Mad World // Stiles Stilinksi...

By TheQuietHufflepuff

124K 1.9K 486

Lucy Becenti, daughter of the Greek god of death, is sent to Beacon Hills to investigate all the strange acti... More

Aesthetic and Playlist


2.1K 38 3
By TheQuietHufflepuff

As per usual, the nightmares began.

Lucy's POV (only for the nightmare):

My sword was nowhere to be seen, Nico was barely clinging to life, and I was surrounded by monsters. I tried to use my powers, but I was too weak.

One of the monsters grabbed Nico by his neck and squeezed. I felt my brother's life force diminish before it disappeared completely. I saw the Fates cut his string.

I couldn't breathe. Suddenly, I, being a whirlwind, killed every monster in sight, banishing them to the Underworld, to Tartarus, for good. As though I felt the weight of everything that had happened, I passed out.

Third Person POV:

Lucy jolted awake with a scream. Her door opened and Melissa ran in. "Is everything okay, sweetheart?"

Lucy shook her head and was pulled into Melissa's arms, but she pulled away.

Suddenly, Lucy couldn't breathe. A new set of arms embraced her and she struggled, but they didn't let go. She felt a hand on the back of her head and a familiar voice asked, "Lu. what's wrong?"

"Nic--Nico--dead--" Lucy managed.

Stiles rubbed a hand up and down her back. "It's okay, Lu."

Tears started falling as she said, "You didn't have to come."

He just shook his head. "Yes I did. Scott told me you were freaking out, and I rushed over here, as fast as I could. Are you okay now?"

Lucy looked down, still feeling the effects of the nightmare. Lucy felt short of breath, knowing an anxiety attack was coming on. "Lu, it's okay. I'm here. Nico is safe. Do me a favor and breathe with me."

He started making exaggerated breaths, and she repeated his movement. She slowly calmed down. Lucy sat at the other end of the bed, away from him, and said, "Thanks. I'm really sorry for that."

Stiles shook his head. "Don't be. I got panic attacks a lot after my mom's death."

Lucy sighed. "Anxiety attack. I barely remember my mom. She died when I was eight."


"That, I don't remember. Um, can you do me a favor?"

"Name it."

"I, uh, I was wondering if you'd stay with me tonight. I don't want to have another nightmare about my brother dying."

Stiles smiled. "'Course I will. I'll take the floor."

At school the next morning, Lucy walked between Lydia and Allison. Allison looked over Lucy at Lydia. "You really don't remember anything?"

Lydia shook her head. "They call it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying "We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days." But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds."

Lucy gave her a small smirk. "Are you ready for this?"

She looked at Allison. "Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer."

They entered the school and everyone turned to look at her, zoning in on Lydia with a cold silence. Allison offered her a smile. "Maybe it's the nine pounds."

Lucy had time before class, so she decided to head out to the lacrosse field.

Scott and Stiles were acting weird. Normally, she'd ignore it, but they were acting weirder than normal. Scott knocked a guy down and Lucy covered her mouth to keep from laughing as Coach cried, "Usually the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal."

"Yes, Coach," Scott answered, making his way back to the goal.

"Let's try that again."

Scott repeated his previous action and Coach yelled, "McCall! The position's goalkeeper. Not goal abandoner."

"Sorry, Coach."

"Let's go!"

Scott, once again, did the same thing. Coach turned to Lucy and Stiles. "Stilinski, Becenti, what the hell is wrong with your friend?"

Stiles looked out at the field at Scott. "Uh, he's failing two classes. He's a little socially awkward and if you look close enough, his jawline's kind of even."

Coach listened to Stiles' words and frowned. "That's interesting. Let's fire it up."

Coach's face was turning red in frustration. "McCall! You come out of that goal one more time and you'll be doing suicide runs till you die. It'll be the first suicide run that actually ends in a suicide. Got it?"

"Yes, Coach," Scott said.

Jackson stepped to the sidelines. "Uh, Coach, my shoulder's hurting. I'm gonna--I'm gonna sit this one out."

The new werewolf was none other than Isaac Lahey. He glanced between Lucy, Scott, and Stiles. "Don't tell them. Please don't tell them."

"His father's dead," Scott told them. "They think he was murdered."

Sheriff Stilinski made his way over to them and placed a hand on Isaac's shoulder. "Come on."

Lucy frowned. "Are they saying he's a suspect?"

Scott glanced at Lucy and shrugged. "I'm not sure, why?"

"Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours," Stiles replied.

"Like, overnight?"

Stiles nodded at his friend. "During the full moon."

Lucy played with her necklace and asked, "How good are the holding cells at holding people exactly?"

Stiles turned to her. "People, good. Werewolves, probably not that good."

Scott's eyes widened slightly. "Stiles, Lu, remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill?"


"He does," Scott said, glancing at Isaac.

While walking through the halls, Scott asked, "Why would Derek choose Isaac?"

Stiles sighed. "Peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it could kill you. And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving."

Scott frowned and the moment they entered the classroom, he said, "Doesn't being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?"

"Well, not unless they have solid evidence. Or a witness. Wait. Danny. Where's Jackson?"

Danny whipped around to face Stiles. "In the principal's office talking to your dad."

"What? Why?"

Danny rolled his eyes. "Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac."

"Witness," Scott mumbled.

Stiles looked at Lucy and Scott. "We gotta get to the principal's office."


