Pulling Heart Strings~ Obi-Wa...

By --EmberVamp--

20.4K 331 72

Anakin Skywalker wasn't the only child of Shmi Skywalker. 16 years prior to Anakin's birth, Shmi gave birth t... More

~The Phantom Menace~
Who is Theala?
The capital
~Attack of The Clones~
part 1
~Revenge of The Sith~
The end

Battle and the end

1.4K 28 0
By --EmberVamp--

The droids had managed their way through with their battle techniques.

"Jar-Jar!" I yelled as I watched in amazement as Jar-Jar found himself riding a piece of scrap metal in my opinion

Suddenly, My master dropped to her knees.
"Master!" Sprinting over to her, I saw tears staining her cheeks.
"What is it, master?" Defending her whist the droids continued to fire, I kneeled beside her.
"No, that can't be, are you sure?" Nodding her head slowly, she looked at me with sadness.
"I'm sure" There was no time for grief, the Gongan army was in trouble. 
"Master, please get up. We must defend Naboo" Slowly, I helped her up with my left arm as i held my lightsaber in my right. Standing back to back, we welded our sabres only for the droids to shut down.

"Ah, what are they doing?" Jar-Jar questioned, looking around. 
"The control ship has been destroyed, look!" All eyes were on the now disabled droids ad the Gonganns started to push them over and cheer. I looked towards my master, only to see that she wasn't cheering.

"Master, he died fighting for Naboos freedom. He did not die in vain" I reassured her as she took a deep breath.

We stood beside the queen as she kicked the invaders out. The newly-elected Chancellor Palpatine exited the ship with a smile plastered on his face.
"We are indebted to you for your bravery, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Theala Skywalker, and you young Skywalker. We will watch your career with great interest" As Chancellor Palpatine walked away, i looked to Obi-Wan.
"I'm sorry for your loss Obi, he was a great Master, and will be missed" Placing my hand on his shoulder in comfort, he looked at me with tired eyes
"Thankyou Theale. I'm glad to have you by my side" Smiling, I wrapped my arms around him in comfort, only for him to hold on tightly. Boy how I wish this would never end.


We all stood around as Master Qui-Gons body was cremated. All those around had their hoods placed over their heads, and my master hid her tears. I stood beside Obi as he watched the flames.

"What will happen to me now" Anakin's voice interrupted the silence"
"The council have granted me permission to train you. You will be a Jedi, I promise" Obi replied with hope. I looked towards my master, who stood across the room from me. Despite finishing my training, she will forever be my Master. Always


The crowd cheered and sang as the two communities were brought together as one. ObI-Wan looked at me, smiling.
"It's a great day isn't it Obi"
"That it is" He smiled as the crowd sang and cheered louder, confetti falling upon our heads. A great day indeed.


That's the end of The Phantom Menace. I tried my best to go off of the movie as i continuously watched it for 3 days going back and forth trying to get things right. Next is The Clone Wars! Hope you are enjoying it.

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