The capital

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As we arrived into Coruscant, Senator Palpatine was awaiting us on the landing pad. I took my place and stood net to my master. -Gon motioned to Senator Palpatine that he was to speak to the council immediately, as things had worsened.

"I'll go with Master Qui-Gon, I must report on Naboo and the happenings" Sola spoke as she followed Qui-Gon, leaving both me and Obi-Wan to trail along.

"Seems like this will be interesting"

"He was trained in the Jedi arts, my only conclusion can be that it was a sith lord" The conversation drew on as Mace Windu was in denial. But as we all went to leave, Mater Qui-Gon didn't follow us. Ani was brought into the conversation as Qui-Gon motioned to the Council that he wished for Ani to be trained as a Jedi. I couldn't help but have a shiver run up my spine. 

"Relation of yours Padawan Thaele, is he?" Yoda turned his focus on me, shaking me out of my thoughts.
"Yes, Master Yoda. He is my much younger brother" The councils' attention drew to me.
"Interesting, this is" Master Yoda rubbed his chin in thought.
"Bring him before us" Mace Windu wasn't all that enthusiastic, but with a slight bow, we left. 

"Let's hope that the council go slightly easy on him. He is too old to be trained" My master spoke as we exited  the room
"You must have faith Master Sola, the boy is very strong with the force" Qui-Gon

Obi and Master Qui-Gon departed and headed to an outside balcony. 

"You seem very fond of that Obi-Wan. It better not be anything more than a friendship" Without looking in my direction, she continued walking by my side.
"As I told you Master, we are just friends. It is against the Jedi code to be anything more"


Obi-Wan stomped on board of the Queens ship. After her majesty decided to return home, Master Qui-Gon insisted that both me and my master come along.

"I fear that Anikin is a danger Theala"

"We shall see Obi. His future is uncertain" Sighing, he pushed past and walked into the Queen's room. 

As we arrived on Naboo, we hid in the nearby bush and Jar-Jar was sent to his home city. Once he returned, I sensed his confusion.

"There's nobody there, the congan city is deserted"After some small talk, We made our way to the sacred place that Jar-Jar thought they fled to. 

As we came upon the sacred place, the big bosses guards led us to him.

"Your honour, Queen Amidala of the Naboo"

Jar-Jars nerves flew then lowered.

"Hello mr daddy big boss"

"Ah, Jar-Jar Binks" The big glop exclaimed.

"Whowsa dissa" He looked at the Queen

Quickly, my attention grew towards Obi-Wan, who luckily didn't notice me.

"I'm Queen Amidala of Naboo, I've come before you in peace."

I managed to lose interest in the conversation, only to discover that Padme was the real queen. We then ended up kneeling on the floor. I looked at Obi

"Is this necessary?" Whispering, he looked at me and smiled, nodding.

By the end of the discussion, The glob allowed the Gungans and the people of Naboo to Join.


Turns out, the droid army was much stronger than we thought. However, Padme had a plan.

The Army lined up, thousands of Gunganns stood in their places, placing a shield up around them. I was left behind with Master Sola to help the army as both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon left to help Queen Padme. 

The droids fired towards us, only for their blast to be blocked. Suddenly, their blasts seized. Thousands of droids were released, as the battle was readying to start. Marching towards us, we readied our sabres, charging towards the droids. The shields deactivated, and the Gunganns began their fight. Multiple blaster bullets flew from left to right. Pulling out a few Jedi tricks, Sola flew through the air, only to land in the middle of the droids. She began slicing and dicing those around her as I watched carefully. A droid jumped on Jar-Jars back only for him to fling it off and get caught in it. This wasn't gonna be easy


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