Anklebiters - Joshler

By Clear_as_jelly

355 81 0

Josh Dun is rising fast in the music industry as a sharp-witted journalist with a talent for drilling into pe... More

1. Maggot
2. Confrontation
3. Adoration
5. Rich Boy
6. Originality
7. Disappearance
8. Uno
9. Blasphemy
10. blood infections
11. Bird

4. Excitement

29 8 0
By Clear_as_jelly

"Your fans deserve to know more about you, sir." Tyler's manager, Evan, tells him before adding: "You saw how well Dun's concert review went. I think it would be a perfect opportunity to get closer to your fans."

"There's no way in hell I'm doing an interview with someone as extensive as Joshua Dun."

Now, don't misread the situation, Tyler and Josh no longer classified each other as enemies, but he was still a journalist and there was no way that Tyler would submit himself to that kind of torture for however long the interview would go for.

"Mister Joseph, your fans have been sending emails and fan mail for months now, begging for an interview. Especially one with none other than Josh Dun. He's one of the most famous interviewers right now, no cash gain for you or him."

Tyler frowned, "What does that even mean? What's he playing at?"
Evan sighed, shaking his head. "I don't exactly know, Sir. But I've already agreed that you'll do it and we have to be there in about 40nminnnutes."

Tyler looked at Evan with a look that could kill, looking him up and down as if he were deciding then and there if he should fire Evan or not.

"If this interview goes bad, Evan. I'll be having a cab come to pick you up, and you'll never speak to me again." Tyler spat before hanging up on the young manager.

Evan just sighed, he knew the risks when he'd accepted the interview, and he had faith that Josh wouldn't unintentionally cripple his entire career.

"You're lucky that I'm letting us pre-record this instead of doing this live." Josh said, sliding into the chair opposite Tyler.

To the side of them was an outstanding amount of technology used solely for recording audio and Tyler was a little impressed by how Josh used it so easily. Between them was two microphones which were attached to contraptions which made them simple to move.

"Is that a threat, Joshua?" Tyler asked bitterly.

"No, I just don't want you to make a fool of yourself on live radio again." Josh bantered.

"What-" Before Tyler could finish Josh raised a hand and mouthed a countdown.

Tyler huffed and leaned back in his chair like a child as the station light turned red, indicating that the recording had started.

"Hello listeners and welcome back to my 3pm show, today I am joined by none other than the elusive Tyler Joseph."

Tyler leaned forward into the mic. "Actually, it's... 8:43am right now."

"That, my friends, is a lie." Josh hummed.

"Is not, don't trust him. I'm the guest anyway." Tyler rolled his eyes, not making the interview anything close to easy for Josh.

Josh took a moment to think before continuing. "Okay, whatever you say, Joseph. I think a good question to ask in this interview, something light, is: why are you wearing sunglasses inside?"

"Habit." Was all Tyler replied with, adjusting the position of them on the bridge of his nose.

Josh leaned away from the microphone, sighing quietly.

Tyler just folded his arms across his and gave Josh a challenging look, eager to see how long the younger male would be able to withstand his stubbornness.

"So, Tyler, are you planning on releasing any music with your band in the near future?" Josh glared at Tyler.

"What band?" Tyler asked with a feigned innocent look.

"Only a fan favourite, Twenty One Pilots!" Josh grinned.

Tyler placed a hand on his chest and smiled, "Awh, Joshua really knows how to use unique compliments."

Josh reverted back to glaring at Tyler. "That was an interesting compliment from you."

"I'm just an interesting person. Not that anyone knows about my insane experiences, well, maybe Ryan Ross."

"Oh, Ryan Ross?" Josh started, a mischievous smile strewn across his face. "You two are so close, is there anything you'd like to announce to us?"

Tyler's smile faltered when he realised that 'interviewer Josh' wasn't really friends with Ryan. He was going to make a witty comment in an attempt to cover his tracks but after hearing Josh's next question he gawked at him in horror.

