Mad World // Stiles Stilinksi...

Bởi TheQuietHufflepuff

124K 1.9K 486

Lucy Becenti, daughter of the Greek god of death, is sent to Beacon Hills to investigate all the strange acti... Xem Thêm

Aesthetic and Playlist


7.7K 130 27
Bởi TheQuietHufflepuff

Lucy's curiosity got the best of her when she heard strange noises in the boys locker room. She peeked in and heard Scott yell, "Get away from me!"

Stiles grabbed the fire extinguisher and pushed it down, causing Scott to become engulfed in fog.

Since Lucy didn't know if that calmed him down, she grabbed the fire extinguisher from Stiles and chucked it across the locker room in case Scott needed a distraction.

A confused Scott then said, "Stiles? Lu? What happened?"

Stiles glanced to Lucy and said, "You tried to kill me. It's like I told you before. It's the anger. It's your pulse rising. It's a trigger."

Scott let out a sigh. "But it's lacrosse. It's a pretty violent game, if you hadn't noticed."

"Well, it's gonna be a lot more violent if you end up killing someone on the field. You can't play Saturday. You're gonna have to get out of the game."

"I'm first line," Scott answered.

"Not anymore."

Scott shot Lucy a hopeful look and she shook her head. "Lacrosse and wolf powers equal bad news. Stiles is right. Until you can gain control, you shouldn't play."

The second Lucy stepped out of the locker room, her arm was grabbed by Lydia. "Why were you in there? Nevermind. It doesn't matter. You're coming with me to support Jackson."

Lucy pouted. "Why?"

"Because you saw what happened and I want someone with me. Since Allison's busy, you were my next option."

She drove them to the hospital and while they were waiting for news on Jackson, a familiar boy with buzzed hair walked up to them. "Lu, I'm pretty sure what you saw is probably the strangest thing ever, but you can't tell anyone for Scott's safety. Okay?"

Lucy nodded, certain that she'd seen weirder. "I won't. But I need to know everything."

Stiles pulled Lucy to the side and let out a deep sigh. "Scott was bit by an Alpha, which turned him into a werewolf. We think it's Derek Hale, but we're not sure. We're gonna investigate further. Are you in?"

"I'm in. I just need to convince Lydia."

Stiles let out a soft laugh. "Good luck with that."

Lucy walked over to Lydia and said, "I'm gonna hang out with Scott and Stiles."

She nodded and replied, "Don't get into too much trouble."

Lucy felt her cheeks flush and walked over back to Stiles. She saw him holding a magazine on the menstrual cycle upside down. Moments later, the magazine was ripped from his hands. "Holy God!" He cried, seeing Scott.

"The scent was the same. Why is she here?"

Lucy crossed her arms and glared at Scott. "She's here because she's going to help you idioti investigate the body. Are you sure about the scent?"

He glanced at her and nodded. "Which means we have proof he killed the girl."

"I say we use it," Stiles said.

She frowned. "How?"

Stiles turned to his friend. "Tell me something first. Are you doing this because you want to stop Derek, or because you want to play in the game, and he said you couldn't?"

"There a bite marks on the legs, Stiles. Bite marks," Scott told him.

Stiles nodded. "Okay. Then we're gonna need a shovel."

He drove to Derek's house and Scott paused. "Wait, something's different."

"Different how?"

Scott gave a small shake of his head. "I don't know. Let's just get this over with."

The boys started digging and Scott sighed in annoyance. "This is taking way too long."

Lucy frowned at the hole they'd made. "She doesn't like you digging her up. She says she was murdered, but not by who you think."

The guys ignored her and Stiles said, "Just keep going."

Scott's voice took on a tone of worry. "What if he catches us?"

"I have a plan for that."

"Which is?"

"You run one way, I run the other, one of us grabs Lu. Whoever he catches first, too bad."

Scott frowned. "I hate that plan."

"Oh, stop, stop," Stiles told his friend as soon as a rope appeared.

Stiles started untying the rope and Scott looked around nervously. "Hurry."

"I'm trying," Stiles huffed in an annoyed tone. "Did he have to tie the thing in, like, 900 knots?"

Scott sighed. "I'll do it." He and Stiles undid the knots to reveal a black wolf's head.

Lucy jumped into the air. "Schist! You poor thing."

"It's a wolf," Scott stated obviously.

Stiles rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I can see that. I thought you said you smelled blood, as in human blood."

"I told you something was different."

Stiles frowned. "This doesn't make any sense."

Lucy studied her surroundings. "We should leave."

Scott nodded at her. "Lu's right. We should go."

"Yeah, okay," Stiles decided. "Help me cover this up." He suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" Lucy asked.

Stiles pointed to a purple flower. "You see that flower?"

"What about it?" Scott wondered.

"Uh, haven't you seen the Wolf Man?"

Scott shook his head. "No."

