Stay With Me [Completed] (Des...

By Whatever81

255K 10.5K 3.3K

Authors Note: This is book is part of a series but is not a sequel to my other book "Help Me Pick Up the Piec... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 46.5
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 19

4.4K 206 34
By Whatever81

Chapter 19

"So I was thinking that I could come over later tonight," Jenny says over the phone.

I sigh as I lean back against the elevator wall and watch the numbers change as it gets closer and closer to my floor.

"Yeah, about that," I say as I nervously move my phone to my other ear. "It's probably not a good idea for you to come over to my apartment for a while," I say as I fidget with my keys.

"Why not?" she questions.

I hear the elevator suddenly ding and I wait for the doors to open before walking towards my apartment as I think up a reason why I can't have Jenny over anymore. I don't want to lie to her but I also don't really want to tell her she can't come over anymore because Raegan said she couldn't.

"Because Raegan has just been randomly coming home early this past week, so it's probably best if you don't come over anymore, at least while she is in town," I explain.

This actually is true. Raegan has been randomly coming home early for the last week or so. I wish I could say it was to spend time with me but she just comes home and works. I don't know if the reason has something to do with Jenny or if she is just tired of being in her office all day. Whatever it may be, even if she was okay with Jenny being in the apartment I don't think any of us would just want her randomly coming home while we are off in another room having sex.

"I get it. I kinda don't want to be walked in on again," Jenny says and I hum in agreement as I lean back on my apartment door in the hall. "So, but when will I get to see you?" she asks and I smirk to myself.

"How about after class?" I ask and I can just picture her rolling her eyes.

"I mean outside of school, Parker," she says and I chuckle as I shrug my shoulders.

"At your place when no one else is home I guess," I say and I hear her sigh over the phone.

"Who knows when that will be," she says and I smile a little at the disappointment I hear in her voice.

She's disappointed that she may not be able to spend as much time with me... or maybe it's that we won't get to have sex as often. Both ideas upset me, but I think I find the former most upsetting.

"I really don't think it will be that bad. Yeah, we probably won't get to be alone every day anymore but I doubt they will be far and few between. Brayden has an away game next Wednesday for example so we will have then for sure. And I will probably be hanging out at Brayden's every day this week seeing as we have it off because of thanksgiving. I don't know if that will equal any alone time exactly but I will be there and maybe we can sneak some quickies while no one is looking," I say with a small smile. "So you see, there's tons of opportunities for us to be together," I say and I hear her laugh a little on the other end of the phone.

"You sure love taking risks," she says and I smirk.

"So do you, don't even try and deny it," I say with a small laugh. "As much as I would like to keep talking to you, I have kind of been standing in the hall of my apartment building for a while now and I'm dying to take a shower after the run I just had," I say and I hear her laugh.

"I still have a hard time imagining you exercising. I just figured all you ever did in your free time was read," she says and I laugh a little.

"I have to exercise every now and then if I want to stay in shape for you. Believe it or not, what you see can't be fully attributed to genetics."

"You don't have to keep in shape for me. You should only exercise for yourself and your health, not for others," she says and I smile. "I'll let you go now so you can shower."

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask and I hear her laugh a little.

"I'll be home most of, if not all day. So yeah, probably," she says and I smile.

"Alright then."

"Good bye, Parker. Go take a shower," she says before hanging up the phone.

I chuckle as I look at my phone for a second before putting it in my pocket and turning to unlock the door.

"Hey, aren't you the girl who's looking to get my best friend thrown in jail?" I hear someone suddenly say behind me as I'm trying to find the right key to unlock the door with.

"Excuse me?" I ask in confusion as I turn around and look at the red headed woman behind me.

"It's Parker, right?" she asks and I look at her curiously.

"Yes..." I trail off in confusion as I look at the woman. I feel like I know her but I'm having trouble remembering. "Oh!" I say as I'm hit with a sudden realization. "Sorry. I totally blanked there for a second. You're Jenny's friend Allison, the one who lives down the hall, right?" I ask and the red head nods.

"That would be me. And you are her jail bait," she says and I look back at her with a confused look on my face.

