¥ - Lost and Found - Peter Pa...

By firegirl2110

1.2K 23 0

Aria was 17, a teen nearing and fearing the adulthood that approached her in the coming year. When she hears... More

¥ Playlist ¥
¥ 1 - The Village Girl ¥
¥ 2 - The Piper ¥
¥ 3 - The Hero or The Coward? ¥
¥ 4 - Lost ¥
¥ 5 - Terrorized ¥
¥ 6 - Humiliation ¥
¥ 7 - Rebellion ¥
¥ 8 - Taste of Freedom ¥
¥ 10 - Unlikely Friends ¥
¥ 11 - What Lies Underneath? ¥
¥ 12 - Betrayed ¥
¥ 13 - Found ¥
¥ 14 - Once Upon A Time ¥
¥ 15 - Revenge ¥
¥ 16 - No Hero ¥
¥ 17 - Sacrifice ¥
¥ 18 - Alive ¥
¥ 19 - Sunshine ¥
¥ 20 - Sweet Dreams ¥

¥ 9 - Untouchable ¥

50 1 0
By firegirl2110

Aria woke bright and early. She went out to scavenge, but didn't need nearly as much as she thought. Apparently overnight the island just decided to provide her with firewood and berries. No big deal right?

Aria was craving meat now, she hadn't eaten the night before last and had lived off berries since. Wondering if the Lost Boys were fishing today, she changed into some clothes she wouldn't mind swimming in and clambered down from her treehouse. When she appeared they turned their weapons on her. Felix stepped forward to take her hostage whilst another ran to get Pan. "You're an idiot to show up here," Felix warned. Aria simply smiled, and stepped closer. "Why don't you ask Pan if he wants to try kill me again," she taunted. "It didn't work the last three times."

Walking closer to the shore edge Aria swam out towards the island with the sinister laughter from Felix behind her. She knew they thought she would die from the mermaids, but they ignored her, they even guided her away from currents that would pull her down. Apparently word had spread fast, and on their lips Aria read 'chosen girl' over and over. She made it safely out to the smaller island where the fishing materials were stored and grinned back over to where the Lost Boys stood gobsmacked on the beach.

Not waiting for them to accompany her, Aria began fishing without their help and reserved a net for herself to carry her haul back with her. She had forgotten about that part. Since knowing she was untouchable she was definitely letting it get to her head. When they did finally get out to her, Pan had accompanied them once again and he spent his time annoying Aria. When she would spear a fish he would set it free just as she pulled it above the surface. The first time it happened she thought she was just unlucky, the second she blamed herself, but the third time she wheeled round and folded her arms as she glared at Pan, a smirk across his face.

"Struggling to catch anything?" Pan teased. Aria huffed and turned her back to him. Pan waited for her next catch, to make it slip from her reach again, but alike her first time fishing Aria caught another prize fish and it stayed firmly on her spear. Grinning like a child, Aria turned around as she held it up, proving a point to him. "You were saying?" She spoke proudly. She continued to grin and laughed a little as she placed the fish into her net bag. She shook her head at her silliness and continued to catch more. Part way through, the Lost Boy that had tripped her that one time came by her side. He went by her on the shoreline and whispered under his breath, "I'm sorry. My sister had anxiety. I didn't know."

Aria felt her resentment for the boy turn into understanding. If he had known he may not have been so harsh. It was hard living under Pan though, because to step out of line was to risk your life. "It's okay. Thanks for the apology," Aria whispered back gratefully. He smiled shortly before going back to his original fishing spot. She continued to fish and heard footsteps saunter towards her. "What did Jacob say?" Pan asked.

"Who's Jacob?" She asked. She didn't know any of the boys names bar Edward, so it was an easy lie to say convincingly. She was glad to learn the name of the other boy.

"Don't pretend, I saw him talk to you," Pan firmly spoke, raising his voice in an authoritative manner.

"He asked me about the fish. How I found them," Aria lied.

"You know I can just get the truth out of him."

