The billionaire's savior

By baeline0711

1.6M 39.2K 8K

Samantha Camilla William. Daughter of the richest family in the world. She's absolutely gorgeous, and not on... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
This is not a update
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Please read!!
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 29

36.1K 874 84
By baeline0711

Point of view ;
Samantha Camilla William




"So you thought it was smart to go to Miami without informing me?" Austin asked on the phone, obviously mad that i left without saying anything. I should feel guilty but i really don't.

"So you thought it was smart to go and ruin your life without informing me?" I remarked, a scowl on my face. I don't like fighting with him, especially on the phone, but he just gets the worst out of me. Austin let out a sigh on the other end and was silent for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry" he said really softly before hanging up. Ugh now I'm upset with myself for getting him upset. I walked out of my room and walked towards Asher's office, where i know he and Caleb are at right now. I stormed inside of his office and noticed the two of them in a deep conversation, probably about work.

"I need to vent" i said before starting to talk about everything that was happening. After about fifteen minutes i finally looked towards them to see Caleb looking at me like i was in a movie, eating snacks that weren't there before. Where the hell did he get them from. I turned my eyes towards Asher to see him leaning his head on his arm, looking like he was about to fall asleep.

"Did you even hear what i just said?" I asked Asher in disbelief. Asher jumped up in his seat and looked up at me with widened eyes. I asked my question again, making him roll his eyes.

"Of course i heard, I'm not deaf. The better question here is whether i actually care about any of this enough to remember. The answer to that question is no. But please, continue whatever you were saying, i was just about to take a nap." Asher said with a smirk before leaning back on his arm.

"Damn" Caleb commented looking between the both of us with widened eyes while eating his snacks.

"Fuck you Asher, fuck you" i snapped at him stoping my food on the floor in frustration. "And you, where came the snacks from?" I asked Caleb with a raised an eyebrow. Asher sat up and put his finger up with a huge smirk.

"He got them while you were talking way to much about your boyfriend" Asher said. I looked towards Caleb to see him looking scared.

"And here i thought you were a real one" i said in disbelief. I looked between them with a glare before stomping out of the room. I stopped in the hallway and turned back around and walked back inside. The both of them send me a confused look but i just grabbed all the snack from the desk and walked back out.

At least i got food out of this.

Now what. I'm bored. I grabbed my phone while eating all the different snacks that i borrowed from Caleb. I went to FaceTime and pressed Austin's contact. He picked up like four seconds later. Damn he looks even better than the last time i saw him.

"You are literally the weirdest person. You were mad at me on the phone like half an hour ago and now here you are face timing me, and eating snacks like you've never ate" Austin said facepalming.

"I don't see your point" i said sending him a dry look. Austin looked at me for a few seconds before rolling his eyes.

"So why is the queen of drama calling me?" Austin asked mimicking. Who does this kid think he is.

"I need to vent" i said simply and not a second later both Caleb and Asher stormed into my room.

"Hang up now that you still can" Caleb yelled, and Asher run towards me grabbing my phone out of my hands.

"Listen dude, save yourself the pain and just act like your phone died" Asher whispered to the phone, and i send him a dirty look. Does he think i can't hear him. I got up and slapped the back of his head before grabbing my phone back.

"So as i was saying-" i started but got cut off my Austin.

"Shit" he said, obviously faking. He put his hand on his mouth dramatically. "My phone is one precent" he said stretching the last word and hanging up, acting like his phone died while he was talking. I threw my phone on the ground and clenched my fists, before i started to yell. Jup i just yelled out frustrated. Caleb ran towards me and put his hand on my mouth.

"What the fuck Samantha, people are going to think someone is getting killed here" he hissed at me, but i wasn't having any of that. I just bit his hand making him yelp in pain. I grabbed my flip flop and started hitting both Caleb and Asher with is.

"Stop" Asher yelled before running out, Caleb right behind him. I dropped my flip flop back on the ground and struggled.

Oh well.

I decided to get ready and just have a day with myself. I'll just take myself out on a date, who needs guys?

I got in the shower and started to get ready. I started looking in my suit case for a cute dress and put one on. I matched it with my black Gucci belt and my soft pink purse.

Damn i look cute.

I started doing my hair and make up, making sure it look perfect. The things i do for a date with myself.

I finally finished not to long after and started walking downstairs. I could hear voices from the kitchen and started walking that way. It was Caleb and Asher on face time with Austin. I walked inside and glared at the phone.

"I thought your phone died?" I sneered and his eyes widened before he started to check me out. Boys will be boys.

"Where are you going?" Asher asked looking at me with a confused look.

"I'm taking myself on a date" i snapped. And all three of them started laughing to themself silently. "What are you guys laughing at?" I asked annoyed, and the three of them immediately stoped. I sighed and started rambling about how annoying guys were until Caleb interrupted me.

"Samantha do you remember the time when you shut the hell up?" He asked making me frown.

"No" i said not knowing where he was going with that question.

"Neither do i" he said making me gape. Asher and Austin burst out laughing, and Asher even gave him a high five.