"I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you are talking about," I say and she rolls her eyes.

"You don't have to pretend with me. She told me a while ago. You know, back before she could be charged with a felony," she says and I quickly look around to make sure no one is around to overhear her.

"Would you like to come in? I can sense you have a lot to say and I really don't think it's a good idea to be talking out here," I say and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Sure," she says nonchalantly.

I shake my head a little as I turn back around and finish unlocking my apartment door. I enter the apartment and move to take off my shoes like I normally do but quickly realize that it's probably not that great of an idea after the run I just had when I have a guest in the apartment, if you can even call her that. Judging by the attitude I sensed from her I doubt she was looking for a friendly visit. I sigh and leave my shoes on before looking back at Allison as she closes the apartment door behind her.

I honestly don't even know why I still take my shoes off before entering the house, its a custom that I have never personally found to be important outside of Korea, but I guess after doing it pretty much my whole life it just seems odd not to. I actually noticed that since we came back to the states that Raegan doesn't always do it anymore. I always just assumed that's because she only lived in Korea for a few years and didn't grow up in a house or culture where it was common so it's not as finely ingrained in her.

"Can I get you something to drink?" I offer and she shakes her head.

"No thanks. I don't think I will be here that long," she says and I nod.

"Okay. I'm just going to go to the kitchen and get some water if you don't mind. I just ran like four miles and didn't really have much water in my car so I'm dying of thirst. Just make yourself comfortable," I say as I gesture towards the couch.

"Thanks," she says as she walks further into the apartment. I just watch her for a second as she makes her way over to the couch before heading to the kitchen.

I wonder if I should text Jenny and tell her she is here but decide to just see what her friend wants first.

After drinking like ten glasses of water I finally go and join Allison in the living room.

"Alright," I say tiredly as I sit in the chair next to the couch. I take a second and really look at the red head in front of me for the first time. She is like seriously attractive. If it weren't for Jenny I would normally try flirting with her a little. "Go ahead and say whatever it is you need to say," I urge her but she just silently stares back at me for a moment as though whatever she was dying to say in the hall doesn't matter anymore.

"All I wanted to say is that I don't really appreciate you fucking with my best friend like this," she finally says and I stare back at her blankly.

"Sorry, I'm not quite sure what you mean. Like how?" I ask with slight confusion and she leans forward a little on the couch.

"I mean whatever little game it is you think you are playing here. You've proven that you could get her to sleep with you but you're still playing with her and putting her in all kinds of trouble," she accuses.

I blink a few times before shaking my head. "I think you are misunderstanding. That's not my intention at all," I tell her and she looks back at me in disbelief.

"Really? So when you started coming on to her it wasn't because you were trying to see if you could get your teacher to sleep with you?" she asks.

I lean back in the chair a little as I look back at the woman. "Well... I mean yes, it kind of was at first," I admit and she stares back at me blankly.

"So what exactly am I misunderstanding?" she asks and I nervously run a hand through my hair.

I guess she isn't really misunderstanding that part, that was definitely my intention in the beginning but it's not anymore. So I guess she is really just missing a few parts.

"Look, I'm not just playing with Jenny. She isn't a toy. I actually care about her and what happens to her," I tell her and she gives me a questioning look.

"You care about her, really?" she asks and I nod.

"Yes, I do."

"As much as you care about your girlfriend?" she asks and I'm at a sudden loss for words. "That's kinda what I thought," she says when I don't respond right away. "Maybe you do care about her, but it's clear that all you want from her is sex. She is risking a lot by being with you, she is risking her entire life for you. For someone who is just looking for a person to call when her girlfriend is working late or away on business," she accuses and I can feel my anger flare up a little.

"You have no idea what I want. And you are wrong about all of that," I inform her and she looks back at me with a raised brow.

"Am I? So Jenny isn't just one of the many people you are sleeping with on the side?" she asks and I shake my head.

"No, she isn't," I say and she looks back at me curiously.

"So you aren't sleeping with anyone besides her?" she asks and I turn in my seat.

"I mean..."

"That's what I thought," she says and I grind my teeth a little in frustration.

