Mad World // Stiles Stilinksi...

By TheQuietHufflepuff

124K 1.9K 486

Lucy Becenti, daughter of the Greek god of death, is sent to Beacon Hills to investigate all the strange acti... More

Aesthetic and Playlist


884 17 1
By TheQuietHufflepuff


Stiles insisted Lucy spend the night with him, so she did.

He woke up screaming and she tried to get him to stop, but he didn't.

Sheriff Stilinski ran into his son's room and held him tightly. He brushed Stiles' hair back. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's okay. You're okay. Lucy, what happened?"

Lucy shook her head. "I--I don't know. He just started screaming."

"It's okay."

The next morning, there was a knock on the door and the sheriff appeared. "Hey. You alright? You ready for school? Lucy, tell me you got some sleep."

Lucy nodded. "A little, yes."

Stiles looked up at his dad. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Dad, seriously, I'm fine. It was just a nightmare. What's that?"

Lucy noticed the sheriff holding a box and frowned at it. He laughed and said, "That's just, uh, files from the office."

Stiles frowned at his dad's words. "It says "Sheriff's station, do not remove"."

The sheriff nodded slowly. "Well, yeah, unless you're the sheriff."

"Oh," Stiles replied.

"Now get your butts to school."

Stiles studied Lucy and said, "Lu, how much sleep did you get last night? You look exhausted."

She shook her head. "I honestly don't know. Dreams kept me awake all night."

He kissed the top of her head and they drove to school.

As soon as they arrived, Stiles looked at his friend worriedly and tried to calm him down. "Hey. Hey, you alright? You don't look alright, Scott."

He nodded. "I'm okay."

Lucy narrowed her eyes slightly. "No you're not, Scott. It must be happening to you as well. You're seeing things. Am I right?"

Scott turned to her and frowned. "How did you know that?"

Lucy glanced to Stiles while Lydia said, "Because it's happening to all three of you. Well, well, look who's no longer the crazy one."

Allison frowned at Lydia. "We're not crazy."

"Hallucinating? Sleep paralysis? Yeah, you guys are fine," she said.

"We did die and come back to life. That's gotta have some side effects, right?" Scott replied.

The bell rang and Stiles turned to them. "We keep an eye out for each other. Okay? And Lydia, stop enjoying this so much."

Lucy frowned at Lydia and she shot her an innocent look. "What?"

Lucy made her way to the history classroom and the teacher walked in moments after. "Good morning, everyone. My name is Mr. Yukimura. I'll be taking over for your previous history teacher. My family and I moved here three weeks ago. I'm sure, by now, you all know my daughter, Kira. Or you might not since she's never actually mentioned anyone from school. Or brought a friend home for that matter."

Kira slammed her head on her desk and Scott smiled at her. Lucy smirked, realizing her friend had a crush on the Asian girl.

Mr. Yukimura let out a sigh. "Either way, there she is. Now, let's begin with American History at the turn of the 20th century."

After class, Scott and Lucy joined Stiles at his locker. "Maybe we need a little time to get back to normal."

Stiles replied, "Yeah, try not to forget we hit the reset button on a supernatural beacon for supernatural creatures. There's a pretty good chance things are never going back to normal."


Lucy noticed something wrong with Scott. "Your eyes."

He turned to her. "What about them?"

"They're glowing."

"You mean like right now?"

Stiles nodded at his friend. "Yes, right now. Scott, stop. Stop it."

The two of them, mostly Stiles, shielded Scott from everyone. "Alright, just keep your head down. Look down, come on. Keep your head down."

They got Scott into an empty classroom and it was obvious that he was losing control. "Get away from me."

"Scott, it's okay," Stiles said.

Scott shook his head. "I don't know what's going to happen. Get back. Stiles, pull her back."

Stiles pulled Lucy behind him. Scott let out a grunt and buried his claws into his hands and drew blood. "Pain makes you human."

Stiles shook his head. "Scott, this isn't just in our heads. This is real. And it's starting to get bad for me too. I'm not just having nightmares. I'm having dreams where I have to literally scream myself awake. And sometimes, I'm not even sure I'm actually ever waking up. And every time I do that, I'm scared I'm gonna wake up Lu."

Scott frowned. "What do you mean?"

