You Are My Alpha I Am Your Om...

Autorstwa AmariannaRose

40.9K 886 36

Rieka is a girl who was born to a Furyan male and elemental female who meets the most dangerous Furyan of all... Więcej

💥Crash And Burn🔥
Is That Even Possible!?!🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♂️
☀️🌕🌑Total Eclipse Of My Soul👻
A Fighting Chance 🤜🏻😵🤛🏼
🦁The Lion And The Mouse🐭🐁
🐤🐈🐕🐰I'm A Pet Now Am I!?!🐇🦎🐹🐠
🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♂️💨Run Run As Fast As You Can You Can't Catch Me I'm A Furyan Man
A New Cage They Put Me In New Chains That Bind⛓️🔗
Wanna See Your Future!?!🔮👀
Taming The Wild🐯🐅🦁🐺
🐗🐊🦬🦊🦖It's An Animal Thing🐻🦍🕷️🦈
Will You Be My Buddy!?!🫂👥🐕🐾
Not Gonna Cut It✂️🔪
Are you Friend 👼🏻Or Foe😈!?!

All Hail New Lord Marshal👑.... He's Smokin Hot🔥

1.4K 40 1
Autorstwa AmariannaRose

 "So.... is there anything worth keeping!?!"  Rieka asks with a smile as she reaches Riddick and fights by his side "just one thing!"  he replies and his lips meet hers "they don't own me though!"  she tells him once he lets her lips go and he chuckles "uh oh!.... Vaako's pissed!"  Rieka whispers looking over at her friend who raised his gun at one of the inmates thinking that Vaako was pointing it at her Riddick storms over to him "no!.... Rid he wasn't pointing it at me!"  Rieka calls out but it was too late for Vaako changed his target from the inmate who stood before them to Riddick himself and he hoped Rieka would forgive him and claim it as "self defense" "no!"  Kyra/Jack shouts then she tackles Vaako down to the ground the inmate Vaako was actually aiming for gets up off the ground and runs towards Vaako who pushes himself up and attacks him knocking him down once again then he picks him up by his hair and belt then pulls him down along his knee snapping the mans spinal cord then dropping him back onto the ground Vaako walks back over to where Riddick still lays on the ground and finds Rieka standing protectively over him "take your prize and go tell your wife and Lord he's dead or I'll take back my order and LET them kill you!"  Rieka threatens the Hellhounds surround her and Riddick protectively and growl menacingly at Vaako who backs away his soldiers on the other hand weren't as smart as him and they storm towards her "do you know what they use them for!?!"  Rieka asks Vaako who shakes his head with wide fearful eyes as though he was afraid she would make her word law before he had a chance to do as she had ordered him too "it's feeding time!"  she growls and the Hellhounds attack the Necros as they continue to come closer to Rieka and Riddick who grips her pant leg and pulls himself up using her body as support "you have to die!"  Riddick hears Rieka whisper in a tone only he can hear once he was fully standing he looks at her oddly "to do what your fairy godmother and my memaw want you to do the element of surprise would be preferable if not crucial the Lord Marshal must think you're dead!"  she tells him "I think you know now I think you know who tore Furya apart this mark carries the anger of an entire race but it's going to hurt"  Riddick hears Shirah say as another vision comes to him Riddick eyes meet Rieka's through his goggles as she stands before him as the mark burns into his skin and flows through his veins and even though he feels it he doesn't feel the pain it was supposed to bring "it's ok!.... it won't hurt me!"  Rieka whispers in a tone only he can hear as the Wrath of the Furyans takes him over passes through Rieka without harming her and pushes each of the Necros away including Vaako the only Necro unharmed is the Purifier once the wave goes away Riddick is knocked unconscious and the sun shows its true power blinding and burning everyone but Rieka and the Hellhounds who walk over to her and help her carry Riddick into the hanger Vaako and the Necros leave the only one that stays is the Purifier thinking Riddick has died Jack/Kyra sneaks aboard the Necro vessel and prays that she isn't found.... after taking Riddick to the hanger leaving him in the care of the Purifier Rieka walks back into the sun and the Hellhounds follow her "you have a choice.... go back to what you know or learn how to live somewhere else once he wakes we can take you to a different planet where you will flourish but the choice is yours!"  Rieka tells them in their language they rub up against her as though telling her they wish to go with her Rieka starts to feel the weight of everything she has done all the Elemental power she has used and she falls to the ground in a sitting position she hugs her knees to her chest and lowers her head then falls asleep with each of the Hellhounds surrounding her either sitting or laying down next to her.... when Riddick wakes up the first thing he does is search for Rieka he sees her sitting in the sun with the Hellhounds surrounding her and sighs with relief after witnessing the Purifier's suicide Riddick rushes out to where Rieka is picks her up and carries her to the ship with the Hellhounds at his heels he lays her down in the co-pilots seat then flies away dropping the Hellhounds off at a planet he guessed they would do well in that had plenty of shelter and food for them which is what he knew Rieka would want....

