You Are My Alpha I Am Your Om...

By AmariannaRose

40.9K 886 36

Rieka is a girl who was born to a Furyan male and elemental female who meets the most dangerous Furyan of all... More

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๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿปโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ’จRun Run As Fast As You Can You Can't Catch Me I'm A Furyan Man
A New Cage They Put Me In New Chains That Bindโ›“๏ธ๐Ÿ”—
Wanna See Your Future!?!๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿ‘€
Taming The Wild๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿบ
๐Ÿ—๐ŸŠ๐Ÿฆฌ๐ŸฆŠ๐Ÿฆ–It's An Animal Thing๐Ÿป๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ•ท๏ธ๐Ÿฆˆ
All Hail New Lord Marshal๐Ÿ‘‘.... He's Smokin Hot๐Ÿ”ฅ
Not Gonna Cut Itโœ‚๏ธ๐Ÿ”ช
Are you Friend ๐Ÿ‘ผ๐ŸปOr Foe๐Ÿ˜ˆ!?!

Will You Be My Buddy!?!๐Ÿซ‚๐Ÿ‘ฅ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿพ

1.4K 34 1
By AmariannaRose

"Shh!"  Rieka says to the jackal that stands at her side she places her pointer finger over her lips as they watch Riddick sit by a sulfur pool the jackal growls softly "alright go have your fun!"  she whispers with a smile then glides away just as Riddick turns to face whatever growled at him she glides back and watches the jackal and Riddick fight one another "oh come on now he's only playing!.... he thinks your the biggest, juiciest bone he has ever seen in his life!.... better then that dry thing you tried to feed him!"  Riddick hears a familiar soft tantalizing voice tease playfully as he reaches for a weapon that was attached to his armor he looks up and sees Rieka smiling at him he tosses the disk like contraption/weapon/décor as far away as he could throw it the jackal looks at Rieka who smiles at him then he goes and chases after the metal frisbee and Riddick wobbles over to where Rieka stands hugs her to him then kisses her lips with a sensual hunger "of course you would befriend those beasts!"  he says once he lets her lips go she chuckles then says pointing to his leg "sit and let me look at that!"  he sits down and she rips his pant leg so that she could get a better look at what she was dealing with then she uses the elements and heals it completely he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "I've been getting better.... you may think that I've been having you practice with me so that you could keep some of your animal side alive but the truth is I've been trying to learn about mine and I could see no better teacher than you!.... I don't want these parts of me controlling me as you were controlled or worse but I also don't want to control them!.... I want to find a compromise.... if there is such a thing!.... I want to do better.... BE better then my "betters"!"  she tells him he scrambles up and hugs her to him once more making her fall on her back her hair falling and floating in the sulfur water near them she chuckles then says "come on I'll show you where there's some "safe" water to drink and get the smell of eels off you.... I thought I was the only one allowed to get that close!"  she purrs her last sentences as she rubs her hands all along his chest as she speaks in a very seductively romantic way he chuckles then pushes himself off her, helps her up and they go for a short walk to a different sulfur pond/puddle.... this one has a waterfall..... "where are we!?!"  Riddick asks as he cups some water into his hands then takes a drink "not Furya"  she replies "that much is obvious!"  he growls darkly her eyes widen "I-I'm sorry!"  he says "it's alright.... you've been trapped for far too long and now your free it'll take some time for you to be fully you again.... luckily I'm a patient person"  she replies he chuckles "the nights here are the most beautiful that I have seen so far.... I think you'll like them"  she tells him in a soft voice "how long was I....!?!"  he asks "a week"  she replies he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "that's how long it took me to find you anyway.... Vaako took me to a different part of the planet and left me there.... he wanted me to come with him but he knew I'd never leave you.... not again anyway.... not when I have a choice.... especially not when I'm ALLOWED to choose!"  she tells him he got mad when she spoke of Vaako and sad when she spoke of leaving and choices "it gave me time to get to know the planet so to speak and befriend some jackals"  she adds he chuckles he noticed within the 5 years with the Necros her eyes stayed the same moon white but here they were brighter and more beautiful then he has ever seen them.... she is free too.... free of the nightmares.... or so he hoped.... "the moon galaxy has returned!"  she says he looks at her oddly "your eyes.... they're almost as bright as they were when I first met you!.... it looks like it's happening already.... you're starting to feel free!"  she says "it's because of you!"  he replies "no.... it's because of the Jackal.... that's what you needed.... a "real" fight!.... outside your cage"  she says he laughs.... Rieka gave Riddick a small tour of the surrounding area they didn't get very far when the jackals came wandering over Riddick turns and watches them with a curious expression on his face "you're going to have to gain their trust.... they were here first.... this is their home and we're the trespassers"  Rieka says softly to Riddick who asks "just how do I do that!?!" she replies "listen to the animal inside you"  he smiles shaking his head he watches as a Jackal walks closer to the muddy water with a curious gait "no don't do that!"  Rieka whispers softly Riddick looks at her oddly "the creature that lives in there isn't known for it's kindness"  she tells him and as though to prove her point a creature jumps out at the jackal from inside the water and attacks him/her Rieka starts to rush over to it but Riddick places his arm across her chest and says "I have to gain his trust remember!?!"  she chuckles and lets him go after the creature that is until he sees the same tail appear behind Rieka he turns around pushes her out of the way and protects her instead he instantly gets knocked onto his back by the creature and picks up a bone that lays next to him as the creature goes to bite him places it in the creatures mouth and tries to push it off him he was so busy trying to stay alive he didn't realize that Rieka had been knocked unconscious.... her head had hit the stone wall when he pushed her out of the way.... it wasn't until after he got away from the creature that he saw her laying there on the ground and to his surprise the creature didn't go anywhere near her forgetting about his own safety he rushed over to where she is, picks her up and carries her bridal style as he ran as fast as he could out of that area and got her to a place he hoped was safe....