"Lon Chaney Jr.? Claude Rains? The original, classic werewolf movie?"

Lucy patted Stiles' shoulder. "Let's assume he knows none of that."

Scott confirmed her words by asking, "What?"

Stiles chuckled. "You are so unprepared for this."

She noticed that the wolf had changed shape and said, "Guys? You might wanna check out the wolf. It's no longer a wolf."

Stiles soon appeared next to her and he jumped. "Holy--"

Lucy readied her arm in case she needed her sword. She was glad that the scariest thing here was werewolves as opposed to monsters of her kind.

The next morning, while Stiles talked with Derek, Lucy remained behind with Scott. He studied her a moment before saying, "I can't figure you out. You have this strange smell that I can't seem to pinpoint. You seem unfazed by all of this, and you have an aura of power."

She didn't meet Scott's eye. "I'm not fazed by this. I've seen things you can't even imagine. Beacon Hills is nothing compared to what I've seen."

Scott frowned. "You're not lying, but I think there's a lot you're not telling me."

"Not at all, Scott."

"Your heartbeat didn't even rise. I can't tell if you lied or not. Who are you, Lu?"

"You'll find out soon. I promise."

They made their way back to the Jeep and climbed in. While Stiles was driving, Scott said, "I can't find anything about wolfsbane being used for burial."

Stiles was quiet for a moment. "Just keep looking. Maybe it's like a ritual or something, like maybe they bury you as a wolf. Or maybe it's like a special skill, you know? Like something you have to learn."

Scott gave a small sarcastic nod. "I'll put it on my to-do list, right underneath figuring out how the hell I'm playing this game tonight."

Stiles shrugged. "Maybe it's different for girl werewolves."

Lucy shook her head. "I don't think so."

"Okay! Stop it!" Scott suddenly yelled.

"Stop what?" Lucy questioned, wondering why he was suddenly screaming at them.

"Stop saying werewolves!" Scott growled, turning to Stiles. "Stop enjoying this so much."

"Are you okay, Scott?" Lucy asked quietly.

He shook his head repeatedly. "No! No, I'm not. I'm so far from being okay."

Stiles let out a sigh. "You know, you're gonna have to accept this, Scott, sooner or later."

"I can't."

"You have to, Scott," she replied bluntly.

Scott suddenly started gasping for air. "No! I can't breathe. Aah! Ah, pull over!"

"Why? What's happening?" Stiles questioned.

Scott started digging through Stiles' backpack and pulled out the rope they'd found earlier. "You kept it?!"

"What was I supposed to do with it?"

Lucy scoffed. "Clearly not keep it."

Scott glared at her and yelled, "Stop the car!"

Stiles stopped the car and threw the wolfsbane into the forest. Meanwhile, Lucy left to deal with the raging werewolf. Scott tried escaping, and she grabbed his arm and held onto him. He growled at her and pulled away and she winced at the sudden pain in her arm. "Ow."

Stiles came back and called after his friend. He gave her a dirty look and she glared at him. "I tried to keep him here, but he escaped."

Stiles huffed. "No duh." He called someone on his radio and a voice came through on the other line.

"Stiles you know you can't call the dispatch line when I'm on duty."

"I just need to know if you've gotten any odd calls."

"Odd how?"

Stiles glanced to Lucy before saying, "Uh, like an odd person or a dog-like individual roaming the streets."

"I'm hanging up on you now."

"No! Wai--wai--wai--wai--wait!"


Stiles looked to Lucy as disbelief crossed his face. "Can you believe that? I'm being serious!"

She shrugged. "Cops don't like hearing anything too out of the reach of belief."

He frowned. "That's a little weird for a girl who's what, 15, thinks of cops."

"Yeah, well, my life hasn't always been rainbows and butterflies."

"What do you mean by that?"

Lucy sighed. "My life hasn't always been easy. I don't want to get into it right now, but one day, I promise. I'll tell."

Stiles shook his head. "No rush, Lu. But we do need to rush to the lacrosse game. Ha. You see what I did there?"

"Yeah, I see. It's not very funny."

He gave her a teasing pout before driving off.

When they got to the school, Lucy headed out to the bleachers while Stiles headed off to the locker room.

Allison motioned for Lucy to join her. Allison's dad smiled at Lucy. "I don't believe we've met. I'm Mr. Argent. Allison's father."

He offered a hand to shake, and Lucy accepted. "Lucy. I just moved her from New York."

"Welcome to Beacon Hills. Allison said there was a new girl in her class besides her."

The players came onto the field and the whistle blew, starting the game. Scott was off his game. Jackson made a goal and the stands erupted in loud cheers. Lydia nudged Lucy and offered her a banner saying 'We Luv U Jackson'. Lucy refused the banner and she gave Lucy a disappointed frown before giving the other end to Allison.

