Homeless Dragon- Zuko

By Skygirl87

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Zuko is a war veteran who still has flashbacks to the horrors he endured. Abandoned by his father and his cou... More

Ch. 1 A Very Strange Day
Ch. 2 Reasons
Ch. 3 Visits from Spirts
Ch. 5 Rekindling
Ch. 6 Trust
Ch. 7 Reunions Part 1
Ch. 8 Reunions Part 2
Ch. 9 Reunions Part 3

Ch. 4 Zuko

296 8 1
By Skygirl87

Zuko woke up from his sleep, and looked eastward and saw the sun rising. He groaned, and laid back face down on the pile of leaves that he had made into a bed. After a few seconds, his eyes shot open.

"IT'S DAWN?" he cried out as he pushed himself onto his knees.

The rest of his body couldn't catch up to his sudden awakening and his legs gave way to the weight of his body. He lost balance, and landed on his back on the moist ground. Zuko pushed himself off from his awkward position, and felt control of his body return to him slowly. He got back onto his feet and dusted himself off.

"Did I really sleep that long?" he asked himself.

He had slept through the day when he got back from his stealth mission, and all through the night. It was amazing to Zuko, since the last time he had slept for that long was when he was a child, and he wondered why it happened now. He wondered if it was because of the stealth mission. Something like that did require a lot of energy to pull off, both physical and mental. However, the more he thought about it, he realized it was something he didn't have that night.


It was odd for Zuko to sleep so soundly and for so long. Nightmares were the main reason for that. He usually had one once a night, and they were short because of it. He didn't think about it for long though since he knew today was going to be a very busy day. With an appointment with the Avatar, as well as some negotiating to do with an herbalist ahead of him, he quickly stretched the last bit of tiredness from his body.

Feeling good from his rarely comfortable night of sleep, Zuko gathered his things together, and when he was ready, went off to the mountain.


"Welcome Lee," smiled Katara.

It didn't sound right, and Katara cleared her throat.

"Thank you for joining us Lee," she repeated with a similar smile.

That also didn't sound right.

"Ugh, why is this so hard," she muttered to herself.

"Probably because you're forcing it out," said Aang from behind.

Katara jumped at the sound of Aang's voice, and turned around to see him and Sokka trying not to giggle.

"H-How long were you there?" she demanded.

"Long enough to know you'd make a pretty bad actress," said Sokka, "Why are you so concerned with trying to welcome Lee. I mean, not that that's a bad thing, but you don't really like the guy."

Katara sighed.

"Look, it's not that I don't like him, it's just that... you guys are lucky. Your experiences with Lee were good. All I got from him was a lecture on how stupid my actions were, and that ungrateful attitude from rescuing him."

"Well, he apologized for that," chimed in Aang.

"I know," said Katara before sighing, "And I know I was a bit of a pain when it came to Lee last night, but if you guys are adamant about this, then well... I suppose I can put aside my feelings and give him a chance."

Sokka smiled at his sister's change of heart.

"Thanks Katara," he said warmly with a hand on her shoulder, "I'm glad to see you're coming around. Now finish getting ready, we're going to be late."

As Sokka walked away, her thoughts settled on what was to happen in the next couple of hours.

A part of her didn't believe it was going to be as easy as Aang and Sokka seemed to think. True, Lee did owe them, but he always gave the impression that he was very reluctant to even be near them. However, she chose not to voice that opinion, seeing as how she was seen as the one who didn't want him around. After all, their first meeting and interaction were not pleasant in any way.

However, she couldn't deny his strength, or the fact that he was a very mature and level-headed person, who was also very honorable, and that he thought of others more than himself. Those were qualities that she admired, and she herself tried to live by. Besides, Katara had vowed to help Aang on his journey since they left the South Pole. That was the most important thing she could do for him, and if that meant Lee was to be in their group, then so be it.

'Maybe we got off on the wrong foot,' she thought to herself, 'I'm sure once I get to know him the way Sokka and Aang did, I'll see he's not so bad. I hope. And hopefully, it will be the same for him with me.'