As Riddick slept with Rieka by his side he began to remember things he wanted to forget.... life with the Necromongers.... Rieka was the only one he allowed to get physically close, that he shared his bed with, that he allowed to touch him and yet so many of them did things no person was ever allowed to do Rieka even killed for him.... which he hated.... the last girl who tried to get into his bed, tried to get close and also tried to kill him he had told her that the best way to a man's heart was between the fourth and fifth rib and put a twist at the end if you wanna make sure she aimed for the fifth and sixth body cavity but Rieka.... Rieka listened for as the woman stabbed him she stabbed her right where he said he would go AND in the way he said he would do it.... if it wasn't for Vaako's "interruption" he would have made love to her right then and there because even though he hated it he couldn't help but be aroused by it and how she looked while doing it her full animal side returning once more.... which it only seemed to do when HIS life was in danger...."making more friends, I see" Vaako says in his low yet deep whispered tones when he had entered their room and saw the woman lying on the floor dead and Rieka and Riddick were sitting on the throne with love in their eyes their hands exploring their outer garments with their fingers.... Rieka had heard Vaako's arrival before Riddick did and walked him over to the ghastly gaudy chair before the Commanders arrival.... "but who put her up to it? which commander?" Riddick asked turning his attention to his Commander "it be any of many" Vaako replies looking straight at his friend (Rieka) "don't doubt it for a second, Commander Vaako" Riddick says Vaako looks at Riddick bows his head and replies "Lord Marshal" Riddick grips Rieka's hips and moves her off his lap then he tosses the dagger the woman used on him over to Vaako who catches it and stands up there was very little blood on the throne but enough for Vaako to at least PRETEND to be concerned for his Lord Marshal "they say you lost your nerve, Vaako, after that big swing and a miss" Riddick says as Rieka takes his place in the seat of the throne "is that what they say?" Vaako asks looking down at the blade in his hands "now what are you gonna do to get that cred back? what's the big play? something splashy" Riddick asks "actually, I had in mind something different" Vaako says tossing the blade at Riddick's heels then he continues as he stands next to Rieka who stands beside Riddick staring out the window "I've been thinking about an early campaign my very first I was but a boy we dropped from the sky and did what Necromongers do destruction was breathtaking but then we met resistance ferocious like a storm of lions each one of them killed over a hundred Necro before their weapons failed and then they killed another 30 more barehanded" he turns and walks over to the suit of armor on a display stand as he continues "our firepower and strength in numbers eventually won us the day" Riddick turns around and walks over to Vaako as the Commander continues "I can still see him, the last of those magnificent warriors, standing on a pile of his own and he looked at me and I will never forget those eyes" Vaako turns around and looks at Riddick then continues "his eyes were just like yours the planet was Furya" Riddick says "I know what it's called"  Vaako replies "you just don't know where it is" Riddick says "I need charts I need maps" Vaako replies shaking his head "impossible" Riddick says "I need a direction" Vaako replies "purged from all records, as you well know" Riddick says "but you remember where" Vaako replies "so many worlds...." Riddick goes to place the blade along Vaako's neck but lowers it when he feels Rieka place her hand over his "the only map left in existence is the one that's in my head, Riddick" Vaako tells him "so what do you want? the crown?" Riddick asks "transcendence" Vaako says staring Riddick in the eyes then he orders one of his men without looking away from his "Lord Marshal" "Krone break off a ship Riddick's going home".... Riddick knew why she protected Vaako from even a pretend threat that man was her friend and protector for three years the same three years he was without her which was surprisingly more painful then the fact that he became.... civilized.... it was also after that day that he was placed on this despicable planet the only saving grace was that she is with him even though his home was with her for the rest of his life he still wanted to see the planet he was born on for himself.... possibly live there.... with her and save whatever may be left of it, start over finally have one place he could stay on forever without becoming as civilized as being on the Necro ship made him and how it ruined her made her as weak as he became just in a much different way if there was a time he should have "set her free" it was then all those years on that ship but he was selfish and wanted her by his side to make up for all those lost years he also had no idea it would have such an effect on her though he should have figured it out after all it was nothing but metal.... no air, no Earth, no water well nothing natural anyway.... and with her being half Elemental she needed the naturally real stuff not man-made....