Scott saw the banner and a look of anger crossed his face. Lucy tried to offer him a sympathetic smile, but he turned away. The ball was tossed into the air and the players huddled together to try and catch the ball. Scott jumped into the air and seconds later, the ball landed in his net. He ran across the field dodging players and shot it into Beacon Hills goal, giving his team a goal. Lucy cheered for my new friend and felt Lydia's glare on her, so she glared back.

Jackson was looking angry and Coach yelled, "McCall! Pass to McCall!"

Scott focused and got into a rhythm that worked for him. He won the shot with a final game, causing people on the Beacon Hills side to cheer.

The field crowded with people and Lucy saw Scott run off, so she followed him. She noticed Allison behind her, so she bent the shadows to hide from Allison. Luckily, the locker room was dark.

The second Lucy walked into the room, she could see Scott waver, and next thing she knew, he was kissing Allison.

She walked away from him and said, "I gotta get back to my dad. Hi, Stiles. Hi, Lu."

Allison exited the locker room and Stiles walked up to his friend. "Dude, what happened? I've never seen you act like that."

Scott shook his head. "I--I don't know. It's like I was scared out of my mind. I think it snapped me back to me."

He then grinned cheekily. "I kissed her."

Stiles said, "I saw."

"She kissed me."

"Saw that too. That's pretty good, huh?"

Scott gave a small nod. "I--I--I don't know how, but I controlled it. Maybe I can do this. Maybe it's not that bad."

Stiles lightly patted Scott's chest. "Yeah, heh. We'll talk later, then."

"What?" Scott asked, causing Stiles to stop.

"The, uh, medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found."

"And?" Lucy wondered, stepping out from the shadows again.

"Holy God!" Stiles yelled. "God, Lu. Uh, well, I'll keep it simple. Medical examiner determines killer of girl to be animal, not human. Derek's human, not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail."

Scott's mouth gaped. "Are you kidding?"

"No, and here's a bigger kick in the ass. My dad I.D.'d the dead girl. Both halves. Her name was Laura Hale."


"Derek's sister."

Lucy's eyes widened slightly. "Laura!" Then, her voice dropped. "Maybe I can find out who killed her."

The boys turned. "You can do that?"

"Yeah, I, uh, can sort of communicate with the dead."

Lucy started walking away and Scott grabbed her arm. "Talk."

She struggled to find the words. "Okay, um, I'm a clairvoyant of sorts. I can talk with the dead."

Behind her, she heard Stiles say, "Is that the truth, Scott?"

"I don't think so, but I can't figure out if she's lying or not."

Lucy let out a sigh. "Gods. Can't you guys just celebrate a Beacon Hills win and Scott and Allison's first kiss?"

The boys nodded and Stiles drove them back to Scott's.

While Lucy went up to her room, Scott grabbed something and left again. Stiles crossed his arms and said, "I get if you're not ready to tell Scott, but I'd appreciate it if you told me. I think I deserve that after you scared me from the shadows."

"Fine. Um, I'm a daughter of the Big Three. Hades is my dad, god of the Underworld."

"So you can talk to the dead, like you said earlier?"

"Yeah. Among other things. While I'm not the best fighter, I do have, as Chiron and Nico say, superb control of my powers. Mostly. Sometimes my emotions get the best of me and then I lose control."

"Who are Chiron and Nico?"

"Chiron is the camp activities director. He's a centaur. Nico is my half-brother, also a son of Hades."

Something rippled behind them and she saw Nico. He looked mad. "Lu, I told you to call me as soon as you reached Beacon Hills! I want to know you're safe! Clearly you are. La prossima volta, chiamami."

(Next time, call me.)

"Scusate. È successo molto."

(Sorry. A lot has happened.)

Nico threw his hands in the air. "That doesn't excuse you not calling me, Lu! Gods. I gotta go. I'll talk to you later. Call me!"

Lucy winced as he ended the Iris Message. She started organizing things, as that sometimes helped settle her ADHD. Stiles stared at her for a moment and said, "It's already clean. Why are you cleaning it more?"

"It helps me."

"With what?"

"My ADHD. Cleaning is one way I can kind of manage it."

"Can't you take medicine?"

Lucy shook her head. "No, unfortunately it doesn't work for me."

Stiles was silent for a moment before saying, "You really should tell Scott. You know, he's kind of freaked out by you. Why is that?"

"He probably caught a scent. Especially when I get nervous, I radiate fear, and that's what Scott was picking up on."

"How come I'm not reacting?"

"Far as I know, you're not a supernatural creature, so you don't react really."

Stiles gave a small frown and then hugged her, causing her to pull away. "Did I do something wrong?"

"I'm not a very touchy person. Sorry."

"No, it's okay. I'm sorry for that."

"Don't worry about it. It was nice."

Stiles looked down at his phone. "My, uh, my dad needs me. I'll see--I'll see you tomorrow at school."

He stumbled out of her room and she found herself laughing after him.

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