She tried to think optimistic thoughts before she gathered her things, and caught up with Aang and Sokka on Appa's saddle. When Aang confirmed everyone and everything was present and accounted for, he flicked Appa's reigns and flew off to the herbalist. Aang tried to get Appa to a high enough altitude to avoid detection, and the leftover clouds from yesterday gave ample cover for the group.

The feeling in the saddle was that of anticipation. Aang was excited that he would get a new friend. He loved making friends, and having someone as cool as Lee seemed awesome in Aang's mind. Sokka was happy that there would finally be another warrior in the group. He loved his sister and friend, but was tired of having to be the odd one out, being surrounded by two benders that tended to show him up all the time when it came down to fights. Katara was determined to start over with Lee. She had been and was still preparing herself. She was determined to be mature about this new development in the group dynamic.

All that was left now was to ask him to join.


'...They're late,' thought Zuko.

He was lying down on the grass in the shade of a tree waiting for Aang and his friends to arrive for nearly half an hour past noon. He had arrived at the designated location an hour earlier and began to negotiate for his supplies. however, he became very uncomfortable when the crazy old herbalist tried to flirt with him. He got what he needed from her, but when she made a comment about how young men preferred older women, a wave of disturbing images flooded his mind. He promptly paid the old woman and left the building.

'Come back again hot stuff!' she cackled as he left.

Zuko could still hear it clearly, and felt like he was going throw up. The only thing he could do to stop thinking about that was to think about what Aang could possibly want him to do. He had all sort of possible offers in his head. Some of it was mundane, such as giving directions, and others were pretty far out, including things like wooing advice...

'He might not ask for that,' he thought.

Suddenly he heard Appa's roar, and sat upright looking up. The bison appeared larger as it landed, and Zuko got on his feet. He quickly tried to make himself presentable by arranging his hair, dusting himself off, and tugging at his robe.

Appa landed on the ground, and his three passengers helped each other to the ground. Aang walked up to Zuko followed by Sokka and Katara. Aang was smiling, Sokka crossed his arms with a smirk, and Katara stared at him with intent. Zuko approached them, and gave a polite bow to Aang.

"Avatar Aang, how may I be of service," he said.

"Please you don't have to do that," said Aang rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

Zuko stood up straight and looked to Aang's companions.

"Sokka," he said with a bow, who reciprocated, and he turned to girl he knew all too well, "Katara."

He was equally polite, saying her name clearly and giving her a polite bow, and was surprised that when he looked up. Katara was grinning and politely nodded, and Zuko wondered what brought the change before he remembered there was business to attend to. He returned his attention to the young airbender.

"Now then, you wanted to meet me here? I'm sure you have something for me to do in mind."

Aang looked to the others. They nodded to him, and Aang stepped forward.

"As a matter of fact Lee, the others and I talked it over. We know what you can do for all of us."

"All of you?" asked Zuko curiously.

He said he'd help Aang, not the group. However, his curiosity to what they were planning for him kept him from speaking out, and he listened to what the kid had to say.

"Well, you know how we always run into each other?" asked Aang.

"...Yes?" said Zuko cautiously.

"And you know how you always help us out?" added Aang.

Zuko remained silent and wary, but nodded.

"Well, we were thinking... since that always seems to be the case, would you-"

"No," said Zuko impulsively.

The three younger kids gawked. Aang and Sokka were surprised by Lee's answer. Katara wasn't too shocked, but she didn't expect the resistance to come this soon. She wanted to tell him off for interrupting Aang like that, but she reminded herself that she was going to start over with Lee and kept silent.

"But... but I didn't even finish!" protested Aang, voicing Katara's concerns.

"You didn't need to," said Zuko, "I could tell where you were going with it, and the answer is no. I will not join your group."

"And why not?" asked Katara sternly.

"Oh, well let's see," began Zuko firmly, pretending to contemplate, "There was that little incident with the pirates and bandits. What else, oh right, the 'Freedom Fighters,' that was a pleasant experience. And we can't forget the wonderful night in the Fire Nation fortress with the garrison and the Yu Yan archers. I mean you guys are just a bundle of fun," his sarcastically cheery voice ended when his face became stern again, "Too much fun. Besides I don't do groups."