"We- We can cut out anything that makes you uncomfortable," Josh promised after watching Tyler's face fall.

Tyler only gave Josh a stony look, wringing his hands together in his lap. "I'm sorry to any male fans out there who may be desperately in love with me. But from the influence of my religion, mostly, I am not one to contrive romantic feelings towards other men."

"How big was the influence of religion in your upbringing? And do you think that it shaped your future?"

Tyler would never admit it, but he trusted Josh, and the promise he made earlier comforted him. "Greatly. My family is Christian and it was a massive part of my life as I grew up. While I can't deny that I am not a sinner, there are a few things which are terrifying for me. I think that's because of being Christian."

Josh nodded in thought."How much of your songwriting would you say has a Christian undertone?"

Tyler leaned back on his chair, this was music, this was tolerable. "I think that the majority of songs from No Phun Intended are highly influenced by Christianity, but not so much in Twenty One Pilots. It's there, but I think that now I'm out of that hole I was in a few years ago my mindset has changed."

"There's been a lot of speculation that a few recent songs have been written about someone. Is there a special person in your life right now?"

Tyler bit his lip and went quiet for a long time. He wasn't the type to give information like this away so easy, why was Josh making him feel so calm about it?

"All I can say is that this person is someone who I think I messed up my chances with a long time ago." He finally admitted in a hushed voice.

Josh frowned for more reasons than he'd like to say. "That sucks, man."

"Uhm- Anyways! Uh... yeah..." Josh mumbled, stumped.

Tyler licked his lips again and readjusted his sunglasses for the millionth time before shooting Josh a toothy smile. "Sorry Joshua, but I think that's all you're going to get from me today."

"That's a positive way to put it, something tells me you'll be back on this show sooner than later."

Tyler laughed sincerely, "Don't test your luck."

Tyler waited until Josh ended the recording before pulling off his headphones and dropping them on the table. He sighed loudly and raked his fingers through his messy hair, still refusing to take his sunglasses off.

"That was quite possibly my shortest interview. Ever." Josh stated, leaning back in his chair. "I don't know what to ask you, Joseph."

"Well, Joshua, that was the most I've ever told anyone besides Ryan." Tyler laughed nervously, gnawing at his bottom lip.

Tyler then quickly stood up from his seat, shaking out his hands anxiously. "I'm going to go outside and bum a cigarette before I go into cardiac arrest. Would you like to join me?"

"I don't- I don't smoke. Addiction is easy, ya know." Josh laughed and scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, standing up.

Tyler nodded, "Good, smoking is disgusting."

"But you just... Whatever, man. I'll sit with you."

"You said it yourself, Joshua. 'Addiction is easy'." Tyler quoted him, flicking his jacket up before making his way towards the heavy wooden door leading out of the studio.

Though he knew the studio like the back of his hand, Josh followed Tyler like a lost puppy. It was kind of surprising that Tyler found the exit pretty quick, he must have been eager to leave as soon as he came in.

The station was a cool place, the foyer had dark carpet which mirrored the black walls. Hanging from the roof were 80's lights which emitted a soft red light. There were shelves by the door which held information on bands, magazines, music festivals and everything else you'd expect to find in the front office of an alternative music magazine and radio station.

"Leaving already, you two?" A middle-aged lady spoke up from the desk. She had bleached blonde hair curled into tight ringlets, the crown was clipped up while the rest fell over her shoulders. She wore a tight blue silk shirt which matched her colourful eyeshadow and bright pink lips.

"Yeah, Mister Joseph wanted a smoke break." Josh stopped to explain to the receptionist.

She nodded, taking a drag of the cigarette which she held pinched between her fingers and thumb. "I've heard about you. You're a tough one to crack, ain't you?" She looked over to Tyler, her strong New Jersey accent a little hard to understand.

Tyler was actually intimidated by this woman and it showed as he changed his posture to move his feet together and fold his hands behind his back.

