Fire Force fanfic (the OC/Ben...

By hisohanecchi

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Homare Ouka, a Fire Soldier serving under Company 7, uses her 2nd Generation ability to not only protect Asak... More

OC Biodata
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

1.8K 59 10
By hisohanecchi

Ouka woke up to a world of gray void of mankind. It was an unusual land, with black flames rising from the ground and countless black skeletons scattered on it. She scrambled up and looked around, processing her current situation. Her mind perceived it as a dream but somehow, she doubted it when she felt faint heat from the black flames.

A skeleton hand grasped her leg wrist from behind. Ouka yelped and instinctively jerked away from its harmless grip. As soon as she spun behind her, she spotted a shadowy silhouette watching her from a distance.

"Who's there?" She took a few cautious steps forward, which gradually escalated into a resolute pace.

Ouka blinked her eyes thrice and the last time they lit up, she wasn't in the strange world anymore. The silhouette and skeletons were nowhere to be seen. It took her a moment to register her surroundings and eventually recognized her dorm room in 7th HQ. She tried to sit upright but her body protested in pain.

"Uwah, Ouka is awake!" Hinata said, almost eagerly, when she heard Ouka hissed in pain.

Hikage padded across the room deliberately, knowing what should be done. "I'll go inform Konro and Waka. Might as well bring breakfast for Ouka. You want anything, Hina?"

Hinata shook her head in response to her twin sister's question. Hikage disappeared behind the sliding door after that.

Ouka tried to speak but all she could muster was a raspy voice, perhaps from morning grogginess. "What happened? Why am I here?"

Hinata raised her eyebrows at her. "An enemy knocked you out real bad last night. Konro saved you and bring you here to get treatment. Remember?"

A beat of silence as Ouka finally pulled herself together. "I remember now." She lifted her hand to touch her other hand, which was wrapped in a splint, but she suddenly moaned in pain again.

"Wait a minute. Don't even think of moving, Ouka. Can't you see how battered up you are right now? Almost half of your body is covered in bandage." Hinata's tone was sharp with concern and slightly angry.

Ouka merely surrendered. "Okay. Where's everyone?" she asked.

"Helping the townspeople repair things at town."

"Ah... I feel bad lying on this futon, so comfy and relaxing, while the rest are busy working," Ouka whined joylessly. She lost her motivation at the thought of being bedridden for days. Not only she wouldn't be able to fulfil her responsibility, she'd be bored brainless by inactivity.

"Geez, you were beaten up by an enemy. It's not like you can help it," Hinata tried to uplift her spirit. "Why don't you take this opportunity to slack off from duty—legally? You don't have to get back to work any sooner. Take your sweet time to recover while enjoying your hobbies or something. You love reading books, right?"

"She can't even flinch a finger in that condition." Benimaru said upon sliding the door open to reveal Konro and the people from 8th, who came together to pay her a visit.

"You guys!" Ouka, unable to contain her delight, forced herself to sit upright in order to be more welcoming to her visitors. She was really glad to see everyone safe and sound.

Konro was first to step forward and sat seiza-style next to her, followed by the others. Later, she was surrounded by comrades and acquaintances. Their presence somewhat gotten rid of the gloomy atmosphere in her room.

"Don't worry, Ouka. Take a break for as long as you want. You need it after all." Konro began. "Does your body feel extremely painful at any parts? Any weird feelings that make you feel funny or sick?"

"Apart from random throbbing that happened whenever I moved an inch, I'm good." Ouka answered.

"Then don't move. In fact, you shouldn't even be sitting like this. Doesn't it hurt?" Benimaru retorted. "As far as I am concerned, your body received many severe wounds and you even broke one of your arms."

"Sitting doesn't hurt." Ouka replied matter-of-factly.

"I'm sure it hurts." Benimaru refused to believe her words.



Ouka sent him a dead stare. Benimaru's expression remained flat as usual.

Konro could only sigh in exhaustion at their bickering. He turned to look at the 8th captain as he remembered that their visit was supposed to be a short one, "Sorry for keeping you guys longer here. Is there anything you want to say to Ouka before we leave?"