Stiles took a moment to figure out his next words. "Do you know how you can tell you've been dreaming? You can't read in dreams. More and more, the past few days, I've been having trouble reading. It's like I can't see the words. I can't put the letters in order. And it's not like it's dyslexia, either. I legitimately can't read anything."

Lucy gave him a small smile. "We'll work through it, Stiles. You'll be able to read."

In class, Stiles looked at the wall blankly and Coach's whistle caught his attention. "Stilinski!"

Stiles glanced up. "Uh-huh?"

"I asked you a question."

"Uh, sorry, Coach. What was it?"

"It was, "Stilinski, are you paying attention back there?""

Stiles nodded. "Oh. Well, I am now."

Coach looked back at the board. "Stilinski, stop reminding me why I drink... Every night. Becenti, you're a very close second. Does anybody else want to try to question the board?"

Stiles nodded. "I'm okay. I just fell asleep for a second."

Lucy met his eyes. "Stiles, you weren't asleep."

She took here usual place at Stiles' right and Scott looked at them. "Okay, so what happens to a person who has a near-death experience and comes out of it seeing things?"

"And is unable to tell what's real or not?" Stiles said.

"And is being haunted by demonic visions of dead relatives?" Allison added.

"They're all locked up because they're insane," Isaac replied.

Lucy glared at him. "It'd be great if you could be a little more helpful."

He frowned at her. "For half my childhood, I was locked in a freezer. So, being helpful is kind of a new thing for me."

"For most of my life, I was locked in a hotel where I didn't age, yet I still find it in myself to be helpful."

Stiles pulled Lucy back slightly and said to Isaac, "Hey, dude, are you still milking that?"

"Yeah, maybe I am still milking that," Isaac replied.

Kira appeared and said, "Hi. Hi, sorry. I couldn't help overhearing what you guys were talking about. There's a Tibetan word for it. It's called "Bardo." It literally means "in-between" state. The state between life and death."

"And what do they call you?" Lydia asked bluntly.

"Kira," Scott said. "She's in our history class."

Lydia looked at her. "So are you talking Bardo in Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?"

Kira shrugged. "Either, I guess. But all the stuff you guys were just saying? All that happens in Bardo. There are different progressive states where you can have hallucinations. Some you see, some you just hear. And you can be visited by peaceful and wrathful deities."

"Wrathful deities? And what are those?" Isaac wondered.

"Kindly Ones," Lucy said. "Or the Furies. And Minos, among other deities. The Kindly Ones aren't really wrathful; to me, at least. Just kind of annoying."

Kira nodded slowly at her words. "Like demons."

"Demons," Stiles repeated. "Why not?"

Allison frowned between them. "Hold on. If there are different progressive states, then what's the last one?"

"Death," Kira replied. "You die."

A voice caught Lucy's attention. "Update, Lu."

She sighed, turning to see her brother. "Hey, Nico. Uh, well, my friends were underwater for 16 hours and are now experiencing troubling things. Nothing out of the ordinary here. How's camp?"

"The usual. Promise me you're staying out of trouble, Lu."

She glanced at Stiles and he nodded. "She is. For the most part. I'm, uh, Stiles. Her boyfriend."

Nico gave a nod of approval. "Good choice. Who's everyone else?"

As Lucy introduced her friends, they raised a hand at their name.

Scott frowned slightly. "You're a son of Hades?"

Nico nodded. "Yeah. Hey, Lu, I'll see you later, okay?"

"Bye, Nico."

The Iris Message ended and Lucy's friends gave her a strange look. "That's a thing we call an Iris Message. Demigods use it to talk to each other, since most don't have a phone."

While the boys head to Deaton's, Lucy headed back to Scott's so she could do homework in peace, even though she knew it wouldn't do much good.

About an hour later, Lucy heard a knock on the door and Scott appeared. "Are you up for another adventure?"

"Depends what it is."

"A missing person. A girl. Malia Tate. She was killed eight years ago by a werewolf and was never found."


They drove to the Tate household the next day. Sheriff took on the role of distraction by talking to Mr. Tate and the three of them searched the house for answers.

Stiles opened the bedroom door and it squeaked. They froze and ran into the room and Stiles closed the door as soon as they were inside.

