New Home [gxg]

By unkn0wn_writes

1M 26.3K 11.3K

Noelle Bennett 16 years old and moved to her dad and his new family because she had many problems at home. He... More

Chapter 1 - Who's that?
Chapter 2 - It's fine
Chapter 3 - Elle
Chapter 4 - Everything is my fault
Chapter 5 - It doesn't matter who I am
Chapter 6 - Isn't there something good about moving here?
Chapter 7 - I think I have an idea
Chapter 8 - You nearly gave me a heart attack
Chapter 9 - Don't freak out
Chapter 10 - Aren't we allowed to cuddle?
Chapter 11 - Can I kiss you?
Chapter 12 - Looks like school is going to be hard for us
Chapter 13 - As if someone like her wants someone like you
Chapter 14 - I promise
Chapter 16 - I'm not everyone
Chapter 17 - You're a good girlfriend
Chapter 18 - Yeah I really am
Chapter 19 - I got to meet you
Chapter 20 - Happy birthday
Chapter 21 - What makes me different?
Chapter 22 - I can see the way you look at each other
Chapter 23 - She tells me that every day
Chapter 24 - What are you doing here?
Chapter 25 - I have the best girlfriend ever
Chapter 26 - I can't believe you just did that!
Chapter 27 - anniversary
Chapter 28 - Should I go on?
Chapter 29 - Really serious
Chapter 30 - Only with you
Chapter 31 - Not if you found the right person already
Chapter 32 - Will you marry me?
Chapter 33 - He won't stand a chance against jealous Skylar
Chapter 34 - A lot happened in two years
Chapter 35 - I kissed a girl and I liked it
Chapter 36 - I'm going to marry you and nothing is going to stop me from that
Chapter 37 - I want my pillow
Chapter 38 - I can't even believe it myself
Chapter 39 - I ask that myself every day
Chapter 40 - I do [Epilogue]
NEW STORY - Roommates

Chapter 15 - Without me

23.2K 629 190
By unkn0wn_writes

Skylars Pov:

"Noelle?"the woman said softly and walked towards me but she walked backwards.

"Was macht ihr hier?(what are you doing here?)"she asked scared and the woman stopped walking.

I didn't understand what she's saying because I think she's talking german but I can see that she's angry and sad at the same time.

"Wir haben schon Ferien in Deutschland und machen hier UrlaubWir sind hier noch 3 Tage.(We already have holidays in germany and are her for vacation.We're still here for 3 days)"the woman answered and Noelle scoffed.

"Ach auf einmal?Wo ich gefragt habe ob wir mal in die USA gehen können hast du gesagt das es zu teuer ist.(Oh suddenly?When I asked to go to the USA you always said it was to expensive)."she started and crossed her arms."Ein Kind weniger zu haben ist wohl nicht so schlecht für euch.(I guess having less one child isn't that bad for you?"she continued.

I've never seen her like this.She looks so angry but also so sad.

"Noelle du weißt das ist nicht wahr.(Noelle you know that's not true.)"the woman said and Noelle faked a laugh.

"Ja genau deswegen seid ihr auch da hin gegangen wo ich schon immer hin wollte.Ohne mich.(Yeah right and that's why you decided to go in the place I always wanted to go.Without me.)"she said then the car and got in it.

Dad walked over to the woman I quickly got after Noelle.I got into the car and sat next to her.

When she heard me opened the door she quickly wiped her tears and looked away from me.

I put my hand under her chin and turned her head to me.I gently cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears away with my thumb.

"Shh..everything is going to be alright."I whispered and she pulled me into a tight hug.

"I..I."she wanted to say something but just couldn't.I started stroking her back and said."It's okay.."

"Was that your mom and your sister?"I asked softly and she nodded.

"You didn't expected to see them this early didn't you?"I asked and she nodded again.

She then started crying again and I hugged her even tighter."'s okay to cry.Just let everything out.I'm right here."I whispered and kissed her head.

We stayed like this for a while until she pulled away and dries her tears with her sleeve.

"I always wanted to go to the USA.I didn't really care where as long as I'm in the USA.And then suddenly when I'm not there anymore they go."she said and I take her hand.

Then suddenly the door behind me opened and dad looked at us."Noelle are you alright?"he asked softly and she nodded.

"Yeah..I guess.Skylar pretty much calmed me down."she replied and he smiled at her.

"Do you two come out again?We want to get ice cream.There's a shop down the street."he asked and we nodded."And um..Carmen and the girls are coming with us..Is that okay?"he continued and she froze.

"You don't have to talk to them.We just wanted to be nice."dad said and she ten slowly nodded.

He smiled one last time at her and then walked back to the other,leaving the door opened again.

I turned back to her and gently cupped her cheeks."Everything is going to be okay.I'll always be right next to you, okay?"I told her and she nodded.

I kissed her softly and then pulled away and got out of the car.Noelle then got out too and grabbed my hand.I look up at her(she's about 4 inches taller than me) and then intertwined our fingers.

We started walking towards the others and her grib on my hand tightened when we stand just a few meters away from them.

I then studied her mom and sisters.Her mom has short blond hair which ends a little bit under her ears.

Her one sister who I guess is about 18 years old has short brown hair.

And then there was her other sister.She and Noelle look a lot alike.I guess they're twins so she must be in our age.You can still clearly see which is Noelle and which is her sister or at least I can.

Her twin has also brown hair but a bit curly which ends a little bit under her shoulders and she also looks more feminine than Noelle.

"You must be Skylar."the woman said which I guess is called Carmen because dad said it earlier.

She stretched her arm out for me to shake it.I let go of Noelles hand and took a step towards the woman.I hesitated but then shook her."I would say it's a pleasure to meet you but from what I heard I don't think it's a pleasure."I said and gave her a fake smile.

I then quickly let her hand go and walk back to Noelle and took her hand again."Skylar don't be like that."dad said and I rolled my eyes.

"You said you and mom want to be nice.I've never said I would."I responded and shrugged.

"Well..I think I should quickly introduce us."Carmen started and dad slowly nodded."I'm Carmen,Noelles mother and this is Emily."she said mentioned to her oldest sister."And this is Lena."she said and mentioned to Noelles twin.

Her english wasn't as good as Noelles and she also doesn't have an accent.

After a few awkward seconds of silence we started walking to the ice cream shop.

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