Lucy ripped a piece of paper from her notebook and wadded it up. "Everyone please turn to page 73." She threw her paper wad at Mr. Harris and hit him square in the back. Mr. Harris turned around. "Who in the hell did that?"

She pointed to Stiles who pointed to Scott who pointed to her. "Get to the office! Now!"

On the way to the office, Stiles smirked. "Nice one."

"Thanks," Lucy replied.

Scott frowned. "Don't encourage her."

The trio reached the office, and upon seeing the sheriff in the office, Lucy pressed my ear to the door. The sheriff said, "Listen to me, you're telling me that you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?"

Jackson's voice responded. "Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him."

Stiles took Lucy's hand, but she shrug him off as the sheriff continued. "Did you ever say anything to anyone? A teacher, parent, anyone?"

"Nope. It's not my problem."

"No, no, of course not. You know, it's funny that the kids getting beat up are always the ones who least deserve it."

Lucy smiled at the sheriff's words, agreeing.

"Yeah," Jackson replied. "Wait, what?"

"I think we're done here. Hi, Scott."

"H--yeah," Scott said with a stutter.

"Boys. And young lady. Come on in," The older man from Kate's funeral told them.

They made their way into his office. Scott and Stiles immediately took the chairs, and Lucy stood behind them, refusing Stiles' offer to sit on his lap.

The new principal studied their papers. "Scott McCall. Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete. Miss Becenti. Academically poor, not totally persevering. Mr. Stilinski. Oh, perfect grades, but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse."

"Oh, actually I'm already--"

The principal interrupted Stiles. "Hold on. Miss Becenti, you're friends with Allison. McCall. You're the Scott that was dating my granddaughter."

"We were dating, but not anymore," Scott said. "Not dating, not seeing any of each other or doing anything with each other--At all."

He smiled. "Relax, Scott, you look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth."

"Just a hard breakup," Scott lied.

Allison's grandfather smiled at Scott sarcastically. "Oh, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me. Now listen, guys. Yes, I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."

Stiles gave a small scoff. "Heh, is that so?"

The principal nodded. "However, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately, someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention."

Scott and Lucy shared a look before turning to Stiles.

Scott and Derek headed to Isaac's house and found that he'd been abused by his father and would sometimes be locked in a freezer.

Lucy felt bad for betraying him, so she decided to wait for him while Scott went off with Derek.

As soon as detention was over, Stiles saw Lucy and smiled. "You waited."

"I did promise, didn't I? I never break my promises. Your phone's ringing."

He answered his phone and put it on speaker. "Hey, sorry, Harris literally just let me out of detention. Literally. And he had my phone the whole frickin' time."

"Well, we need to do something right now. They were asking me all these questions about Lydia and how she was bitten by Peter, and then they sent this guy out. They were also asking questions about Lu, and what she is. I told them I didn't know anything," Allison informed.

"What guy?" Lucy asked, angry that she was being talked about amongst hunters.

"He was dressed as a sheriff's deputy."

Stiles' eyes widened. "They're sending him to the station for Isaac."

"He was also carrying this box with something on it, like, um, like a carving or something."

"What was it?"

"Hold on, hold on. It's in one of these books. I'm taking a picture. Did you get it?"

Stiles and Lucy looked at the picture that was sent to Stiles. "Yeah, wolfsbane."

"What does that mean?" Allison questioned.

"It means they're gonna kill him."

A few minutes later, Lucy asked, "Did you slow him down?"

"You could say that," Allison replied.

Stiles let out a sigh. "Alright, well, uh, Lu and I are headed to the station right now."

"Where's Scott?"


"Does he have a plan?"

Stiles glanced to Lucy and admitted, "Yeah, but not a very good one. And unfortunately, we don't really have time to come up with anything better."

Allison hung up and they met up with Derek. Since Lucy was the smallest, she was forced into the back. Stiles turned to Derek. "Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk."

"I'll distract her," Derek replied.

Stiles put a hand on Derek's shoulder. "Whoa, whoa, whoa--you? You're not going in there." Derek frowns at Stiles' hand. "I'm taking my hand off."

"I was exonerated."

"You're still a person of interest. Right?" Lucy wondered.

Derek glared at her. "An innocent person."

"An--you? Yeah, right! Okay, fine. What's your plan?" Stiles asked.

"To distract her," Derek answered slowly.

"Uh-huh. How? By punching her in the face? Unh."

"Heh, by talking to her."

"Okay, alright. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?" Derek stays silent. "Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?"

"I'm thinking about punching you in the face."

They followed Derek into the station. The deputy manning the front desk looked at Derek. "Good evening, how can I help--you?"

Derek put on a sweet smile. "Hi."

"Hi," the deputy replied.

Stiles and Lucy walked past the front desk, and she laughed silently to herself, seeing Derek flirting.

They reached the sheriff's office and were almost immediately attacked by a shifted Isaac. Lucy attempted to get his attention, but Isaac directed his attacks towards her. He would have gotten her had Stiles not pulled her back. "Oh, no."

Isaac then rushed Stiles. "Oh. Uh, just looking, um--Oh, sh--"

Derek appeared and growled loudly. Isaac shifted back and cowered against the wall, covering his head with his arm. Stiles turned to Derek, awe evident on his face. "How did you do that?"

Derek looked at Stiles. "I'm the Alpha."

The Alpha and his beta left, and Stiles and Lucy stayed behind. Stiles pointed at the unconscious hunter lying on the ground. "Uh, he did it."

Lucy rolled her eyes, knowing they weren't not going to be believed, no matter what they said.

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