Lucy grabbed a stuffed animal and shoved it in Scott's face. He frowned at her before saying, "Thanks, Lu. All I'm getting is some animal smell."

"What kind of smell?" Stiles questioned.

They heard a growl and turned towards the sound. Scott was the first to speak. "Dog. Hi, puppy." The dog snarled at him.

"Get rid of it," Stiles said quietly.

"Me?" Scott wondered.

"Yes, you. Glow your eyes at it, something. Be the Alpha."

The dog's snarling continued and Scott shook his head. "I can't. I don't have control."

"Okay, buddy, we're gonna have to try something."

"Nice doggy."

The dog started barking and Mr. Tate yelled, "Apollo! Apollo, shut up! Shut the hell up!"

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Of course."

"What?" Stiles asked.

"Apollo doesn't need his ego elevated any more than it already is."

Apollo whined and ran off, leaving them alone in the room.

Stiles handed Scott a book. "Here. Try that. Anything?"

Scott sighed. "All I'm getting is that dog. Lu? What are you doing?"

"Looking at pictures. It's sad."

Stiles noticed something and took a picture of a picture.

They left the Tate residence and Scott apologized. "I'm sorry. I tried as hard as I could. If it wasn't so long ago, I might have been able to do it."

"It's okay," the sheriff said. "It's okay. It was a long shot. In fact, it was a pretty terrible idea. I think I just ripped a wound open in that poor man. I never should have brought you guys here. I don't know what I was thinking. Thanks for trying, alright?"

"Yeah," Scott said.

Sheriff looked at his son. "See you at home."

Lucy fiddled with her necklace. "How many cases on average go unsolved?"

Stiles met her eyes. "A lot. I just think this is one he felt like he could've figured out right now."

"Why is it so important now?" Scott questioned.

"He wants to be able to solve one more while he's still sheriff."

Lucy looked up from her necklace fiddling. "Still sheriff? What does that mean?"

Stiles dropped them off at Scott's and Lucy attempted to do homework again, trying to ignore the incredibly loud arguing downstairs.

Lucy's door opened and Scott asked, "Want to find a body?"

"Gods, you guys are weird."

They made their way to Stiles' to see him lying on his bed. He noticed them, sat up, and asked, "Hey, what's going on?"

"You, me, and Lu. We're going to find a body," Scott replied as he switched on a flashlight.

"You know, if my dad's right, that means there's another werewolf in town that we haven't met yet," Stiles said as they trekked through the woods.

"I know."

"If it turns out to be something like triplets that form into, like, a three-headed hound of hell, I'm seriously not up for that."

"You mean Cerberus?" Lucy asked. "Gods, I miss him. We have fun playing fetch with red balls. Oh. Uh, sorry."

Scott sighed. "Yeah. Me either. Especially if I can't even control my own transformation anymore."

Something howling grabbed their attention and Stiles grabbed Scott's arm, causing him to knock his phone into the water. "Sorry, buddy. I hate coyotes so much. They always sound like they're mauling some tiny, helpless animal."

Scott made his way down to his phone and picked it up. "Still works."

"Let me see the flashlight," Stiles said as he grabbed it from Scott's hand. "I think we found it."

They tentatively walked over to a rusted car that was upside down. "Uh, why wouldn't they move it?" Scott wondered. "Isn't that evidence?"

Stiles shrugged. "Probably too much of a pain in the ass to tow out. Look at this. See those?" He pointed to several long scratch marks and Scott touched them. "Animal claws would be closer together, right? A lot closer."

"Then it wasn't a werewolf," Scott replied.

"So my dad was right."

Scott pointed to something else. "What is that?"

Stiles pulled a baby doll from the car and pushed the button. An electronic voice said, "I'm hungry."

Stiles screamed and the air suddenly felt colder. "I think I just had a minor heart attack."

Lucy let out a breath. "I'll say. China dolls are so much better."

Another animal growling caught their attention and Scott looked between them. "Hey, Stiles, Lu, please tell me you see that."

Stiles and Lucy walked over to him and she nodded. "Yeah, I see it."

Stiles said at the same time, "I see it." Scott ran off and Stiles yelled after him, "Wait, hey, Scott! Scott, wait!"

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