Rieka goes to visit and meet Ziza and Lajjun as Riddick goes to face the Lord Marshal even though she was unfamiliar Ziza knew who she was right away for her father had also told her stories about the woman Riddick loves feeling a change in the air Rieka leaves Ziza and her mother hoping that they will survive what is to come and she glides through and into Necropolis she makes it in just in time to stop Jack/Kyra from flying into one of the blades of a statue she rushes over, jumps up grips Jack/Kyra by the waist and lands on her feet then lets go of Jack/Kyra "looks like you finally got eyes like his huh Jack!?!.... unfortunately yours are a little to clouded to see as he does!"  Rieka says sarcastically then she turns to the Lord Marshal and says "you know they were so disappointed when I was born they hoped I would be the male prophesied to kill you Zhylaw.... isn't that right memaw!?!"  she over up at Aereon who looks at her as she continues "instead they got this!.... the one their "prophesied one" can't live without!.... the girl forced into Conversion because her father feared for his own life I have no idea what happened to him and I don't care!.... in all honesty I hope against all hope that you killed him!.... your "Purifier" knew.... that's why he "handed" me over to Vaako to watch over because he knew you wouldn't touch something owned by your "favorite" pet the one you loved to use over and over and over again testing him in EVERYTHING he did!.... the sad thing is.... he's the only one who is truly loyal to you the others follow your every command because they fear the consequences of not doing so but you knew.... you knew that you weren't the only one he listened to and you feared that didn't you?!.... you feared that his loyalty to his wife was stronger than his to you and you may be right or you may be wrong but if you ask me it only confuses him he isn't sure WHO he should listen too!.... to be honest I hope he grows a brain and finally listens to himself!.... do you know why he didn't kill Riddick!?!.... why he lied to you about his death!?!.... it's because he feared losing ME!.... the "outsider" who can't be a breeder because she had already been a FAILED Convert!.... yes Zhylaw I'M the CHILD that broke your machine! I'M the HALF BREED who survived the Conversion! and thanks to that I'M the one who can free others from THEIR Conversion if I see fit!"  she places her hand over Jack/Kyra's heart and Jack/Kyra starts to glow then a small gust of wind surrounds her mixed with fire and water so it was like she was in the middle of a fiery whirlpool little flowers that looked like Passionflowers flowed within it "he deserves better than you!.... they ALL deserve better than you!.... but most of all he deserves better than HER!!"  Rieka says pointing to Dame Vaako "the woman who has been trying her best to manipulate her own husband to take the throne so she can feel as though SHE is the one in charge!.... after all there has NEVER been a "lady" or a "Dame" Marshall only a "LORD" and you have NEVER deserved that crown or the "power" that goes with it! but Vaako.... he isn't ready for it.... not with the hookworm whispering in his ear all the damn time! and luckily for you I don't want what you have because I already have everything I need!"  everyone watches as the scars on Jack/Kyra's neck heal and her eyes clear "now!.... let's see who kills you first!"  Rieka says with a dangerous dark growl as she pulls out Riddick's old shiv the same one she used to shave his head when they lived on the planet full of bioraptors the Lord Marshal splits himself in two his soul tries to reach the weapon he dropped when Jack stabbed him as his body stays put until Riddick steps on the weapon and pulls out the dagger he was given as a kill prize then his body rushes back to where his soul was and he gets stabbed in the head by Riddick's blade then hit in the face by Riddick's knee and Dame Vaako screams "no-o-o!"  which echoes through the whole ship Riddick rushes over to Rieka wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her lips "to your throne Lord Marshal!"  she teases with a smile once he lets her lips go he smiles and they both walk over to the throne Riddick sits in the seat and Rieka sits on his lap Jack walks over and stands at their side and out of all the Necromongers that walked over to them Vaako was the first to kneel then the others followed "well shit!"  Rieka whispers Riddick chuckles "....this is going to be interesting!"  she adds "it sure is!"  he replies....

