You Are My Alpha I Am Your Om...

By AmariannaRose

41.8K 895 37

Rieka is a girl who was born to a Furyan male and elemental female who meets the most dangerous Furyan of all... More

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Taming The Wild๐Ÿฏ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿบ

1.6K 38 3
By AmariannaRose

Rieka watches as the female merc wakes up softly gasping for air, looks over at Riddick, pulls herself out of her seat, walks over to the Furyan convict and sniffs him.... strange "lady".... from hip to shoulder then leans in and stares into his googles while biting her lip there's a creaking noise as Toombs scratches his crotch in his sleep the girl looks to make sure no one woke up then waves her hand over Riddick's goggles like she was trying to tell if he was awake.... which he was Rieka could tell that he was.... the girl lifts up his goggles Riddick closes his eyes as she does so then opens them making the girl jump back Riddick catches her legs in his making it so she couldn't move and asks as the girl pants holding the bars above her for support "do you know you grind your teeth at night? sexy"  Rieka chuckles softly then asks "you find her heavy breathing sexy!?!.... really Rid!?!... to each their own I suppose!"  the girl spins her head and looks at her "from the moment we met you out of all of you YOU are the one I heard! how in the HELL did you become a merc!?!"  Rieka says unfazed by the stare then she says "girl you would make a horrible cat!.... I find it odd that out of all of us I'M the one who gets ignored must be the over empowerment of the scent of masculine testosterone!.... you're pretty and all but trust me you aren't his type!"  Riddick chuckles "yeah and who is his type!?!"  the girl asks Rieka stands up walks over climbs on to Riddick's lap with the girl's legs still attached straddles herself so that she was facing him slides her hand along his cheek as they both stare into one anothers eyes and she purrs softly "I am!"  then she kisses his lips which he deepens instantly showing each of the mercs.... even those still sleeping.... just who she belongs too the girl grunts then moves away as Riddick lets go of her legs as he gets lost in the kiss "some people don't know the value of personal space"  Rieka says Riddick replies with a chuckle in his tone as he looks her up and down "speak for yourself!"  she says "I know it's value I just like invading yours!"  she says as she slides her body closer so that their chests meet then purrs into his ear in a low alluring tone "don't you!?!"  he replies with a smile "you know I do!"  his body quivers as he feels her teeth lightly bite then slide down his lower lobe then they hear the computer say "destination reached unlocking manual controls".... one thing Rieka noticed being so close to him was that Riddick's eyes seemed to change they once looked like the galaxy and now they were more like pearls just being discovered inside a clam they were still beautiful but she wondered about the change she wasn't worried just curious it might be because his mind was being invaded by a Furyan and he was unknowingly being controlled/manipulated by her and everyone else who was trying to make sure this "prophecy" was being fulfilled in the way THEY saw it be fulfilled they didn't want it to go any other way even though it could.... the girl gets straight to work ignoring the two animals in the back as the others wake up.... "all right I make 700 degrees on the day side, 300 below on the night side"  the pilot says "let's not get caught in the sun"  Toombs tells them "if I owned this place and hell, I'd rent this place out and live in hell"  Rieka climbs off Riddick's lap and asks as she walks over to the pilot "can I drive!?!"  the pilot looks at Toombs who shrugs then he unbuckles and moves out of her way he watches in awe with a surprised expression on his face as she closes the shutters and flies into the planet blind "Riddick taught me a few things.... don't worry we'll make it in safely"  she tells him and all he could do was nod "names Rieka"  she tells him "Xiang"  he replies "dang I've been around people too long I'm becoming.... nice!"  she teases shaking her head she says the word "nice" as though it was the most disgusting word she could think of Riddick chuckles "blue angle.... good"  the computer says "stand by and...."  the girl merc says "plotted course good"  the computer says "hit it!"  the girl shouts ignoring the girl Rieka only listened to Riddick and when he told her to "hit it" which she did.... though he didn't use that phrase he just called out her name.... and the computer voice says "angle of approach, good"  which makes Riddick whispers with a smirk "that's my Hellhound!"  Rieka purrs alluringly with a roll of her tongue which makes it almost sound like a sultry growl and he smiles as she makes it into the Crematoria prison without a hitch landing softly into the pad then she opens the shutters and watches the steam float all around the ship "oops!"  she says Riddick chuckles she hops out of the seat and walks over to Riddick who smiles up at her she unhooks him from his prison and claps him in irons with a tantalizing smirk....