Obi gave him a small laugh before he spoke to Ouka. "Nothing much. I just hope you get well soon, Homare-san, so you can return to your job in one piece."

"How nice of you, Captain Obi," Ouka thanked him. She took this chance to ask him a question that had been on her mind since she first regained consciousness. "How is your investigation faring?"

This time, Lieutenant Hinawa stepped up to answer. "About the Evangelist-involved company that we've mentioned before, their office was burnt down. We believed that they did it to destroy all evidence."

"Well, that's unfortunate. They're definitely the culprits behind the chaos last night." Ouka's expression turned grim. She felt pain just from clutching her blanket with her fists, but she ignored it as hate and anger seeped through her.

Noting the tension she radiated, Shinra opened his mouth to speak. "Um, Homare-san?" he stuttered.

She loosened up almost immediately and went back to her usual calm self. "Yes, Shinra?"

"Uh, thanks for helping me back then, you know, when we wanted to save Captain Shinmon from the flame arrow." He lowered his head in an apologetic manner. "And I'm sorry for what happened to you. I was the one who spotted her in the first place. I was the one who attacked her first. But she got to you instead."

A beat of silence as Ouka weighed the meaning of his words. Her face lit up as she flashed him a wide smile. "Now, now. It wasn't your fault at all. No need to be upset, Shinra. The enemy was nearby, they knew I was going for them, so they decided to take me down. Villain's logic." She tapped her temple with the tip of her finger.

Shinra raised his head back reluctantly. "Thank you very much, Homare-san."

"No big deal, young lad," Ouka brushed his thanks aside.

Obi looked at Maki and Tamaki. "Maki, Tamaki, you two got anything to tell Homare-san before we depart?"

"We wish you a speedy recovery, Homare-san. Thank you for taking care of us during our stay here." Both of them offered a respectful bow as they said the last sentence. "The dinner you made was absolutely delicious."

"My, I'm flattered." Ouka chuckled and shrugged their compliment off but didn't try to hide the self-satisfaction look on her face. "Gotta thank some of the 7th guys as well. They did the cooking too."

After Ouka expressed her gratitude to everyone for coming over, Konro and Benimaru took the 8th outside to bid them farewell, who will be heading back to Tokyo. Benimaru came back to her room afterwards to check on her.

"You didn't finish your breakfast," he remarked as he glanced down at the tray of food next to her futon.

Ouka cast a sideways glance at him. "As if I blithely dig right in at a time like this."

"Hmph, suit yourself. Don't even think of passing through this door until you're fully recovered," Benimaru warned her tiredly.

Ouka let out a relented sigh. "I won't." She went back to her lying position, whining in pain all the way, and rolled over to avoid Benimaru's stare. Another sharp throb came from her sides this time, making her reposition herself to lying on her back. She squirmed out of discomfort, only to make more sounds that indicated she was in pain. Her own body almost drove her to tears.

"This is a terrible nightmare," Ouka squeaked, her eyes fixed on the ceiling above her. "That flame arrow was destructive as heck."

Benimaru crossed over the room toward her. "See? I told you to not move around recklessly."

"But I can't just stay still like a toppled statue," she shot back with an annoyed frown. "What if I want to—"

He caught her by surprise when he straddled her and pinned her down to her futon, his action too swift for Ouka to react.

"Then I'll make you stay still, woman," Benimaru whispered, his voice a mix of intimidation and concern.

"Get off me," Ouka mumbled with a crooked smile. The glint in her eyes threatened to fight him back.

Benimaru blinked in astonishment at his own action but didn't budge away. His face was still inscrutable to her. "I thought everything was over after I defeated the Demon Infernal. Not until I found out you were assaulted by our enemy."

He continued when the temper in Ouka's eyes waned. "When I saw Konro carried you back to the HQ, you were in the most hideous state I never imagined you would be in; you were soaked in blood everywhere and unconscious. I don't know how powerful that flame arrow is, but it absolutely left you in tatters." He grimaced at the image of his memories from last night.