"Look, it's very clear what you think, and I get that you are trying to look out for your friend. But Jenny is an adult, she can take care of herself and make her own decisions. You may not believe me but I have been completely honest with her from the start. She knew full well when things started between us that I had a girlfriend and what she was getting into," I defend and she laughs as she shakes her head.

"That's the thing, I don't think she did. Jenny can be impulsive. When her feelings are involved she isn't always thinking rationally and I think you took advantage of that. She has been known to let her feelings for other people control her even against her best interests," she says and I smile a little.

I know what she is saying is saying isn't good, and I know I probably shouldn't be smiling right now, but I can't help it as I think about what she just said.

"I'm sorry, are you saying that Jenny has feelings for me?" I ask and she looks at me weirdly.

"Is that seriously your takeaway from what I just said?" she asks in disbelief and I shrug.

"Sorry. It's just I assumed she had feelings for me, but this is just the first real confirmation I have gotten," I say and she shakes her head.

"So you knew she might have feelings for you and you still took advantage of her?" she asks, further testing my patience.

"I didn't take advantage of her. She said she wasn't sure if a friends with benefits relationship was what she wanted, that she maybe wanted more, and I took that to mean she had feelings for me. I told her straight out what this would be, she rejected me at first but then came to me saying she changed her mind. She came to me, she made a choice. I didn't force her or try and take advantage of her," I say but she still seems unconvinced.

"So all you want from her is sex," she says matter of factly.

"Once again, don't presume to know what I want," I say in annoyance. She is really starting to push my patience too far.

"Am I really presuming when you just said all you wanted to be was friends with benefits?" she asks with a raised brow.

"I didn't say that was all I wanted. I said that's all we could be," I clarify and she looks at me curiously.

"So you are saying that you want more?" she asks and I sit up a little straighter in my chair as I look back at her.

"I didn't say that either."

"Well what are you saying? What exactly is it that you want? Because from where I'm standing you're fucking with her feelings and her life just for a sexual relationship," she pushes again.

"That's not what I'm doing and that's not what this is," I say again.

"Then what is it?" she asks and I take a second to think.

What is this? How can I possibly define what this is when I don't exactly even know what it is myself? I know that I want more, I feel like we are moving away from the friends and benefits thing, but we also aren't together.

"It's... how do I put it..." I sigh as I try and think of the best way to explain it. "It's... it's sseom-ta-da," I finally say with a small smile.

I can tell by the look on her face that she has zero idea what I'm saying, but I honestly can't think of a better way to explain it.

"Some what?" she asks in confusion and I laugh a little as I shake my head.

"Not 'some,' Sseom. Sseom-ta-da. It's Korean," I explain but she just looks annoyed.

"And what does it mean in English?" she questions and I shrug.

"It doesn't really have a direct English translation," I say and she glares at me.

"Are you seriously fucking with me right now?" she asks and I shake my head.

"No, I'm not. That's seriously the best way I can think to put it."

"I may have been to Korea many times but other than being able to ask where the bathroom is or whatever, I know zero Korean. So you either have to translate or figure out a way to say it in English," she says with a sigh.

"You've been to Korea, where exactly?" I ask curiously and she gives me an incredulous look. "Right, nows not really the time. Okay, fine," I sigh as I think of how to translate it. "Best way I can think to translate it is that it means its something and we just need to go along to find out what it ends up being," I say and she looks at me in disbelief.

"It's something? That's the best you have?" she asks and I shrug.

"I told you it doesn't exactly translate well. I can try again if you want," I offer and she just rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"It still just sounds to me like you are fucking with her," she says and my face drops.

Maybe I could think of a better way to translate it so she would understand but I think what I already said is a near perfect explanation. It's not exactly a hard concept to get. She's looking at me like I just tried to explain 'Han' to her. If she can't even understand this concept I wouldn't even try and attempt to explain that one to her even if it were even truly possible to do so.

"For the last time I'm not," I say with a serious look on my face. "And honestly, I get that you are her best friend and you are worried about her, but it's really none of your business," I tell her and she looks back at me in shock.

"Excuse me?" she asks, appearing to take great offense from my words.