When Riddick woke up he saw noticed that the cover he had placed over him and Rieka was open and she was gone and he panicked he shot up like a bullet and ran out of the cave in search for her he found her sitting on top of a structure of stone walked over and stood behind her "it's too bright isn't it!?!"  he hears her ask softly "no!.... it's beautiful!"  he replies softly she stands up then stands at his side as they look out at the world around them.... over the next few days Rieka shows Riddick what she knows of the world, the parts she's seen, what she's found that is edible and drinkable, ways she has survived alone for a week they find and take care of a weakened Jackal pup the only one that survived the small litter of dead pups that surrounded it "tough little guy isn't he!?!"  Riddick asks as he feeds the pup in his little rib cage crate "he's got your eyes!"  Rieka says softly as the pup looks over at them through the cage Riddick chuckles softly he kisses her then stands up and walks out of the cave and out into the night.... it didn't take long for Riddick to feel more like himself.... hunted, fished, made the jackal pup and himself gain a tolerance for the mud demon's poison with Rieka watching over them making sure nothing to serious happened to either of them.... and once he was ready he went and fought the "momma".... or maybe "papa".... Mud Demon.... well the biggest one that they've seen so far anyway.... with Rieka and the Jackal pup watching in the distance just in case he needed them for what Riddick didn't know was that Rieka was letting the pup out of his "cage" every once in awhile giving him his taste of freedom.... as long as he stayed by her side.... the Jackal became excited as he watched Riddick tease then attack the beast but he stayed by Rieka's side and waited for her "ok" to go help his "daddy" she only gave him the "go ahead" when Riddick defeated the beast.... Riddick turns when he hears the puppy barking at the smaller mud demon claws popping out of the puddle behind him and he sees Rieka standing near him watching with a smile on her face "he's been waiting for this moment!"  she tells him "you....!?!"  he asks "well I didn't THIS time but yeah sometimes I let him out when you went hunting on your own you over anyone knows no one likes to be caged!"  she says he chuckles "Rid!"  she says softly he turns to see the demon he's been waiting for.... well a part of it at least.... he jumps out of the way as the claw strikes this happens a few times until the full beast shows itself hopping out of the water and ending up with Riddick's old shiv in it's throat as it screeches at him Riddick turns and sees Rieka staring at the beast as it falls with the same darkness he hated seeing in her eyes the beauty of her moon shining within them her eyes were NOT supposed to be like his but he knew that she was the one who threw the shiv that cut the demon in half from mouth to tail Riddick rushes over grips her hand and picks up the pup who was still barking at the smaller tails then they run towards the stone stairs that Rieka and Riddick stood before when he had first "met" the Mud Demon but this time they don't stay "looks like we're going to have to find something else to shave your head with!"  Rieka says as they run Riddick chuckles.... Riddick, Rieka and the pup.... which might need a name.... start on their long trek to the part of the planet Riddick saw had more "livable" conditions.... Rieka chuckles softly as she watches the pup.... who was now just a little bit bigger but not fully grown yet.... playfully jump over Riddick's shoulder then keep away something he found and put in his mouth and was chewing on but Riddick wasn't having any of it.... not the playfulness anyway.... he snaps his fingers and asks "what you got over there?"  the pup grumbles as he walks towards him then jumps and jogs a little ways away turns then jumps again as Riddick's hand gets closer to his mouth "thought we shared everything"  Riddick says the pup grumbles as he once again walks towards him makes it look like he was going to drop it into his papa's hands then jumps back yet again Riddick hears Rieka chuckle and tries not to smile as he growls the pup slowly walks towards him Riddick grips his cheek and says "drop it"  and the pup drops what he had into Riddick's hand Rieka looks over Riddick's shoulder at what looked like a.... now chewed up.... golf ball in his hand his other hand slides from her hip to her knee making her body quiver excitedly at the warmth of his touch "that's for laughing!"  he coos she chuckles then they continue on their way.... a few miles ahead they find a man made looking structure sitting in a barren wasteland the pup growls Rieka taps her hip and he goes quiet Riddick looks over at her with a raised eyebrow she shrugs at him and he shakes his head at her she takes his hand in hers and he gives it a light squeeze as they look over at the building he kisses her lips then says "I'm going to check it out.... you two stay here!"  she nods then he lets go of her hand and walks towards the building

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