was still grinning. She looked up, the red blush was gone, except for the faint red that he thought was just the heat getting to her.

"I know. It's the same for me, too. I only wear dresses when I'm babysitting." BEEP. BEEP. BEEP. They could cross now. He was the first  to get on the street, and looked over his shoulder back to her...a stupid move. Her face was happy, but then went dead pale, all expression leaking onto the ground. "W-N-M-L..." She stuttered letters of words, them not forming quite yet. She then started yelling at him to move the Hell out of the way.

He looked back to the road, were a car that was speeding heading staight towards him. The driver was yelling at his wife, two adults who looked familiar. They were too busy and going too fast to notice the black haired boy about to be hit. He was frozen. Muscles locked in place with fear. The yells of Ayano-san to move were drowned out by the traffic.

Abruptly someone grabbed his arm and flung him back to the side of the road. A flash of a sting went thorugh his elbows but he didn't care. On the road instead of him, about to be the victim of some distracted male just begging for the crash, was Ayano-san. Her face had a look of  calmness and relief, as if she wasn't just to be hit with death itself.

He watched with wide eyes as blood sprayed onto the street, and a bit onto him. His light blue jeans were stained now, but he could hardly care less.

In front of his eyes, his best friend had been broken to bits. Blood spilled everywhere. So much of it. So much crimson. Too much crimson. It had hit her side, and before they noticed she was under the car, they ran over her skull. The smell of her hair, which matched the smell of a daisy, was hanging in the air with the coppery smell.

Her dress was torn, caught under the wheels like her head. The daisy (what he had suspected the wildflower was) that was behind her ear had flown out of the way, but it had been splattered with the fluids of the girl it had just belonged to. The petals were no longer yellow, but now red. It didn't go with her dress at all. In fact, her dress was matching his shirt now...just darker.

The wildflower. He grabbed it, and stared at it.

He was shaking, too much shock to speak or move. His parents got out of the car, and screamed. It all faded into ringing.


No...these are lies. Is the heat getting to my head?


No...this isn't happening.



Vision fading away, his parents ran to him to see if he was okay. But he wasn't. The repeating sound of the terrible ripping of flesh and crushing of bones started to play. Crrsh. Crunch. Crrsh. Crunch. Crrsh. Crunch. Sayonara, Yoshiki-chan... Crrsh. Crunch. Gone



I have a thing with car crash deaths, I'm sorry. I put my hatred of them into books. ^u^

And plus Yoshiki is plagued with the car crash curse. This is canon. Trust me. It's the reason why he saved Ayumi in Don't Blame Yourself. It's the reason he bleached his hair.

Hope you enjoyed~

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