"You're excused," I say and she looks back at me in disbelief. "Whatever we are, or whatever is happening between us, is between me and her. I'm not going to explain myself any further to you. Jenny is an adult capable of making her own decisions and your coming here like this makes me feel like you don't really respect what she wants," I tell her and the look of disbelief on her face grows.

"Just because I'm trying to look out for my friend doesn't mean I don't respect her," she tries to defend and I look at her with a raised brow.

"I mean, doesn't it though? Does she know you are here right now?" I ask but she does not answer. "I really didn't think so," I say as I lean forward a little so I can look at her better. "And how do you think she would feel if she found out that you came to me and tried to intervene in her personal life? Do you think she would be happy or do you think she would feel like you didn't respect her and the choices she has made?" I ask and she laughs a little in disbelief.

"You think you are really smart don't you?" she questions. "I suppose you are going to tell her about this, huh? Make me look like the bad guy for caring about her wellbeing and not wanting to see her end up in jail because of you," she says like she just one upped me somehow.

"I don't think I'm smart, but I do think I'm right," I say as I lean back in my chair. "I'm also not going to tell her about this. But let's be clear, what Jenny and I have is between her and I. You don't get a say," I tell her and she silently looks back at me for a second before smirking.

"What about your girlfriend, does she get a say?" she asks and I look at her blankly.

"Once again that's none of your business," I press as she continues to smirk at me a little. "The only person who has a right to ask any of these questions is her, not you," I say firmly to drive in the point. "Now, I don't want to be rude but I would like you to leave," I say as I start to stand up from my seat.

"Fine," she says as she rises to her feet. "I think I have heard all I need to hear anyways. Thanks for your time," she says before turning and walking towards the door as I follow behind.

"Just for the record," I say as I move to open the door for her and she turns to look at me with a raised brow. "You aren't the only one who cares about Jenny and her wellbeing. I can sense you don't trust me but I promise you that I have no intention of hurting her," I say reassuringly and she frowns.

"It may not be your intention to hurt her... but you will," she says before walking off, not even giving me a chance to process let alone respond to what she said.


I was sleeping soundly when I'm awoken in the middle of the night by someone noisily moving about the room. I assume it's Raegan but she is being a lot louder than usual. "Rae?" I call out.

"Shit," I hear her voice say quietly from the closet.

I turn to look at the clock and see that it's three in the morning. Is she seriously just getting home?! This is incredibly late, even for her. "Rae, what are you doing?"

"Sorry, baby... I didn't mean to wake you... Just go back to sleep," she says and I can't help to notice that her speech is a little slurred.

"Are you drunk?" I ask as she makes her way across the room and collapses on the bed next to me. I can just smell the alcohol radiating off of her. "Are you seriously coming home drunk at three in the morning?!" I ask with disbelief as I turn in the bed to look at her and she groans.

"I went out with a few people after work. Don't throw a fucking tantrum!" she says and I can feel the anger rising in me.

"Don't throw a tantrum?! Are you fucking kidding me Rae?! I thought you were at work this whole time, but you were actually out getting drunk?!" I ask and she groans.

"Don't lecture me, Parker! I had a hard week and I needed some fun."

"You needed some fun, so you decided to go out drinking with a bunch of random people?! Do you even realize that I have barely seen you in weeks? And now I find out that you would rather go out drinking with a bunch of strangers than be with me," I say and she groans again as she rubs her temples.

"I'm sorry, okay?! Don't act like a needy child. It was one night. It's not that big of a deal!" she says as she turns on her side with her back facing me.

I just look at her in utter disbelief for a moment, before climbing out of bed. I silently pick my jeans up off the floor and start putting them on. I grab my tshirt and I see Raegan turn to look at me.

"Where are you going?" she asks as I put on my shirt.

"I'm going to Brayden's. I hate being around you when you're drunk off your ass," I say as I grab my wallet and phone off the nightstand.

"Don't overreact, Parker!" she says and I scoff as I head to the bedroom door.

I open the door and turn to look at her. "Call me when you've sobered up some and decide not to act like such a bitch," I say before I walk out the door.