"Please Lee, just hear us out," cut in Sokka.

Zuko crossed his arms.

"...Alright, talk. Give me one good reason why I should travel with you, aside from the fact that I owe you," said Zuko.

"Well...," began Aang thinking he should be as honest with him as possible, "I saw you in this dream; well actually it was a vision. You, me, Sokka, and Katara were facing this massive Fire Nation army. There were hundreds, maybe thousands, and they were all 'RAHH!' and 'GRRR!' and they just wanted to tear us to shreds. But we all fought together and won... I think."

Zuko looked horrified. He had worked so hard to play dead for three years, and now Aang wanted him to face an entire army that he didn't even know if they were able to beat. On top of that, his reason for wanting him to join was just so ridiculous; a vision? It wasn't that Zuko didn't believe in visions, but he needed more than that to be swayed.

"You mean to tell me that you want me to join because you had a vision about me?" asked Zuko.

Aang smiled optimistically, and nodded his head.

"No! I mean... that's just so... I am not going to join just because you had some kind of vision," said Zuko.

"Please Lee," began Katara, "Aang gets visions from the spirit world from time to time, and they're never wrong. Certain people are in it for a reason, and if you were in there fighting along side us, then that means you're meant to be in our group."

"And if you don't believe the visions, then let's look at common sense," began Sokka, "When you left us the first time we met, you did say helping people is what you do right? Well, if you help us, you'll be helping a lot of other people in the process. And look at it this way. Since we seem to run into you lately, and since you seem to help us out anyway, you might as well join."

Zuko was about to protest, but closed it when he couldn't find the words. Sokka and Katara got him there. From what he remembered in an incredibly brief lesson with the Fire Sages a long time ago, and bed time stories from his mother, the Avatar was supposed to be one with the spirits. So as far as the accuracy of visions went, Aang's could be trusted. And Zuko did profess that he helped people who needed it, and from all the past experiences with Aang and the others, they really needed it. And finally, he did seem to help the Avatar quite a bit. He could just join, and save himself the trouble of having to run into and leave their group over and over again.

Still, what they wanted was too much for him to give. Who were they to think they could waltz into his semi-peaceful life, and demand that he throw himself back into the jaws of the Fire Nation war machine? His features cringed with anger.

"Is this how you normally try to recruit new people? Get a vision of them, and then just expect them to go with it?" he asked in an exasperated voice.

"Well, no. You're the first," said Aang.

Zuko stared at them, but sighed and ran his head through his hair, and faced them.

"Look... I get that you need help. But, you have to understand, having me around is not a good idea," said Zuko.

"Why not?" asked Aang.

"It just isn't ok," said Zuko avoiding the topic, "Now, unless you have something else you'd want me to do for you, I have to go."

"You can't just double back on your offer," protested Sokka.

"I will help you with something, but asking me to join your little gang is too much. I don't do groups, and I don't play babysitter either," said Zuko.

Zuko ignored an indignant Sokka, and his ranting that he didn't need a babysitter. Zuko turned around to get his things, but as he was about to go for his pack, Aang grabbed onto his ankles. Zuko quickly turned around as Aang latched onto it pentapus.

"What are you doing?" Zuko demanded angrily as he tried to wiggle Aang off his ankle without hurting him on accident.

"PLEEEASE!" pleaded Aang.

"You're being ridiculous Aang! Let go!" said Zuko shaking his ankle.

"Not until you agree!" shouted Aang.

"You're the Avatar! Quit acting like a child!" he shot back.

"But I'm still a kid!"

"Let go!"


"Well then prepare to be stuck there for a long time..." Zuko just thought about what he said, and cringed, "Actually, on second thought, never mind, and let go!"

Katara looked at the sight. Aang looked like a lost koala-sheep, and while that may have worked before on other people, Lee obviously wasn't going to fall for it. She quickly tried to think of an alternative way to get things in their favor. She remembered something their prospective group member said, and an idea came to her and she approached the two.