"And I'll come protect him until you leave him alone. You can't beat me, you must know this by now," Aria complained. Pan glared at her again and backed down. He had to, because he really couldn't win. And now everyone knew it. Aria was a completely different person now, the outspoken voice inside her that was kept in by her anxiety had been released by the confidence the island had given her. Though she still worried occasionally and she still had instances of shaking or nausea but it was never as bad now. Knowing nobody would object to her joining them in the boats back, she hitched a lift on the row boats and joined them around the fire for their meal.

The look on Pan and Felix's faces were amusing to her, they were so annoyed by her presence and so utterly powerless to get rid of her. Aria joined Jacob and Edward as she ate and the Lost Boys asked her a manner of questions about her ability.

"How did you do it?" One asked.

"The island did it," she answered.

"So you're not magic?" Another asked.

"No, I'm not. Does that disappoint you?" Aria wondered.

"No, just what you did. It was amazing."

"Did he really try to kill you two more times yesterday?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, he tried to stab me and drown me."

"And you survived?" Jacob questioned.

"The key word here is tried. The island stopped him before he could do anything. If any of you boys are in trouble come find me," Aria offered. She didn't care if these boys had treated her harshly, they had to follow orders and any way to mess with Pan was a way to give him what he deserved. She'd already forgiven the Lost Boys, even Felix. She wasn't ready to forgive Pan yet, he hadn't even apologised, hadn't shown any remorse or guilt about how he abused her emotionally.

"Awfully chatty today boys," Pan remarked, walking by the fire. The Lost Boys fell silent under his watch and went back to eating. Aria wanted to stay and chat longer, but she figured Pan would eventually get rid of her by using the boys as leverage. She finished eating her fish and took the net bag with her for any future fishing trips. "See you around boys," she called out, raising a hand to say goodbye.

As she reached camp Aria had a guest yet again. "Do you intend on following me everywhere?" She moaned.

"Only until I figure out who you are," he told her.

"Well, fire away, ask me questions. The quicker you work it out, the quicker you leave me alone," Aria retorted.

"How are you supposed to answer if even you don't know," Pan reminded her.

Aria realised he was right. If she didn't know how could she answer? But then where would they start anyway? Aria hadn't thought too much about it all before, but now Pan was annoying her she wondered what the harm would be in finding out about what made her special.

"Okay, so let's start at the beginning. I found you and the Lost Boys in the forest."

"You heard the panpipes. What was your life like? Why could you hear them?"

"I don't know, I was a normal teen."

"Something must have been wrong, not just anybody hears them," Pan insisted

"Well nothing was wrong with me. I had a good home, lovely parents, friends," Aria defended.

"Something must have been wrong," he repeated.

Aria sat in thought as Pan watched her, hoping she could find an answer.

"Anything?" He prompted.

"You already know have anxiety. It made me feel lonely at times, I felt anxious going out, but it doesn't mean I wasn't happy. They were just moments," Aria dismissed.

"Your anxiety, how bad was it?" Pan asked.

Aria grew mad. How dare he ask her that after watching her suffering for his own amusement. "I'm surprised you even have to ask, these last few days are a perfect example of 'how bad' it is."


"Still not apologising then. Come back when you develop emotions." Aria got up and put out the fire, storming towards the ladder and quickly climbing it to get Pan out of her sight.


But she was already gone.

Pan did not like how he could not control this girl and currently she was his greatest threat. She was disrupting his camp and his order and he couldn't even punish her for it. What was worse was that he had no idea who she was, had never seen anything like her at all. He had driven her away from him and his continued lack of care seemed to infuriate her further. It was time he considered befriending her instead of becoming her enemy. Knowing he would not get through to her again tonight, he called it there and returned to his own treehouse.

As he played his panpipes on his balcony, Pan was unsure whether he was prepared to make peace with Aria. He knew the only way to get the anxious girl's trust would to be to give her his, to reveal more of himself than he would like. He could see now her mental strength was her greatest skill and that his attempt at mental torture would have to stop. And he would have to apologise. That was where he would start.

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