Rieka walks in front of Riddick keeping her back pressed up against his chest as the mercs keep their guns pointed at them as they walk in a half triangle almost like a sideways greater than/less than symbol around them she straddles herself on top of his chest as he gets chained to a trolley "if you think I'm sticking with these skittish assholes you better think again! but don't you fret I'll come up with a reason they'll take me"  she whispers in a tone only he can hear as she slides her hands along his chest he smirks then replies in his sexy cool smokey tone "I bet you will!"  one of the mercs asks Riddick as he sits behind Rieka pointing his gun at the chained up convict "comfy?"  Xiang pulls the lever on the trolley and it starts to move "when the ride's over, your goggles are mine"  the merc says to Riddick as he leans in pressing his body up against Rieka as he does so while he licks two of his fingers and wipes Riddick's goggles with them "touch me again and you won't have any eyes!.... or limbs!"  Rieka growls dangerously and the merc backs away she takes the edge of Riddick's shirt and wipes the spit off his goggles the best she can whispering in a low voice "disgusting pig!"  Riddick smiles at her.... as they continue riding downwards Rieka feels Riddick tap his foot on the bar it was chained too and she slides off his chest once she was off him Riddick pushes his body up which moves the convict that was sitting behind her body upwards making his head smack into the light on cavern roof and he flies off the trolley from the force of the impact Rieka slides back onto Riddick's chest straddling herself back into the position she was before then leans down and kisses his lips just as Toombs turns his head to see what the commotion was all about and he becomes not only turned on but jealous of the sight he gently pounds the merc next to him chest and says once he notices that one of his guys were gone "four-way split!"  he laughs.... once they were stopped Riddick looks around and sniffs then says "29.4 kilometers"  Rieka climbs off his chest just as the doors open and some if the guards from the prison walk over "so, this is Riddick"  one of them says with a slight accent then he spits through his teeth "what a charmer!"  Rieka mutters under her breath Xiang chuckles.... "stare at my ass again and you'll lose your eyes!"  Rieka growls as they walk still feeling the guards eyes on her back she spins around thrusts her thumbs into his eye sockets and pulls them out the surrounding guards grab her arms and pull her back as their co-worker screams in pain "what!?! he didn't need those did he!?! and I did warn him!"  Rieka says as she allows them to cuff her hands behind her back Riddick chuckles as she ends up walking at his side as a prisoner instead of a "guest" "I did tell you this was going to happen!"  she whispers "that you did!"  he replies with a chuckle in his tone "he shouldn't have disrespected my body like that!"  she tells him "no he shouldn't have!"  he growls in reply.... Riddick and Rieka get separated as she gets placed with the other criminals and Riddick gets hung out to dry over a pit of lava with just a chain holding him up in the air in the center of the prison for all the convicts to see "what in the bowels of Christ are you talkin' about, 700K?"  Rieka hears Toombs ask as the chain that was lowering Riddick down into the pit stops "don't take this one, boss"  she hears a unfamiliar voice with a deep toned accent yet dumb sounding voice say "see? Anatoli here has a nose for trouble and this one, this Riddick guy...."  she hears "the charmer" say "big, big trouble"  Anatoli says "so 700,000 is good money"  "the charmer" says  "I'd take the money Toombs"  Riddick calls out looking up as the chain once again starts to lower him down Rieka hears someone bang something metal on something else that was metal in an almost tribal chant like way then there was the sound of others joining in with all sorts of different things made out of metal "the guild pays us a caretaker's fee for each prisoner each year we pay mercs 20 % of that total fee based on a certain life expectancy"  one of the guards that Rieka has yet to hear speak before says.... this one did not seem to carry an accent "looks like he's never heard of you Rid!"  Rieka calls out Riddick chuckles as he searches for her with his eyes and when he finds her they lock with her body then her eyes "now who's being disrespectful!?!"  she teases he laughs as they were teasing one another Toombs says to the guards "how's about this? you open that safe you got hidden behind the console there, show me the real books, then we figure out my cut then I'll be on my way with that glorious chick who teared out your buddies eyeballs as my consolation prize!"  Riddick growls dangerously when he hears that there the sound of something metal being kicked closed then the "charmer" says "open my books this is what you suggest?"  Toombs replies "wasn't a suggestion"  the chain gets lowered a little more and the prisoners continue clanging their metal cups and the wrench up against the metal bars "uh Rid! I think those two like your boots!"  Rieka teases pointing down at the prisoners just below him one of them had a pair of goggles on Riddick looks down at them and chuckles....