He looked up to see Katara stepping in.

"I think I understand. We lead a pretty dangerous life. Far more dangerous than what you're probably used to. Aang's never wrong about his visions, and we really want you because we believe it's best for our group. However, we shouldn't have forgotten to take your feelings into account. So, how about this: you can say no if you want, but will you at least think about it, and I mean really think about it, before you make a final decision?" she asked calmly.

Everyone stared in awe at her sudden speech. Zuko thought about it. It wasn't an unreasonable request, and it wasn't like he had any other appointments coming up later. He looked at Aang and back to Katara.

"It may take a while," he warned.

"We'll wait for as long as you need," said Katara.

He was quiet for a moment, before sighing in defeat.

"...Give me an hour."

"Really?" asked Aang eagerly.

"Yes... now let go so I can go somewhere quiet," said Zuko.

Aang happily let go, and watched Lee walk behind the herbalist's house. He turned his attention to Katara, and gave her a bear-hug.

"Thanks Katara, you're a life-saver," said Aang he said in a tight embrace.

"You like making speeches, don't you," said Sokka recalling the time they met Haru.

"No, I just thought that if I tried to see things through his perspective, I could get through to him. I mean, to him this probably sounded like some kind of ultimatum, but if we gave him the option to choose then maybe he'd consider it. I'm sure after a little time, and thinking, he'll come around," said Katara optimistically as she gently pried Aang off.

Hopefully, by giving Lee the option to say yes or no, the outcome would be different.


"I just had to open my big mouth," muttered Zuko as he remembered telling Aang he still owed him.

Zuko sat on slope of the hill behind the herbalist's house. He was honestly not expecting being part of the Avatar's group as his way of paying his debt to Aang. At most he expected to look for someone or something for the kid, but joining a group... he couldn't fathom that.

Oddly enough, despite the unpleasant life- threatening experiences that he had associated with Aang and his friends, it was a very tempting offer.

Even though his mind said no, there was a part of him that wanted to accept without a second thought. Aang and his friends weren't so bad. Sure they acted like fools, but they were good people to be with. He felt oddly at peace with them around, and soon familiar desires welled up in his heart. The desire for friendship, acceptance, and the end of very lonely days were starting to seduce him. He was tired of ghosts being the only company in his life.

However, for him, there were not only benefits with joining a group, but there were also problems.

He began to make a list in his head with all the reasons why he couldn't join the group. One, he was a firebender, which wasn't a good thing to be if you intended to join a group that fought firebenders. Two, he was not a group person; he had served in the army, but that could hardly be called a "group," as Aang and his companions defined it to be. Three, he was not popular in Fire Nation controlled lands both as himself and the Blue Spirit. Everyone would be after him and the group from soldiers to bounty hunters should his existence be known. And finally... he was the Fire Lord's son. How could he possibly join such a group with that underlying fact?

'...Because it would be a major advantage,' he realized in his head.

Yes, he was a firebender. The Avatar could use a teacher when he was ready, and he could teach the others how to fight firebenders effectively. He served in the army, and knew how it worked better than they did, of that he was sure of. He was a criminal, thus knew how to best elude captivity from soldiers and how not to be noticed. And he was indeed the Fire Lord's son. Who better to turn to for help in defeating his father?

He had two lists in his mind, and two choices to make with it. But as always, just as one obstacle was cleared, another sprang up.

'They would have to know,' he thought.

If he chose to join, he'd have to tell his new companions the truth about himself, the important parts at least. But if he didn't join, he'd have to give an explanation. Either way, it was bound to come up.

One way or another, they'd have to know the truth. He owed them that much.


Close to an hour had passed, and Aang was lying on the grass. Sokka was sharpening his boomerang, and Katara was going over the other forms in the waterbending scroll she took from the pirates. They were all in their little worlds, but Lee's approach drew them back to reality. He had a conflicted expression on his face, but that didn't seem to matter to Aang as much as Lee's answer.

