~Revenge of The Sith~

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( I don't own any of the fan art or pictures used to describe events or characters. All rights go to the owners)

It has been three years now since the start of the clone wars and things have changed. Both Obi and I share an apartment, and our excuse was because it would be easier for us to work that way as we tended to work together on more missions and projects. After the mishap on Geonosis, both Obi and I cut our hair short, with him getting rid of his Jedi mullet and myself cutting my hair to just above my shoulders. Two and a half years ago, I found out that I was expecting. I decided to leave the Jedi order and I was to take on the role of a teacher for the younglings and I began to teach them the basics of reading, mathematics and history. Yoda is aware of mine and Obi's situation and has allowed Obi to stay as he has never broken the code before and is needed now more than ever. I gave birth to a baby boy named Brunson Kenobi and luckily Obi was there to see it. Anakin is aware of mine and Obi's relationship and is sworn to secrecy. Lately, Obi and Ani have been sent on a mission to rescue Chancellor Palpatine, so I've been left alone. During the day, I teach a group of younglings, including my son and at night I look after Brunson. Brunson may only be young, but he has a special way with the force so Master Yoda has allowed him to begin basic training. To the younglings, I'm now known as Lady Skywalker, as I am to the rest of the Jedi Order. Malia, my former padawan, went on to become a master and gain her own padawan in the past year or so and now goes by the name Master D'Liko.

My lesson was almost up, which I was thankful for as my robes had begun to get uncomfortable.

(Same robes as the librarian only the yellowy gold are silver and she doesn't wear the black tunic underneath and beneath is her hair)

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(Same robes as the librarian only the yellowy gold are silver and she doesn't wear the black tunic underneath and beneath is her hair)

(Same robes as the librarian only the yellowy gold are silver and she doesn't wear the black tunic underneath and beneath is her hair)

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The younglings were reciting the alphabet and associating letter with Jedi Masters, species or systems names. As they repeated the letters in unison, I pointed to the next letter.
"G is for Geonosis, H is for Hoth, I is for Iktotchi" The younglings continued on. I found that being with children helped me to keep my mind off of what was going on around me. A war. I had seen a ship of some kind crash into a nearby landing strip, but it was too far in the distance to tell what it was. The younglings all turned their attention to the window behind them.
"Younglings. Younglings! You may all go. I'll see you tomorrow" I excused the class with Brunson staying behind. I smiled as the children left, thanking me.
"Thank you Lady Skywalker"
I waved goodbye to each one, and a happy flutter sprung in my stomach. 
"Mommy, when is daddy going to come home?" My boy questioned, grabbing a book that was half the size of him. Bending down, I grabbed the big history book off of him and placed it on my desk.
"Soon my dear. Soon" I smiled reassuringly. I reached out in the force, and I could sense he was nearby and well.

It wasn't long before Obi returned. As the elevator doors opened, Brunson ran towards his father, with Obi kneeling down with a big smile and open arms.
"Bruno my boy. Oh, how I've missed you!" He swung him around as Bruno ( Brunson's nickname) laughed with joy. Obi held him in a tight embrace.
"I missed you daddy" Bruno nuzzled into his father's chest, wrapping his little arms around Obi's neck.
"I missed you too Bruno" He let go of Bruno and he ran off into his bedroom to retrieve something.
I slowly walked over to Obi as he focused all his attention to me.
"My darling" He wrapped his strong arms around me, and I sighed heavily, catching a hint of his masculine scent.
"Oh how I've missed you" 
"I've missed you too Obi" I nudged my head into the crook of his neck, his beard tickling my forehead. Backing away slightly, I smiled.
"I have news my love" He led me to the couch that sat in the middle of the room. Sitting down beside each other, he took my hands in his.
"What is it darling, is everything alright?" He looked at me worried, his hands beginning to sweat,
"Yes my love, it appears that I'm pregnant again" I smiled. His face went blank, then he smiled greatly.
"Well, that's brilliant news darling. How far along?" He questioned, a smile beaming on his face.
"Well that's the thing, I'm at least 7 months along. Turns out, I wasn't aware as soon as I was when I fell pregnant with Bruno" 
"Oh. Well that's not an issue, is it darling?" He looked at me worryingly, waiting for my answer.
"No, not if it's not a problem for you. Luckily the younglings that I'm teaching are moving into their lightsaber training, and ill be able to keep Bruno behind and add him to my next group, so I won't be as busy"

Obi smiled at me and locked me in a tight embrace.
"Daddy look! I made this for you!" Bruno made his way towards Obi and I and leaned on his father's knees. He handed over a small piece of paper that had a drawing on it. A small child was standing in between two adults, both in robes. It was of us, our family.
"Oh, Bruno this is incredible. When did you do this?" Obi questioned, examining the drawing.
"When mommy was helping one of my classmates" He smiled. Obi pecked Bruno's head with a kiss and looked at the drawing once again. 
"I'll get mommy to place it in a frame, okay young one. Now, we should all go to sleep" Obi stood up and walked Bruno to his room, and returned a few moments later.
"Let's get some rest"

The next day was as usual. Obi had to attend a meeting about the outer rim, so I was left with just Bruno.
"Mommy?" He caught my attention as I was washing up the dishes.
"Yes, sweetheart?" I put away the last dish and kneeled in front of Bruno, helping him put on his boots.
"Daddy seems very happy. Why" I looked at my son, puzzled
"He's happy to home, and he's happy to see you. Why would you ask dear?" Bruno looked away
" Am I having a sibling?" I looked up at him, cupping his cheek in my hand
"Yes, darling. But don't worry, we will still love you the same"


I was teaching the younglings the history of the Jedi when Obi walked in.
"Hello Master Obi-Wan," The younglings said in unison, causing me to turn and face Obi.
"Hello Younglings" He smiled.
"Master Obi-Wan, what a pleasant surprise. And what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
"I have come to speak to you, in private" I nodded, turning my attention to my class.
"Younglings, take a break, ill come and retrieve you in a few moments" I ordered the class, and the younglings left the room leaving just us two. As I looked at Obi, he was already inches away from my face. Cupping my face in his hands, he pressed his lips harshly against mine.
It stayed this way for a while until he pulled away, yet he didn't remove his hands from my face,
"What's wrong my love? You seem upset" I grabbed his wrists as he sighed, releasing me from his loving grip. 
"I fear that your brother's relationship with the Chancellor could cause trouble. He wished to meet with Anakin this morning only to have Anakin be appointed a seat on the council as the Chancellors personal representative" I sighed as Obi turned his back to me, rubbing his beard with his hand.
"That's strange. That's never been done before"
"Exactly! I don't trust it. Then Master Yoda said that the prophecy could've been misread" He turned to face me, worry plastered all over his face.
"I hope not. Otherwise, we are doomed"

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