"I've been told. Really I just think I'm irritating."

The woman cackled, her laugh loud and contagious. She looked old and in need of a holiday, but she was sweet. "I like you, Tyler. Too many people are way too eager to sell their lives to the media."

Tyler nodded, "I definitely agree." He elbowed Josh in the side. "What's your name, Miss?"

"Isra." She said with a smile, reaching out her hand over the desk for Tyler to shake.

Isra's appearance was captivating, she was so colourful that it was a little overwhelming like the sun, but if you closed one eye, it was easy to handle the brightness. He liked Isra.

"You're the first person I've met in a long while that hasn't asked me what my net worth is in the first two minutes of talking." Tyler joked. Isra wasn't offended, in fact, she only laughed again.

"Tyler, I've worked in this office for twelve years. I've seen hundreds of artists just as famous as you, and I can count on one hand how many have stopped to chat with me." Isra said in a gentle voice.

From the side, Josh watched the interaction with surprise as to how friendly Tyler was being to this woman. Then again, perhaps he had approached Tyler wrong when they'd met in 2007, and in 2009. Tyler was unpredictable and it was incredibly difficult to decipher his moods and thoughts.

Like now, Tyler had been in such a closed-off mood during the interview but now he was chatting with Isra like they were old friends. Perhaps Josh would have to ask her for advice later on, you know, so he could improve his interviewing skills.

"Alright. I don't want to hold you up any longer and the smoke from my cigarette is probably driving you mad." Isra smiled.

Tyler chuckled in reply, seeming hesitant to leave but nodding either way. "Yeah. I'll see you around, Isra."

"How come you were nice to her straight right off the bat?" Josh mumbled, looking down at the ground.

Tyler shrugged, making his way to the door. "Cause she treated me like a human being."

Josh frowned a bit, before smiling and nodding

Tyler didn't speak up again as they made their way out of the reception area and back into the car park. He found a bench where he sat down, pulled up his hood and fumbled with a lighter until a cigarette was lit. Tyler took a long drag, letting the smoke ghost his lips before breathing it out fully.

Josh could only endure watching Tyler for so long before asking, "Can I have one?"

"You said you didn't want one before. Are you trying to stop?" Tyler asked, turning to Josh and blowing some into his face before quickly apologising.

"No.. Can I have one or not?" Josh asked again.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "I was just making sure, loser. Having someone break your streak sucks."

Tyler pulled another one out of the box and handed it to Josh, waiting until he put the smoke between his lips to light it up for him. Tyler kept pulling his hood back up and readjust his sunglasses, paranoid of being seen by other journalists that might be entering or leaving the radio and journalism station.

"You should calm d-" Josh started before coughing awfully. "Motherfucker..."

Tyler giggled at Josh and smiled teasingly, "Ametuer."

"Not my fault Brendon smokes all his fucking weed around me. I forgot they're different." Josh frowned.

Tyler shrugged, "close enough. Do you smoke weed often?" He asked curiously.

"No. I don't." He stated. "I guess hanging around Brendon counts though."

"Yeah, you're right. All Ryan talks about is their smoking session together."

Josh sighs. "Brendon's barely ever sober when Ryan's home. I feel so bad for him."

Tyler felt guilty, he was the same as Brendon most days but he still judged Brendon for it. Why? Cause the guy was horny and liked to party? Tyler was absolutely terrible.

Tyler sat there quietly with his shoulders sagged and the cigarette tight between his lips as he stewed, forgetting that Josh was even there.

Josh had gotten the hang of smoking once more, taking a break to rest his head on Tyler's shoulder comfortably. As soon as his head touched the other boy he was being pushed away just as fast.

"Please, don't touch me." He said in a hushed voice.

Josh mumbled an apology before taking a drag.

Tyler bit his lip, feeling guilty. "You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just weird about physical affection." He tried to explain.

"Should've asked, don't worry about it." Josh nods.

"I hope that I can explain it to you one day. I think." Tyler confesses, staring ahead.

