Mad World // Stiles Stilinksi...

By TheQuietHufflepuff

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Lucy Becenti, daughter of the Greek god of death, is sent to Beacon Hills to investigate all the strange acti... More

Aesthetic and Playlist


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By TheQuietHufflepuff

Chris Argent appeared and yelled, "Move!"

Lucy stood guard over Lydia. She let out a sigh of relief, feeling her wounds healing. She silently thanked the gods for ambrosia.

Eventually, the sheriff came back and Lydia and Lucy got taken to the hospital.

Stiles hacked into Scott's computer, per Peter's request. Peter offered to turn him, which Stiles considered, then rejected the offer.

At the hospital, Melissa looked Lucy over and said, "What happened, sweetie?"

Tears filled Lucy's eyes and Melissa hugged her and she started crying harder. It'd been a long time since she'd been hugged by a motherly figure.

Melissa pulled away and Lucy felt something wet on her neck. She jolted back slightly. "Relax, Lu. I'm just cleaning your neck."

She finished and smiled. "There's someone here to see you."

Lucy saw Stiles on the outside of the window and left her room. Sheriff Stilinski was near his son, and looked mad.

Stiles immediately hugged Lucy and she didn't pull away. He started looking her over. "Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay."

She nodded. "I'm okay. Thank the gods I had ambrosia with me. Had I not, I might not have made it."

Sheriff Stilinski looked down at her and asked, "Lucy, perhaps you can tell me why I found you and Lydia bloody on the field."

Lucy bit her lip, trying to think of a plausible lie. "I think we were mugged. Honestly, I don't remember much. It all happened so quickly."

He nodded and walked off so he could take a call. Stiles and Lucy walked through the halls with Jackson following. "Hey, where are you two going?"

"To find Scott," Stiles said.

"You don't have a car."

"I'm aware of that. Thank you."

"Here, I'll drive. Come on--"

"Look, just because you feel guilty all of sudden doesn't make it okay, alright?" Stiles said, interrupting Jackson. "Half of this is still your fault."

Jackson made a point of rolling his eyes. "Look, I have a car. You don't. Do you want my help or not?"

Stiles frowned and pursed his lips. "Alright. Did you bring the Porsche?"


Stiles took the keys. "Good. I'll drive."

While they walked through the halls, Chris Argent caught up to them. "Boys. Young lady. I was wondering if you can tell me where Scott McCall is."

"Scott McCall? Uhm, haven't seen him since the dance. Lu? Jackson, you?"

Lucy shook her head. "I haven't seen Scott. I'm sorry."

"I--" Jackson began.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Oh, for the love of God."

Chris gave them a sarcastic smile. "Let's try this again. Where is Scott McCall?" He stopped a moment before continuing. "Let me ask you a question, Stiles. Have you ever seen a rabid dog?"

Stiles shook his head. "No. I could put it on my to-do list, if you just let me go."

"Well, I have. And the only thing I've ever been able to compare it to is seeing a friend of mine turn on a full moon. Do you wanna know what happened?"

"Not really. No offense to your storytelling skills."

"He tried to kill me, and I was forced to put a bullet in his head. The whole while that he lay there dying, he was still trying to claw his way toward me, still trying to kill me, like it was the most important thing he could do with his last breath. Can you imagine that?"

Stiles shook his head again. "No. And it sounds like you need to be a little bit more select--"

"Did Scott try to kill you on the full moon? Did you have to lock him up?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I did. I had to handcuff him to a radiator. Why? Would you prefer I locked him in the basement and burned the whole house down around him?"

Chris frowned at Stiles. "I hate to dispel a popular rumor, Stiles, but we never did that."

"Oh, right. Derek said you guys had a code. I guess no one ever breaks it."


"What if someone does?"

"Someone like who?"

"Your sister."

The teens piled into the Porsche and Stiles drove them to the Hale house. When they neared the house, Stiles started gunning the engine on the dirt, causing Jackson to protest. "Hey, hey, hey. This isn't exactly an all-terrain vehicle."

"Yeah," Stiles said with a nod. "Did you pay for it?"


"Then shut up."

Stiles stepped out of the Porsche and threw a molotov cocktail at the beastly Alpha, only to have it caught by the Alpha. "Oh, damn."

Lucy pulled out her sword and stabbed the Alpha's chest. He stumbled back before turning to her and growling.

Lucy was suddenly pulled back by Stiles, and no amount of fighting would get him to release her.

Jackson threw a Molotov cocktail, and Allison shot it, causing Peter to be covered in flames. He fell behind a tree.

Allison and Scott shared a kiss, and his wolf features dissipated. Normally, Lucy might have gushed at them, but she was mad that Stiles was holding her hostage.

As soon as Stiles lets her go, she whipped around and glared at him. "Why did you stop me? I could've done more!"

"Because it was stupid and you could have gotten hurt. Besides; we've got a new Alpha."

"I don't care!"

"What if you'd gotten hurt? I almost lost you once, and I don't want to try to think about what could've happened."

"I can protect myself, Stiles. I've been doing it for years."

"I get that, Lu, but I also feel like I've got to protect you. Can you put your sword away? You're scaring me."

Lucy lifted the sword up near his face. "What, this? Don't make me mad, and I won't nick you."

"Can it hurt me?"

"Yes. If I wanted to, I could end your life right now."

Scott appeared and grabbed her arm. Stiles said, "I wouldn't touch her right now."

In one swift motion, Lucy had the sword parallel to Scott's neck and he said, "Don't use it on me. Please. We're gonna see Lydia."

They arrived at the hospital and made their way to Lydia's room. Scott looked around nervously and glanced to Stiles. "Shut the door."

Stiles did so, and they winced as it creaked shut.

Scott lifted up the sheet covering Lydia's legs. "Oh, God."

"What?" Stiles wondered.

"Is it healed?" Lucy inquired.

Scott looked at them and shook his head. "No, not at all."

Stiles and Lucy shared a frown and Stiles said, "I don't get it. The doctor said she'd be fine."

Scott gave a slow nod. "Yeah, but the bite's not healing like it did with me. Which means--She's not a werewolf."

"Then what the hell is she?" Stiles asked, sounding frustrated.

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