Chapter 6

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Ouka woke up to a world of gray void of mankind. It was an unusual land, with black flames rising from the ground and countless black skeletons scattered on it. She scrambled up and looked around, processing her current situation. Her mind perceived it as a dream but somehow, she doubted it when she felt faint heat from the black flames.

A skeleton hand grasped her leg wrist from behind. Ouka yelped and instinctively jerked away from its harmless grip. As soon as she spun behind her, she spotted a shadowy silhouette watching her from a distance.

"Who's there?" She took a few cautious steps forward, which gradually escalated into a resolute pace.

Ouka blinked her eyes thrice and the last time they lit up, she wasn't in the strange world anymore. The silhouette and skeletons were nowhere to be seen. It took her a moment to register her surroundings and eventually recognized her dorm room in 7th HQ. She tried to sit upright but her body protested in pain.

"Uwah, Ouka is awake!" Hinata said, almost eagerly, when she heard Ouka hissed in pain.

Hikage padded across the room deliberately, knowing what should be done. "I'll go inform Konro and Waka. Might as well bring breakfast for Ouka. You want anything, Hina?"

Hinata shook her head in response to her twin sister's question. Hikage disappeared behind the sliding door after that.

Ouka tried to speak but all she could muster was a raspy voice, perhaps from morning grogginess. "What happened? Why am I here?"

Hinata raised her eyebrows at her. "An enemy knocked you out real bad last night. Konro saved you and bring you here to get treatment. Remember?"

A beat of silence as Ouka finally pulled herself together. "I remember now." She lifted her hand to touch her other hand, which was wrapped in a splint, but she suddenly moaned in pain again.

"Wait a minute. Don't even think of moving, Ouka. Can't you see how battered up you are right now? Almost half of your body is covered in bandage." Hinata's tone was sharp with concern and slightly angry.

Ouka merely surrendered. "Okay. Where's everyone?" she asked.

"Helping the townspeople repair things at town."

"Ah... I feel bad lying on this futon, so comfy and relaxing, while the rest are busy working," Ouka whined joylessly. She lost her motivation at the thought of being bedridden for days. Not only she wouldn't be able to fulfil her responsibility, she'd be bored brainless by inactivity.

"Geez, you were beaten up by an enemy. It's not like you can help it," Hinata tried to uplift her spirit. "Why don't you take this opportunity to slack off from duty—legally? You don't have to get back to work any sooner. Take your sweet time to recover while enjoying your hobbies or something. You love reading books, right?"

"She can't even flinch a finger in that condition." Benimaru said upon sliding the door open to reveal Konro and the people from 8th, who came together to pay her a visit.

"You guys!" Ouka, unable to contain her delight, forced herself to sit upright in order to be more welcoming to her visitors. She was really glad to see everyone safe and sound.

Konro was first to step forward and sat seiza-style next to her, followed by the others. Later, she was surrounded by comrades and acquaintances. Their presence somewhat gotten rid of the gloomy atmosphere in her room.

"Don't worry, Ouka. Take a break for as long as you want. You need it after all." Konro began. "Does your body feel extremely painful at any parts? Any weird feelings that make you feel funny or sick?"

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