"These are dangerous days, if you believe the talk"  Rieka hears the "charmer" say as he pours some sort of liquid into a glass "talk?"  Toombs asks "about dead planets about some ghost army about them"  the "charmer" replies "they really are well known aren't they!?!"  Rieka whispers to herself as Toombs asks ".."them"?"  then he scoffs softly Riddick watches as Rieka starts shaking her head like she had a bug in her ear that wouldn't fly back out and when he sees her cover her ears he realizes that the clanging noises the convicts were making was bothering her he knew she has never been to a prison before and how badly she handles loud tight spaces because everything not only echoes but is louder for her and he tries to figure out a way to climb up the chain so he can break himself free as he acrobatically maneuvers himself along the chain he hears the "charmer" say "I'll run the numbers again it takes a couple of days, probably, so you can stay as my guest at least here, we are all safe yes?"  his troop chorus "yes boss"  Toombs says "I'll give it a day, one"  just then the chain of the cuffs holding Riddick break and he lands on his feet next to Rieka "you ok!?!"  he asks with a soft concerned tone as he stands up "Riddick!"  she replies softly staring at something/one behind him he hears rushed footfalls come towards him he turns around and grips the convicts arm punches him in the face spins him around grips his neck with his arm then pushes the boy down onto the ground then he reaches out as another convict rushes towards then jumps right into his waiting hand which grips the convicts neck while he was doing this Riddick's eyes.... that were still behind his goggles.... never left Rieka who smiles at him then joins in the fight as more convicts come towards them a chain grips the convict that Riddick threw down once before neck as he charges after him once again the boy falls backwards and hits his head on the ground the way he fell his neck snapped as he bounced back down once Riddick and Rieka look over to see a somewhat familiar and older girl wrap the chain around her hand and arm Riddick pulls off his goggles and stares at the girl who once called herself Jack they turn yet again when they hear a man say "there are inmates.... and there are convicts a convict has a certain code and he knows to show a certain respect an inmate, on the other hand, pulls the pin on his fellow man does the guards' work for them brings shame...."  he kicks one of the inmates Riddick knocked down in the face as he walks over to them and continues "to the game so, which are you gonna be?"  Riddick replies as he slides his goggles back over his eyes "us? we're just passin' through"  then he takes Rieka's hand in his and walks past the man who spoke keeping her as far away from the guy as possible whilst keeping her at his side "welcome to Crematoria"  they hear the man say softly as they disappear through the smoke and out of view.... Rieka and Riddick get separated once more as Riddick goes in search of Jack and Rieka wanders the prison trying to get a feel for it.... "for all you know the doctor who did the "shine job" could be dead.... it would never work on a human anyway it's his Furyan side that made his eyes like that"  Jack/Kyra hears Rieka say from behind her when she landed just below Riddick after speaking with him "he left me too though he left me for a different reason two years after he left you.... he left you because he saw the look in your eye when you killed Chillingsworth and he feared that if he stayed you'd become just like him.... he wanted better for you Kyra!.... Riddick is a solitary animal, he's not used to being with human company for long periods of time and it would never be a good thing if he became "tamed".... staying in one place too long does that to people like me and Riddick we lose ourselves when we stay too long and above all that is what he fears the most.... becoming tame, losing himself, he WANTS to have someone by his side for all eternity but he has no idea how to go about keeping that person without losing something ANYTHING is better than being what others are ESPECIALLY for people like us!.... when he ordered me to leave I went to the one place I hated most of all as a punishment I told myself that being with them was all I deserved!.... I could have fought, I could have healed, I could have SAVED so many people but I didn't I just let it all happen!.... stayed in the shadows just like you're doing here.... you may be stronger than you were but you're still weak, still vulnerable and when the others here see that they will take full advantage of it so becareful Kyra don't lose sight of who you once were by pretending to be something you never were!"  Rieka continues then she turns around and walks away as she says "all in all Kyra YOU are the one who gave up not him!"  then she disappears out of Jack/Kyra's view.... when Riddick sees Rieka again she was standing underneath a waterfall of water he watches her for awhile then walks over and stans before her "this is my first time in a prison.... it's not so bad so far!"  she tells him he smiles then he picks her up and kisses her the first thing she does is wipe the lenses of his goggles which makes him chuckle she pulls his goggles off then he moans as her hands slide over his bald head and her lips meet his her back hits the stone wall as he moves over to it while staying in the water and they make love to one another as they clean each others bodies while still keeping their clothes on for they both sensed Jack/Kyra watching them "you didn't deserve....!"  he whispers breathlessly in a tone only she could hear "you didn't deserve that and I don't deserve you!"  he tells her "well you're stuck with me so get over it!"  she replies he chuckles then he looks over at Jack/Kyra who stands up and walks away in a huff and Rieka pulls the handle that stops the water from flowing then asks as she slides her thumb over the scar Jack/Kyra sliced into his cheek "you gonna keep that!?!"  he chuckles then replies "I might"  she kisses his lips then says "good!"  he laughs

according to Xiang is: from Chinese (xiáng) meaning "soar, glide", 祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen", 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant" (which is usually only feminine) or 湘 (xiāng), which refers to the Xiang River in southern China [the pilot didn't have a credited name so I looked up male Chinese names and picked this one because of the first meaning]

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