"Parker!" I hear her call after me as the door slams behind me. I silently walk through the living room and pick up my car keys off the counter and put on my shoes before leaving the apartment.

When I get to Brayden's neighborhood, I park my car a few blocks away and silently walk to his house and let myself in. I take off my shoes and carry them with me as I quietly walk up the stairs and gently knock on the bedroom door.

"Parker?" she says with a yawn when she sees its me.

"Hey," I whisper with a small smile on my face as I take her in. She's wearing short shorts and a tank top, her hairs a bit of a mess, and she looks really tired, yet she still looks incredibly sexy.

"Parker, what are you doing here after three in the morning?" she asks quietly and I sigh.

"Can I come in, please? I really need a place to stay," I say and she silently looks at me for a second before stepping aside and letting me into her room.

I silently step into the room. I close and lock the door before putting my shoes down next to it. I start to unbutton my pants as she walks around me and gets back into bed.

"Why are you here and not at home, Parker?" she asks as she watches me step out of my jeans.

"Raegan came home drunk and I can't be around her when she's like that. She turns into a major bitch and I don't have the patience to deal with it," I say as I take off my shirt and climb in the bed on the other side of her.

"You came over here because you had a fight with your girlfriend?" she asks in what sounds like disbelief.

"Yes," I say truthfully and she scoffs. "Do you want me to leave? Because I will if you want me to," I say and she silently looks at me for a second.

"No, you can stay," she says and I give her a small smile.


"Yeah, just don't think you're going to get any from me," she says as she lays down in the bed.

I move closer to her and lay on my side. "That wasn't my intention and I honestly wasn't even thinking about it. But just so you know I always am more than willing if you want," I say and I hear her scoff again.

"Not a chance, Parker," she says and I silently laugh before leaning in and slowly kissing her for a second.

"Thank you for this," I say quietly. "I was really upset, and I needed someone. And you were the first person to pop into my mind," I say and she silently looks into my eyes for a moment.

"Really?" she asks quietly and I smile at her.

"Yes, really. I just knew seeing you would make me feel better, and it did."

"So you really didn't come here for sex?" she asks and I shake my head.

"No, I came here to be with you. Not for sex," I say and a beautiful smile forms on her lips. She leans up and captures my lips with hers.

I take the side of her face in my hand and lean into her as I slowly kiss her. The kiss is so soft and tender that I easily melt into her. I seriously love the feel of her lips on my own.

After a minute I slowly pull away and watch as she opens her beautiful eyes and stares up at me. "You know," I say quietly. "If you've changed your mind on the sex, I seriously am willing," I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Shut up, Parker!" she says and I silently laugh as I lightly press my lips to hers once more before lying back in her arms. I rest my head on her chest and once again she seems a little shocked but she slowly relaxes as she starts to rub my back and making a smile instantly form on my lips. "Goodnight, Jenny," I say quietly.

"Goodnight, Parker," she says and my smile grows a little more before I close my eyes as I wait for sleep to overtake me.

Part of me realizes that coming here because I was upset with Raegan is wrong, especially after my run in with her friend this afternoon, but Jenny is literally the only person I want to be with right now. She is the first person who came to mind and the only person who I can think of that would make me as happy as I am right now laying in her arms.


Author's Note:

I hope this chapter isn't too long. I'm still reworking some of the chapters but again, other than the parts I'm changing and fixing they are pretty much written. So, I'm going to say that chapter 20 will be up either Sunday or Monday.

I'm back in school again so I won't have as much time to write but I think for the time being I have enough written that updates will continue weekly for at least a month, maybe two *fingers crossed*.

Also, I probably should have said this before, but I am not Korean. My knowledge stems from two semesters of Korean, two years in Korean culture club, and a love of Kpop and Kdramas. I'm trying my best to research all cultural references to make sure they are accurate, if anyone who is Korean or knows something about the culture that I may have missed or gotten wrong please comment or pm me. I do not want to misrepresent the culture or anything, however, bear in mind that I am writing this character from a multi-cultural perspective, and so she does not always necessarily identify with every aspect of any culture.

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Thank you all for reading. I hope you all are having a good week ❤️

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