Riddick didn't like the fact that Rieka kept having nightmares every night since he became Lord Marshal the same nightmare over and over and over again it was just as bad as him becoming civilized which is what seems to be happening to him even though they I suppose you could call it "practice" or "play" fight.... which is not the same as the real thing but he's glad she tries to help him keep SOME of his animal side that has nothing to do with sex.... "I felt them!.... Elemental spirits and Furyan spirits destroying themselves so they could save me!.... they're the reason I'm so odd.... that I survived!.... that the Conversion machine broke ONLY in my part of the chamber or whatever they call it!"  Rieka told Riddick one day after she caught her breath when she woke up in a cold sweat "I can still feel them sometimes.... it's as though they're trying to teach me how to be like them and fighting for a place in my soul so that I will choose one over the other.... why can't I be both Rid!?!.... why!?!"  she asks unsure how to answer he hugs her to him and kisses the top of her head "so!.... where are we going!?!"  she asks with a slight tease in her tone he chuckles softly then replies with a soft whisper "hopefully.... home!"  she looks at him oddly and says "I have no....! oh!.... Furya!"  she sighs but says nothing else he looks at her sadly she looks up at him and kisses his lips then lays down and goes back to sleep.... they spend 5 years in the Necromonger hellhole because Riddick was unsure where to go or what to do he wanted to be free but he had no idea how to go through with it he never took the sacred oath or lead them to the UnderVerse Necromonger Commanders sent several Assassins after him and Rieka helped fend them off.... which he hated he mainly didn't like the fact that she put her life in danger to try and save the one who not only didn't need it but in his mind didn't deserve it.... Riddick once again left Jack on Helion Prime and she ended up living with and protecting Ziza and Lajjun.... when Riddick got left for dead on Not-Furya a unnamed planet that has has one moon and a unstable surface with various environments sulfur pools with yellow sand large shoals of sulfur eels, sandstorms, rainstorms yellow sky in the morning with hot and dry weather conditions, extremely dark nights.... which Rieka found the most beautiful of all the planets she has been on with Riddick.... a savanna-like environment in the higher regions and mountains with sandstone-like qualities.... not to mention Mud Demons.... of course the first thing Rieka did was befriend a pack of Jackals and get to know her environmental surroundings.... Vaako tried to get her to come back with him even though he knew she'd stay with Riddick no matter what it was he who made sure Riddick didn't die but of course he once again acted like he knew that Riddick was indeed dead.... Vaako cared deeply for Rieka ever since he got to know her as a person and he liked how kind she always was to him and how she never bossed him around or treated him any differently than anyone else but he made a mistake by putting his "friend" in a place much further from where he left Riddick's "dead" body luckily she had something of Riddick's with her and the Jackals were able to pick up his scent and find him for her

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