"So? Did you decide?" asked Aang eagerly.

"Nothing as of yet. You'll have to decide if you want me around first," said Zuko.

The group began to wonder what he was talking about, and Katara was the first one to speak.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

Zuko took a deep breath.

"I'm not who you think I am, and it kind of worries me that you would want me to join your group when none of you really know anything about me. I mean, I know you want to be friends and all, but that's kind of dangerous."

The gang was silent. Lee was right. They knew absolutely nothing about him other than the fact that he was a skilled fighter, and that he helped out a few times. They all wondered if Sokka's comment, especially Sokka, was accurate. What if he was a psycho?

"Well, what kind of person are you?" asked Aang.

Zuko paused a moment before speaking.

"Well, to be honest, I'm not popular in the Fire Nation held territories. In fact, I'm quite hated. The only reason I haven't been arrested or spotted lately is because my identifying characteristics are covered. Having me around would be-," Zuko stopped when he looked to the group, and was baffled that they didn't look as worried as he had expected.

"Why aren't you worried?" he asked.

"That's not a problem. We've met other people who were considered criminals by the Fire Nation, and most of them were ok," said Aang.

"Yeah, any enemy of the Fire Nation is a friend of ours," said Sokka, "Except for people like Jet."

"Especially Jet," muttered Katara bitterly.

"No, you don't understand," said Zuko quickly, "I'm probably unlike any of the Fire Nation's enemies that you've met."

"What do you mean?" asked Aang.

Zuko took a deep breath.

"It's better if I showed you all," said Zuko, "We've obviously become more than casual acquaintances, and you all deserve to know what kind of person you were asking to join your group."

He took a few steps back, and turned the facing nothing but open air. Once he did this there was no going back.

He dropped into a stance, took a deep breath, and shot a brilliant red flame into the air. Zuko maintained the flame for a few good seconds, to get it in the minds of the three, before getting out of the stance. He took a breath, and faced the others. Their expressions were exactly what he had expected: shock, and confusion.

Aang and the others could not believe it. Lee was Fire Nation, and a firebender. All this time, they ran into, and were helped by a firebender. Aang was shocked. His hopes for a new friend looked as though they burned away like the very air that Lee had shot, and the excitement that filled his heart began to waver. Sokka couldn't decide whether to draw out his club and beat the guy, or if he should close his mouth as it dropped. He felt anger as he swore he could hear Jet's laughter at the ironic situation in the back of his mind. Katara looked horrified and confused, unable to process what she had seen.

"You... you're a firebender... you lied to us?" she asked silently with a pained voice.

"...Yes," said Zuko.

He didn't look away from them as he confessed the truth.

"But, I don't understand? How could you be a criminal in the eyes of the Fire Nation if you are Fire Nation?" protested Aang.

"Oh, and I suppose all criminals in Fire Nation prisons are from the Earth Kingdom? Not everyone in the empire is a warmonger. There are those among my people who are opposed to the war and the current regime."

They suddenly remembered Shyu and how he was opposed to the ways of the Fire Lord. However, that was different, he was a fire sage; a true fire sage who was sworn into the service of the Avatar. Lee was... they didn't know what he was. Only that he was a firebender who was also a criminal.

Fear crept into their hearts, and they all took a step back.

Zuko stiffened, but understood their reactions.

"It's complicated, ok," continued Zuko, "Look, I'm sorry you all had to find out this way, but I have to come clean. I'm from the Fire Nation, and I figure you guys should know that before you ask me to join."

"What makes you think we would ever let you join now?" said Sokka falling back on prejudice, "You could be a spy, or an assassin! Was this whole thing a mission? Were you ordered to 'run into' us, and 'help' us out, and when we trusted you, you turn us in?"

"NO! It wasn't," he protested in defense of his honor, "And besides if was really a spy or an assassin, do you honestly think I would have warned you about my abilities, let alone show them?"

"That could be part of the act," countered Sokka, "You get us to think you're a 'good' firebender, and then lure us into your trap."