Josh put out his cigarette butt on the ground, sighing quietly. "We make a horrible pair, I crave a lot of physical attention. Some weird trauma thing I guess."

Tyler nodded in affirmation, not questioning what Josh said because he didn't need too. Most people in the industry had past trauma in some way or another. "I hate it. Some weird trauma thing I guess." He joked.

"Copycat." Josh smiled.

"Says the one who just stole one of my cigarettes." He bantered.

"Come on, I didn't steal it." Josh pouted.

"You totally did!" Tyler cried, then coughed as he quietened down again. "Admit it, you only took one to seem cool."

"Did not!" Josh pouted again. "Even if I did it to seem cool- Which I didn't, I still didn't steal it. You even lit it for me."

"Well, maybe I just wanted to see you smoke."


"You can see a person's true motives from the way they smoke."

Josh cocked an eyebrow. "Explain."

"Well, different people smoke for different reasons. It's easy to spot an addict from someone who's having a bad day. Or someone who's plotting compared to someone who's enjoying the cigarette." Tyler rambled on, losing himself in his explanation.

Josh smiled adoringly while Tyler ranted. "Which one am I?"

Tyler paused, thoughtful. "I think you're a bit of a dreamer, but you're always paying attention."

Josh just shot him a smile in response, satisfied with the answer.

"Do you wanna- um... hang out for the rest of the day?" Josh asked.

Tyler took a drag of his cigarette and stood up, looking down at josh with a glint in his eyes.

"Let's catch a jet to Jersey and walk around the beach- check out Isra's hometown." He decided, 100% serious.

"Really?" Josh asked excitedly. "Oh- Yeah, cool. That's cool."

"Yeah, I'll pay for the flight and have a car pick us up. Why do you think people ask me about my net worth all the time, Joshua?" Tyler smirked excitedly.

"I'll come if you tell me your net worth, Mr Rich Boy." Josh giggled before going quiet. "Wait, that sounds like I'm leaching off of you. I'm not."

Tyler leaned in close to Josh's ear, whispering, "9 million, baby."

Josh shivered slightly before shoving Tyler away softly. "Whatever." He hums in mock thought.

Tyler had to make a quick phone call to have someone organise a flight, so Josh just stood around awkwardly until Tyler nodded his head towards his own black 1989 Aston Martin V8 Vantage Volante.

"This is your car?" Josh cried, running up to the car excitedly.

"No, we're stealing it, Joshua." Tyler said sarcastically before unlocking the car and opening the passenger seat for Josh.

"Oh, what a gentleman." Josh grinned, climbing into the soft leather passenger's seat.

Tyler closed the door and made his way around to the other side, climbing in and turning on the ignition before he even had his seatbelt on.

Josh turned his body to look around at the interior, reaching out to touch things like the roof and walls with his focus gone from the world. "I love vintage cars, don't you? I mean- obviously you do. Whatever. But like, it feels so nice and- Holy shit your car smells good." Josh rambled.

"Oh my Gosh." Tyler threw his head back dramatically as he reversed and swerved around so he was facing the exit, leaving a few dark burn out marks on the tarmac.

Josh snapped his head up when Tyler spoke. "Is there a problem..?"

"You're so weird, man. Besides, the car was a gift from my dad so don't drool all over the leather." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Oh... That's cool.." Josh mumbled, his excitement gone.

Tyler focused on the road for the next few minutes, listening to the smooth purr of the engine instead of the radio.

"I wasn't being serious man, quit acting like a bottom."

"It's not- You don't- I'm not- Fuck off." Josh found at a loss for words, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting at the window.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "Baby."