"This exactly why the two of you don't have girlfriends" i snapped at my cousins before looking at the phone where Austin looked amused. "You won't have one either if you don't cut the attitude you little bitch" i snapped making him laugh. He used to me.

"Good thing your my wife then" he commented making me huff before walking back out of the kitchen and outside of the house.

"Samantha wait" Asher called out from the house. I turned around and send him a glare. "You forgot your mouth" he said and acted like he dropped it on the ground and stomping on it. What the hell.

"Ugh" i yelled loudly before walking away. I could hear both of cousins laugh, obviously liking how annoyed i was. I got a cap and asked the guy to drive me to the beach. I got there in not even 5 minutes and payed the guy before getting out. The wether is amazing today. The beach was packed, which doesn't surprise me.

I found a cute place that i could have lunch at. A gorgeous girl walked up to me. She looks like she works here.

"Hey my name is Bethany, can i take your order?" She asked with a smile. I smiled back and told her what i wanted to eat. She really seems like an awesome girl. I put my sunglasses on and started taking pictures and video's of my surroundings to post on Snapchat. Bethany came back with my food like ten minutes later.

"If you don't mind me asking, like you really don't have to answer if you don't want to, but why are you alone. Not in a mean way, I'm just surprised that someone as gorgeous as you is all by herself." She said making me laugh.

"Well my cousins like annoying me and my husband likes annoying me too, so i decided to just take myself on a date" i said and she started laughing.

"You go girl" she said proud, making me smile.

"You got a boyfriend or husband?" I asked with a smile and she shook her head before sitting down in the seat in front of me. I honestly love her aura. She really reminds me of Ana. Really bubbly and started conversations with random people.

"Nope, as single as i can be. Good guys are nowhere to be found" she said and i honestly couldn't agree more. I don't mean Austin, he's my bub. I'm just talking about a lot of other guys out there.

"I have some good cousins" i teased, and send her a wink. She chuckled and shook her head.

"I'll just stay single for now. The last thing i need right now is a boyfriend" she said with a sigh, and by the looks of it. Something is bothering her.

"What's up?" I asked and she looked up frowning before looking away.

"Since your a stranger and i really need to get it out, I'll just vent. Well my little sister needs to get surgery for her lungs but after the death of my parents i really didn't have any money to pay for it. So i have to work my ass to be able to pay for her surgery. And i need to do it fast too. She's getting worse as the days pass" she said softly, looking broken. My heart broke for her. No one should be going through something like this.

When i decided to go on a date with myself i really didn't think I'd have a deep talk with some girl that i don't know.

"This may sound extremely weird, and i wouldn't mind if you said no, but can i visit her?" I asked biting my lip. Might as well do a good deed while I'm here. I would really feel way better about everything if helped someone else.

"Something tells me i can trust you" Bethany said scanning my face before getting up. "Your were my last consumer, so I'll just change real quick while you finish up eating. I nodded and continued eating. I'll just take myself out for a second date tomorrow, and I'll make sure to take a swimsuit with me.

I'm honestly not surprised that she doesn't recognize me. I wouldn't really catch up to everything happening around me if my sister was in the hospital either.

I finished up eating when Bethany returned with a smile on her face.

"Okay let's go. My sister is the hospital not to far from here, so we can just walk." She said happily, probably because she'll see her sister. I chuckled and nodded. The both of us started walking while we talked and laughed about the most stupid things.

We stopped in front of a huge hospital and Bethany's whole mood changed. She looked really sad but tried covering it up with a smile. We stepped inside and she led me to the 6th floor. We walked past a few door before finally arriving at a door that she opened and walked inside. I followed her and my heart broke at the sight of a little girl looking really pale. That must be her sister.

"Hey Bobby, this is my new friend Samantha" Bethany said trying to cheer her sister up. The little girl looked towards me and waved shyly. Oh my god, she's adorable. I walked towards her and smiled. I started talking to her, and at first she was kind of distant but as i continued talking she started to get a lot more comfortable.

"Wait so your really did that?" I asked Bobby laughing. She nodded proudly. Bethany just told me a story about Bobby pranking her. "You should give me some tips so i can prank my cousins and brothers" i said and she nodded excitedly. "I need to go to the bathroom real quick, I'll be right back" i told them and they both nodded before continuing their conversation. I walked out of the room and walked towards the Doktor that was walking this way.

"Hello, can i ask something?" I asked politely. The Doktor looked up from his papers and almost dropped them at the sight of me.

"M-miss William" he stuttered. I smiled forcefully and nodded.

"Room 12" i said pointing towards Bobby's room and he nodded waiting for me to continue. "Can i pay for her surgery and all her other hospital bills?" I asked and his eyes widened before nodding.

"Y'yeah of course, just follow me miss William" he stuttered and i nodded before following him.

"You can call me Samantha, and as of my last name. It's De Luca now, actually" i said polity, a smile on my face. He nodded and stopped at a door. He opened it and inside was a office. I finished taking care of everything and smiled happily before walking back to Bobby's room. The three of us watched a movie and chatted for the rest of day, and i honestly couldn't of hate a better date with 'myself'

To be continued..


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