Under normal circumstances, the group would have seen Sokka's ranting as him being paranoid. But now that they had seen first-hand proof, it became a very appealing argument. Could all this have been a mission of Lee?

Zuko looked at the expressions of Aang and Katara. He saw their doubts in their eyes, and though he was disheartened, he expected it. Why would they bother to believe or trust him now? It was his word against Sokka's.

Katara stepped forward, and from the way she walked towards him, he expected her to slap him and say what a vile, despicable person he was.

"Why? Why didn't you think you could tell us sooner?" she demanded.

He was surprised, and relieved, to be wrong but didn't show it.

"How was I supposed to tell you? 'Hey, guess what? I'm from the Fire Nation, nice to meet you?" he asked, "Whether I told you earlier or not, it wouldn't have made a difference. You're reactions prove that."

They were all quiet. Zuko knew any further attempt at talking would get out of hand, and he decided it was best to end this now and move on.

"Look... I know this probably won't mean anything to you, but I am sorry. I shouldn't have kept the charade up; I should have told you as sooner," he apologized sadly, "I won't ask any of you to excuse my actions. They were dishonorable, and foolish on my part."

Aang was just as confused and distraught as Katara, and Sokka was just mad. They all had their hopes up about today. But none of them were prepared for this, and they all felt confused about Lee now. However, Aang's confusion was due to the conflicting views in his heart. Part of him started to believe in Sokka's conspiracy; that this was all a ploy by Lee. But there was still that part that was convinced that his dream came from the spirits.

"There are those among my people who are opposed to the war and the current regime."

Were there more people like Shyu in the Fire Nation? Was Lee one of them?

He couldn't decide.

He was too scared and uncertain to decide.

"Lee... I... I think you should go..." said Aang in a sorrowful voice, "I mean... this is... a lot to take in."

Zuko didn't speak. He merely nodded, bowed, got his things, and walked past Aang and the others.

He neared the steps to the road when he stopped. He couldn't believe he forgot. Everyone was so worked up about him being a firebender that it became unimportant. He couldn't leave yet. Not like this.

"Aang, Katara, Sokka..."

He faced them, and saw the three turn around just as they headed for Appa.

"I just remembered something else. Something just as important as me being a firebender," he replied to the three.

Aang and the others looked at him dumbfounded.

"What do you mean?" asked Aang.

"You all got so worked up, and mad at me that I almost forgot giving you my real name as well," he answered.

Aang's eyes widened, Katara gasped a bit, and Sokka raised an eyebrow.

"Your real name?" asked Sokka.

"Yes," he answered, "After everything that's happened between us, you all deserve to know this."

The three looked at one another. They didn't have to say anything because they knew they wanted to know.

"So who are you really?" asked Katara.

He was quiet for a while, and then his mouth opened.

"...Zuko," he answered, "My real name is Zuko."

"...Zuko" repeated Aang, "...Thanks, I guess... for telling us..."

Zuko could tell the kid was still disheartened about what happened, and decided to go above and beyond the call of duty. After all, he wouldn't feel comfortable if the kid hated him forever.

"Don't doubt yourself."

"Huh?" began Aang.

"Your vision," Zuko specified, "Don't throw it out the window just yet because of a little mishap. If it truly was a vision, then I'm sure we're bound to run into each other again. Maybe it just needs a little time."

"How so?" asked Katara.

"...I'm still thinking about the offer," he answered.

Their eyes widened.

"I know, I know," he added quickly, "I'm not expecting you guys to want me now, but... I would like to start over. From now on, no more lies, ok?"

Aang looked at... Zuko. He stared right at his good eye, searching for any kind of falsehood, before looking to the others. Katara and Sokka still had reservations about Zuko, Aang could see it in their eyes, but when he faced Zuko again, he took a moment of silence before he nodded in approval.

Zuko smirked the way he did when Aang saw him in his dream, and turned around after giving a final, polite bow. As he left them according to Aang's wishes, Sokka walked up to him

"You're giving him another chance? Just like that? Why?" he demanded.

"My instincts told me to," he replied.

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