"Well, I'd say the attacker owns a strong will of flames," Ouka testified. "In fact, I was kinda exhausted and lost focus at that time. If I sensed the incoming arrow any sooner, I could at least defend myself from it."

"It would be a lie if I tell you I didn't get worried," Benimaru admitted. He lowered his gaze to hide it under his lashes. "Two years ago, Konro almost sacrificed himself to defeat an enemy. Although he was clearly worn out when I found him after the battle, I was more than relieved to see him there alive. I was furious at him for dismissing me from the battle before that, but deep inside me, I was totally grateful to able to talk to him again."

Ouka wasn't sure if she read it well, but she thought there was a wave of sadness in his eyes when they met hers again.

Benimaru's voice dropped an octave in addition to a hint of solemn. "I don't know how to put this. The sight of Konro and you almost gotten killed... scares me."

Half a minute passed by in total silence. Benimaru got over it first and deliberately moved away from her.

"Sorry. You must've been uncomfortable."

His words snapped Ouka out of her thoughts. She reached over and tug one of his sleeves after he no longer on top of her.

"Listen, Waka. I get what you're trying to say. I won't do things that will worsen my condition right now. I'll stay quiet in my room like a sinner and focus on my recovery."

Benimaru turned sideways to give her a confused look. "Stay quiet like a what?"

"Nothing," she replied hastily. "By the way, it's kinda refreshing, you know, witnessing this rare side of yours."

She added with a teasing smile. "The terrifying Demolishing King of Asakusa is capable of emotions. You do have a soft and sentimental—"

"You're full of beans for someone who's out of action. Want me to beat you senseless?"

Ouka tried to stifle a laugh in response to Benimaru's menacing look "These days I can't even make a joke or two about you without getting scolded. You've no idea how much it makes me sad," she complained offhandedly.

"Ugh, stop being sad." Benimaru didn't want to give up to the incapacitated woman beside him.

"But I am sad. Can you not be a jerk?"

"But I'm a jerk."

"How cheeky. The door is to your left, Captain." Ouka let go of his sleeves to point out the door.

"Heh." Benimaru rose up to make his exit, but he paused abruptly to look at her again. "I told them about the circumstances two years ago that led to your artificial 3rd Generation ability."

The playful spark in her eyes were gone, replaced by a serious glaze. "What did they say about it?"

"Apparently the Demon infernal I fought last night was the result of a strange bug," Benimaru explained. "Based on the 8th research, some human combustion cases might have been caused by this particular bug. They don't know what type of bug it is for the time being."

He faced Ouka with his arms folded over his chest. "They also assumed that the bug is the reason behind your 3RD Generation ability. Remember that bastard from Company 1 who kidnapped kids for his artificial Infernal experiments?"

A brief respond from Ouka. "Hoshimiya Rekka."

"Yes. One of the kids survived without becoming an Infernal." Benimaru narrowed his eyes as he casted a knowing look at her. "He ended up gaining 3rd Generation ability—like you."

Ouka looked away from Benimaru to digest all the information. She survived the disaster that struck Asakusa two years ago, with a new power in her grip, at the cost of her father's life. She recalled getting into a fight with one of those white-clad people on Asahanada Hill. The guy must've used the bugs to turn her into an Infernal. She also recalled suffering from an unbearable burning sensation all over her body, to the point of losing consciousness.

What if the pain was actually my body combusting into inferno? Like the kid in Waka's story, something inside me cancelled the process and eventually gave birth to my ability. Yet, Father turned into an Infernal.

Ouka's mind travelled further into the past from where she rushed toward Asahanada Shrine to save it from a breaking fire. Her family was given the honor to watch over the shrine, and they've been doing it with full devotion for generations. The current shrine caretaker was her father, Homare Shinya, who possessed 2nd Generation ability like her.

She was sent to help Homare Shinya extinguish the fire, on behalf of someone. The person couldn't go there himself because he was severely injured. His voice was still fresh in her memories, especially when he yelled at her to go to the shrine rather than tending to his wounds.

After her mind found its way back to reality. Ouka tilted her head to meet Benimaru's gaze. "According to what you've learnt from the 8th, what do you think happened to my missing brother?" Her tone was calm and even, but the desperation in her eyes told Benimaru otherwise.