The rest of the ride was smooth, besides Tyler practically running a red light and nearly getting the both of them killed. They dropped the car off at a valet and made their way into the airport, Tyler leading Josh straight to the special travel unit. For Josh, it was a little strange seeing so many celebrities which lived outside of Los Angeles and at least one of them he could have sworn he last saw at Brendon's in a cat-suit. Tyler looked unphased as he made his way to a man at a desk, talking to him briefly before dragging Josh away in another direction. Waiting for them was a pearl white private jet, the insides decorated with fine red velvet and comfy looking leather seats. It wasn't very big but it was better than most planes Josh had ever even seen in person- it was like it belonged in a movie.

Tyler went to the minibar located at the back and helped himself to pour both him and Josh a complimentary shot, pouring it back and barely reacting to the burn of the smooth liquor. Josh had to think for a moment before he took his shot, forcing himself to ignore the burn in favour of impressing Tyler. Tyler then pulled Josh over to some of the seats, sitting down in one opposite him and folding a table out to sit between them.

"So, Joshua. It's just you and I for the next 5 hours. How would you like to start this trip? I can ask for someone to come in and give us messages?" Tyler asked casually, knowingly showing off in a bizarre attempt to impress Josh.

"Uhm, no thank you." He said quietly, staring at the table.

Tyler noticed his discomfort and nervously put his fingertips on Josh's. "Sorry if this is a little overwhelming. Would you like some water?"

Josh shook his head gently, watching their hands in awe. Hadn't Tyler just told him that he didn't like physical affection? "Have you got anything stronger? Than- Than before?"

A slow smirk spread across Tyler's face and he got up, returning quickly by slamming two shot glasses down on the table followed by a bottle of over-priced whiskey just as the sign lit up, telling them to fasten their seatbelts.

"This is gonna be a long flight, Joshua."

If we live our lives in fear

I'll wait a thousand years

Just to see you smile again

-Muse, Resistance

By the time the flight landed in Atlantic City, Josh was more than a little tipsy and Tyler had to guide him down each step so that he wouldn't trip down the stairs. Josh was in a giggly haze which was very contagious towards people like Tyler who were better at holding their alcohol.

"Let me take you shopping." Tyler told Josh as they walked through the airport.

"You're not made of money, silly. I have an- An expensive taste!" Josh smiled proudly.

"Want to show me your favourite brand's shop?" Tyler asked with excitement that he would normally use when talking to a child.

Josh hums in thought, tapping his cheek with a finger to exaggerate his thought. "Yeah. I do. Are we getting a cab? I don't know my way around Jersey, this was a dumb idea."

"I've got it covered." Tyler muttered, looking out at the driver rentals until he spotted his driver standing by a slick black car.

Tyler helped Josh into the backseat before climbing in and sitting behind him. "Good afternoon, could you please drive us to..." Tyler looked at Josh expectantly.

"Gucci!" Josh giggled.

"You heard him." Tyler couldn't help but grin, at least Josh had a good taste in fashion.

It didn't take too long before they made it to the world-renowned store, Tyler being just as eager to go in as Josh. Although the two weren't dressed in their sharpest clothes, the person at the door must have recognised Tyler because they let the pair in without them having to wait in line. While Tyler treated this as any of his other retail therapy sessions, Josh was awestruck by the intimidating clothes and found himself lurking nearby Tyler everywhere he was.

"Tyler, I need to tell you a secret." Josh whispered loudly.

"What?" Tyler mumbled, holding out a black women's trench coat in front of him.

"I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here. I shop at Target." He giggled.

Tyler groaned and rolled his eyes, disregarding the confession and instead handing Josh a grey turtleneck. "Try this on."

Josh nods quickly, taking the turtleneck. "Can you wait with me? The workers are kinda freaking me out."

Tyler nodded, "I'll be just out here. I'll let you know if I find anything else for you."

Josh went off to the changerooms, taking longer than anticipated. Josh found himself standing in the stall with his shirt off, staring at the turtleneck's price-tag in shock. "I can't put this on." He mumbled to himself.

"Why? Because it's too small?" Tyler asked quickly.

"N- No. Um. It's not important."

"Okay, but does it fit?" Tyler asked irritably.