"Your brother told you to go to Asahanada Shrine, only to disappear after the tragedy was over," Benimaru implied. "Well, Konro and I talked about it just now. We've considered the most possible scenarios."

He grunted and went to sit beside Ouka again. "1) Homare Issei was captured by the enemy and they took him away. 2) He swore allegiance to the enemy and fled away. 3) He died in a manner where we're unable to claim his body."

He let Ouka absorbed the information for a moment, only then did he resume his explanation. "I'm sure you've given the third possibility a thought before. Back then we had no idea that the disaster was actually orchestrated. All of us assumed that it happened by the will of nature. If a folk had gone missing, it could only mean death from fire or..." He trailed off speculatively.

Ouka could hear own heartbeat drumming in her ears as she spoke out her fear. "He turned into an Infernal." Her eyes were still fixed on his, but her mind already drifted somewhere else.

"I didn't get the chance to tell this when the 8th was here." She went on, "Last night, I encountered one of the white-clad guys. We even interacted for a second."
Benimaru blinked in mild surprise at her revelation.

Ouka broke their eye contact to stare at the ceiling above, trying to recollect the fateful encounter despite the dull ache in her head. "But he managed to escape. I think he mentioned unusual stuff like Adolla Link and how I am an Adolla Burst wielder. He was so eager to retaliate with his superiors to report it to them."

This time Benimaru furrowed his eyebrows and inched closer. "I know nothing about Adolla Link, but the 8th did mentioned something about Adolla Burst. It is a unique kind of flame that resides within Shinra Kusakabe."

"Shinra?" Ouka's head turned suddenly, her wide-eyed reaction reflected on Benimaru's grim eyes. "What else do you know about this Adolla Burst, Waka? Please, tell me." Her voice was on the verge of breaking as she pleaded.

"The 8th is still investigating it." Benimaru could only offer a supportive pat on her shoulder. "In Hoshimiya Rekka's case, Adolla Burst is the thing that saved the survivor kid from turning into an Infernal and bestowed him pyrokinesis. It is a pure flame that dwells within selected people, though no one is able to describe in what way it differs from other flames."

For unknown reasons, tension was building up between Benimaru and Ouka. They probably knew where this conversation is going.

"The Evangelist whatsoever is searching for these people to accomplish some sort of agenda," Benimaru finally said it out.

A minute passed by in silence. Both of them were deep in thoughts until Ouka gave in to weariness.

"'That's a load of crap' is what I want to say, but the truth is right in front of me now." She sighed anxiously with a forlorn smile. "I have so many questions..."

Benimaru watched her contemplating things over. She was talking steadily just now but otherwise she looked pale lying on the futon like a limp doll.

"You look tired. Go to rest, Ouka. We'll discuss more on this later." Benimaru rose up to leave the room.

"Is Adolla Burst a bad thing?" Ouka muttered so quietly it wasn't clear whom she's addressing, eyes fixed on the ceiling. "Is it something used for evil purpose? How can I see this Adolla Burst for myself?"

Sensing an unfamiliar agitation from her, Benimaru met her eyes again as he tried to cheer her up. "After you discovered your 3rd Generation ability, there were times when your flames look outstandingly beautiful. Well, at least that's how I perceive it."

Ouka tilted her head at him again, curious.

"Maybe that's what they meant when they say Adolla Burst is a pure flame." His mouth curved into a smirk, but it wasn't of malice. "And you've been using it for good deeds all this time. Even if it exists for an evil purpose, I believe you're righteous enough to break the chains that bound you to your fate. Don't forget that you got us, Company 7, behind you."

Relief convulsed through him when Ouka's tight face seemed to soothe down. She rolled over in her futon to show him an appreciative smile.

"Thank you, Waka—" She corrected her words, "Thank you, Captain!"

Benimaru merely headed toward the door without a reply, but Ouka caught a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Now that she was alone in her room, her bright expression faded out with all thoughts weighing down on her.

Hadn't it been for my father's death and missing brother, I'd appreciate my 3rd Generation ability more.

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