Josh's response came after the sound of him putting it on. "Yeah..."

Tyler clapped his hands together happily. "Good! Because I already paid for it."

"What the fuck? No. You didn't." Josh muttered, peeking his head out passed the curtain. "Tell me you didn't."

Tyler only grinned and held up the bag of shopping.

Josh drew the curtain closed again, sitting down on the seat his shirt was thrown onto. "You didn't buy that shit, come on Tyler."

Tyler seemed doubtful as he quickly muttered something to the staff before opening the curtain and slipping into Josh's change room.

"Hey, it's okay."

"I can't just take that. You know I can't take that. People don't spend that kinda money on me and you're not about to be the first." Josh ranted quietly, frustrated tears welling up in his eyes as he stared at himself in the mirror. He felt so nice in the turtleneck and thought it looked so, so good but the pain of guilt burnt in his chest.

Tyler made eye contact with him through the reflection. "I love buying things for people just as much as you hate being gifted for. I know that you aren't going to take advantage of that, and the turtleneck was barely a dent in my bank account anyway, so please let me buy some clothes for you." He pleaded softly.

Josh sighed gently, looking down at the floor and nodding. He wiped his eyes lightly before getting up. "I need to change my shirt now, piss off." Josh laughed quietly.

Tyler smiled at him and nodded happily, leaving the changeroom and closing the curtain behind him.

Josh changed back into his shirt, taking a moment to convince himself that this was alright before leaving the changeroom.

Tyler was waiting for him with the bag back in his hand, waiting patiently for Josh until he was ready to go. "Okay so I'm thinking next we head to Burberry, it has more stuff which is your style and the prices won't make you faint."

Tyler lead them back to their car and after they began to drive he closed the small sliding door between them and the front seat so that the driver could not see them. "Close your eyes, Joshua. No peeking, I'm getting changed."

"Yeah, of course man." Josh hummed, closing his eyes.

Tyler glanced over to Josh to make sure that his eyes were closed before he pulled off his jacket, then his t-shirt when Josh subtly opened one eye. He pulled a black and gold polo-style shirt from the Gucci bag and pulled it on, shrugging it into place comfortably.

"Are you done?" Josh huffed, closing his eyes properly once more.

"Give me a second, I can't wear these pants with this shirt." Tyler huffed before the sound of his belt could be heard unbuckling.

Tyler struggled out of his 'comfy jeans' and instead changed them into a pair of expensive black cargo pants... it was a strange combination Josh noticed when he couldn't help but peek. Josh felt his stomach drop when he was sneaking a glance, noticing the faint white lines across Tyler's thighs but did not comment on it in that moment.

"You can open your eyes now." Tyler said, looking over at Josh and putting his sunglasses back on.

"Why are you still wearing your sunglasses?" Josh asked. "I know I'm going to be spotted here, and with you that's despicable, the sunglasses are like a strange comfort thing." Tyler shrugged.

"To each their own, I guess." Josh hummed, leaning back.

"Sorry about my meltdown earlier." He continued.

"It's okay. I sometimes feel strange having to go out to events wearing expensive clothes but I think it's just a part of my lifestyle by now."

"I wish I were you." Josh sighed, leaning back into the seat.

Tyler scoffed and shook his head. "You shouldn't."

"But you're like- rich, man. And everyone knows you. It'd be fun."

Tyler glared at Josh, "Joshua, you don't understand what it's like."

"Exactly! I don't, so that makes it more exciting." Josh smiled.

Tyler rolled his eyes, "Says the one who cried over the price of a turtleneck."

"I wouldn't be crying over a turtleneck if I didn't- If I had money to blow!"

"You're right!" Tyler smiled bitterly, "You'd be crying over crippling paranoia."

Josh frowned slightly. "Sorry..."

Tyler sighed and picked up the bag and passed it to Josh, "May as well change into the shirt."

"Sounds like you're tryna see me without a shirt." Josh grinned at him.

"Whatever, man. Just put it on."

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